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在比较研究标本室标本,包括模式标本以及野外考察的基础上,确认Chaetoseris hispida Shih 与Ch. cyanea (D. Don) Shih为同种植物,并把前者作为后者的异名处理。  相似文献   

本文是对菊科莴苣属Lactuca L. 的分类订正, 文中起用了乳苣属Mulgedium Cass.和山   莴苣属Lagedium Sojak两个较老的属名, 建立了二个新属,即翅果菊属Ptrocypsela Shih与假   福王草属Paraprenathes Chang. 文末提供了莴苣属及邻近属以及东亚地区的有关种类的分属分种检索表。  相似文献   

 The Present paper is a preliminary result of study on three genera, Dubyaea, Syncalathium and Soroseris of the tribe Lactuceae (Compositae) in China. The genus Dubyaea in China so far known consists of 14 species,  of which six are described here as new:  D. pteroponda Shih,  D.  lanceolate Shih,  D. muliensis Shih, D. panduriformis Shih, D. cymiformis Shih and D. jinyangensis Shih. In addition, one new combination, i.e.D. bhotanica (Hutch.) Shih, is made.      There are six species in the genus Syncalathium in Chinese flora, of which one species is described here as new. This is S. orbiculariforme Shih. A new combina- tion, S. pilosum (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih, is made in the paper.      The genus Soroseris comprises nine species, of which three are described here as new, S. teres Shih, S. chrysocephala Shih and S. qinghaiensis Shih. Three new combinations, i.e.S. trichocarpa (Franch.) Shih, S. hirsuta (Anth.) Shih, and S.erysimoides (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih are made in the present paper.  相似文献   

指定了多裂紫菊Prenanthes henryi Dunn (=Notoseris henryi (Dunn) Shih)的后选模式。  相似文献   

After having examined all specimens of the genus Prenanthes L. of Compositae in the Herbarium of Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, I find that the classic concept on the genus Prenanthes established by G. Bentham in 1873 has not been held exactly by some of Euro- pean, American, Japanese and Chinese botanists. For example, W. B. Hemsley, S. T. Dunn, A. Franchet, S. Kitamura and C. C. Chang placed plants from China which belong to other groups into the genus; I also find that the classic concept of the genus is not clear.  The present paper makes a revision not only on the classic concept of the genus, but also on its concept assumed by the above-mentionded botanists.      With the combination of numerous (25-35), white or yellow ligular florets, numerous ribs of achenes, Prenanthes alba L. (Nabalus albus (L.) Shih, comb. nov.) is distinctly different from Prenanthes purpurea L., which has the combination of purple, few (5-15) ligular flo- rests and few ribs of achenes.  Nabalus Cass., as a genus established early (1825) by H. Cassini, should be restored.  It is not reasonable to treat Nabalus as a subgenus (E. B. Babcock et al. 1947) or a section (S. Kitamura, 1956) or as a synonym (G. Bentham, 1983) of the genus Preanathes L.       The present author recognizes seven species in the new revised genus  Prenanthes L.  in China, 4 of which are described as new.  In the genus Nabalus Cass.  only one species, N. ochroleuca Maxim., is distributed in Northeast China.       As Lactuca melanantha Franch. (1895), Prenanthes henryi Dunn (1903), P. glandulosa Dunn (1903), Lactuca triflora Hemsl. (1888) (it was transferred to Prenanthes L. by C. C. Chang in 1934), Prenanthes formosana Kitam. (1934) and P. wilsoni Chang (1934) all have campanulate involucres, purple phyllaries, purple dorsi-ventrally compressed achenes, longitu- dinal rids 6-9 on each side of achene truncate and beakless at its apex and pilose tubes of co- rollae, they should be placed neither into the genus Prenanthes with obtusely tri-or pentagonous, subterete achenes and glabrous tubes of corollae, nor into the genus Lactuca with beak achenes. Besides the above-mentioned species misnamed by some of foreign and Chinese botanists, 6 other species also have the same structure in achenes and corollae.  Evidently, they fall into a new genus with the name Notoseris Shih.       The new genus Notoseris Shih of the tribe Lactuceae of Compositae seems to be more re- miniscent of Lactuca L. than of Prenanthes L. emend.       All the 12 species of the genus Notoseris Shih are endemic to China and distributed in the area of south of Yantze River. Of them 6 are new combinations and 6 are described as new.  相似文献   

中国菊科千里光族八新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

论中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区乌头属植物地理分布特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
         本文对乌头属Aconitum L.植物分布区内各地区的分布作了分析,统计了各地区不     同等级分类群的频度,认为中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区是乌头属植物地理分布最大的频度中心、     多样性中心和特有种的分布中心。  文中还讨论了乌头属内的演化关系,以及本属与邻近属的     系统发育关系,发现在中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区既有许多原始类群,又有大量的进化类群,提出     了本亚区不但是本属植物原始类群的保存中心,而且是活跃的分化中心。产生上述结果的原因可能与喜马拉雅山脉的抬升以及本亚区复杂的自然条件有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

   在对广义的罗汉果属进行形态学、解剖学,孢粉学、细胞染色体数目和植物地理学研究的基础 上,进一步对该属作了分类学的修订。  主张将罗汉果属的三个亚属提升为三个属即自兼果属、小球瓜属和罗汉果属。  相似文献   

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