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投资和消费是促进国民经济增长的两大要素。最终消费对投资需求的持续增长和国民经济的稳定发展起着决定性作用。经济增长不能过度依赖投资的增长,应适当提高消费率。政府应适当增加低收入者和农民的收入,建立社会保障制度,通过增加消费需求来促进经济增长,以实现国民经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

A method for determining the relationship between food consumption and the price of food (demand function) in behavioral economic experiments is described. Although previous methods have generally required as long as 40 days, the present method can generate a complete demand function within 7 days, and therefore may be more suitable for use in the evaluation of drugs, toxins, and physiological/anatomical interventions. Moreover, measures of circadian rhythmicity, post-reinforcement pause durations, and interresponse times can also be generated. Three experiments tested the stability of the method in a variety of procedural manipulations: repeated exposure to the procedure, increasing versus random daily food price, and size of daily changes in food price. The procedure generated demand functions that were similar to those that require more extended testing, and the demand functions were not generally affected by procedural manipulations. Body weight, which can also affect consumption, generally decreases with increases in the price of food; so this variable should be recorded and used as a covariate in analyzing demand functions. With the exception of circadian rhythmicity, the other measures were stable across procedural variations and showed expected changes as a function of food price: postreinforcement pause durations increased as price increased, but interresponse times did not.  相似文献   

Doctoral programmes in which candidates research their own practice can be characterised as having transdisciplinary (TD) qualities. While most of the emphasis in the literature and in policy on TD is on research in teams, we argue for an expansion of the scope in the conception and understanding of TD research to include the way it can be articulated and assessed in practice-led and practice-based doctorates. In this sense, it is worth exploring instances of doctoral programmes that potentially allow doctoral researchers to undertake projects that have TD qualities. In these doctoral projects, researchers draw from a variety of perspectives, for example from their work practices, the theorisation of those practices, experiential learning, multiple disciplinary knowledge and approaches as well as communications and networking with appropriate stakeholders. Drawing from previous scholarship of TD in other fields we analyse and evaluate the TD qualities of a particular doctoral programme. This analysis reveals a set of qualities recognised by the literature as TD and relevant to doctoral researchers: Researching collaboratively with stakeholders; Diversity of disciplinary expertise and assessment criteria; Integration of different methodologies; Situating the research in multiple contexts; Impact on the ‘situation’ through novel procedures or products; Ethics and the importance of trust; Reflection/reflexivity. The paper posits a convergence between practice doctorates and TD research and demonstrates how TD qualities help doctoral candidates to situate their research at the interface between academia and their professional work and develop projects that have creative and beneficial relevance for practice.  相似文献   

Continuing professional development (CPD) doctorate programmes may not be the only learning and development opportunities which universities and other organisations can provide for educational psychology practitioners (EPs). However, as Morris and Brightman pointed out in 2006 Morris, S. and Brightman, C. 2006. In what ways can universities make a relevant contribution to the provision of relevant continuing professional development (CPD) activities for EPs?. CPD Link, 28: 324.  [Google Scholar], they are likely to continue as important sources for professional development for some years to come. Such programmes serve the purposes of providing continuing professional development for individuals, conferring higher status on the professional group and, for some, developing specialist skills and knowledge. This paper reports on two studies carried out nearly a decade apart. The first involved the collation of data from eight focus groups in London and the Home Counties who discussed the costs and benefits of setting up part‐time doctoral programmes for experienced practitioners in 1998, as discussed by Cameron in 1999 Cameron, R.J. 1999. “Continuing professional development in educational psychology: Practitioners’ views on a new part‐time doctoral programme at UCL”. (Unpublished internal report: available from the author on request.) [Google Scholar], and the other was a small‐scale follow‐up survey in 2007 using a questionnaire which was based on the issues arising from the earlier focus group discussions and which was designed to explore consistent, changed and evolving views and opinions of practitioner EPs towards this extended form of EP professional training. While both studies uncovered evidence of the research–practice divide which has been a feature of EP practice for many decades, it was clear from the 2007 survey that much of the ambivalence of practitioners to the “academic dimension” of training, present in the first investigation, had dissipated and that national doctorate programmes for experienced practitioners had become a familiar feature of the educational and child psychology landscape. Some theory/research versus practice tensions still remain, however, and these, together with their likely implications for current and future developments in the profession, are also considered. Finally, some key issues arising from both the 1998 and the 2007 studies are used to illuminate the potential role of CPD doctorates in enabling EPs to address future challenges in the practice context.  相似文献   

This article reports the second stage of a study examining an academic partnership in which Bangladeshi doctoral students in a western university focus their research in the grounded context of Bangladesh and investigate the processes for change. After briefly outlining the previous published stage which examined the academic trade in higher education with developing countries, the article builds on the concept of fair academic trade to critically reflect on the development of a doctoral learning community, a publication project and three specific doctoral studies. The methodological approach is one of participatory action research, with focus on critical reflection on practice.  相似文献   

International doctorates: trends analysis on their decision to stay in US   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the significant implications of the foreign doctorates’ stay or return decision on a personal level, as well as for the home and host countries, there is very little research that provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors that predict international doctorates’ decision to stay in the US and how those factors differ by country of origin or field of study. In addition, the patterns of stay (versus return) and the factors influencing those decisions may have changed over time, partly due to the changes in the immigration policies of the US and in economic development or national policy of home countries. Therefore, this study examines the patterns of international doctorates’ stay versus return decision from a historical perspective across the period of the 1980, 1990, and 2000s. Using data from the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED), collected in the US, this study enables us to move beyond a static understanding of the relative stay rates by country to an examination of how country-specific changes, such as shifts in economic development or national policy (push/pull factors), may relate to shifts in the stay versus return decision with a particular emphasis on the field specific effects.  相似文献   

The departmental characteristics associated with the average duration of doctoral study were studied in a national data set collected by the National Research Council. The biological, mathematical and physical sciences, and engineering had relatively short medians and narrow ranges across departments, and the humanities had larger medians and wider ranges. The pattern of results associated with the duration of doctoral study suggested the importance of departmental emphases on scholarly careers and the resources to implement those emphases. The patterns of results varied by general area, and by specific discipline, suggesting the need for detailed analysis within disciplines.  相似文献   

Increasing enrollment in undergraduate and graduate economics courses that focus on the natural world (natural resource, environmental, energy, and mineral economics) is important for preparing a work force capable of addressing complex environmental issues. This is especially challenging for smaller universities that want to offer diverse electives in economics. This study seeks to obtain information on the effects of course attributes and student characteristics on preferences for and probabilities to enroll in economics courses offered at Michigan Technological University. A discrete-choice experiment is used to elicit 723 students’ stated preferences for eight different course attributes. A latent-class model is used to probabilistically group students into different preference classes. The cost-effective methods demonstrated in this study can be applied to any courses in any fields to inform course-level marketing efforts aimed at bolstering enrollment while addressing administrative budget constraints.  相似文献   

This paper examines personalized instruction in business and economics at the Long Island Learning Center, Empire State College, State University of New York. In this mode of instruction the course of study is tailored to the individual background, interests, needs, and abilities of the student. Learning activities often incorporate some aspect of the student's academic or professional experience. Most of the students have fairly well-established goals, are highly motivated, have jobs, and have enjoyed considerable success in their fields. Various examples are provided that indicate how the subject matter gains relevance when basic theoretical concepts are applied to real-life situations.  相似文献   

政治经济学说是时代的产物,它同世界上一切事物一样,随着时代的变迁和人们认识水平的提高而发展变化。今天我们在新的历史条件下发展商品经济,建构社会主义市场经济模型,就是通过社会改革和社会实践不断的体认、完善和发展马克思主义的政治经学。  相似文献   

根据1998年7月教育部新修订的《普通高校本科专业介绍》中对新经济学专业培养目标的要求,地方财经院校在人才培养目标和模式上应找准位置,合理设计课程体系,办出特色,以培养出具 有宽厚基础知识、创新能力和较高综合互质的适应新世纪需要的合格人才。  相似文献   

质量伦理在当代社会经济中不再仅仅是附属于商业的职业伦理,它是当代经济活动或企业活动不可缺少的内在伦理机制,是经济制度创新和发展的重要动力.质量伦理意味着一种世界范围内的国家经济竞争力,它对市场经济作为一种避免畸形经济的健康经济、高生活质量标准的经济具有规范作用.  相似文献   

The economics and politics of scholarships   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文对制度经济学做了剖析,并指出对滞后于社会生活的制度必须实行大胆改革,从而使我国现行制度体系与社会发展同步。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that teaching concepts in high school economics first in a familiar mode or symbol system and then elaborating on them in a second or less familiar mode facilitates classroom learning. In an experimental design, 83 high school seniors were individually assigned at random to three classes, which in turn were randomly assigned to three different classroom instructional treatments, each having a duration of 10 hours and taught by the students' regular economics teachers. It was predicted and found that comprehension of economics is facilitated by a teaching strategy that initially presents the concepts in a familiar verbal mode and then presents them in a more abstract mode using graphs or other instructive imagery. This strategy compared favorably with two alternative procedures, one presenting the same content first in graphs and then verbally (p<0.001), and the other using only one mode of presentation (p<0.01). These results imply that the type and order of presentation of symbol systems influence the learning of concepts in high school economics classes by facilitating or interfering with the generation of relations between prior knowledge and new information. The results imply that presenting economics concepts in two symbol systems, rather than one, facilitates learning, provided, contrary to customary teaching methods, that the teacher uses the familiar verbal presentation first and follows it with an integrative but less familiar graphic presentation.  相似文献   

良好的经济发展模式和更高层次的管理水平才能够推动经济的高速发展,影响不断如何提高经济水平和管理就会显得至关重要。经济效益评价对于经济增长有着重要的作用,所以使用模糊数学对经济效益进行评价,这对于提高经济管理水平有着重要的作用,本文根据模糊数学在经济和管理中的应用,特别对经济效益评价的应用进行了研究。  相似文献   

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