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教师在职培训课程基本特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师在职培训已成为教师专业发展常态性的期待,但由于理论上缺乏对教师在职培训课程基本特性的认识,教师培训实践出现了一定程度的偏差,教师在职培训的实效性受到了质疑。教师在职培训课程的基本特性是由教师在职培训的特殊性决定的,具体表现为课程目标的多样性、课程内容结构的非正规性、课程展开方式的实践性以及课程管理的开放性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe how the Department of Art Education at the University of Lapland in Finland has developed winter art as a method of environmental and community‐based art education. I will focus on the Snow Show Winter Art Education Project, a training project funded by the European Union and the State Provincial Office of Lapland. The general aim of the project was to increase the know‐how of winter art in Northern Finland. This goal was put into practice through workshops on snow construction, documentation of winter art, winter‐oriented media production, and snow and ice sculpting; through continuing education seminars, workshops, and school projects for teachers; and through public lectures and seminars on winter and winter art. In this article, I describe the challenges that winter offers to community and environment‐based art education in the North. Further, I introduce the methods of implementation and the outcomes of winter art exercises carried out by several schools in Lapland in cooperation with and inspired by the Snow Show Winter Art Education Project.  相似文献   

This account of a programme for PGCE Art/Design students at University College Bretton Hall, Wakefield (UK) describes an attempt in initial teacher training to develop a course of study which links art, design, environment and education. It seeks to develop a range of perceptions of the built environment, including those of the artist, the critic and the designer. The ideas and methods of working developed on this programme support students’ work in schools. The paper explains the rationale and describes the intensive workshop programme, which includes streetwork, studio sessions and critique. It reports on students’ research and their work in schools. Issues include the place of built environment studies in the Art/Design curriculum, the use of the environment as an educational resource and learning methods and teaching strategies. It comments on the satisfactions and frustrations of developing such a programme in initial teacher education. It presents the work at Bretton Hall as a case study in a wider range of work currently being developed by students, tutors and teachers involved in other courses. They have come together through the ‘Site Specific Project’ to create a research network to support curriculum innovation and teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

师资培养是艺术教育课程改革亟待解决的关键。小学艺术教育师资培养应紧扣《艺术课程标准》的课程理念,定位于一专多能型的培养目标,着眼于专业与教育能力兼备的培养规格,课程结构上力求基础全面、专业凸显。福建儿童发展职业学院"2·2·1"的艺术课程方案通过5年的实施,已取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

This paper draws on data collected from a series of semi-structured interviews with head teachers and other stakeholders on the impact and effectiveness of the introduction of a Primary School Improvement Group (PSIG) by the Local Authority (LA). The PSIG was introduced as a response to concerns expressed by the Department of Education about the perceived levels of underperformance by some primary schools in the city. Operating against a background of national policy developments, the LA developed a programme that enabled head teachers of highly effective schools to support senior staff in schools facing difficulty.  相似文献   

This participatory action research project responded to the needs for educational reform and involved cooperation between Mahasarakham Municipality, which provided primary school education, and the Faculty of Education at Mahasarakham University, which played a role as academic mentor. The project aimed to improve the quality of education management by empowering teachers. In order to do so the school had to admit restricted opportunity students rather than well qualified ones. The project, which was divided into four phases, took place between 2000 and 2005. It studied collaboration between the teaching staff of the Faculty of Education who worked as academic mentors and a group of 160 teachers at seven municipal schools. In Phase 1 the emphasis was on the development of 40 model teachers from these seven schools, giving them the skills to design curricula, promote learner-centred instruction, and undertake classroom action research for problem solving. In Phase 2 this developmental activity was extended to all 160 teachers. In Phase 3 the emphasis was on the extension of teacher networks to exchange learning among these schools and to develop best practices. In Phase 4 the emphasis was on developing the curricular management system in each school to ensure and enhance quality and in order that teachers could meet national teaching standards. This would promote a positive attitude and enhance the confidence of the parents and the community in the schools because the teachers would be as qualified as those from successful government schools. The interventions used in the four phases were: workshop training, coaching, learning exchanges, clinical supervisory visits, and reflection. The results of the research and development had a positive impact on raising the quality of teaching and the curriculum in the schools and promoted educational opportunities for disadvantaged students.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and use of the Creative Learning Assessment (CLA) as a means of evidencing, supporting and promoting children's creative learning in arts‐based contexts. The research team at the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) worked with a group of teachers in inner‐city Lambeth primary schools to develop an assessment system to record the impact of a creative curriculum on children's achievement and to enable schools to justify a broad‐based provision. The Assessing Learning and Communication in Creative Learning Contexts project, funded by CfBT Education Trust (CfBT), aimed to offer teachers a view of creative learning development and a framework for teacher assessment. It set out to provide a close focus on the learner and a valuable source of information for curriculum planning. This article discusses the effect of working with the CLA on children's learning and on teachers' practice through a case study of one project school, and the implications for schools and classrooms from the perspectives of the researcher and the teacher.  相似文献   

The Art Teachers Association of Ireland's (ATAI), #stateoftheart campaign worked to persuade Irish policymakers to develop a new curriculum for Leaving Certificate art, reforming the long‐outdated 1972 curriculum. Students across the country designed over 3,000 postcards for the Minister for Education and an online petition was signed by 2,500 people. Students and teachers took to the corridors of schools and the streets of their towns to highlight the power of the arts and call for reform. Recently it was announced that a Senior Cycle development group under the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment would be created to address full reform of Leaving Certificate Art. This article will examine the context and rationale for the #stateoftheart campaign drawing on the images and voices of students and teachers.  相似文献   

Between 1981 and 1986, the government of Bangladesh aims to enrol up to 70% of its 12 million five- to nine-year-olds in school, a programme which involves the training or retraining of 156,000 teachers. To achieve this ambitious target demands great quantitative expansion but also requires a rethinking of what schools teach and the relations between schools and the communities they serve. An IDA-UPE project in forty thanas (10% of the country) aims to pilot the way towards achieving these linked qualitative and quantitative targets. Central to the project is the improvement of teacher quality both through regenerating the Primary Training Institutes and, in schools, through the appointment of a new category of supervisory officer, the Assistant Thana Education Officer. These ATEO's will each supervise a small number of schools and will be key figures in the organisation of school-based in-service training and supervision, without which the quality of teaching and learning in the schools may not improve.  相似文献   


This article reports on teacher education in Uganda, with specific reference to the role that distance education has played in upgrading the quality of education in general and in supplying more qualified teachers to meet a growing demand, specifically for teachers involved in primary education. The investigation paves the way for the establishment of the Open University of Uganda and illustrates how the Primary Education Policy of Uganda has increased access to 7 million primary school learners to schools in 2002. The article also explains how the qualifications of 10 000 in-service teachers have been upgraded between 1995 and 2000. The successes of two major in-service teacher education programmes are discussed. The article also explains how the Mubende Integrated Teacher Education Project (MITEP) not only contributed to the training of teachers, but also focused the attention of educators on the possibiliities of distance education for Uganda. Furthermore, it also argues that the Northern Integrated Teacher Education Project (NITEP) has on the other hand achieved successes in the field of inservice teacher education. The programmes assisted in the training of academic support staff who work in distance education. The article concludes by addressing the further needs of distance education in Uganda and highlights the challenges facing distance education programmes in Uganda.  相似文献   

In the past, environmental education in Korea was not effective, in part at least, because it was not dealt with as an independent subject. However, in the Sixth Curriculum for schools in Korea, which will take effect from 1995, ‘Environment’ subject is included as an optional course for junior high school students. This paper gives details of the curriculum of ‘Environment’ subject and describes the development of the course textbook which focuses on values and attitude change. The paper also discusses Ministry of Education plans for teacher education and training courses for teachers of the new subject. Despite the current lack of qualified teachers for the subject and the fact that it is not mandatory, the introduction of the ‘Environment’ subject in the national curriculum is seen to be of great significance. With rapidly increasing national concern about environmental issues, and with an increasing number of schools teaching ‘Environment’ subject, it is expected that environmental education in Korea will move more efficiently and profoundly towards realizing its ultimate purpose.  相似文献   

STEAM教育因顺应新工科发展需要,得以在全球盛行,其倡导的跨学科综合教育理念深入人心。在此理念启发下,构建以"学术"为基础,"技术-教艺"综合为突破的卓越职教师资三维培养模式。针对中职学校需要"技术-教艺"双馨职教师资,以"校-企-校"深度合作,按照三维综合通用培养模式,开设出专业理论、技术和教艺课程体系,突破技术和教艺实训瓶颈,完成三维卓越师资综合培养。根据专业硕士注重应用能力培养,招收拥有技术或教艺一技之长的在职人员,开展针对其薄弱维度的补偿教育,最终成就其"学术-‘技术-教艺’"的三维卓越素质,以满足高职院校对硕士层次"双师型"卓越教师的需求。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要》明确指出要大力发展职业教育,以满足大规模的人力资源开发和技能型人才需求。2014年1月10日,教育部以教体艺[2014]1号印发《关于推进学校艺术教育发展的若干意见》,从国家层面大力倡导加强职业院校艺术教育,并且从艺术教育形式、课程内容开设、教学资源开发及制度保障等方面指出了职业院校艺术教育改革的方向和出路。广东某职业院校秉持"至土至洋"的办学特色,结合本校实际,积极探索高职院校艺术教育实践模式,并取得初步成果。  相似文献   

Abstract The Multi‐Site Teacher Education Research project (MUSTER) explores initial teacher education in five countries—Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, and Trinidad and Tobago. National research teams collected and analysed data on key dimensions of the training process, which included the characteristics of those selected for training, the curriculum processes they experience, the outcomes of training, the reflections of newly trained teachers in schools, analysis of supply and demand for new teachers, and projections of the resource and cost implications of meeting national targets to universalise primary schooling. Many insights are contained in the extensive publications associated with the project, and these lead to a variety of evidenced‐based conclusions that will inform future policy.  相似文献   


Finland's Ministry of Education sponsored the development of an environmental education (EE) course for practicing educators of teachers. One to 3 persons from each teacher training unit at various universities and training schools attended a tutor training session, during which a course for other teacher trainers was developed. The course focused on personal development and curriculum development. Tutors used distance education with some locally arranged contact teaching to teach the course. Tutors also led local study groups. Teacher trainers who attended the course learned and applied new teaching practices and produced new model lessons. They also reflected on their personal environmental philosophy and gained in environmental knowledge. Preliminary evaluation of the program indicated that high-quality learning experiences occurred. This 2-step distance education model could be used for large-scale implementation of EE for in-service teacher training.  相似文献   

‘Art Now in the Classroom’, was a joint venture between Goldsmiths College Education Department, Tate Modern and six Primary Schools in and around the London area (Sandhurst, Pilgrim's Way, Hawesdown, Hawkesmoore, Lauriston and Myatt Garden.) It ran from September to November 2000, beginning initially with the placement of two Goldsmiths students at each school then continuing with school visits to Tate Modern, and four Fridays spent working in the classroom, culminating in an exhibition at Tate Modern where the children from all six primary schools got to see their own work publicly displayed. This paper is an account of the work produced by the children from Sandhurst Primary School and an assessment of both the educational opportunities it provided for the primary classes involved and for the Goldsmiths students involved. The aims of the project were to demonstrate effective ways to work collaboratively with contemporary art, to support the development of teaching strategies at KS2 and KS3 and to offer possible approaches for working with contemporary material in the classroom.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a small-scale qualitative research enquiry into some of the effects on the primary school art curriculum of the introduction of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies in 1988 and 1999. Five art curriculum co-ordinators and an additional part time specialist art teacher, drawn from five inner city primary schools in two London boroughs, were the subject of a semi-structured interview designed to elicit data on the broad changes in primary art education. Key external factors were the introduction of the Art National Curriculum in 1992, its subsequent development and its current condition during a period of ‘relaxation’ of the Orders, following the government's introduction of the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies. Little official attention has been given to other, perhaps unintended, outcomes of the latter strategy across the curriculum. This study gives an insight into the experience and perceptions of some of those carrying the responsibility for leadership of art in school in the primary phase.  相似文献   

作为"中华民族'梦之队'筑梦人"的教师队伍素质问题仍比较突出,主要表现在:教师队伍整体师德师风建设任重道远,师范教育质量下滑,一流人才难以进入教师队伍,教师培训进入高原期,乡村教师、民族地区教师、学前教师、职业教育教师、高等教育教师等存在不同程度的短板问题.为解决这些问题,整体提升我国教师队伍素质,建议国家实施"中国教师教育振兴计划",包括教育队伍素质建设的十个具体工程:各级各类学校教师"立德树人"示范工程、师范院校振兴计划工程、教师专业认证标准体系化工程、大学与中小学伙伴协作工程、幼儿园教师队伍素质提升专项工程、基础教育教师质量提升系统工程、高等教育教师专业发展促进工程、职业教育"双师型教师"培养培训工程、民族地区理科教师培养培训工程、标准化乡村学校建设工程.  相似文献   

This article examines a technology-rich curriculum project that was implemented in China with in-service teachers during a three-year period. The findings suggest the need to support in-service teachers to implement new technology-rich curriculum. The findings also imply the need for curriculum designers to have a good understanding of not only their team members, but also of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers in order to provide appropriate and relevant technology-rich curriculum. The authors suggest important related topics for further research, such as job-embedded professional development and professional learning communities.  相似文献   

将张大千艺术资源引入内江小学美育课程,对弘扬传统文化和实施素质教育是一项双赢的决策.开发和利用宝贵的大千艺术资源库,应在秉承三级课程资源有效衔接、利用教师为开发主体和满足学生个性需要的课程开发理念下,通过校本研训、学社联合、活动展示、依托网络和课程建设等多条路径,使其转化为地方课程资源和校本课程资源,从而为学生的个性发展服务,促进内江地方美育课程的建设和发展.  相似文献   

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