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Hemingway's women characters are the indispensable portions of his novels. We can't imagine how l-lemingway's works would be going to be without those true-to-life women characters. In this paper I will women characters contribute to his works. talk about how Hemingway's the expression of the theme of  相似文献   

Carrie's characterization is a familiar topic in the criticism in Sister Carrie. However,how it could be reviewed in the context of the consumer society is relatively a new issue. This paper attempts to analyze the interpersonal relationship in the context of a consumer society. It explores the consumer society's influences on the lovers and family. In addition,it points out Dreiser's ambivalent attitude towards consumer ideology.  相似文献   

The Color Purple for the first time not only reveals the racial and sexual discrimination but also tells those oppressed black women the way to solve it. The paper is trying to analyze the work from the heroines (their main experiences and connections with each other), the linguistic arts and the motifs, etc.  相似文献   

In English literature, the absence of father is not a new theme. In The Glass Menagerie, the father Mr. Wingfield as the fifth character is absent. This paper will discuss from the angle of the father's absence, through analyzing the effects of his absence,the reader can realize the importance of father's existence and see the social realities reflected from the play.  相似文献   

Recently, Corpus-based approach has been an important method. Based on the analysis about some Papers on corpus and corpus-based approach in literary texts, this thesis takes the work of American famou...  相似文献   

In English literature, the absence of father is not a new theme. In The Glass Menagerie, the father Mr. Wingfield as the fifth character is absent. This paper will discuss from the angle of the father'...  相似文献   

威廉斯剧作的诗意追求--评《玻璃动物园》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
威廉斯在其成名作《玻璃动物园》中自觉地将传统与创新、现实主义与现代主义揉合在一起,成功地开创了一种抒情的、诗意的造型戏剧。本从该剧诗样的意象建构、表现主义与象征主义完美统一的舞台设计、以及富于联想和韵律化的语言等方面深入探讨了威廉斯剧作的诗化倾向,旨在揭示威廉斯不仅是一位当之无愧的戏剧改革家,而且是一位真正意义上的戏剧诗人。  相似文献   

文章通过对田纳西.威廉斯的名剧《玻璃动物园》中阿曼达这一人物形象进行分析,揭示出该人物在三个不同时期的形象分别以古希腊神话中的四种女性典型——"被赞美和被惧怕的阿佛洛狄忒""被诱惑和被抛弃的欧罗巴""神圣母亲地母"和"邪恶母亲美狄亚"为原型。  相似文献   

田纳西·威廉斯开创的"诗化现实主义"的创作方法是其跻身于世界级戏剧大师的一个不可或缺的重要因素.这一创作方法的成熟经历了一个漫长的反复试验过程.<欲望号街车>是其成熟的标志.文章通过详细地比较<玻璃动物园>和<欲望号街车>中象征主义和表现主义创作手法的运用及其交融的程度,来考察其"诗化现实主义"的创作方法的成熟这一特定阶段.  相似文献   

探讨<玻璃动物园>中威廉斯是如何运用表现主义手法,精心设计音乐、音响、灯光、色彩、布景、人物形体动作等,并与象征主义手法相结合,形成了自己独特的戏剧诗化艺术,从而使该剧在气氛营造、主题揭示、人物形象塑造和情绪表现等方面都展示了动人的诗歌般的魅力.  相似文献   

陈方元 《海外英语》2014,(9):191-192
In Tennessee Williams’masterpiece The Glass Menagerie,the most remarkable feature is considered to be the successful employment of symbolism.Through the textual analysis,this paper thus gives a systematic analysis of some important symbolic images in stage spectacle,including"lighting","screen","fire-escape","unicorn,""Jonquil"and"father’s photo."These symbols effectively highlight the theme—the collision between reality and dream,which vividly exposes the tragic living situation of the lower class in America during the Great Depression.  相似文献   

许多作家借助梦幻的形式隐射现实,这是超现实主义的梦幻和象征的构思艺术。宗璞的短篇小说《蜗居》也运用梦幻象征手法,连篇累牍、不厌其烦地写幻觉和梦幻,描写了新中国历史上不堪回首的一段历史,正如同一场恶梦的历史。通过现实与幻觉、现实与梦境、现实与虚构的方法,不留痕迹地使梦幻和象征结为浑然一体,使读者产生非理性的直观感、直觉感。文中大量的自动写作的方法——不受意识控制状态下写作,这是超现实手法之一,体现宗璞在写作中的构思艺术。  相似文献   

洪玉蓉 《海外英语》2011,(11):244-245,268
Donald Barthelme is known for his playful,postmodernist style of short fiction.In his The Glass Mountain,he created an absurd world shocking to readers.This paper explores the reality behind the absurd story based on the analysis of its the post-modernism features to better the understanding of the fiction.  相似文献   

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