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文章论述维生素D的性质及其应用,并对存在的问题进行了一些浅谈,提出了一些意见。  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study reevaluated von Willebrand disease (vWD) diagnosis in a Croatian paediatric cohort by combining bleeding scores (BS), phenotypic laboratory testing, and next-generation sequencing (NGS).Materials and methodsA total of 25 children (11 males and 14 females, median age 10 years, from 2 to 17) previously diagnosed with vWD were included. BS were calculated using an online bleeding assessment tool. Phenotypic laboratory analyses included platelet count, platelet function analyser closure times, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), vWF gain-of-function mutant glycoprotein Ib binding activity (vWF:GPIbM), vWF collagen binding activity (vWF:CBA), factor VIII activity (FVIII:C) and multimeric analysis. Next-generation sequencing covered regions of both vWF and FVIII genes and was performed on MiSeq (Illumina, San Diego, USA).ResultsDisease-associated variants identified in 15 patients comprised 11 distinct heterozygous vWF gene variants in 13 patients and one novel FVIII gene variant (p.Glu2085Lys) in two male siblings. Four vWF variants were novel (p.Gln499Pro, p.Asp1277Tyr, p.Asp1277His, p.Lys1491Glu). Three patients without distinctive variants had vWF:GPIbM between 30 and 50%. Patients with identified vWF gene variants had statistically significant lower values of vWF:GPIbM (P = 0.002), vWF:Ag (P = 0.007), vWF:CBA (P < 0.001) and FVIII:C (P = 0.002), compared to those without. Correlations between BS and phenotypic laboratory test results were not statistically significant for either of the tests.ConclusionThe applied diagnostic approach confirmed the diagnosis of vWD in 13 patients and mild haemophilia A in two. Limited utility of BS in the paediatric population was evidenced.  相似文献   

IntroductionVitamin D testing is excessively used in clinical practice, despite of the clinical guidelines statements against population screening for vitamin D deficiency. This study aimed to assess an annual number of performed 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) tests that were unsupported by the national guidelines for prevention, detection and therapy of vitamin D deficiency in adults and to calculate associated financial burden for the publicly funded healthcare.Materials and methodsA representative sample of requested 25(OH)D tests in 2018 (N = 474) was formed after selection and randomisation of data set (N = 5298) collected from the laboratory information system database of the Clinical Department for Laboratory Diagnostics, the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka. Records were classified in two groups depending on associated medical condition(s) according to the national guidelines. An annual cost of the total and group specific vitamin D testing was calculated on the base of a single test price reimbursed by the Croatian Healthcare Insurance Fund (CHIF).ResultsMedical conditions with high-risk for vitamin D deficiency were detected in 43% (206/474) of vitamin D requests (group 1). Conditions not associated with vitamin D deficiency were detected in 57% (268/474) requests (group 2). A total cost of 25(OH)D testing for the CHIF was 58,729.50 EUR (25,523.79 EUR in the group 1 and 33,205.71 EUR in the group 2).ConclusionsMore than half of all 25(OH)D tests performed in the clinical laboratory represent avoidable cost for the public healthcare. Prevention of population screening by vitamin D testing is needed.  相似文献   

为全面评价粤港澳大湾区AI发展水平,本文在参考《国家创新能力评价指标体系》《国家创新型城市创新能力评价指标体系》《国家高新区创新能力评价指标体系》《企业创新能力评价指标体系》基础上,以《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》为指引,立足于粤港澳大湾区新一代AI发展特点,从城市、园区、企业、科研机构四个维度构建了AI评价指标体系。通过指标评估分析,总结了粤港澳大湾区AI发展现状及存在问题,从加强区域协同、推进重点载体建设、加强基础研究、探索开源系统、注重人才队伍培养等方面提出了针对性对策建议。  相似文献   

A number of policy proposals have recently been presented that seek to address the problem of declining productivity growth. Many of these are aimed at encouraging private R&D spending through tax incentives. This paper first reviews some of these proposals, then evaluates tax incentives per se as a policy tool for encouraging R&D growth, and finally offers suggestions for redesigning R&D related tax incentive policies.  相似文献   

本文针对网络评审条件下,如何使科技奖励评审专家快速了解科学技术进步奖评审项目的问题,进行了研究探讨和分析,并结合作者多年的科技成果奖励工作经验,提出了网络评审条件下,设计、编撰科学技术进步奖评审项目的电子版推荐书主要内容的方法。  相似文献   

曾永玲 《科技广场》2004,(11):71-72
本文介绍一种利用高压高阻测量仪的电压比率标准与数字多用表测量直流高压电源的校准方法。  相似文献   

传统的建模方法包括确定性建模和随机建模,但它们不能实现储层参数在时间维的预测。建立储层参数的四维模型能够揭示储层参数在四维空间的分布和演化规律,对剩余油的进一步挖潜具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在充分吸取已有两种储层四维建模方法优点的基础上,提出了一种建立储层四维模型的新方法:首先结合实验分析、生产动态等资料,来求取历史储层参数;接着利用人工神经网络方法,对历史储层参数进行学习与训练,总结出各井点储层参数随时间的演变规律,进而对未来的井点储层参数做出预测;然后建立起构造模型,应用随机模拟或克里金插值方法来预测井间的储层参数;最后应用三维数据场可视化技术,对各个开发时期的储层参数进行显示。通过该方法建立起江苏油田庄2断块E1f11-1小层含油饱和度的四维模型,结合生产动态数据分析,发现所建的四维模型较准确的反映了E1f11-1小层含油饱和度在三维空间的分布和演化规律。  相似文献   

In cooperation with Chuanshiyu Machinery Co., Ltd., researchers with the CAS Institute ofElectrical Engineering (IEE) have worked out a demonstration device that employs a novel approach to converting the energy harbored by sea waves into electricity.  相似文献   

科研团队绩效评估国内研究综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目前国内对科研团队绩效评估的研究重点在评估指标体系的构建上,但还未形成公认的评估指标系统,还需要根据不同评估需求者的需求特点、在考虑不同学科特点基础上作深入研究.  相似文献   



Studies about vitamin D [25(OH)D] stability in plasma are limited and preanalytical variables such as tube type may affect results. We aimed to evaluate effect of storage conditions, sample type and some preanalytical variables on vitamin D concentration.

Materials and methods:

Blood samples from 15 healthy subjects were centrifuged at different temperatures and stored under different conditions. Serum and plasma 25(OH)D difference, effect of centrifugation temperature and common storage conditions were investigated.


There was no difference between serum and plasma vitamin D concentration. Centrifugation temperature had no impact on vitamin D concentration. 25(OH)D is stable under common storage conditions: 4 hours at room temperature, 24 hours at 2–8 °C, 7 days at −20 °C, 3 months at −80 °C.


Vitamin D does not require any special storage conditions and refrigeration. Both serum and plasma can be used for measurement.  相似文献   

创新评估是指经过一段时期的相对稳定运行后对创新成果进行评价和总结的一系列活动,是促进主体内组织成员进行新一轮更高层次创新的又一起点.本文以企业的技术创新能力评价为案例,介绍了定性综合评价方法中较为常见的两种评价方法——层次分析法和模糊综合评价法在创新评估中的应用.在此基础上,初步探讨了构建以层次分析法和模糊综合评价法为蓝本的多层次模糊综合评价方法模型,以期为日后的相关工作提供参考.研究表明,定性综合评价方法在创新评估中具有较好的操作性和可行性,可以为今后创新评估工作提供有效支撑.  相似文献   

一种模糊多属性的群体评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在文[1]的基础上,提出了用模糊数加权距离平方最小的方法将专家对权重的评价值集成为明确的实数,然后,以集成的权重向量与模糊决策矩阵相乘的结果作为评价方案优劣的标准。分析表明该方法比文[1]提出的方法更可靠。最后,进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

政府资助的科技计划和科技项目是政府直接干预科技,使之成为实现国家目标的重要手段之一。党的十七大报告将"提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家"放在"促进国民经济又好又快发展"的首位,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》(2006—2020年)要求,在经济社会分析、技术预测和定期评估的基础上,建立纲要实施的动态调整机制。文章试图用科学发展观思考"监测评估什么、怎么监测评估、监测评估依靠谁、监测评估为了什么"等方面的问题,并根据新时期科技新方针的要求,提出有关科技计划和科技项目监测评估的建议。  相似文献   

对北美、欧洲及大洋洲等一些国家评估协会以及欧盟委员会、OECD组织的评估规范进行了系统综述,介绍了各国评估规范的发展历史、制定过程,及其相互之间的关系,并且进行了对比分析。最后,归纳了这些国家评估规范的不同特点与三种基本模式。  相似文献   

描述了在广西发现的苦苣苔科一新属和一新种,即文采苣苔属Wentsaiboea D. Fang & D. H. Qin及文采苣苔W. renifolia D. Fang & D. H. Qin, 并提供墨线图。文采苣苔属的柱头外形略似长檐苣苔属Dolicholoma D. Fang & W. T. Wang, 不同在于前者叶肾形,基部心形,具掌状脉,花冠斜钟状,裂片圆形,雄蕊和退化雄蕊着生于冠筒近基部。新属在体态上还接近小花苣苔属Chiritopsis W. T. Wang, 但前者叶具掌状脉,冠筒钟状,远轴侧膨胀,柱头马蹄形;在后者叶具羽状脉,冠筒筒状,不膨胀,柱头下唇倒梯形至线形。  相似文献   

实体论技术观和建构主义技术观对于技术演化路径的描述都是不完备的,技术社会相互建构的理论进路则开辟了一条理解技术与社会协同演化复杂图景的新途径。文章从技术演化的内在逻辑和社会语境解释两个层面分析了新一代互联网技术替代传统网络的动力机制,进而基于技术社会相互建构的视角,从个人、社会和国家三个层面探析了新一代互联网技术塑造社会的具体路径。  相似文献   

Fluorescent dyes can be used as cell probes which bind, according to their chemical structure, to particular subcellular regions of lymphocytes. Because of their sensitivity to variations in the local molecular environment, expressed by changes in fluorescence emission, they provide a means of studying the early events of lymphocyte activation to antigens and mitogens. The technology also yields a rapid assay of lymphocyte activation and thus new diagnostic tests of cell-mediated immunity, for example to organ transplants and to cancer.  相似文献   

赵金金  刘博 《科研管理》2022,43(12):182-189
本研究综合资源保存理论和认知评估理论视角,探索中国组织情境中,职场排斥对新生代员工偏离行为的作用机理,并对证明目标取向和职业倦怠的中介作用,以及心理安全感的调节作用进行分析。基于此,构建结构方程模型,通过分析路径回归系数对假设做逐项检验,研究结果显示:职场排斥通过证明目标取向负向影响新生代员工偏离行为,并通过职业倦怠正向影响新生代员工偏离行为;心理安全感在职场排斥与新生代员工偏离行为的作用路径中发挥调节效应,心理安全感增强了职场排斥与证明目标取向间的正向关系,削弱了职场排斥与职业倦怠间的正向关系。研究结论对于新生代员工偏离行为影响因素的分析提供了崭新的研究视角,为企业管理者有效控制和预防新生代员工偏离行为提供了实践启示。  相似文献   

陈广杰  常廷文 《情报科学》1998,16(2):136-139
为了正确认识文摘法与引证法的本质,本文采用两者比较分析的方法进行讨论,旨在对文摘法与引证法在理论上有一个全面地、系统地了解,在实际应用中能正确把握文摘法与引证法。  相似文献   

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