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马尾海战的失利使张佩纶处于漩涡中心,从张佩纶在战前坚决主张抗战的言论、就任后积极展开的军事防务、马尾海战所发生的历史背景、当时中法双方的军事力量对比等几个方面进行分析和探讨,对张佩纶的功过进行了客观的评价,以进一步认识历史的生动与复杂。  相似文献   

黄海海战与马江之战的比较观唐上意在近代中国五次大规模的反侵略战争中,爆发了两次大规模的海战,一次是1884年中法战争中的马江之战(又称马尾海战),另一次是1894年中日甲午战争中的黄海海战,两者前后相距10年。这两次大规模的海战,有很多共同之处,又各...  相似文献   

福州马尾是历史上著名的军港要塞,是近代中国最大的造船工业基地和近代海军的摇篮,震惊中外的中法马江海战曾在这里发生。福州培英学校利用地处马尾的优势,通过与“马江海战纪念馆”共建德育基地,进行爱国主义系列教育活动,探索新时期德育工作的新路子。  相似文献   

在马江海战爆发120年之际,我怀着无比崇敬的心情,随马尾实验小学全体师生来到昭忠祠的烈士陵园。我的任务是代表少先队员,向曾在马江海战中浴血奋战的英烈们献上鲜花。当我望着那不能忘座纪念碑时,想了许多……1884年8月23日下午1时56分,法国背信弃义,将罪恶的火焰烧向福建水师  相似文献   

张佩纶是马江战役中方的指挥官,关于其有无在战时怯战逃跑,前人各执一词。在研究中发现,张佩纶在战时名义上登山观战,实则是在为自己的安危着想,主动放弃了中方的最高指挥权,令陆路和江上的部众群龙无首,没有统一指挥,最终败得很惨。而福建水师全军覆没,张佩纶主动放弃指挥显然是重要原因之一。  相似文献   

在那大炮巨舰的年代,靠舰船上的大炮进行轰击是主要的海战模式,日德兰海战是第一次世界大战期间规模最大的海战,也是世界海战史上最后一次战列舰大编队交战。你想体验当时这场海战的紧张、激烈吗?口径380毫米的大炮轰击起来有多么大的威力!?巨大的无畏舰战场上是海战的宠儿,你想知道当时的海上霸王到底有多么强大吗?  相似文献   

作者认为 ,张佩纶实为慈禧太后的宠臣 ,因误荐徐延旭 ,在屡遭言官弹劾之际受命赴闽 ,实为慈禧对他的信用和保护  相似文献   

海战是海军兵力在海洋战场所进行的战役、战斗的统称。现代海战是应用科学技术新成就最快的领域之一,军事高技术催化出的新型武器装备必然对21 世纪海军作战产生广泛而深刻的影响, 使未来海战呈现出新的特点。  相似文献   

借助首次披露的史料,我们可以追觅"清流"代表人物张佩纶与李鸿章的秘密往来,他们彼此之间的支持和争执,从而展现光绪前期政治舞台错综复杂的关系,揭示军机大臣李鸿藻与北洋大臣李鸿章之间的沟通,李鸿章丁忧后"夺情"复出中,张佩纶、李鸿藻为其所作设计的内幕,以及清政府内部在处理朝鲜壬午事变中不为人知的预案和策略,"清流"谋划的对日策略和李鸿章的态度,显示出晚清不同政治集团纵横捭阖、相互渗透、利益消长的多样性和复杂性,远比后人想像的更为丰富。  相似文献   

日本帝国前期对外一系列成功的侵略扩张无不是以旨在争夺东北亚制海权进行的海上战役为先导的。这一时期日本联合舰队进行过3次大规模海战,占蒸汽装甲时代世界大规模海战总次数的3/4。海战中,旅顺口要塞陷落后俄国大本营让未经训练没有海战经验的第二太平洋舰队继续东进通过与联合舰队决战入泊海参崴只能是必败之道,而让舰队避免北上决战,通过辅助船定期赴胶州湾和上海港采买获得补给坚持在黄海、东海、南海施行一段时间破交战才是惟一能够实现开赴远东所抱战略目的的作战样式。日俄黄海海战是世界海战史上第一次以蒸汽装甲战列舰编队交战为主的大规模海上战役。旅顺口分舰队突围港会合海参崴分舰队的成败是决定俄国在这场战争中命运的关键。20世纪初日本军史画家创作的《黄海战图》描绘的正是日俄黄海大战双方胜负发生逆转的一幕,而与中日黄海大战或日俄对马海战无关。  相似文献   

本研究将国内新近翻译修订的“学习能力障碍儿童筛查量表(PRS)”试用于呼和浩特市蒙古族小学生。结果表明,该量表各项得分均值分布与原量表结果基本相符;呼和浩特市区蒙古族小学生中学习障碍儿童筛出率为16.5%,高于日本,接近欧美,且高于广州市;男高于女,与国内外有关报道一致。研究表明,PRS量表在筛查和甄别LD儿童方面确实效价很高  相似文献   

The Biomind program is a new open inquiry program for Israeli biology high school students. The Biomind program is facilitated by diverse activities of asynchronous on-line forums for teachers and students. This research aims to analyse the discussions that occurred over a period of three years in these forums, in order to obtain a picture of the benefits that virtual discussions hold for the implementation of the open inquiry program. The results presented in this article indicate that students required assistance mainly with searching scientific information, finding experimental techniques and procedures, and phrasing inquiry questions. The three most frequent areas that were discussed in the teachers' forum were technical and procedural aspects of experimentation, bureaucracy and phenomenon identification. In addition, issues such as inferring and discussing, logical progression of the inquiry process, scientific writing, teacher-student interaction, reflective thinking, affective points of view, and forum administration were raised in the forum discourses. The forum discourses create a learning community that contributes to the implementation of the Biomind program, and pinpoint the aspects that should be taken into consideration in the future.  相似文献   

各代状元在官场的发展空间是很不相同的:状元宰相比例最高的是宋,最低的是唐;状元高官比例最高的是宋,最低的是五代;状元被淹没比例最高的是五代,最低的是清。综之,宋代状元在官场的发展空间最为广阔。  相似文献   

Recently, curriculum developments in Australia have seen the incorporation of functionalist ‘general capabilities’ as essential markers of schooling, meaning that any pedagogical expression of classroom-based practice, including subsequent instruction, should entail the identification and development of operational general capabilities. The paper questions and critiques recent curriculum developments in Australia that characterises capabilities purely in functionalist terms, something that the broader capabilities literature eschews. The analysis is informed by aspects of the theoretical frameworks of Martin Heidegger and Pierre Bourdieu. It examines the notion of ‘general capabilities’ in the Australian Curriculum. The paper argues that there is an inherent contradiction in Australian education policy, namely a vocationally oriented national school curriculum with implied functionings that cannot fulfil designated purposes. The paper finds that the curriculum's connection to increased individual and national economic prosperity, one championing ‘jobs and careers of the twenty-first century’, is evident, although current populous forms and categories of employment seem to suggest otherwise.  相似文献   

朱珩青的《路翎传》用翔实的材料考证了路翎小说中的人物原型和故事原型。传记指出《财主底儿女们》中所描写的蒋家大院就是路翎的出生地苏州蒋家,小说中陆明栋的生活原型就是路翎本人,其他人物如蒋捷三、蒋淑华、傅蒲生等都有生活原型。传记还指出《谷》所写的故事实际上是路翎1940年初与李露玲在合川县育才学校时期的一段爱情纠葛,而《云雀》是以路翎的好友阿龙的妻子张瑞为原型所写的反映知识分子性格悲剧的故事。朱珩青《路翎传》原型考证的价值在于为证明路翎小说的自传性提供了切实的证据,同时为“文学作品源于生活而又高于生活”做了恰当的注脚。  相似文献   

The article presents an analysis of how diversity is defined and attended to in Swedish schools. The research reported has been carried out as a case study of categorizing practices that concern the uses of neuropsychiatric diagnoses, notably ADHD. The data were collected as part of a larger study. The interaction over a two-year period between the parents of a boy (William, aged 5.5 years) and representatives of the school (school psychologist, principal, teacher etc.) has been analysed. It is shown that parents and professionals provide different accounts of William’s difficulties. The parents, while not denying that their son causes problems in class, argue that the boy will mature and that the problems will disappear. The representatives of the school try to convince the parents that a neuropsychiatric examination of the boy will be beneficial to all parties. The long process of negotiation can be understood as a rhetorical drama, where the category ‘ADHD’ serves as the resolution of a complex institutional problem in the modern welfare state.  相似文献   

北宋东京都市旅游出现了前所未有的繁荣景象,代表了当时旅游的最高成就。这种成就的取得与北宋整个政治、经济、外交形式和东京的政治、文化中心地位都是密切相关的。北宋时期稳定的政局、繁荣的经济、巨大的人口基数是当时旅游繁荣的前提,地主阶级的巨大的消费能力和北宋较为充裕的休假制度为这种繁荣提供了强大的动力,北宋政府采取的一系列有利于都市旅游的措施是当时东京旅游顺利开展的有力保障。  相似文献   

The present study had three purposes. The first was to further explore the psychometric properties of the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory [Zhang, L. F. (2003). The preferred thinking styles in teaching inventory. Unpublished test. The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong]. The second was to test the hypothesis that the preferred teaching styles of mainland Chinese university students in the present investigation are similar to those of students in Hong Kong and the United States in previous studies. The final and most important purpose was to examine the incremental validity of modes of thinking beyond students’ self-rated abilities in predicting students’ preferred teaching styles. Two hundred and fifty-six (109 male and 147 female) university students from Beijing, the People's Republic of China, participated in the research.After the reliability and validity of the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory were ascertained, the following findings were obtained. First, like university students in Hong Kong and the United States in previous studies, mainland Chinese students in the present study also expressed a strong like for teaching styles that are creativity-generating and that allow collaborative work. Similarly, they indicated a strong dislike for teaching styles that are norm-conforming, that require multi-tasking but without communicating a sense of priority, and that restrict students to working individually, without collaboration with others. Going beyond the previous studies, the present study found that an integrative mode of thinking positively contributed to students’ preference for teaching styles that are creativity-generating and that encourage group work, but negatively contributed to students’ preference for teaching styles that are norm-favoring and that discourage collaborative work. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to teaching that accommodates diverse thinking styles and teaching that generates creative thinking.  相似文献   

全运会比赛主场优势的量化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数学、统计学的视角,采用文献资料、调查研究、数学和逻辑推理等研究方法,对举办过全运会的省(市)在比赛中取得的成绩进行量化分析。研究显示:东道主获奖牌数是他们到客场比赛获奖牌数均值的1.56倍,是他们在全运会举办年上届和下届全运会比赛中获奖牌数均值的1.55倍;最近几届全运会东道主金牌的平均增长率是69.17%,奖牌增长率是48.62%;东道主的金牌率比他们到客场参加全运会比赛的金牌率多55.22%,奖牌率多46.90%;进入21世纪,全运会主场优势更为显著。这说明,在全运会比赛中存在巨大的主场优势。  相似文献   

在中国人口发展战略的形成与发展过程中 ,充满了争论、反复和曲折 ,作为国策的计划生育政策也几度发生摇摆。所有这一切都与学术界和决策层在此期间对中国人口发展战略缺乏清晰、准确、全面、客观的认识有关。人口数量过多仍然是 2 1世纪中国的首要人口问题 ;人口必须要控制的共识决不能有丝毫的动摇。  相似文献   

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