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我国绝大部分哲学教科书、工具书,包括对高学历人才影响很大的考研辅导资料郝将马克思在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》(以下简称《提纲》)中关于人的本质的论断作为人的本质的定义,并将这一定义简化为“人的本质是一切社会关系的总和”。这实际上是对马克思本意的误解,“人的本质是一切社会关系的总和”只是人的实践类本质在现实社会层面上的表现。而马克思论述过的实践本质才应成为社会主义人的本质观的着眼点。  相似文献   

邢继洪 《大观周刊》2012,(50):40-41
在我国理论法学界,关于法律与客观规律的关系存在两个基本观点:1、法律是客观规律的一部分,或说法律是人的行为规律;2、法律是对客观规律的反映。笔者认为,这两个观点都是错误的。因为,从哲学上讲,法律属于价值论中的规范领域,客观规律是属于本体论中的基本范畴,法律规范与客观规律有本质区别。反映是认识论中的范畴,它与价值论中的法律规范也有本质差别。而且,法律规范不一定都要符合客观规律,有的要尊重,有的要遏制。这是由于有的行为合规律也合目的,有的行为合规律但不合目的。  相似文献   

一、关于典型报道的哲学思考 按照马克思主义的观点,人的本质不是单个人所固有的抽象物,人在其现实性上是一切社会关系的总和.典型人物是其所处时代的经济、道德、文化孕育的结果.“一滴水能闪现太阳的光辉”,在典型人物身上,必然闪耀着时代精神的光芒. (一)尊重“人民群众是历史的创造者”是做好典型报道的出发点 社会发展的历史首先而且根本是生产发展的历史,而推动历史发展和进步的力量正是最广大的人民群众.我党历来就有“从群众中来,到群众中去”的优良传统,这也是新闻工作者发现典型、报道典型的重要渠道.  相似文献   

在重点反思实在论范式和价值论范式不足的基础上,文章提出实践论范式应成为当代图书馆学研究的范式选择.实在论范式强调客观的抽象本质,意义成为先于理解的存在,个性差异因不符合规律而遭到贬损和否定,从而也抑制了人的主观能动性,图书馆工作成为模具化的麻木的物化过程.价值论范式消解了规律,但也解构了意义的确定性,导致个体意识的张扬和共性原则的缺失,直接造成图书馆学的混乱和无序.实践论范式的哲学基础是马克思主义实践哲学,它把人类文化交往活动视为图书馆的宏大背景,关注每一个"我"的具体图书馆实践,同时又强调客体对象和他者主体对"我"的规约.由此,知识真理成为依附于特定实践对象和社会关系的存在,从而实现了对实在论范式和价值论范式的双重颠覆.  相似文献   

这里所谓选书是指图书馆根据藏书收集方针决定是否入藏某些图书。由于具体的图书馆千差万别,所以选书的标准也是各式各样的;然而还是有若干个着眼点作为最基本的标准,以及支配这些基本标准的原理。各个图书馆正是基于这些原理才能制定出自己的选择标准的。1、价值论和需要论 从历史上看,关于选书原则有两种截然不同的立场。一种以图书本身的价值为标准,一种  相似文献   

欧阳乾庆 《大观周刊》2012,(49):360-360,327
德国刑法学中结果无价值论与行为无价值论之争对我国刑法学的发展具有一定的启示意义。德国关于违法性的本质论争经过了一元结果无价值论,行为无价值论,一元行为无价值论,最终形成通说即折中二元论的过程,其和我国目前较为混乱的违法性本质之争显然具有很大的区别。借鉴德国违法性本质的发展历程可以得出:法益侵害是刑法不法理论的基础;结果无价值论和行为无价值论并非完全对立的;结合两者之间的长处,创立一种较为妥善的违法性本质理论是势之所趋。  相似文献   

对图书馆精神的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章回答了图书馆领域有没有图书馆精神、什么是图书馆精神以及图书馆精神的本质是什么等理论问题。作者认为图书馆精神是客观存在的,是支撑图书馆事业绵延不绝的精神力量。目前学术界关于图书馆精神研究的最大问题是本质缺失,而对象的确定是通达图书馆精神本质的合理视角和研究起点,图书馆精神的本质主要表现为主体对知识的虔诚信仰和对知识传播的勤勉笃行,历史和现实地成为了人类知识的使者和知识管理和传播事业的清教徒。  相似文献   

大数据引起哲学变革。本体论层面上,经历两次数字化加速,万物皆为数正在成为现实。认识论层面,唯理论与经验论统一于数据,相关性分析补充了传统因果分析,并在应对现实的"复杂"与"动态"上取得突破。价值论层面上,认识论与价值论统一于大众化和智能化。大数据似乎正在营造完美世界,但我们仍应保持反思,政府与社会,人文与道德应对资本与技术主导的大数据发挥制约。  相似文献   

本文通过分析图书馆的本质及地位,论述"服务"是图书馆的本质属性。通过回顾图书馆的历史,纵观图书馆的产生和发展,展望图书馆的未来,提出"服务"是图书馆存在的前提,是图书馆永恒的主旋律,是图书馆工作的出发点和归宿。  相似文献   

每个人都是社会关系之网上的一个网结。马克思断言:人的本质在其现实性上,是一切社会关系的总和。从这个意义上说,交往是人们的一个重要的社会活动。莎士比亚曾说过:“交不在多,得一人可胜百人;交不论久,得一日可逾千古。”此话不是说交少益善,而是说要真交、交真人。哈贝马斯把交往的核心要素  相似文献   

论图书馆人文精神   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周彤 《高校图书馆工作》2005,25(2):24-25,32
文章从图书馆员在人文精神中的定位、服务环境的人文化、读者需求人文化三个方面,探讨图书馆人文精神的实质以及人文精神对未来图书馆的影响。参考文献6。  相似文献   

Web2.0环境下的知识交流可以通过合作和链接这两种形式开展.Web2.0的主要特征是交互性,这正是知识交流的核心问题.论文探讨Web2.0与知识交流的关系主要从Web2.0环境下知识交流者之间的合作与链接关系出来,分别分析合作与知识交流、链接与知识交流的关系,最后分析Web2.0在知识交流中起到的重要作用,有利于进一步研究知识交流的模式和规律问题.  相似文献   

This study examined dialectical tensions faced by leaders of small task-oriented groups. Interviews with 10 male and 13 female group leaders revealed three major categories of internal dialectical tensions: group control by leader/by members, leader's focus on task-related/nontask-related concerns, and leader's focus on group process/outcome. Tensions were nonbinary; for example, task concerns contrasted with three different types of nontask concerns. Future research should investigate the relationship between group leader effectiveness and dialectical tension management, the relative importance of managing specific tensions, and the consistency of group leader/member perspectives.  相似文献   

辩证关系的激励与约束机制在高校科技查新机构的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高校查新工作的特殊性,阐述了激励与约束辩证关系在高校科技查新机构的应用的必要性、表现形式和原则。参考文献7。  相似文献   

从形式逻辑和辩证逻辑的视角出发,在分析它们对情报学中研究信息概念的指导意义的基础上,分别探讨了情报学中的分类理论、主题分析、信息检索和信息分析四个领域对信息的理解与运用。  相似文献   

The nonresidential parent plays a role in the lives of stepchildren and in stepfamily households. The focus of the present study was on the interaction between the nonresidential parent and his/her child who resides as part of a stepfamily household. Grounded in relational dialectics theory, the researchers performed an interpretive analysis of 50 transcribed interviews with college-aged stepchildren. Stepchildren's perceptions of communication with the nonresidential parent were animated by two contradictions: parenting/nonparenting and openness/closedness. These two contradictions form a totality, interwoven with one another. The parenting/nonparenting contradiction reflected stepchildren's ambivalence over parenting attempts of nonresidential parents. Stepchildren wanted nonresidential parent involvement and parenting, and at the same time they resisted it, often finding communication to be awkward and challenging. In addition, stepchildren wanted open and intimate communication with their nonresidential parents, yet they found openness to be problematic and managed these contradictory demands via segmentation. Implications of these findings are discussed, along with insights to guide professionals working with stepfamilies and adults co-parenting children to better understand and interact in ways that promote healthy stepfamilies.  相似文献   

This study examines how bereaved parents experience communicating with individuals in their social network. The bereaved parents in this study experienced two dialectical contradictions: (a) between the physical absence of their child and the continuing presence and emotional bond with their deceased child; and (b) between being open or closed when deciding whether to talk about the deceased child to others. Results describe how parents communicatively negotiated these contradictions. The article concludes by discussing practical applications for bereaved parents, bereavement support groups, helping professionals, and individuals within the bereaved parents' social network.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in bereaved parents' identities following the death of a child. The bereaved parents in this study experienced two dialectical contradictions of identity, which are: (a) a parent without a child to parent and (b) I'm an outsider-I'm an insider. Results describe how parents used communication to negotiate these contradictions of identity. Implications for the study of parental bereavement, communication, and identity are discussed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):460-479
Organizations and the relationships they create are rife with tensions that pull individual participants and whole organizations in opposing directions. When multiple organizations form relationships with one another these tensions may take on new forms and create new challenges for individual and organizational participants. This study utilized a focus-group methodology to explore how participants in collaborative interorganizational relationships (IORs) experience and cope communicatively with tensions. The data suggest that tensions exist across two areas: relationships and structures. We found that tensions in collaboration are common, acknowledged, and that the tensions manifest and are addressed through communication.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect that mood and message frame has on perceived threat, efficacy, attitude, intention and, ultimately, behavior regarding genital herpes information seeking. A 2 (message frame: negative/positive) X 2 (mood: happy/sad) independent groups experiment examining the interaction between mood and message framing was conducted. A two‐way interaction between mood and message framing on the dependent variable(s) was hypothesized such that persons in a sad mood will be more persuaded (as evidenced by heightened threat, efficacy, attitude, intention and behavior) by a negatively framed message given its mood congruent qualities. And, persons in a happy mood were posited to be more persuaded by a positively framed message given its mood congruent qualities. A main effect for mood was also proposed, given that sad persons are expected to pay closer attention to the message(s) overall. These data were partially consistent with the hypotheses. In the main, frame and mood elicited separate effects. Sadness is positively correlated with severity and susceptibility of genital herpes. Frame increases response efficacy. A path model articulating the relationships among all variables is proposed.  相似文献   

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