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We were discussing various kinds of clock in my kindergarten class.“Now you have a alarm clockat home,don!t you?”I asked oneof the pupils.“Oh,no.”he replied,“wedon!t need one,we have a grand-mother.”幼儿园里,我们正在讨论各种各样的钟。“你该有个闹钟吧?”我问其中一个学生。“哦,不。”他回答说,“我们不需要,我们有个奶奶。”闹钟  相似文献   

1.Can I talk to you right now?我现在可以跟你谈一谈吗?2.You got a minute?你有空吗?$$3.Can I have a word with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?4.I need to talk to you.我需要跟你谈一谈。5.May I have a little talk with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?6.Can we sit down and talk it over?我们可以坐下来好好谈一谈吗?7.Can we talk?我们可以谈一谈吗?8.Can I lend your ears for a minute?可不可以给我一分钟说话时间?9.May I have a conversation with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?10.Are you free now?I’ve got something to tell you.…  相似文献   

■have a good head on one’s shoulder明智且实际A: Do they have any requirements for me?B: Yeah, first of all, you should have a good head on yourshoulders.A: This is what I have. And others? B: I don't have to mention more. You're the perfect choiceanyway. Have a go at it. A:他们对我有什么要求吗?  相似文献   

在初中英语课本中,have是一个出现较早,使用频率较高的动词之一。如何理解其意义和用法呢?本文拟将其主要意义及用法作一归纳,供同学们学习时参考。一、have表示“有”1.用have直接表示“有”。例如:I have a new watch.我有一块新手表。H e has a book and a dictio-nary.他有一本书和一本词典。I have a lot of work to do.我有许多活要干。2.用have got表示“有”。例如:—H ave you got a ruler?你有一把尺子吗?—Sorry,I haven’t got one.对不起,我没有。当表示“有”时,have,has或had的疑问式和否定式有两种构成方法。第一种方法…  相似文献   

1.Do you have a soccer ball?你有一个足球吗?该句是动词have的一般疑问句。因为主语是第二人称,构成一般疑问句时要借助助动词do,如果主语是第三人称单数则用does。例如:—Does he have a sister?他有姐姐吗?—Yes,he does./No,he doesn’t.是的,他有/不,他没有。2.Let’s play soccer.让我们踢足球吧!这是一个表示邀请,提议的祈使句。let’s是let us的缩写,表示“我们来做……吧”。注意:在此结构中动词用原形。例如:Let’s go.我们走吧。Let’s go to school together.我们一起去上学吧。【特别提醒】以下几种句式也可以表示提议、邀请:Why not do sth.?为什么不做……呢?Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做……吗?How about doing sth.?做……怎么样?3.I don’t have a soccer ball.我没有足球。该句是动词have的否定句,因为主语是第一人称,所以否定要用don’t。如果主语是第三人称单数则要用doesn’t来...  相似文献   

盘笋 《初中生》2002,(12):32-33
一、have表示“有”1用have直接表示“有”。如:I have a new watch我有一块新手表。2用have got 表示“有”,have got=have 。如:Have you got a ruler?你有一把尺子吗?当表示“有”时,have, has或 had的疑问式和否定式有两种构成方法。第一种方法是不用助动词。把have,has或 had提到主语前面构成疑问式,在 have, has或 had后加 not构成否定式。如:Has Wei Hua any storybooks?韦华有故事书吗?They haven’t any paper.他们没有纸。第二种方法是用助动词do,does或 did构成其疑问式和否定式。如:Do you have any bananas here?你这儿有香蕉吗?I don’t have a pencil-box我没有文具盒。英国人多用以上两种方法,美国人多用第二种方法。应当注意,用哪种形式提问,必须用同样的形式回答。如:-Have you a map?-Yes, I have(No, I haven’t)-Do you have a map?-Yes, I do(No, I don’t)注意:have表示“有”时,不能用于进行时态。不能说 I’m having an apple.,而应说I have an apple.。二、have用作助动词(无具体意义,只起语法作用),和过去分词连用,构成现在完成时或过去完成时。如:They haven’t seen the film yet他们还没有看过这部电影呢。Has he gone to the Great Wall?他已去长城了吗?三、have用作行为动词,可因后面所跟的名词的不同而有多种含义。如:We’re not going to have any classes next week下星期我们不上课。 When did you have a meeting?你们什么时候开的会?此外,还有have a rest 休息一会儿,have a swim 游泳,have a look 看一看,have an accident 出事(故),have a cough 咳嗽等。  相似文献   

Q:What’s the difference between a monkey and a flea?A:Amonkey can have fleas,but a flea can't have monkeys.猴子和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接想到它们俩是一  相似文献   

1.We haven't got any at the moment.have作“有”讲时 ,应注意以下几点 :1英语中 ,做句式转换时直接变化 have即可。在口语中 ,可在 have后加上 got,如 :Have you(got) any good friends?你有一些好朋友吗 ?We have(got) a good English teacher.我们有一位好英语老师。2美语中 ,做句式转换时要加上助动词 ,如 :She doesn't have an English— Chinesedictionary.她没有英汉字典。2 .She used to be a Chinese teacher.句中的 used to起情态动词的作用 ,意思是“过去经常、过去曾经”。它只有过去时态 ,且不随主语的改变而改变。它表…  相似文献   

看图完成句子,每句中必须用到have/has。(6)KitL,(8)My brother(10)You《他们有什么?》答案: 1.He has all apple. 3.Bobby has a shin and a sweater 5.We have two chickens. 7.1 have two eggs. 9.They have a daughter.2.She has marly books.4.‘l'he girl has many pears.6.KiuY has two pears.8.My hrother has two cakes1 0.Y011}lave three ducks.他们有什么?@刘世一…  相似文献   

1.in a pig's eye决不,永不A:It is scorching today,let's go swimming!今天真热,我们去游泳怎么样?B:Are you crazy?It is still April!你疯啦?现在才不过是4月份而已。A:I don't think that matters.这又有什么关系!B:You certainly have a brilliant idea in a pig's eye.你这绝对不是一个好点子。  相似文献   

1.Do they have a fourth of July in England?英国过美国独立日(七月四日)吗?2.If a plane crashed on the border of the US-A and Canada,where should the survivors be buried?如果飞机坠毁在美国和加拿大的边界,sur-vivors应该葬在哪儿呢?3.How many mem bers of each animal did Moses take on the ark?摩西带到诺亚方舟上的动物每种各有几个?4.Some months have31days,how m any months have28days?有些月份有31天,有多少个月有28天?5.H ow far can a dog w alk in-to the w oods?狗走进森林有多远?6.A cam per leaves her ca…  相似文献   

1.Do you have any English programmes foradults? 你们这里有成人英语课程吗? 2.Yes,we do.It’s something about it. 我们有,这是关于这方面的课程资料。 3.What subject is the course? 这是什么专业的课程? 4."ESL"(English as a Second:Language). 英语作为第二语言的课程。  相似文献   

一、助动词do的用法 1.构成一般疑问句,例如: Do you like pears?你喜欢梨吗? Do they like playing computer games?他们喜欢晚电脑游戏吗? Do you want to have a hamburger for lunch?你想要一个汉堡当午餐吗? Does he have a brother or a sister?他有一个弟弟还是一个妹妹?  相似文献   

1.I am big and brown.I sleep all winter.What am I?2.I look like a horse with black and white stripes.What am I? 3.I have one or two humps on my back. Sometimes people ride on me.What am I? 4.I am a very big animal.I have a long nose called a trunk.What am I? 5.I have shape teeth and claws.I am a great big cat. What am I? 6.I have a huge,strong tail. My baby rides in my pouch as Ihop along,What am I? 7.I like to climb,I eat bananas.I make people laugh, What am I? Key:1.bear 熊 2.zebra…  相似文献   

The Difference     
A:What!s the difference betweena monkeyand a flea?B:A monkey can have fleas,but a flea can!t have monkeys.译文:A:猴子和跳蚤有什么不同呢?B:猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。The Difference~~  相似文献   

1.Q:What’s the difference between a monkey and a flea?A:A monkey can have fleas,but a flea can’t have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。这个答案很有意思吧!  相似文献   

Question:Which is the strongest creature in the world?哪个是世界上最强壮的动物?Answer:The snail.It carries its house on its back.当然是蜗牛啦。因为蜗牛的后背上总是背着一所房子。Q:What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?猴子和跳蚤有什么不同呢?A:A monkey can have fleas,but a flea can't have monkeys.猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。  相似文献   

1.我们大家都累了,休息一会儿怎么样? 误:We are all tired.How about to have a rest? 正:We are all tired.How about having a rest? 析:How about…?在此用于征求意见,意为“……怎么样”,其后要接动名词(因为about是介词)。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据下列句子中所给单词的首字母,写出空缺处各单词的完全形式。(10分)1.Nowadays more and more children arebecoming o,so keeping ahealthy diet is very important.2.Most people said that making moneywas their main m for working.3.In my opinion,she has a a goodknowledge of English.4.I’m a sorry to have kept youwaiting for a long time.5.If he had purchased medical i,the sickness wouldn’t have caused sucha big problem.6.It is necessary to attach s topopularizing new techniques.7.D to her mother,s…  相似文献   

tweezers['twiz(?)z]n.夹子,镊子A:Do you have a pair of tweezers?I have a splinter in my toe. 你有夹子吗?我的脚趾里有碎片B:Here,Let me help you get it out. 来,我来帮你把它弄出来sign up['sain'(?)p]加入,签署A:Why didn't you sign up for the basketball team this year? 你怎么没加入今年的篮球队? B:I just don't have the time. 我挤不出时间  相似文献   

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