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随着实务中契约需求的变化,契约治理面临很多新的挑战。贯通经济学等学科相关理论的发展,本文系统地梳理了契约治理的理论分析框架,勾勒其演进逻辑,结合行为经济学理论,建构适用于当下契约治理需求的理论分析框架。  相似文献   

本文从现代管理学激励理论的角度,以企业股票期权激励为例,梳理了股票期权激励的发展,这对我国企业实践股票期权激励有着重大的现实意义。随着企业管理制度的逐渐成熟,越来越来多的企业采取股票期权激励的方法,这也是解决现代公司委托--代理矛盾的有效手段。  相似文献   

随着高校志愿服务队伍的壮大,高校志愿服务组织的管理和发展暴露出了一些问题,也出现了诸多困难,必须加强组织引导,促进相互合作,推动协调发展。将激励理论引入到高校志愿者管理中,立足于高校志愿服务领域,对高校学生志愿者管理机制的本质及可行性分析进行研究,找出大学生志愿者管理存在的核心问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的激励策略,有利于促进大学生志愿服务的健康发展。  相似文献   

激励理论在现代领导活动中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早在 20世纪中叶,国外管理心理学家、行为科学专家就比较重视对激励理论的研究。近 10年来,国外有些学者认为,沟通、协调和激励,是领导者的主要领导活动。其中的激励作为心理学的一个术语,指的是激发人的动机的心理过程。在现代领导实践中,领导者激励下属的主要途径有:一是改善认知,指导人的行为;二是端正动机,影响人的行为;三是满足(合理)需要,激发人的行为;四是设置目标,引导人的行为;五是及时反馈,强化人的行为。实践表明,下属受激励程度愈高,就会愈加努力地工作,成绩就会愈大;反之,工作积极性就会下降,其成绩也…  相似文献   

基于激励理论的“奖励旅游”激励效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奖励旅游20世纪30年代起源于美国,然后逐步扩展到全世界范围,欧美很多国家企业的奖励资金都是以旅游方式支付的,诸多国际知名企业更是不惜重金打造自己的奖励旅游计划。但是我国奖励旅游市场尚处于初级阶段,无论是企业,旅行社还是目的地政府都没有完全的理解接受并利用奖励旅游。本文旨在根据激励理论论述"奖励旅游"的激励性,为企业澄清奖励旅游的概念和本质,使企业能够认识到"奖励旅游"不同于传统的"福利旅游",而是一种重要的员工激励手段。  相似文献   

教师激励对教育教学工作具有指导、动力作用.借鉴和运用激励理论的成果对有效实施教师激励具有重要意义.本文试在概述教师激励的基本内涵的基础上,探讨教师激励的相关理论及对教师激励的启发.  相似文献   

现代激励效用理论与高职教师管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史征 《职教论坛》2002,(11):36-37
我国高职院校大多数是从中职或成人高校发展而来,其教师素质与教育管理离高等学校的要求还有较大的差距,这种现象与目前教育的大变革对高职的新要求形成强烈反差。作为教育管理人员必须以科学的激励理论为指导,认真研究教师的心理活动特征,充分挖掘并尽可能满足教师的内心需要,提高教师的心理满足程度,调动教师的工作积极性,不断提升教育管理水平。一、现代激励效用理论的基本观点1、经济学中将效用定义为消费者消费商品时得到的满足程度。同样,高职教师在工作中也存在着满足问题,高职教师在工作中获得的工资、奖金、晋升、表扬以…  相似文献   

作为经济学发展的前沿之一,建立在理性人假设基础之上的合约激励理论在近年来开始将一些行为心理因素引入标准委托-代理分析框架,设计非对称信息下的激励合约,逐渐形成了基于社会偏好的行为合约激励理论。公平偏好作为重要的社会偏好之一,被博弈实验证据反复证明具有重要的经济学意义,而基于公平偏好的激励合约对于实际合约亦具有更强的解释力和指导意义,从而在很大程度上补充和修正了经典合约激励理论。  相似文献   

为了获知如何按照组织设定的责任去激励员工履行职责,工作激励越来越成为人力资源管理理论研究和实践所关注的重要课题。本文从激励的定义、激励的需求理论、激励的过程理论、激励的行为取向、激励理论的整合几个研究角度总结归纳并讨论,进而促进更深入的研究、应用和发展。  相似文献   

项目管理是一项较为抽象的行为软科学,不存在固定的模式和“放之四海而皆准”的方式方法。文章主要选择“目标激励”和“满足激励”两种激励方法。探索有效的激励理论和激励方法在工程项目管理中的运用。认为:施工项目经理应把项目实施总任务转化为项目实施总目标,并采取有效的措施使每一个项目实施人员都明确其在该项目上的子目标。以便度时地自我调整和控制。同时,施工项目经理还应多与员工沟通,了解员工的需要,并根据不同层次的需要而采取灵活多变的激励方式。  相似文献   

This study aims to integrate the current proliferation of motivation theories in a Unified Model of Task-specific Motivation (UMTM). According to this model readiness for action results from an interaction between four relatively independent types of valences that can be classified as affective or cognitive, and positive or negative. Affective valences are expectations about feelings while doing an activity; cognitive valences are expectations about the value of the consequences of an activity. In current theories these types of valences are designated as intrinsic, respectively extrinsic motives. Valences, furthermore, can be positive, but also negative. Positive valences give rise to approach motivation, negative valences to avoidance motivation. Important factors that influence valences are autonomy, feasibility expectation, and relatedness, each of which can be distinguished in a personal and a contextual facet, and subjective norm. In conclusion, some theoretical and practical implications are suggested and some issues for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

《民办教育促进法》的颁布是中国民办高等教育吏的里程碑.民办普通高校如雨后春笋不断涌现,在基础型、应用型人才的培养上发挥了不可替代的作用,也为教育领域增添了新动力.然而新生的高校自身有着不可避免的弱势,高效管理是不可或缺的.应用好激励理论,对教师队伍进行良好的管理,激发其工作积极性,对民办高校的发展有着极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

This study explored the reasons people choose physical education teaching as a profession and investigated the relationship of these choices with motivation. Physical education pre-service teachers (n = 324) completed the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) and a measure of reasons for choosing physical education teaching. Confident interpersonal service reasons were linked with intrinsic motivation; whereas sport and physical activity reasons were related to extrinsic motivation. Enrolling because teaching seemed easy was linked with amotivation. Motivation was similar for different course entry methods, however, females were more intrinsically motivated than males and third year students were lower in motivation than other year levels.  相似文献   

高校对青年教师的投入、关心,很大程度地影响到教师的工作状态,最终影响学校发展目标的实现效果。因此,高校在青年教师队伍建设过程中,可以适当参照ERG理论,在充分关注教师基本的生存生活需要之外,更多的关心青年教师的成长需要、自尊需要等,对青年教师的工作积极性和创造力进行有效激励。  相似文献   

A goal of most environmental education is to motivate students toward environmentally friendly behaviour change. This article describes a study that elucidates how such motivation can be fostered in the classroom. It compared students’ development of environmental motivation in a conventional post-secondary environmental biology course and a similar course guided by self-determination theory (SDT). Students in the SDT-guided course experienced less amotivation after the course than students in the comparison section. This article presents a preliminary empirical examination of the utility of SDT in a formal environmental education setting.  相似文献   

针对目前国内设备维护管理的发展现状,提出采用健康维护的基本思想来实现设备的科学管理。论文探讨了设备的健康状态评价、健康维护策略等基本问题,阐述了健康维护与现代设备管理之间的联系,指明了设备管理的实质就是产品的质量管理,并强调分析了设备的选型、安装调试等前期管理。最后指出实施规范化的操作是最好的设备维护管理方式之一。  相似文献   

I consider Eccles et al.'s (1983) expectancy-value model of achievement performance and choice from a developmental perspective, by examining how recent research on the development of young children's competence beliefs, expectancies for success, subjective task values, and achievement goals can be incorporated into the model. The kinds of change in children's achievement beliefs considered include change in the factor structure of children's competence beliefs and values; change across age in the mean level of those constructs; and change in children's conceptions of ability beliefs and subjective values. I also discuss how achievement goals are conceptualized in this model, and how goals are conceived by other current motivation researchers. Changes in the nature of relations among competence beliefs, subjective task values, achievement goals, and achievement behaviors also are considered.  相似文献   

Online education has grown exponentially over the past two decades, in large part due to its promise of flexibility and connectivity for students. However, this approach to pedagogy has remained relatively unexamined in regard to issues of motivation and intellectual thriving. Using self-determination theory as a foundation, we assessed the degree to which course modality (namely online vs. face-to-face) led to psychological need satisfaction and quality motivation. Our survey of 240 (n = 240) college students confirmed previous research in which higher quality motivation predicted the satisfaction of autonomy, competence and relatedness, which in turn predicted course and instructor approval. However, in a series of matched-pairs t-tests, students reported lower levels of quality motivation, autonomy support, competence and relatedness in online courses than they did for face-to-face courses.  相似文献   

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