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The validity of the SAT as an admissions criterion for Latinos and Asian Americans who are not native English speakers was examined. The analyses, based on 1997 and 1998 UCSB freshmen, focused on the effectiveness of SAT scores and high school grade-point average (HSGPA) in predicting college freshman grade-point average (FGPA). When regression equations were estimated based on all students combined, some systematic prediction errors occurred. For language minorities, using only high school grades as a predictor led to predicted FGPAs that tended to exceed actual FGPAs, particularly for Latinos. Including SAT scores in the equation notably reduced prediction bias. Further analyses showed that, while HSGPA had the highest correlation with FGPA for most groups, SAT verbal score was the strongest predictor of FGPA for language minorities in 1998. An overriding conclusion is that combining data across language groups can obscure important test validity information.  相似文献   

2014年出台的高考改革方案在诸多方面发生重大变化,备受各方关注,其具体措施在解决既有问题的同时,也带来了新的问题。美国的SAT(学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)的简称,下同。)与我国高考性质相似,它的一些理念、经验、技术可供我们参考。理念上,SAT强调以人为本、关注未来;方法上,SAT保持考试内容与课程的适当联系、加强对现场材料的分析以应对"背模板"、题目设置情境化、通过高校指定必考科目解决某些科目过冷过热;技术上,SAT命题过程专业、计分方式科学、分数报告详尽。  相似文献   

Previous research has established that SAT scores and high school grade point average (HSGPA) differ in their predictive power and in the size of mean differences across racial/ethnic groups. However, the SAT is scaled nationally across all test takers while HSGPA is scaled locally within a school. In this study, the researchers propose that this difference in how SAT scores and HSGPA are scaled partially explains differences in validity and subgroup differences. Using a large data set consisting of 170,390 students each of whom matriculated at one of 114 separate colleges, the researchers find that awarding SAT scores by ranking SAT within a high school generally results in substantial reduction in the size of subgroup mean differences for this predictor. However, validity for predicting first‐year GPA is also reduced by a small amount. Conversely, placing HSGPA onto a nationally normed metric through the use of multiple regression procedures results in a moderate increase in the size of subgroup mean differences, while also producing a small increase in validity. Taken together, these findings suggest that differences in predictor scaling can partially explain differences in the size of subgroup mean differences between HSGPA and SAT scores and have implications for predictive power.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the study is to assess the degree to which SAT scores, high-school GPA (HSGPA) and class rank predict success in college. Data collected from students enrolled in several sections of Principles of Economics at the University of South Carolina in 2000 and 2001 are used to study the relation between college GPA (the dependent variable) and high-school rank, HSGPA, and SAT scores (the key independent variables). We also investigate whether there are race–sex differences in the likelihood of success in college. Further, we study the degree to which students with varying backgrounds are likely to be eligible for statewide scholarships and to retain them after enrollment.  相似文献   

通过对美国大学入学考试SAT的百年发展历程简要回顾和分析,指出其从分科、论文式的知识性测验向综合性、标准化的基本能力测试发展,增加考试次数、为考生和大学招生录取提供多样化服务的发展趋势,对我国当前的高考制度改革的启示和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Over 2000 undergraduates for whom SAT scores were available completed the Student Orientations Survey (SOS) and the Rotter I-E Control Scale. F tests showed that high SAT-Verbal scores were associated with an Exploratory orientation to college, and low SAT-Verbal scores with a Preparatory outlook. Low SAT-Math scores were associated with three of the Preparatory scales, but also with three of the Exploratory scales of the SOS. In terms of SOS results, individuals with high-Verbal/low-Math scores tended to have an Exploratory orientation and individuals with low-Verbal/high-Math scores were more Preparatory in their outlook toward college. SAT pattern was not associated with Rotter I-E scores. The relationship between I-E scores and SOS scale scores indicated that inner control, as measured by the Rotter scale, does not appear to be synonymous with autonomy and a liking for self-direction. Suggestions for further research into the congruence of students' educational attitudes with institutional philosophies, departmental objectives, and the orientations of instructors were discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that a causal link exists between college rankings and subsequent admissions indicators. However, it is unclear how these effects vary across institutional type (i.e., national universities vs. liberal arts colleges) or whether these effects persist when controlling for other factors that affect admissions outcomes. Using admissions data for top-tier institutions from fall 1998 to fall 2005, we found that moving onto the front page of the U.S. News rankings provides a substantial boost in the following year’s admissions indicators for all institutions. In addition, the effect of moving up or down within the top tier has a strong impact on institutions ranked in the top 25, especially among national universities. In contrast, the admissions outcomes of liberal arts colleges—particularly those in the lower half of the top tier—were more strongly influenced by institutional prices. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Louisville, KY, November 2007.  相似文献   

自主招生考试制度是一个国家高等学校招生考试制度的重要组成部分。文章着重探讨日本国立、公立大学现行的自主招生考试制度,介绍了自主招生考试的形成背景、表现形式和特点,并说明各大学利用自主考试选拔学生的具体组织形式和录取方式,以期对我国大学招生考试制度改革提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that admissions tests retain the vast majority of their predictive power after controlling for socioeconomic status (SES), and that SES provides only a slight increment over SAT and high school grades (high school grade point average [HSGPA]) in predicting academic performance. To address the possibility that these overall analyses obscure differences by race/ethnicity or gender, we examine the role of SES in the test‒grade relationship for men and women as well as for various racial/ethnic subgroups within the United States. For each subgroup, the test‒grade relationship is only slightly diminished when controlling for SES. Further, SES is a substantially less powerful predictor of academic performance than both SAT and HSGPA. Among the indicators of SES (i.e., father's education, mother's education, and parental income), father's education appears to be strongest predictor of freshman grades across subgroups, with the exception of the Asian subgroup. In general, SES appears to behave similarly across subgroups in the prediction of freshman grades with SAT scores and HSGPA.  相似文献   

《原道》篇中"文"之道的三层含义揭示了民族文化的整体性和结构性。《人论》中"人是符号的动物"之思想诠释了民族文化符号多样性的事实。通过二者对"文化"阐述的比较发现,《原道》的"文"之道更能全面和深刻阐释民族文化和民族教育文化发展应有的价值观。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to use multivariate multilevel techniques to investigate whether it was possible to separate different dimensions in grades that relate to subject-matter achievement and to other factors. Data were derived from The Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database (GOLD), and the subjects were 99,070 ninth-grade students born in 1987. The analyses were based on subject grades and scores on national tests in Swedish, English, and mathematics. The results showed that, at both individual and school levels, the greatest part of the variance in grades was due to achievement in the different subject areas. At both levels, it was possible to identify a dimension that cut across the grades in all 3 subjects, which suggests that grading is influenced by factors other than achievement. One of the most interesting results concerns the relation between parental education and the common grade dimension at the school level.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that ‘failure’ is not a direct reflection of student knowledge. Using five years of New York State school-level data, we compare passing rates to raw-scores. We find, first, that when ‘cut scores’ are raised, more students fail even if raw scores are increasing. Second, increasing cut scores disproportionately fails more poor students than non-poor students, despite that poor students have the fastest rates of raw score improvement. Third, raised cut scores transform the smallest raw score gaps between high- and low-poverty schools into the largest passing gaps. Thus, while students in poor schools know more than they did previously, and although they have learned at superior rates, they are recast as the biggest ‘failures’ they have ever been.  相似文献   

随着统一招生制度暴露的问题越来越多,自主招生考试作为一种新的尝试开始越来越多地进入大众的视野。然而,这种理论上看似公平、合理的政策,在实际执行中却不断遭遇“公平尴尬”,其原因之一便是自主招生考试内容缺乏对城乡学生的整体考虑,从而导致农村学生在考试过程中处于不公平的地位。  相似文献   

高校教师的综合素质与大学生成长的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褚祝杰  陈伟 《文教资料》2005,1(22):21-23
教师是教育实施活动的主体,高校教师的综合素质时大学生的成长有着十分重要的影响。从高校教师的职业道德、教育观念、教学能力、知识系统、实践经验等方面对大学生的成长进行关联分析,有利于高校教师在教学过程中把握学生的成长规律,通过提高自身素质正确引导大学生健康成长。  相似文献   

大学生自尊的特点及培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了大学生自尊的定义,阐述了大学生自尊的特点,并以家庭和学校为视角提出了大学生自尊的培养措施,以期为提高大学生自尊水平、完善高校大学生心理健康教育提供一些可供借鉴的资料和依据。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的发展,越来越多的大学面临着教育资源的激烈竞争,作为大学竞争手段之一的大学形象被各所大学所重视。大学形象也日益成为有效的竞争手段,吸引优质生源和社会支持。大学形象是学生取得对学校认同感的首要因素,学校认同感是大学生情感认同的核心内容。学生对学校的认同会对其产生激励的作用,促进其成才,同时大学也能够以优质的学生质量提升大学形象。  相似文献   

上海高考改革的探索及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自恢复高考以来,上海的高考改革在科目与内容改革、高校自主招生改革以及构建多元的立交桥方面作出了许多重大的探索。在高等教育大众化和基础教育课程改革的背景下,从单纯考试向全面评价发展成为考试制度改革的方向。改革的关键是要科学地设计标准参照考试,合理处理和有效报道测量结果。上海将按标准参照考试的规范来设计高中学业水平考试,这一考试的推出必将使上海的考试制度改革向多元评价转变迈出重要的一步。  相似文献   

This phenomenological study presents 11 urban school counselors’ perceptions of their graduate education in school counseling in relation to their engagement in college readiness counseling with low‐income, 1st‐generation college‐bound students. Findings from 2 rounds of interviews suggest that intentional strategies to integrate postsecondary readiness and planning into counselor education curricula is necessary to efficiently prepare school counselors to promote college access and success for at‐risk youth, thereby reducing the inequities that currently exist in postsecondary degree attainment.  相似文献   

Situated in the context of the Advanced Placement curriculum reform in the sciences, this quantitative study validates selected elements of Desimone's (2009) conceptual framework on teacher professional development. Using national data sets with data from 133 336 students and 7434 teachers, multi-level structural equation models indicate that professional development participation and contextual school- and teacher-level factors influence teachers' classroom practices. In turn, aspects of instructional enactments characteristics are significantly, but very weakly, associated with student performance. Thus, this study reinforces calls to provide teachers opportunities for high-quality professional development and suggests to advance research that identifies effective instructional practices.  相似文献   

以教师为主体的师生互动,和宽容的管理策略下,大大提高了学生的爱护意识,这一切赢在宽容下的学生响应上。  相似文献   

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