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该文论述了社会性游戏对视力残疾儿童发展的意义、视力残疾儿童的社会性游戏发展水平、影响视力残疾儿童社会性游戏的因素以及干预措施,分析了已有的研究成果和未来的研究方向,论证了在中国开展视力残疾儿童社会性游戏的相关研究的必要性.  相似文献   

幼儿园角色游戏中,教师的有效介入指导是提高教师指导角色游戏质量的有效途径.教师依据观察分析采取适宜的干预方式是游戏指导的策略,是解决“游戏儿童”现象的重要抓手.  相似文献   

武洁莉 《考试周刊》2012,(77):192-193
区域游戏是幼儿教育中一种有效的教育途径.在区域游戏中幼儿能够自我学习、自由成长。因此,幼儿教育应注重区域游戏这一教育形式。在区域游戏教育实践中,把握尊重幼儿的游戏权、支持幼儿游戏、给予其充分空间、进行隐性指导等原则和研究观察幼儿游戏、适宜介入和指导幼儿游戏等策略。通过适宜弹性化的区域设置和丰富层次化的材料投放,创设良好的区域游戏环境;通过正确介入游戏、适当给予帮助、科学进行评价,提供适宜的区域游戏指导。  相似文献   

李琴 《教学随笔》2016,(3):33-33
小班幼儿年龄小,生活经验少,所以扮演角色的能力不强,因此,游戏水平不是太高。那如何对小班幼儿进行指导来完成角色游戏,让幼儿在角色游戏中获得收获?有五个策略:策略一,幼儿生活经验的丰富。策略二,为幼儿提供的玩具材料要适宜。策略三,在游戏角色选择方面要随时帮助幼儿。策略四,角色游戏扮演过程中教师需要进行正确的指导。策略五,进行游戏评价的时候要保证有效性。  相似文献   

小班幼儿年龄小,生活经验少,所以扮演角色的能力不强,因此,游戏水平不是太高。那如何对小班幼儿进行指导来完成角色游戏,让幼儿在角色游戏中获得收获?有五个策略:策略一,幼儿生活经验的丰富。策略二,为幼儿提供的玩具材料要适宜。策略三,在游戏角色选择方面要随时帮助幼儿。策略四,角色游戏扮演过程中教师需要进行正确的指导。策略五,进行游戏评价的时候要保证有效性。  相似文献   

<正>观察是获得幼儿游戏中各种信息的主要途径,教师在游戏中观察能力涉及三方面:判断幼儿活动行为、恰当的记录方式、有效的观察策略等。通过观察,真正了解幼儿自身特点,了解每个幼儿的"最近发展区",根据幼儿行为、心理实施指导,教师及时给予启发性建议,同时为他们提供适宜的材料,满足他们的兴趣和需要,促进幼儿在游戏中全面发展。观察是教育质量的保证,是推进幼儿发展的根本,是了解孩子、跟进孩子的有力根据,让孩子在老师的观察陪伴过程中获得安全感与  相似文献   

区域游戏中的观察是为了真实准确地记录幼儿在游戏中的行为表现,了解、分析幼儿游戏现象背后的深层原因,为后续采取应对性的教育策略提供理论和事实依据。幼儿教师需要从实际出发,灵活运用多种适宜的观察策略来支持和优化区域游戏,主要包括:明确观察目的,跟踪观察;选择适宜方法,进行观察记录;整理观察资料,进行反思等。  相似文献   

顾煜 《教师》2024,(11):102-104
游戏是幼儿的主要活动形式。随着素质教育的深入实施,游戏化、生活化的课程理念逐渐深入人心,教师开始依托游戏为幼儿提供适宜的发展条件、环境与氛围,使幼儿能够通过自主、合作与探究的学习方式,获取有益于身心发展的知识与经验。为了促进幼儿游戏活动的提质增效,文章聚焦游戏日记,基于游戏日记特征分析其在幼儿游戏中应用的价值,并在问题导向、目标导向下,从创设主题情境、重视过程记录、创新记录方法等方面出发,探究了运用游戏日记赋能幼儿游戏质量提升的有效策略。  相似文献   

国外自闭症儿童游戏及游戏干预研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外关于自闭症儿童的游戏水平、游戏行为等方面的研究表明,自闭症儿童的游戏呈现水平低,象征性游戏少的特点,但自闭症儿童现有的游戏水平也可以为干预提供契机。自闭症儿童的游戏干预有两种取向:一是以应用行为分析、关键反应训练等为代表的行为主义取向游戏干预;二是以基于发展、个别差异和人际关系的模式、整合性游戏团体等为代表的发展取向的游戏干预。研究者在分析国外已有研究的基础上,进一步讨论了游戏干预中游戏的目的和作用、治疗关系的重要性及游戏干预的取向等问题。  相似文献   

近年来在指导幼儿园开展游戏活动中,我们将脑科学理念融入游戏的指导策略及玩具材料的开发之中,使游戏真正成为幼儿的基本活动和生活经验的主要来源,成为开发大脑潜能,促进幼儿认知、情感、社会性等方面发展的途径. 一、游戏是快乐的学习 现代心理学的研究表明:游戏是幼儿学习的自然方法,也是开发大脑潜能的契机,从脑科学理论分析,游戏就是全脑的活动,因为大脑只有在没有压力、适宜的刺激下,才能得到健康和谐的发展.因此,幼儿在寻求快乐的同时,那些有益的游戏会促进幼儿探究学习的欲望.他们学会了与同伴合作分享,学会了动手动脑、细心观察,做事严谨有序,提升了思维力、注意力、创造力、语言表达力等.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of ‘play’ within the conceptual framework of early education for intellectually disabled children, suggesting that early intervention programs and strategies may have transformed ‘play’ for these children into ‘work’.  相似文献   

Children with and without intellectual disabilities were observed playing with toys during both home‐based independent play and classroom‐based freeplay situations. Categorical and sequential play was analysed for within‐ and between‐group patterns. Within‐group patterns during classroom freeplay were similar for both groups. There were no significant differences among home‐based categorical play variables for children with intellectual disabilities; however, children without intellectual disabilities engaged in significantly more constructive play than other home‐based categorical play types. Between‐group analyses of home–classroom difference scores revealed greater variability in play for children with intellectual disabilities than children without intellectual disabilities. The analyses presented complement and extend extant work on contextually‐based variation of children’s toy play supporting a more positive ability profile for children with intellectual disabilities than that engendered by classroom‐based observations. Results have implications for (a) perceptions of and attitudes toward children with intellectual disabilities held by stakeholders, and (b) how intervention targets are determined.  相似文献   

A multiple case‐study design was used to explore the spontaneous play of three toddlers with disabilities as it emerged in the course of everyday activity in the home. Children were observed at home playing independently and with their mothers. Data consist of videotaped naturalistic observations in the children’s homes and mothers’ perspectives of their child’s play obtained in semi‐structured interviews. There was a great deal of similarity in the playful behaviour of toddlers and their mothers. Toddlers were active players throughout all daily routines and their play reflected their developmental level. Mothers actively supported their children’s initiative and engagement in play and they spoke of play as a highly valued behaviour. Some qualitative differences were noted in child and mother–child play, which seemed to relate to the nature of the child’s disability and developmental level. Further study of the play of young children with disabilities in naturalistic settings and ways that mothers and other caregivers value and support child play is recommended.  相似文献   

Current policy in relation to special needs prioritises early intervention and inclusive education, at least as 'good intentions' This article argues for a paradigmatic shift away from individualist models of learning and disability. The social context of play is emphasised as the crucial arena for realising such good intentions, as long as it is geared to responding to, and developing, the self-determination, control, and identity of young disabled children becoming disabled adults in a disabling society.  相似文献   

The patterns of cognitive play of 28 African-American and Euro-American preschool children with intellectual disabilities are reported. Fourteen children representing each group, matched on developmental age and family variables, were observed playing independently at home. Categorical and sequential play behaviors were coded from videotapes using a 15-second partial interval coding procedure. The pattern of African-American children's play was more reflective of their developmental age than the pattern of Euro-American children's play for their developmental age. Between group effects emerged for only 1 of 15 dependent variables included in the analyses: length of single scheme sequence. The results highlight children's strengths and challenge commonly held stereotypes. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pilot project (Project ASSIST) on early intervention of 40 disabled infants between the ages of 2 and 5 years. Its main objective was to look into the feasibility of integrating children with mild disabilities into mainstream preschool centres in Singapore. The intervention goals were related to the problems encountered by the children, their families and teachers. Professional staff such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and psychologists intervened through providing consultations to parents and teachers who were taught the intervention follow‐up. An evaluation conducted after 9 months of the program (a) showed high levels of peer and school personnel acceptance, (b) indicated that Project ASSIST was an important service to both children and their families, and (c) demonstrated the feasibility of integrating children with disabilities into mainstream preschool centres.  相似文献   

The patterns of cognitive play of 28 African-American and Euro-American preschool children with intellectual disabilities are reported. Fourteen children representing each group, matched on developmental age and family variables, were observed playing independently at home. Categorical and sequential play behaviors were coded from videotapes using a 15-second partial interval coding procedure. The pattern of African-American children's play was more reflective of their developmental age than the pattern of Euro-American children's play for their developmental age. Between group effects emerged for only 1 of 15 dependent variables included in the analyses: length of single scheme sequence. The results highlight children's strengths and challenge commonly held stereotypes. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

In his Keynote address, Dr. Kretchmar suggests that children who demonstrate an inability or unwillingness to play may have a ‘play disability,’ and thus offers interventions for remediation. In response, Oslin and Collier argue that due to cultural influences, it is more likely that physical educators are play disabled. Oslin and Collier share Kretchmar's sentiment that playing and valuing play is essential to becoming physically educated and living a fulfilling life. Recommendations are offered as a means of infusing play into PETE and physical education curriculums.  相似文献   

Play is a critical milestone that contributes to the learning and development of young children in multiple ways and is essential to their well-being. Play is also considered as a central component to promote school readiness and incorporates pre-literacy, language and numeracy skills. However, play deficits seem to be acutely apparent in some children with disabilities. This highlights the need to come to terms with the best evidence and explore the promising practices related to improved play skills for young children with disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of play-based learning in early childhood and early childhood special education and provide research-based recommendations on teaching play skills to young children with disabilities.  相似文献   

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