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小燕 《阅读》2005,(10)
★Enjoy Coca-Cola.请喝可口可乐。(可口可乐)★Tim e always follows m e.时间因我存在。(罗西尼手表)★Start Ahead.成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)★Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)难度系数:☆☆广告词的趣译@小燕  相似文献   

人生病了,要去医院看医生。那么在英语中,医生会怎样询问你的病情,你又该怎样回答呢?请看下面Tom和医生的对话:D押O h熏Tom熏W hat’s w rong w ith you芽(哦,汤姆,你怎么了?)T押W ell熏doctor熏I have a headache.(医生,我头疼。)D押H ow long has it been like this芽(这种情况有多久了?)T押M aybe since yesterday evening.(也许从昨天晚上开始。)D押Then how about your appetite芽(那你的食欲怎样?)T押I don’t have m uch appetite.(我没什么食欲。)W hat should I do熏doctor芽(医生,我该怎么办?)D押N ever m ind选Take it …  相似文献   

The Body     
1.Betty’s is curly and beautiful.2.John has no hair on his .3.Close your and m ake a wish.4.Santa’s are red.5.Stam p(跺 )your .6.She carried the box under her .7.D on’t shout in m y .8.Jim has som e candies(糖)in his 9.A crab(螃蟹 )has ten .10.Jack is carrying a bag on his 11.Sharks have sharp .12.M ary has a pretty .★本期“边 玩边 学”答 案:1.B (bee 蜜蜂)2.I (eye 眼睛)3.C (sea 海洋)4.P(pea 豌豆)5.T(tea 茶)6.Y (w hy 为什么)7.A B C8.I C U (I see you.我 看 见 你了。)9. A (Because it…  相似文献   

小朋友们,当你面对这么一大堆好吃的东西,想想用英语怎么说好吗?(当然多吃零食不利健康)活学活用,才是真正掌握哦!所以,当别人问你:A:W e had a Food Festival last week.B:Really?W hen was it?A:It was on the6th of Decem ber.B:W hat did you do?A:W e m ade and ate lots of food.W e m ade and drankjuice.B:W hat did you m ake?A:I did not m ake anything.But I ate and drank a lot.B:W hat did you eat and drink?A:I ate two ham burgers and som e chips.I drank som eorange juice,too.冷餐会$南京市长江路小学六(…  相似文献   

My Hobby     
钱靓 《阅读》2011,(10):45
Do you know the musical instrument of violin? Do you hear the voice of violin?A violin has four strings, it looks like a guitar.But do not mix it up with (和……混淆) a guitar. A guitar has  相似文献   

Do you like seofood?It is very delicious(美味)!The seofood is rich in mineral elements(富含矿物质).If you eat them often you'll be smarter and smarter(越来越聪明)!现代生活离不开广告,英语广告的翻译也是一门艺术,请欣赏下面一些我们非常熟悉的广告:★A diam ond lasts forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第必尔斯)★Connecting People.科技以人为本。(诺基亚)★Intel Inside.给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔奔腾)★Let’s m ake things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)★Com m unication unlim ited.沟通无极限。(摩托…  相似文献   

龚晖 《阅读》2005,(11)
★You need(需要准备):A piece of square paper★Do as shown(跟图学做):1.Fold the paper inalf.将纸对折。2.Fold it again.再对折。3.Fold the right cor-er down to the left.右上角向左下方折。4.Do it again on theack to form a doubleriangle.背面折法同,成双三角。5.Fold along theotted line toward theenter,and do it againn the back.沿虚线向中心线折,背!!!!!!!边玩边学面同。6.Fold toward the bottom(底部)and do it again on the back.向下压折,背面同。7.Fold toward the upper(上部)and do it again on the back.向…  相似文献   

阿娇 《阅读》2014,(47):45-46
<正>一、同学们,日常生活中你见过喜欢耍赖的人吗?让我们看看他们在不同场合是怎么找借口的。a.That doesn’t count(算数).We weren’t playing for real.b.Money has been really tight(紧的)lately...c.It’s not my fault(错).d.I didn’t see the sign(指示牌).e.It’s not my turn to...I didn’t know anything about it...  相似文献   

Think it over, what's the next?Think it over, what's the next? (1)移动火柴 1 (2) 50400, 7200, 900, 100, ? (3) 3 2 5 4 7 8 21 4 35 8 49 ? 3 Put the numbers (1 ̄9)into the circle and make the each line have the same sum (和). ? 5 If A ×B=6 (A-B),what are the minimum values (最小数值) of A and B? A= B=1.(1) (2)10 (3)16 2.16 3. 2 4 5 8 9 3 7 6 1 4. Peter has 1170 stamps. 5. A=3 B=2 How many rectangles can we find? 4 John has 955 stamps. He has 215 fewer (少) stamps than Peter. How many stam…  相似文献   

How to Ask Time     
下列五句是问时间的不同说法:1.Excuse m e,could you tell m e the righttim e,please?2.W hat tim e is it,please?3.W hat’s the tim e?4.H ow’s the enem y?5.Tim e?当然,问时间的说法还很多,远不止上述几种。但是,不同的场合,不同的对象,要采用不同的表达方式。任何场合都用同样的一个句型,会显得生硬和呆板,缺少文化内涵。例如,第一句用于家人之间就很可笑,用于并不熟悉的人之间才恰当。同样,第四句用来问一位严肃的长者并不合适,用来问老友或同事才适宜。有的小朋友会问,为什么把时间称为enem y(敌人)呢?这是与西方人的时间观、…  相似文献   

It is one warm spring morning, two men are walking past ( 擦肩而 过)each other on a road. One says to the other, “ Oh, you’ve changed a lot. You used to(过去) have brown hair and now it’s gray. Your face used to be red and now it’s pale. You were thin and now you are fat. I can’t believe that it’s you, Mr. Smith.” The other man says,“But I’m not Mr. Smith.” The first man says,“Well, you’ve changed your name, too! ” ★想一想: 那个男人到底是不 是 Mr. Smith 呢?You've Changed a …  相似文献   

小雨 《阅读》2007,(12)
256134(答案本期找)难度系数:★★★A cross(横向)2.It’s celebrated on D ecem鄄ber25th.5.It’s a child’s play thing.6.Santa rides in a.D ow n(纵向)1.The sam e as“presents”.2.Christm as songs ofjoy.3.Christm as and aH appy N ew Year.4.Santa fills it with presentsfor the children.santaiSlost!hanyouCelphimindfPiswaybacktotheNorthhole?ITSOCNK4AREYRM3TH SGIISTFG1ERHLY ACROLS62T5lezzupdrowsamtsirhCG本期“智力碰碰车”答案:圣诞节字谜会@小雨~~…  相似文献   

1There isa rectangle(长方you picture.Can形)in the two parts and cut it into)?m ake it a square(正方形It has five let-ters.It has six leftif you take twoletters away.W hatis it?Ittakes one cat twom inutesto eat onefish,then howlongdoes ittake tencats toeat tenfish?2The first letter is in“take”but not in“lake”.The sec-ond is in“thank”but not in“think”.The third is in both“fox”and“next”.The last one is notin“sheep”but in“ship”.W hat is it?It’s______.A.B IK E B.JE EPC.TA …  相似文献   

任存金 《阅读》2015,(14):38-39
Amy和Tony正在用英语打电话呢,我们一起来听一听吧。A:Hello,may I speak to Tony?T:Hello,I’m Tony.Who are you?A:Hello,I’m Amy.Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?T:I’d love to.A:See you tomorrow.T:See you.由于没有很好地掌握英语中关于打电话的相关用语,Amy和T ony犯了很多错误。为了不再犯A my和Tony类似的错误,下面就让我们一起来学习一些电话用语吧!常用的电话问候语有H ello/Hi,有时也根据时间来说Good  相似文献   

丁洁艳 《阅读》2006,(9):46-46
将全是元音字母的几组气球勾出来Aa Vv Oo Ff Cc Ll Yy Xx Pp按字母表的顺序给下列字母标上序号比较每组字母是否含有相同的音素1.BC2.AD3.FJ4.5.UQ6.OG7.IY8.根据发音,将26个字母分组★答案本期找难度系数:☆哎呀,还有落单啦!本期“边玩边学”答案: 1. 2 4 7 8 2. 1 8 5 3 2 4 10 9 6 7 3. 4. A(J K) E (B C D G P T V Z) U (W Q) I(Y) [e] ( F H L M N S X ) O 和 R 落单了。字母游戏@丁洁艳…  相似文献   

昕慧 《阅读》2023,(85):36-37
<正>Chester’s_____is scratchy when Chester licks my_____Chester’s whiskers tickle_____.They lightly brush my skin.Chester has the softest_____.It’s_____as it can be.Who does Chester_____the most?Me!Me!Me!(听一听,读一读,并将缺失的单词补充完整。)  相似文献   

阿兰 《阅读》2010,(1):78-78
有个谜语是“众鼠造反(猜一个英语单词)”,谜底是“star”。你看,把“rats”的字母顺序倒过来,不就是“star”了吗?英语中这种左看右看都有意义的单词不少。观举例如下:  相似文献   

众所周知,西方人喜好养狗.因此英语中也就出现了许多与狗有关的习语.今年适逢又是中国人农历的狗年.在狗年谈狗更有一番情趣.Dog一词来自古英语里的docga、请看它的用法和习惯表述.1.指人(preceded by an adj)fellow or chap;a man or boy regarded asunpleasaht or wretchcd:e.g.a bird dog 搜罗人材的人:招揽生意的人.a clever dor 聪明伶俐的人dirty dog 坏小子;下流坯:卑污之人.a dumb dog 沉默的人  相似文献   

同学们,“with”一词在英语中的用法可多啦!不信?你瞧!1.表示“有某特征”-Who’sthegirlwithbigeyes?-She’smysister.2.表示“随着,带着”-There’snotimeforbreakfast.-Icantakesomebreadwithme.3.表示“和某某一起”-Doyouwanttoplayfootballwithm-Ofcourse,Ido.4.表示“关于,对于”-What’swrongwithyou?-I’vegotanearache.5.表示“用某(工具、器具等)”-Touchyourheadwithyourhand-Allright.6.常见的with短语playwith玩耍某物Jimusuallyplayswithyo-yos.helpwith在某方面给予帮助ComeandhelpmewithmyEnglish.agreewith同意某人Iagreewithyou.angrywith对某人生气Don’tbeangrywithher.catchupwith赶上Youcancatchupwiththeotherstudents.同学们,看了以上的介绍,你掌握...  相似文献   

My Birthday     
周心愉  陈蕾 《阅读》2006,(11):45-45
Today is myeleventh birthday.I getupearly in the m orning.A fterbreakfast,seven classm atesofm ine com e to m y house.They are Qian Yuting,BoYum eng,Zou Y uxin...Theybring m any sm all presentsto m e.They are cards,abag,and m any school★指导教师:陈蕾things.I like these presents very m uch.W e share a big birthdaycake and play m any interesting gam es together in m y room.A llofus are very happy today.难度系数:☆☆My Birthday$苏州工业园区新城花园小学五(4)班@周心愉…  相似文献   

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