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本文借鉴生态学的理论和方法对课堂教学现象进行研究,明确提出:课堂教学是所有教学活动中最能展示科学性与人文性的环节,有效的课堂教学必须强调教师人格力量的引导;教师要做好与学生的沟通交流与融合工作。在整个课堂教学活动过程中,教师必须对自己的角色有一个正确的定位,必须学会反思。  相似文献   

Responding to Jan Masschelein's discussion of critical distance and the trivialisation of critique in his ‘How to Conceive of Critical Educational Theory Today?’, I draw attention to the antinomic character of immanence and transcendence—that is, to the way that it entails both non‐circumventible necessity and omnipresent risks. I argue that the discourse of critical thinking in education is exemplary of the tensions generated by such consolidated meanings. Through this prism, I aim to offer a nuanced account of ways in which the trivialisation of critique nurtures narcissistic and conformist tendencies that do not leave unaffected any critical philosophical line of thought. To illustrate my critique of contemporary critical education of all persuasions, I deal with an ethics of reading and writing. I suggest that, rather than encouraging cynicism and an abdication of responsibility, this antinomic character of critique should discourage any complacent and one‐sided reliance on one's own tradition.  相似文献   

This article points out an internal tension, or even conflict, in the conceptual foundations of Harvey Siegel's conception of critical thinking. Siegel justifies critical thinking, or critically rational autonomy, as an educational ideal first and foremost by an appeal to the Kantian principle of respect for persons. It is made explicit that this fundamental moral principle is ultimately grounded in the Kantian conception of autonomous practical reason as normatively and motivationally robust. Yet this Kantian conception openly conflicts with Siegel's own two‐component theory of critical thinking, which on close inspection turns out to be a version of the Humean conception of instrumental practical reason as normatively and motivationally powerless. It is concluded that Siegel cannot have it both ways: he cannot appeal both to means‐end and to robust rationality. Siegel's Kantian justification of the critical thinking educational ideal is, therefore, found wanting in terms of his own Humean premises.  相似文献   

In this review of Christopher Winch's new book, Education, Autonomy and Critical Thinking (2006), I discuss its main theses, supporting some and criticising others. In particular, I take issue with several of Winch's claims and arguments concerning critical thinking and rationality, and deplore his reliance on what I suggest are problematic strains of the later Wittgenstein. But these criticisms are not such as to upend Winch's powerful critique of antiperfectionism and 'strong autonomy' or his defence of 'weak autonomy'. His account of autonomy as an educational aim is important and in several respects compelling.  相似文献   

用批判性思维方法打造批判性思维课程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国的教育缺少批判性思维的传统,因而在教育中引入批判性思维的课程,加强批判性思维训练,具有特别重要的意义,应该作为目前教育改革的一个重点而引起我们重视。虽然批判性思维已被引入中国的课堂教育,但课程设置仍存在一些不足。本文提倡用批判性思维的方法来打造批判性思维的教学,鼓励学生对事件进行自主分析思考、课堂上组织小组讨论、教学中使用大量真实案例等,以培养学生用批判性思维进行思考的思维习惯。  相似文献   


The process of critical thinking enables students to explore, analyze, and evaluate problems, theories, and interventions from divergent views and varying frames of reference. It requires a certain amount of skepticism and curiosity that will reflect upon accepted doctrines and protocols, in order to ascertain their credibility and utility in working with clients. This article presents the obstacles to acquiring critical thinking skills, as well as different strategies that can be utilized by educators to enhance its development and active usage. A theoretical construct and cognitive schema of learning describe the mechanisms of constructing meanings from experiences and advancing to critically assessing broader concepts. In this context, the importance of being introduced to new, empirically-based knowledge and critical thinking in substance abuse courses and practice is discussed, followed by an evaluation of students' advancing critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

2020年,网络空间课程在应对全球疫情危机、保持全民教育连续性的进程中发挥了重要作用。加强关于网络空间课程的理论研究,既是对时代需求和实践发展的积极回应,也是理论自身不断走向完善的必然选择。在新的历史条件下,面对"网络迁徙"所凸显的"跨界"特性,课程学人需要自觉做好"划界"工作,即深度考察网络环境中课程的基本功能、目标定位、资源配置、组织架构以及评价监测机制,进而系统揭示网络空间中课程构成、发展及其运行的规律。面向未来,课程理论研究需要持续加强对网络条件下课程建设机理的梳理与分析,努力推动概念话语的丰富与创新,不断提升研究的方法论意识。  相似文献   

关于网络空间表达自由的道德思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网络空间的表达自由是现代公民的一项基本权利,这一权利有效行使具有积极的道德意义,同时,这一权利的滥用也引发诸多的道德问题,因此,对网络空间的自由表达要加以限制与约束.  相似文献   

Critical thinking pedagogy offers a supportive environment for teaching ethics in the professional communication classroom. Four important aspects of critical thinking which particularly encourage ethical thought and behavior are identifying and questioning assumptions, seeking a multiplicity of voices and alternatives on a subject, making connections, and fostering active involvement. Focusing on these behaviors allows an ongoing incorporation of ethics into many different aspects of the classroom.  相似文献   

Critical thinking pedagogy offers a supportive environment for teaching ethics in the professional communication classroom. Four important aspects of critical thinking which particularly encourage ethical thought and behavior are identifying and questioning assumptions, seeking a multiplicity of voices and alternatives on a subject, making connections, and fostering active involvement. Focusing on these behaviors allows an ongoing incorporation of ethics into many different aspects of the classroom.  相似文献   

辩论与批判性思维   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
批判性思维的本质是怀疑的、分析的和批判的,辩论是运用批判性思维最集中、最典型的场合。批判性思维方法是辩论参与力图战胜对方的重要方法,辩论的对抗性有助于提高参与的批判性思维能力,批判性思维在辩论中显示出独立性、创新性等五种思维品质。  相似文献   

This paper introduces some of the debates in the field of critical thinking by highlighting differences among thinkers such as Siegel, Ennis, Paul, McPeck, and Martin, and poses some questions that arise from these debates. Does rationality transcend particular cultures, or are there different kinds of thinking, different styles of reasoning? What is the relationship between critical thinking and learning? In what ways does the moral domain overlap with these largely epistemic and pedagogical issues? The paper concludes by showing how Peters, Evers, Chan and Yan, Ryan and Louie, Luntley, Lam, Doddington, and Kwak, respond to these questions.  相似文献   

Critical Thinking and Learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

As a philosophy professor, one of my central goals is to teach students to think critically. However, one difficulty with determining whether critical thinking can be taught, or even measured, is that there is widespread disagreement over what critical thinking actually is. Here, I reflect on several conceptions of critical thinking, subjecting them to critical scrutiny. I also distinguish critical thinking from other forms of mental processes with which it is often conflated. Next, I present my own conception of critical thinking, wherein it fundamentally consists in acquiring, developing, and exercising the ability to grasp inferential connections holding between statements. Finally, given this account of critical thinking, and given recent studies in cognitive science, I suggest the most effective means for teaching students to think critically.  相似文献   

In this paper I offer a reading of one of Plato's later works, the Sophist , that reveals it to be informed by principles comparable on the face of it with those that have emerged recently in the field of critical thinking. As a development of the famous Socratic method of his teacher, I argue, Plato deployed his own pedagogical method, a 'mid-wifely' or 'maieutic' method, in the Sophist . In contrast to the Socratic method, the sole aim of this method is not to disabuse the reader or learner of her false opinions. Rather, its purpose is to supply her with the skills and dispositions as well as the claims and counter-claims she needs to critically evaluate a view, and so facilitate knowledge acquisition, for herself. But the text does not merely teach critical thinking in this indirect manner. One of the strategies its author employed was to encourage the reader/learner to consider under what conditions a claim or idea would be false. To the extent that it achieves this, the Sophist provides both a model and an application of that particular kind of critical thinking in the learning environment that Jonathan Baron has described as 'active open-mindedness'.  相似文献   

全球化时代,女性文学在赛博空间获得长足发展。基于女性创作和阅读体验的女尊小说,是女性文学独有的原创网络小说类型,体现出女性文学性别身份的建构和性别主体意识的张扬,一定程度上对传统性别观念起到了反叛和颠覆的作用。从对女尊小说的创作特点、偏差和旨归的分析,可见以现实男性为描写主体的网络女尊小说,实际上是通过两性关系的易位构造出了一个女尊男卑的虚拟世界。然而,女尊小说表面上宣扬解放女性,张扬女性身份认同,实际上却仍在强化既有的社会权力结构,反映出男权社会的现实景象,值得反思。  相似文献   

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