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In this study, the benefits of multisensory structured language (MSL) instruction in Spanish were examined. Participants were students in high-school-level Spanish attending girls’ preparatory schools. Of the 55 participants, 39 qualified as at-risk for foreign language learning difficulties and 16 were deemed not-at-risk. The at-risk students were assigned to one of three conditions: (1) MSL—multisensory Spanish instruction in self-contained classrooms (n=14); (2) SC—traditional Spanish instruction provided in self-contained classrooms (n=11); and (3) NSC—traditional Spanish instruction in regular (not self-contained) Spanish classes (n=14). Not-at-risk students (n=16) received traditional Spanish instruction in regular classes similar to the instruction provided to the NSC group. All three at-risk groups made significant gains over time on some native language skills regardless of teaching method. The MSL group also made significant gains on a foreign language aptitude measure. The MSL group and the not-at-risk group made greater gains than the two other at-risk groups on foreign language aptitude and native language measures of reading comprehension, word recognition, and pseudoword reading. Although most at-risk learners achieved an “expected” level of foreign language proficiency after two years of instruction, significant group differences were found. On measures of oral and written foreign language proficiency, the MSL and not-at-risk groups scored significantly higher than the at-risk groups instructed using traditional methods. After two years of Spanish instruction, no differences in foreign language proficiency were found between the MSL group and the not-at-risk group.  相似文献   

数学语言可归结为文字语言、符号语言、图形语言三类,是数学思维的载体。数学教学也就是数学语言的教学,如何提高学生数学语言能力,是数学教学改革的一个重要课题。可以通过有意识加强数学语言的互译、加强数学交流、规范地使用数学语言等策略,培养学生的数学语言能力。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断提高,越来越多的语文老师把它应用到课堂教学中来,因为它可以成功地创设出轻松、愉悦的课堂气氛,充分调动学生的积极性,有效地提高课堂效率。但是信息技术的使用也出现了某些误区。此文就从信息技术使用的误区谈起,主要阐述如何有效地运用信息技术来提高语文课堂教学的质量,让信息技术成为最有效的教学辅助手段之一。  相似文献   

语言态度是语言与社会密切关系的印证,是研究语言发展状况、社会心理结构的一个观察点。在对外汉语事业蓬勃发展的今天,对语言态度的考察是很有应用价值的。泰国是汉语推广的一个成功范例,文章针对清迈中学生的语言态度进行调查分析,希望对汉语教学提出一点有价值的结论。  相似文献   

在新课改中,学生角色的转换比教师角色的转换更重要。因为一切教育教学的目标,都必须以学生的发展为最终目标,都必须以学生为本。离开了学生这个主体,一切教育教学行为都无从谈起。  相似文献   

文章从语文界对“语文”概念的不同理解入手 ,分析了出现分歧的原因 ,但并不是要重新界定语文的概念 ,而是进而关注“语文”本身出现的问题 ,提出了“语文”分科教学的主张 ,为语文教材的改革提出了新的思路  相似文献   

Research findings suggest that most students who have foreign language learning problems have language-based difficulties and, in particular, phonological processing problems. Authors of the present study examined pre- and posttest scores on native language and foreign language aptitude tests of three groups of at-risk high school students enrolled in special, self-contained sections of first-year Spanish. Two groups were instructed using a multisensory structured language (MSL) approach. One of the groups was taught in both English and Spanish (MSL/ES), the other only in Spanish (MSL/S). The third group (NO-MSL) was instructed using more traditional second language teaching methodologies. Significant gains were made by the MSL-ES group on measures of native language phonology, vocabulary, and verbal memory and on a test of foreign language aptitude; the MSL/S group made significant gains on the test of foreign language aptitude. No significant gains on the native language or foreign language aptitude measures were made by the NO-MSL group. Implications for foreign language classroom instruction of at-risk students are discussed.  相似文献   

In an attempt to accelerate the development of formal operations in average young adolescents, intervention lessons relating to all formal schemata were designed in the context of school science courses. Over a period of two years, up to 30 intervention lessons were given by science teachers to their classes in eight schools. Boys who started the program aged 12+ showed a pre-posttest effect size on Piagetian tests of 0.89 SD compared with control classes. In terms of British norms for the development of operational thinking this was a mean change from the 51st to the 74th percentile. Neither the middle school students nor the 12+ girls showed greater gain than the controls. Gains were shown by girls in one 11+ class and in the two 11+ laboratory classes. In the laboratory school students given intervention lessons by the researchers maintained their gains over controls in formal operations at a delayed posttest one year after cessation of the program. There was no effect on tests of science achievement during the intervention. It was argued that the interventions needed to be accompanied by in-service training designed to enable teachers to change their teaching style in line with their students' increased operational thinking capacity.  相似文献   

曹雁 《化学教学》2021,(1):35-41
对于当代学生而言,在化学学习上需要更多体验、尝试和探究创新的机会,但是相较于进一步提升化学学科学习能力而言,更应当注重学生科学态度、社会责任和问题解决等方面能力的发展,因此需要对初中化学校本课程的实施方式重新进行整体性设计,包括组织结构、课程内容、教学方法和评价方式等方面.初中化学校本课程应当注重化学启蒙教育,建立化学...  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relative effectiveness of a curriculum that incorporated three empirically derived principles of curriculum design with a basal approach in teaching basic fractions concepts to students with learning disabilities and other low performing students in high school remedial math classes. The components of effective mathematics instruction articulated by Good and Grouws (1979) were implemented in both conditions. Thus, the curriculum design variables were isolated by keeping all other aspects of instruction constant. Results indicated that, although both programs were reasonably successful in teaching the material, the curriculum program utilizing sophisticated principles of curriculum design was significantly more effective. Mean scores on a curriculum-referenced test were 96.5% for that group and 82.3% for the basal group. Secondary analyses of item clusters revealed that areas of weakness in the performance of the basal group could be directly linked to hypothesized flaws in its curriculum design.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether high school leadership activities play an important role in explaining the Hispanic college-completion gap. The analysis in this paper considers the role that English language fluency plays in a Hispanic student's leadership probability and in the student's future educational success. The main results in this paper are: first, after controlling for demographic and school characteristics, there are no major differences in high school leadership activities between Hispanics and non-Hispanics; second, high school leadership activities predict higher college attendance rates for all demographic groups; and third, high school leadership activities predict a higher probability of attaining a college degree among Hispanic students whose first language is not English. Importantly, this relationship is stronger among students whose first post-secondary institution is a 2-year college.  相似文献   

数学语言转换在数学概念学习以及问题解决中发挥着重要作用.本文结合例题对高中阶段运用的数学语言转换进行分析,提出了高中生数学语言转化能力的培养策略.  相似文献   

从物理学科特点和自我物理教学实践入手,运用教育学和心理学知识,从7个方面分析新课程背景下高中学生学习物理存在的障碍.  相似文献   

听力居于听、说、读、写的首位,在语言学习中占重要地位。因此,激发学习兴趣,加强听音辨音能力,帮助学生领会要点,培养推理能力,是提高听力的有效方法。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革在改革课程结构方面有了重大的突破,提出了综合课程这一新的课程形态.新生事物的发展必然不会一帆风顺,综合课程在其发展过程中遭遇了理论研究与实践应用两方面的困境,但这并不是不可逾越的鸿沟,而是新生事物向前迈进的必经之路,只要经过适当的调适,提出相应对策,它反而会成为综合课程前进的动力之源.  相似文献   

课题采用自编中学生问题行为自评量表对中学生的问题行为进行调查,结果表明:(1)课题组编制的中学生问题行为自评量表,经信效度检验,具有较好的有效性与可靠性。(2)问题行为的总体检出率为36.5%,中学生的问题行为存在学校类型差异、年级差异、性别差异、家庭类型差异、不同学习成绩差异及地区差异,各类差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

职业中学数学课程教学改革和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合作者自身教学体会,通过分析职业中学数学教学现状,从五个方面提出教学改革措施。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,开发智能、共享的网络教学平台是网络教育应用的一个重要课题.基于Ontolo-gy技术,以高中信息技术课程为背景,构建信息技术课程目标Ontology,并以构建的Ontology为基础建立辅助教学系统,用于指导教学和学习,并为开发有效的辅助教学平台提供范例.  相似文献   

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