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The history of art and design education in Botswana has evolved in a unique way and reflects its British colonial history and post‐independence development. It has involved constant exchange and dialogue with other countries through the employment of teachers, teacher trainers and university lecturers from a variety of European, Asian and other African countries. This dialogue has continued as locally trained art teachers pursue their degrees overseas and return with new ideas and influences. At the same time, the development of local crafts for a global market and the inter‐cultural exchange in the visual arts outside the formal education system are thriving with the help of various organisations and the museum and gallery sector. This article will look more closely at the country context, the history and development of art education and the interrelationships that have evolved over the last two decades. It will show how students engage with the challenge of integrating their African heritage and changing traditions with their development as teachers and artists. It will also consider how closer links between the formal and informal art sectors might be mutually beneficial and demonstrate the potential for art and design to play a role in the social, economic and cultural development of the country.  相似文献   

8 0年代以来 ,在美国兴起了“以学科为基础的美术教育”的思想与模式。正确认识和理解这一模式的内容和特征 ,对于我们加强学校素质教育 ,促进学校美术教育整体发展 ,建立步入2 1世纪现代美术教育教学课程体系 ,有重要的理论意义和实践意义  相似文献   

中国民间美术是我们祖先几千年来创造的极其丰富和宝贵的财富,是国之瑰宝,是我们民族精神情感、个性特征以及凝聚力与亲和力的载体,更是宝贵的艺术教育资源。挖掘中国民间美术是我们发展先进文化的精神资源和民族根基,也是一个民族创造力的重要源泉,更是我们新时期继承、创新与发展高校艺术教育的坚实基础和有效途径。  相似文献   

康定斯基是著名的现代抽象艺术家与艺术教育家。他积极探索音乐与绘画的共性,强调艺术的整合;尊重学生的艺术原创力,强调艺术感觉与表现媒介的结合。从他的艺术教育思想出发,幼儿美术教育应体现综合的教育价值,实现幼儿美术教育与其他领域教育的整合;注重幼儿的自我体验,尊重幼儿的创造力。  相似文献   

This article critically examines current ways of justifying a place for the arts in general education and develops an alternative position. First, justifications relying on the positive non-artistic outcomes of art education are represented and problems exposed. Next, I discuss and criticise the position of John White, who takes the arts to promote self-knowledge, ethical contemplation and social cohesion. Then I develop a new account of artistic value based on the concept of fulfilment.  相似文献   

艺术教育与教育艺术是两个不同的概念。艺术教育以其实施美育的特殊功能和途径,对促进人的智力因素和非智力因素的和谐发展有着非常重要的作用。教育艺术则是不同门类教学中所共有的、最能充分体现"教育"本质的"艺术"活动。当前素质教育的实施,对教育改革的深度和广度以及紧迫性都提出了新的要求,所以树立现代化的教育艺术观,研究探讨教育艺术对教育的作用和影响,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

文章简要梳理了海德格尔存在之思与艺术之思互释的思路历程,指出“转向”时期的重要著作《艺术作品的本源》和对荷尔德林诗的阐释,是海德格尔从存在去规定艺术和用艺术来阐释存在的尝试,体现了海德格尔存在论的艺术本质观和文艺批评观。海德格尔对艺术的形而上沉思,虽然没有给我们提供最终的答案,但他富于启发性的思考和追问,已将艺术哲学引领到了一个崭新的理论境界。  相似文献   

This account of a programme for PGCE Art/Design students at University College Bretton Hall, Wakefield (UK) describes an attempt in initial teacher training to develop a course of study which links art, design, environment and education. It seeks to develop a range of perceptions of the built environment, including those of the artist, the critic and the designer. The ideas and methods of working developed on this programme support students’ work in schools. The paper explains the rationale and describes the intensive workshop programme, which includes streetwork, studio sessions and critique. It reports on students’ research and their work in schools. Issues include the place of built environment studies in the Art/Design curriculum, the use of the environment as an educational resource and learning methods and teaching strategies. It comments on the satisfactions and frustrations of developing such a programme in initial teacher education. It presents the work at Bretton Hall as a case study in a wider range of work currently being developed by students, tutors and teachers involved in other courses. They have come together through the ‘Site Specific Project’ to create a research network to support curriculum innovation and teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

儒家博雅教育:理念、特征与内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家思想是中国传统教育的核心,蕴含着丰富的博雅教育思想。儒家博雅教育主张主体觉醒的教育理念,具有导向性、价值性、实践性等特征,其内涵包括以"君子不器"为培养目标,重视人文经典,强调"知类通达",突现自由精神。  相似文献   

Industrial art education entered nineteenth century Massachusetts schools as an educational reform, but was not completely successful for a variety of reasons. Key factors contributing to this failure included, first, conflicting rationales used in advocating art education. Second, discrepancies between authoritative taste and early consumer choice in art reproductions threatened the power of reformers, notably Walter Smith. Third, differing assumptions about art among art specialists and classroom teachers, compounded by growing distinctions between men’s and women’s sphere of action, made it difficult for teachers to fully participate in the reform process. Late twentieth century reform policies may also fail without recognition of multiple justifications, with over-reliance on top-down expertise, or with lack of attention to teachers’ beliefs and needs.  相似文献   

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