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通过对浙江沿海3城市208名民营企业家的问卷调查和跟踪访谈,对民营企业家的体育健身活动程度、健身活动时间、健身活动场所、健身活动项目、健身活动形式、健身活动动机及健身活动的要求、体育消费、健康体检等结果做系统性的分析,寻找出民营企业家这一人群健身活动与身体健康存在的问题,并提出有益性的建议,为改善民营企业家的身心健康提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

蔡忠建 《浙江体育科学》2007,29(1):21-23,28
通过对民营经济模式下的民营企业家与群众体育意识、态度、行为倾向的调查结果显示:民营企业家与群众对《全民健身计划纲要》的认识都不高;参加活动的各因子,民营企业家与群众有显著性差异,前者比后者好;对体育态度上是肯定的,行为上也是积极的,但参加体育锻炼的人数,民营企业家与群众有显著性差异,群众比民营企业家好;在体育锻炼手段的选择上,有明显不同的趋向性,民营企业家更趋向消费性、娱乐性项目,群众趋向健身性、消费性项目。  相似文献   

宁波市女职工体育健身活动情况调研分析   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:21  
运用问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等方法,对当前宁波市女职工参加体育健身活动情况进行调研分析。结果发现大部分女职工经常和有时参加体育健身活动;她们参加体育健身活动的动机是多层次的;活动的时间大多数为10~30min;在选择健身活动项目、形式和场所时都带有明显的年龄特征;家务重、工作忙、无时间和本身不喜欢体育活动是影响她们参加体育健身活动的最主要因素。  相似文献   

采用调查和数理统计法,对粤北山区农村全民健身活动进行了研究。结果发现:粤北山区农村居民对《全民健身计划》不了解的占53.15%;16~25岁年龄段的人群参加体育活动的比例最高;健身活动时间随意性较大;学校体育对全民健身活动有较大影响;没时间参加健身活动占61.14%;场地器材缺乏是制约山区体育活动开展主要因素。为促进山区全民健身活动,应发挥政府的主导作用,加大宣传力度,大力发展山区学校体育及开展丰富多彩民族传统体育活动。  相似文献   

随着时代的不断发展,传统体育健身活动面临逐渐消失的风险,我国大学应主动承担传承和发展传统体育健身活动的重要职责,以实现传统体育活动的繁荣,充分发挥其在全民健身以及传统文化保护方面的重要作用。本文对传统体育健身活动进行了简单的阐述,并分别从不同维度对大学传承与发展传统体育健身活动的必要性进行了探讨,分析了大学在传统体育健身活动传承与发展方面存在的不足,并结合相关理论,对大学在传统体育健身活动传承与发展方面的策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

传统武术在高校体育中开展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周丽 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(2):159-160
大学生体育活动的开展对进一步培养健身活动能力和习惯,形成终身体育观和促进全民健身活动开展,具有长远意义。  相似文献   

以北京市部分国有企业白领为研究对象,应用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计等研究方法,对国有企业白领年龄结构,体育健身活动现状、活动地点、健身项目的选择以及消费者消费特点,影响其参与体育健身活动的因素等进行研究.结果表明:北京市国有企业白领年龄结构分布呈现出年轻化特征;学历层次高,年收入水平较高,体育健身活动现状并不理想,健身活动地点主要集中在自家庭院、居住的社区、单位体育设施和社区体育健身点;乒乓球和羽毛球的参与者较多;体育消费偏向于基础性消费,体育消费水平偏低;"余暇时间少"、"体育设施收费高"、"缺少活动的朋友"是影响他们参加体育健身活动的主要因素.  相似文献   

通过分析山西省目前开展全民健身活动的现状,从供求两方面指出目前山西省实现全民健身活动可持续发展所面临的问题。运用经济学的相关理论,分析指出造成这些问题的根本原因,进一步提出全民健身活动可持续发展的根本道路在于实现全民健身活动的产业化,实现民营投资为主体,实现体育健身资源在国家的宏观领导下由市场进行基础性质的配置。在这个框架下,分别从体育健身服务的供求两方面,提出了实现全民健身活动可持续发展的一些建设性的措施。  相似文献   

以中国义乌小商品城的民营企业家为研究对象,对其体力活动阶段分布进行了问卷调查与分析。结果显示我国民营企业家体力活动阶段变化特征明显。  相似文献   

付帅桦 《精武》2012,(16):86-87
当前,中老年人运动健身通渐成为群体体育运动的热点问题。本文通过文献调资料、访谈调查的研究方法,就中老年人在体育健身活动中如何科学合理地安排体育健身活动的内容与方法,如何选取符合老年人自身的身体状况、性格特点、自身爱好和周围环境等相关因素的体育活动项目进行探讨,提出中老年人在体育健身活动中要科学地把握好几个关系。以期为中老年人的体育健身活动提供参考。  相似文献   

论如何实现我国由体育用品制造大国向制造强国的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
即将到来的“十一五”时期,是我国全面建设小康社会的一个关键时期,未来的五年是全面落实科学发展观,加快转变经济增长方式,不断提高自主创新能力的五年,如何实现我国体育用品由制造大国向制造强国的转变,需要我们更新观念,创新思维,提高企业的自主创新能力,坚持走产学研紧密结合的道路,以及建立科学完善的产业统计评价体系,形成具有自主知识产权和核心竞争力的民族品牌强国。  相似文献   

Research suggests participation in youth sport does not guarantee physical activity (PA) guidelines are met. Studies indicate few children achieve recommended levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during their youth sport involvement, and habitual levels of MVPA are below the recommended 60 min per day. Informed by self-determination theory, this study examined whether the coach-created social environment and related player motivation predict variability in objectively measured MVPA within the youth sport setting. Seventy three male youth sport footballers (Mean age = 11.66 ± 1.62) completed a multisection questionnaire assessing their perceptions of the social environment created in youth sport (autonomy supportive and controlling) and motivation towards their football participation (autonomous and controlled). Intensity of PA during youth sport was measured using accelerometers (GT3X, ActiGraph). Results supported a model in which perceptions of autonomy support significantly and positively predicted autonomous motivation towards football, which in turn significantly and positively predicted youth sport MVPA (% time). A significant indirect effect was observed for perceptions of autonomy support on youth sport %MVPA via autonomous motivation. Results have implications for optimising MVPA engagement during youth sport and increasing daily MVPA towards recommended and health-enhancing levels on youth sport days.  相似文献   

本文通过采用问卷调查法、文献资料访谈等研究方法,对泉州地区五所高中校的1000名高中女生,在对体育课重要性的认识、参与体育课的态度、每周参加课外体育锻炼的频度和每次活动的时间、影响高中女生参加体育锻炼的因素、高中女生参加体育锻炼的项目等方面进行调查,提出合理化建议,为农村高中校进一步实施高中体育课程改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   

As inactivity and obesity levels continue to rise, calls are being made for sport development action to be further directed towards capitalising on the value of community participation for health and social benefits. This paper seeks to highlight a current disconnect between physical activity and sport management research, and identify opportunities for collaboration. To date, the sport management literature has predominantly focused on sport as a form of entertainment with spectatorship outcomes, where professional codes are a commonly used setting of research inquiry. There has been less focus on organisational issues related to participation in sport and recreation. This is identified as a gap, given the current push towards increasing focus on sport and recreation promotion for community wellbeing. The present paper sought to examine physical activity and sport management research, to identify commonalities and potential for integration and co-operation. The outcome of this review is a conceptual framework, integrating socio-ecological models, taken from physical activity research, and sport development concepts derived from sport management theory. The proposed conceptual framework seeks to provide sport management researchers with direction in their efforts to promote participation in sport, recreation and physically active leisure domains, particularly for community wellbeing purposes. Furthermore, such direction may also enhance the capacity of researchers to capitalise on opportunities for collaboration and integration across domains of inquiry.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author argues that, regardless of whether e-sports qualify as sports, they should be examined in sport management because they are a manifestation of sportification. Sportification means to either: (a) view, organize, or regulate a non-sport activity in such a way that it resembles a sport and allows a fair, pleasurable, and safe environment for individuals to compete and cooperate, and compare their performances to each other, and future and past performances; or (b) add a sport component to an existing activity in order to make it more attractive to its audiences. As the sport industry itself is embracing e-sports as a sport, scholars should embrace e-sports as a manifestation of sportification and examine their negative and positive effect on our industry.  相似文献   

通过对文献资料的查阅和对湖南省部分高校体育教师的走访,分析了高校体育差生参与体育活动时的心理障碍,并对其产生原因进行分析,探讨高校体育差生参与体育活动时的心理导引途径,旨在为广大高校体育工作者提供参考,以便在高校体育差生参与体育活动时能更好地帮助他们消除心理障碍,使其融入正常的体育活动中来。  相似文献   

对地处上海市浦东新区的张江镇在城镇化进程中农村体育发展情况进行个案调查分析。城镇化对张江镇社会变迁以及该镇农村体育的发展的影响主要表现在提高了人们对体育的需求度;改善了社会满足人们体育需求的基本条件;政府的主导以及明确的体育工作目标和工作内容是农村体育发展的推动者和加速器;农村体育的发展可以促进农村城镇化进程,并对未来更广大农村地区在城镇化进程中体育的发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

我国大城市基层群众体育管理体制现状调查与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过社会调查、访谈等方法,对我国大城市街道办事处(镇)、晨晚练点、体育社团、体育俱乐部的负责人进行了调查,摸清了我国大城市基层群众体育管理体制的现状,以此为基础,对我国大城市基层群众体育管理体制现状进行了思考。结论:应扩大基层群众体育组织的管理权限,调动参与其组织体育活动的积极性,加大对基层群众体育组织的资金投入;在政策法规中,制定对新建居民小区配套体育活动场地设施的强制措施;在国家扶持的基础上,各级各类基层群众体育组织要依靠各种社会力量和条件发展自己;在开展群众性体育活动中,对各级各类经营性体育组织,在经费上给予优惠政策,减少政府限制,鼓励企业和个人经营;加快培养体育管理专业后备人才。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):455-468
Forming a strong identity with a sport or activity is a key variable that informs sustained behaviour of that activity. As identities are informed by social forces, marginalized and underrepresented groups face social barriers to embodying a non-traditional sport or activity. Given the power of organizational identities, it may be possible for sport organizations to facilitate salient identities for groups for whom the sport/activity was previously considered dissonant. In this study, the authors used interviews to explore the identity formation processes for members of a national running group for Black women in the United States. Results indicate that members overcame their dissonance to running through their identification with the organization who they felt facilitated education, support, and the connection to existing members who served as identity models. Through their own negotiation strategies, they were able to form a salient identity around the activity, and contribute to a growing collective running identity for this group as a whole.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查等研究方法,探讨影响3~6岁幼儿家庭体育活动的因素及其路径。结果表明,影响幼儿家庭体育活动的因素分为有6个主因子:幼儿家长体育活动因子、体育活动环境因子、体育认知因子、体育实施条件因子、体育活动物质保障因子、幼儿个体因子;有5条显著路径影响家庭幼儿体育活动量。  相似文献   

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