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长期以来,在黄河防汛抢险的实践中,为取得防汛抢险的胜利,除发挥已有的工程防洪能力外,组建一支能打善战的防汛队伍是防汛工作中重要的一环。总结历史上防汛抢险成功的经验,重要的一条就是组建一支专业队伍和群众队伍相结合、实行军(警)民联防是关乎防汛抢险成败的关键。“河防在堤,守堤在人,有堤无人,与堤无同”。充分说明了抢险队伍的极端重要性。因此汛前组建一支能够召之即来,来之能战,战之能胜的防汛队伍,同时对其进行必要的抢险技能培训,使其能够掌握一定的防汛抢险技能,是其重要一环。  相似文献   

正防汛抢险的两训指:群防骨干队伍抢险技术培训和防汛行政首长防洪指挥培训。河南省武陟县防指在对沿河乡镇防汛培训时,将两训合二为一,并将课堂改在堤防险工上,进行了实体性讲解和操作式授课,从理论到实践,使抢险骨干和行政首长各知其所,取得了理想的效果。以往的防汛培训,只是通过口授和多媒体的形式对骨干队伍进行抢险技术培训和对行政首长防汛指挥培训。培训仅仅是理论性的讲解,没有经过实地操作,给人们留下的印象是老调子,没有新意,流于形式。抢险骨干也只知道出现险情后相应的抢险方案,而不清楚抢险方案  相似文献   

黄河下游防汛队伍是一支专群结合,军民联防的队伍。群众防汛队伍是黄河下游防汛工作的基础力量。根据行政区划,按一、二、三线组织。以民兵、乡镇企业的工人及青壮村民为基础,党团员为骨干,吸收和有防汛抢险经验的群众参加,组织基干班、防汛队。  相似文献   

防洪包括防洪规划、防洪建设和汛期的防汛抢险.这三个方面的每一点都应按科学办事,寻求正确的指导原则.回顾的长江防洪规划和防洪建设要求原则是根据长江洪水特性及洪水灾害成因总结出来的.指出了防汛抢险遵循的原则,提出了按此原则执行应采取的措施.  相似文献   

黄河下游防汛历来是中华民族治国安帮的大事,查险抢险是防汛抗洪工作的一个重要环节。今就黄河下游防汛抢险工作存在着的一些问题提出认识,供有关方面参考:  相似文献   

黄河大堤是防洪工程体系的重要组成部分,也是运输防汛抢险物资的重要交通道路。通过近年来的黄河下游堤防道路工程建设运用,为黄河防汛抢险、工程管理、地方交通及经济建设等方面起到很好的便利和促进作用。但是,随着修建时间的延长,堤顶道路不同程度出现了裂缝、坑槽、推移和啃边等问题,给黄河防汛车辆通行和当地人民群众生产生活造成极大不便,从而影响了工程正常运行。  相似文献   

在黄河治理劳动者队伍中,技术工人占职工总数的60%,达到15000余人,广泛分布于黄河防汛抢险、工程施工、水文勘测、水土保持等工作岗位和生产第一线,是黄河治理的中坚力量。他们在高难度的防洪抢险,工程施工,复杂设备的调整和维修,生产技术难题的分析与解决,事故隐患的防止和解决等方面,起到了一般工程技术人员  相似文献   

黄河系统自1988年起,先后在黄河下游组建了十几个专业机动抢险队,他们承担着黄河下游各种险情的抢护,对黄河防洪减灾起着重要的作用。在硬件建设上,配备了比较先进的挖掘、装载、运输等机械设备,一改过去人工抢险效率低、速度慢的特点。几年来,在黄河防汛抢险行动中,专业机动抢险队以其行动迅速、抢险效率高而发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

黄河大堤不仅是防御洪水的钢铁长城,也是防洪抢险的专用道路。以沿河粉质轻亚粘士铺筑的堤顶路面,遇上雨雪天气道路泥泞,无法正常通行,给防洪抢险造成不便。为适应黄河防汛抢险需要,方便堤防工程管理,促进黄河两岸国民经济发展,经上级批准,濮阳市河务局堤防顶面按三级公路标准进行路面建设,现将堤顶路面硬化有关问题,即工程施工中影响工程质量的因素浅析如下:  相似文献   

5月24日,2009年黄河防汛抗旱工作会议在泉城济南召开,会议要求认真贯彻落实2009年国家防总全体会议和全国防汛抗旱工作会议精神,坚持统一指挥、统一调度、团结协作的工作原则,重点抓好监测预警、指挥决策、抢险调度等关键环节,全力以赴做好今年黄河流域防汛抗旱工作。  相似文献   

中国男排在第十届世界杯比赛的失利,引起了国内各界的广泛关注.通过对参加比赛的11支世界强队与中国队比赛得分情况的统计分析得出:中国队在主要得分环节上的得分能力低于其他世界强队;接发球进攻总成功率和前排3个位置成功率低于其他参赛队,尤其是4号位强攻差距最大;防守反击总成功率也低于其他参赛队,但3号位成功率却高于其他参赛队;拦网的总成功率在3个位置上的成功率均低于其他参赛队,主要表现在被打手出界球过多,拦网运动员触网也较多;发球方面,中国队破攻球稍多于其他参赛队,一般球多于其他参赛队,而直接得分少于其他参赛队,其他参赛队发球得分虽多,但失误也较多.  相似文献   

Effective and efficient teams communicate, collaborate, and perform, even if these teams are not co‐located. Although much is known about enabling effectiveness on face‐to‐face teams, considerably less is known about similarly enabling effectiveness on virtual teams. Yet the use of virtual teams is common and will likely become more commonplace as organizations continue to update and use increasingly sophisticated technology. Cohort and individual trust between team members is a significant component on most effective teams, virtual or face‐to‐face. This paper examines research on virtual teams and trust across disciplines, including management, e‐learning, business communication, decision making, human resource management, psychology, and IT, to identify major characteristics that increase our knowledge of how to establish and maintain trust in the virtual environment and on virtual teams.  相似文献   

The problem of assigning students to teams can be described as maximising their profiles diversity within teams while minimising the differences among teams. This problem is commonly known as the maximally diverse grouping problem and it is usually formulated as maximising the sum of the pairwise distances among students within teams. We propose an alternative algorithm in which the within group heterogeneity is measured by the attributes' variance instead of by the sum of distances between group members. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by means of two real data sets and the results suggest that it induces better solutions according to two independent evaluation criteria, the Davies–Bouldin index and the number of dominated teams. In conclusion, the results show that it is more adequate to use the attributes' variance to measure the heterogeneity of profiles within the teams and the homogeneity among teams.  相似文献   

加强团队建设是高校逐步用"校—院—所"体制取代传统意义上的"校-系-教研室"制度以后的一个必然选择。高校团队建设不仅是指科研学术团队建设,理应包括教学团队建设、科研团队建设和管理团队建设等。恰当运用管理科学中团队建设的原理和方法,打造高水平的教学、科研、管理团队,对于高校二级学院具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

文章在探讨虚拟学习团队概念的基础上,指出软件项目开发的相关课程的课堂外建立虚拟学习团队拓展课堂教学的可行性和必要性,并在此基础上提出了构建虚拟学习团队的一般策略。  相似文献   

高校学生工作队伍依赖社会发展的资源结构的变迁必然会引发管理方式的变革。本文提出高校学生工作队伍标杆学习的内涵、作用,结合目前国内企业引进国外先进标杆学习的优秀实践模式,描述了高校学生工作队伍标杆学习流程,旨在提升高校学生工作队伍核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a curriculum project in which principles of instructional design are integrated with real-world experiences in a corporate environment. Working in design teams, graduate students served as instructional developers in a corporate environment. The course instructor acted as project leader. Initially, both the client organization and design teams expressed confusion concerning their roles in relation to the course instructor. Design teams initially used technical language not readily understood by the client. The lack of guidance in instructional models on the development of appropriate instructional strategies was noted by all teams. Design teams concluded that knowledge of instructional design principles is a necessary but not sufficient preparation for professional activity as instructional developers. By the end of the three-month project, both the client organization and the design teams expressed strong satisfaction with the process and the outcome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article discusses the multidisciplinary Child Fatality Review process in the US, Canada, and Australia, including common patterns, unique programs, changes over time, impact on multiagency systems, and future directions. METHOD: An open-ended survey was shared with teams listed in the directories of the Los Angeles County Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect National Center on Child Fatality Review (ICAN-NCFR). Responses were received from 58 state and local Child Fatality Review teams. RESULTS: Teams exist in all 50 states, Washington, DC, most Canadian provinces, and New South Wales, Australia. Team structure varies but generally includes a similar core membership, and most teams select cases from coroner/medical examiner or vital statistics records through established protocols. While most case review is conducted by local teams, state teams may review cases because of small size or sparse population or choose to review specific types of cases (e.g., Child Protective Services). State teams often support local review through training, resources, policy development, and political assistance. An increasing number of teams collect data and issue reports, often published on the internet, allowing teams to share resources. CONCLUSIONS: Teams have matured with time, often broadening their intake spectrum, membership and data collection, and developing and following through with case management or systems change recommendations. Teams continue to improve multiagency interaction and are committed to the prevention of child injury and death. The number of teams, as well as their scope and expertise, continues to increase, developing into a national/international system.  相似文献   

文章通过对我国高校运动队在管理过程中存在的问题及管理现状进行分析与探讨,提出了相应的训练组织管理方法,旨在为提高普通高校运动队的运动竞技水平,为提高普通高校运动队的管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate team learning in the context of teacher teams in higher vocational education. As teacher teams often do not meet all criteria included in theoretical team definitions, the construct team entitativity was introduced. Defined as the degree to which a group of individuals possesses the quality of being a team, this makes it possible to extend team learning research from strict teams-in-theory to various types of teams-in-practice, including teacher teams. The team learning beliefs and behaviours model, including team entitativity, was applied to teacher teams, assessing whether it still stands in these non-strict teams. Data were collected from 105 teams and analysed using multilevel analysis. Results showed that team entitativity, psychological safety and group potency were related to the occurrence of team learning. The latter appeared to be significantly related to team effectiveness, and the formation of mutually shared cognition was found to be a mediating variable in this relationship.  相似文献   

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