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在长达40年的名城保护实践和探索中,我国积累了丰富的经验和创新理论,向世界彰显了历史文化保护的中国智慧。首先回顾了名城保护40年的变化,在这个过程中名城保护如何与旧城改造从对立走向统一,以名城保护为核心的历史文化保护制度也一步步走向完善;其次阐述了名城保护的认识论与方法论的关系,并从真与伪、恒与变、整体保护3个层次介绍了名城保护的理论探索;最后对名城保护的未来进行展望,对构建历史文化保护传承体系、研究街区保护更新技术体系、实施国家文化数字化战略等项目进行了介绍。  相似文献   

杨璇 《中国名城》2022,(7):73-81
当前许多历史城区已在历史和时代更新的大潮中受到破坏,未获得法定保护地位,无法满足城乡遗产整体性保护的要求。当此类历史城区迎来城市更新与旧改机遇时,主导规划往往在全面拆旧建立新商住组团和全面恢复历史盛景的文旅街区两种模式间游移。以河南省周口市川汇区“周口源”地段城市复兴规划研究为案例,试图提出历史城区阶梯式分级倡导规划的第三种保护更新模式。该方法来源于对城市发展历史真实演进图景的研究和历史性城市景观方法,以厘清城市空间历史价值要素、明确倡议保护对象、寻求新的发展机会、梯度释放开发压力,在改善市政民生的同时重塑有根基、可溯源、能持续、容发展的城市魅力形象。整合从政府、市场到原住民和专家团体的各方力量,实现非法定历史城区的复兴,避免历史城区的假古城化,变真实历史图景为发展共同框架愿景。  相似文献   

福建省三明市有着丰富的历史文化遗产资源,全面研究其保护与更新路径可有效提升历史文化遗产资源的再生能力。通过数字化技术实现历史文化遗产的动态管理与活态传承,已成为当下保护名城名镇名村、历史文化街区、历史建筑等的重要途径之一。对三明市的历史文化街区与单体历史建筑进行实地调研,基于实际需求针对性地搭建数字化信息管理平台。同时,对历史文化街区及历史建筑信息数据进行分级分类归纳分析,提出数字化适宜性更新策略和县域层面的系统性预防理念,实现城乡历史文化遗产数字化的动态保护、动态管理和活态再生。  相似文献   

洛阳古都地理景观变迁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前古都历史文化保护重心仍限于对单一历史古迹或建筑与街区的保护,缺乏对古都建筑发展所依靠的自然地理格局的整体保护和对历史文化从根本上进行保护。洛阳作为我国四大古都之一,其历史发展具有深厚的景观特色和传统,其所依托的自然地理景观核心为:"四方门户"和四条河流。试从地理视角出发,对洛阳城市历史的发展做简要分析,并分析洛阳城市发展中的空间变化,从中探寻其发展的一般规律。通过对地理景观格局的分析,确定保护山脉脉络和水系河网的完整性,进而对古都历史文化保护和古都整体风貌规划进行指导。  相似文献   

历史城区是城市文化遗产重要的物质空间载体.近年来,在城市存量发展的背景下,采用循序渐进、有机更新方式推进实施历史城区遗产空间保护与活化日益得到社会广泛认可.从历史城区文化遗产价值识别和历史城区更新需求评估两个维度,建立了历史城区"特征识别—分级分类"的有机更新框架,借助城镇历史景观的研究方法,梳理历史城区核心物质空间载...  相似文献   

江苏13座城市入选国家历史文化名城,体现了该地区深厚的文化历史积淀和优秀的城市精神内涵。地方立法作为一种法律保障,对加强历史名城保护、弘扬优秀传统文化、约束各类破坏行为起到重要作用。对江苏10座地级市的名城保护地方立法发展进行梳理,对各市立法名称、目的、体例、保护对象、保护措施、法律责任进行比较研究,提出修订和新增相关立法时可采用的思路和建议,可为丰富名城保护法治理论提供参考。  相似文献   

面对不断增长的开发压力,越来越多的历史城镇空间景观遭到新建项目的威胁与破坏,历史性城镇景观(HUL)方法尝试以景观视角解读当前发展对于历史城镇的影响。借由当前快速城镇化背景下历史城镇的保护与发展问题,阐述HUL方法形成过程与内涵,明确其特点与进步所在,并在研究黎巴嫩提尔古城保护案例的基础上,详细介绍了HUL方法所提出的工作手段,即知识和规划手段、公众参与手段、监管制度与财务手段,进而针对我国历史城镇的问题与诉求,从重视历史城镇整体性保护、强调历史层积、协调发展历史城镇和文化旅游、加强公众参与等四个方面探讨基于历史性城镇景观视角的规划方法,以期更好地促进我国历史城镇的保护和发展。  相似文献   

面向中华文化复兴与时空大数据时代,首先梳理了历史文化名城保护的4种需求,分析了信息技术应用的4个特征:数据获取的全面与动态、数据挖掘的定量与定性、信息展示的直观性、信息应用的便捷性。在此基础上,通过文献梳理了历史文化名城保护的信息技术方法研究进展,包括信息获取技术应用进展、保护状态评价应用进展、保护规划设计应用进展,以及动态变化监测应用进展。最后,展望了历史文化名城保护智慧化发展的3个趋势:数字孪生名城的理念引领、名城信息模型的技术支撑,以及智慧名城大脑的智慧保护。  相似文献   

随着城市的扩张,历史文化名城建设控制区街道空间品质未引起应有的重视,街道空间与现代生活不匹配的现象愈加凸显,往往出现功能混乱、空间割裂、风貌杂糅等一系列问题。以黟县碧阳大道为例,提出建设控制区街道的“共生”规划理念,以时间为脉络,从功能需求、空间肌理、建筑风貌、景观环境、生活设施5个方面进行了“共生”策略的研究,以期推动黟县新一轮转型升级,为历史文化名城保护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过多个历史文化名城的相关保护规划文本、地方保护条例(办法)以及地方规划编制技术导则的分析,对历史文化风貌区的地方实践进行总结。"历史文化风貌区"较历史文化街区具有更丰富内涵与复杂性特征,保护规划过程中应注意识别"历史文化风貌区"中出现的新类型与内部价值要素,在探索和完善地方历史文化遗产保护体系的前提下,秉承不同于历史文化街区的保护思路,探索差异化的、量体裁衣式的历史文化风貌区保护方法。  相似文献   

历史文化名城绍兴的历史文化街区代表为鲁迅故里历史文化街区.但是因过去对历史文化街区认知的局限性,鲁迅故里历史文化街区在近30年的保护利用中有一些不足.如何从规划设计的角度去思考探索优化该街区的空间质量,发现其中的问题,从而给出较好的应对方法与措施是当前值得考虑的议题.根据实地走访与调研绍兴市鲁迅故里历史文化街区、八字桥...  相似文献   

Historic St. Mary's City located in rural southern Maryland, marks the 17th century British Colonial capital of the State of Maryland. As with most cultural heritage sites, Historic St. Mary's City can be classified as possessing public goods-type characteristics, and as such, welfare benefit estimates must utilize non-market valuation techniques. To date, the primary valuation methodology used for cultural heritage sites research involves stated preference methods. This study is one of the first to employ a revealed preference methodology, the zonal travel cost model, to estimate the consumer surplus welfare measures of a cultural heritage site. We analyze three years of visitor sample data to compare three functional forms of visitor demand. The average of the annual individual consumer surplus measures ranged from approximately $8.00 to $19.26, depending on the functional forms used. When aggregated to the total number of individual paid visitors, the average annual benefit estimates range from approximately $75,492 to $176,550.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the double public good model as a representation of the simultaneous externalities that complicate decision making in the cultural heritage sphere. Social welfare is modeled as depending on both public and private benefits of households' production of individual heritage experience, which in turn depends on the stock of historic assets (a public good) and access effort (a private good). The public benefit of private experience arises from ``shared experience' that fosters cultural identity and social understandings. The model generates marginal efficiency conditions for the amount of physical preservation, amount of access, and intensity of access. The model highlights the need for dual-level policy making in order to avoid unbalanced heritage preservation efforts that have been of some concern in the literature.  相似文献   

对历史建筑进行活化利用,最先要解决的是历史建筑维护、修缮和活化的资金问题.中国历史建筑保护资金主要来源于政府的直接拨款,要想让更多的历史建筑"活起来"就必须筹集更为充足的资金,必须完善间接融资方面的途径和政策体系,同时减轻政府在这方面的财政负担.研究总结部分国家历史建筑保护间接融资的方法途径和激励政策,并结合中国的实际...  相似文献   

Many consider salvage value and tourism expenditures as the only economic values of a historic shipwreck. This paper looks at one alternative, the non-market value generated by management of shipwrecks as submerged maritime cultural resources. We consider the question: How much are people willing to pay to maintain shipwrecks in their pristine state? The contingent valuation method was implemented during summer 2001 as part of a telephone survey to households in eastern North Carolina. We find that households are willing to pay about $35 in a one-time increase in state taxes. Willingness to payis internally validated by expected relationships with prices and income but fails to pass the scope test. We speculate that we inadvertently succumbed to the well-known “birds” problem. The double-bounded willingness to pay questions are not incentive compatible and are subject to starting point bias, despite efforts to minimize these effects.  相似文献   

以南京市南捕厅历史街区为例,通过综合运用三维地理信息系统、多元异构时空数据分析、历史信息比对等技术手段,展示了复合历史空间导向的数字化保护与更新实践.通过无人机倾斜摄影测量技术,对历史街区的大场景进行纹理数据采集,构建整个历史街区的三维数据模型.在历史研究的基础上,为历史街区更新构建合理的历史空间形态框架,并对历史街巷...  相似文献   

In recent years, microfinance – the suite of financial products offered to the poor – has been widely adopted in international development policy. Organizations around the world have replicated this model successfully. This essay takes the comparative case more explicitly to read against the tendency to understand microfinance as the globally institutionalized and realized norm, and local unruly credit economies as the exception. We go beyond comparing credit in India and Paraguay in order to illustrate how comparison is actually central to the banking practices of microfinance. Moreover, it is the collaborative anthropological project that helps to show this, allowing not only for empirical grounds of comparison, but also raising theoretical and methodological questions of comparison itself. In juxtaposing microfinance in our two fieldsites, we find that as credit proliferates globally, so do the comparative projects both of borrowers and lenders in the disparate worlds of Kolkata and Ciudad del Este. At the same time, these were constrained by the global financial comparisons between countries made by investors. Ethnographic methods are vital for understanding how microfinance becomes part of a wider repertoire of financial strategies used by women while simultaneously offering the grounds for women to undertake their own acts of comparison.  相似文献   


This article explores practices of representation and role stabilization in an emerging innovation ecosystem in Beirut, Lebanon. With little local track record of software startup activity, any overt practices of venture or business process representation were of immediate utility. The two moments explored, a pitch session at a mentorship committee meeting and a startup founding competition, capture parts of the nascent topology of a venture development setting in the making. In both, pitches for software products were at the heart of the productive process, and this paper argues that these moments of performative representation were not surplus to the process of founding a startup, but rather are crucial productive elements in themselves. Early-stage software development consists of a constant oscillation between making and modeling. The interdependence of writing software code, stabilizing social platforms for work and industry development, and finding specialists who could relate these tasks was crucial to the development of this business ecosystem in Lebanon. It was a system in motion, built of code and confidence. The circulation of information crucial to decision making within a single project required distinct practices of publicity, which in turn required articulatory platforms.  相似文献   

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