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Improved Feistel-based ciphers for wireless sensor network security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are exposed to a variety of attacks. The quality and complexity of attacks are rising day by day. The proposed work aims at showing how the complexity of modern attacks is growing accordingly, leading to a similar rise in methods of resistance. Limitations in computational and battery power in sensor nodes are constraints on the diversity of security mechanisms. We must apply only suitable mechanisms to WSN where our approach was motivated by the application of an improved Feistel scheme. The modified accelerated-cipher design uses data-dependent permutations, and can be used for fast hardware, firmware, software and WSN encryption systems. The approach presented showed that ciphers using this approach are less likely to suffer intrusion of differential cryptanalysis than currently used popular WSN ciphers like DES, Camellia and so on.  相似文献   

As the applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) diversify, providing secure communication is emerging as a critical requirement. In this paper, we investigate the detection of wormhole attack, a serious security issue for WSNs. Wormhole attack is difficult to detect and prevent, as it can work without compromising sensor nodes or breaching the encryption key. We present a wormhole attack detection approach based on the probability distribution of the neighboring-node-number, WAPN, which helps the sensor nodes to judge distributively whether a wormhole attack is taking place and whether they are in the influencing area of the attack. WAPN can be easily implemented in resource-constrained WSNs without any additional requirements such as node localization, tight synchronization, or directional antennas. WAPN uses the neighboring-node-number as the judging criterion, since a wormhole usually results in a significant increase of the neighboring-node-number due to the extra attacking link. Firstly, we model the distribution of the neighboring-node-number in the form of a Bernoulli distribution. Then the model is simplified to meet the sensor nodes' constraints in computing and memory capacity. Finally, we propose a simple method to obtain the threshold number, which is used to detect the existence of a wormhole, Simulation results show that WAPN is effective under the conditions of different network topologies and wormhole parameters.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks consist of hundreds or thousands of sensor nodes that involve numerous restrictions including computation capability and battery capacity. Topology control is an important issue for achieving a balanced placement of sensor nodes. The clustering scheme is a widely known and efficient means of topology control for transmitting information to the base station in two hops. The automatic routing scheme of the self-organizing technique is another critical element of wireless sensor networks. In this paper we propose an optimal algorithm with cluster balance taken into consideration, and compare it with three well known and widely used approaches, i.e., LEACH, MEER, and VAP-E, in performance evaluation. Experimental results show that the proposed approach increases the overall network lifetime, indicating that the amount of energy required for communication to the base station will be reduced for locating an optimal cluster.  相似文献   

为解决无线传感器网络(WSN)内节点与网关及网关与终端之间的数据安全传输问题,针对WSN节点受到严格时空资源限制的特点,提出了一种在WSN节点之间、节点与网关之间利用时间隐蔽通信来进行身份认证的算法,被认证方可通过调整发送的数据包间隔特征来携带认证信息,认证方则从接收的数据包间隔特征中提取认证信息以进行验证。仿真结果表明,在阈值选取适当的情况下,基于时间隐蔽通信的认证算法能在WSN环境下稳定地工作,获得正确可靠的编解码结果,可以以较低的时空开销保证WSN节点之间、节点与网关之间数据传输的安全性。  相似文献   

为研究无线传感器网对能耗的要求,提出一种无线传感器网媒体接入控制协议.通过分析各类MAC典型协议特点,归纳其设计原则和分类方法,比较各协议间的性能差异,给出MAC协议的设计策略.  相似文献   

基于到达时间差的无线传感器网络中Sybil攻击检测方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As wireless sensor networks (WSN) are deployed in fire monitoring, object tracking applications, security emerges as a central requirement. A case that Sybil node illegitimately reports messages to the master node with multiple non-existent identities (ID) will cause harmful effects on decision-making or resource allocation in these applications. In this paper, we present an efficient and lightweight solution for Sybil attack detection based on the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between the source node and beacon nodes. This solution can detect the existence of Sybil attacks, and locate the Sybil nodes. We demonstrate efficiency of the solution through experiments. The experiments show that this solution can detect all Sybil attack cases without missing.  相似文献   

本文针对无线传感网络在智能农业低消息延迟、低占空比要求的应用场景下,对几种信道访问控制技术进行了研究,着重分析了分布式MD协议对于此场景下作为无线传感网络信道访问控制协议的可行性。  相似文献   

High-speed train communication system is a typical high-mobility wireless communication network. Resource allocation problem has a great impact on the system performance. However, conventional resource allocation approaches in cellular network cannot be directly applied to this kind of special communication environment. A multidomain resource allocation strategy was proposed in the orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) of high-speed. By analyzing the effect of Doppler shift, sub-channels, antennas, time slots and power were jointly consid- ered to maximize the energy efficiency under the constraint of total transmission power. For the purpose of reducing the computational complexity, noisy chaotic neural network algorithm was used to solve the above optimization problem. Simulation results showed that the proposed resource allocation method had a better performance than the traditional strategy.  相似文献   

To find the optimal routing is always an important topic in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Considering a WSN where the nodes have limited energy, we propose a novel Energy^*Delay model based on ant algorithms ("E&D ANTS" for short) to minimize the time delay in transferring a fixed number of data packets in an energy-constrained manner in one round. Our goal is not only to maximize the lifetime of the network but also to provide real-time data transmission services. However, because of the tradeoff of energy and delay in wireless network systems, the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm is introduced to train the model. In this survey, the paradigm of E&D ANTS is explicated and compared to other ant-based routing algorithms like AntNet and AntChain about the issues of routing information, routing overhead and adaptation. Simulation results show that our method performs about seven times better than AntNet and also outperforms AntChain by more than 150% in terms of energy cost and delay per round.  相似文献   

The expectations for sensor networks are growing. The performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is greatly influenced by their network topology. In this paper, we consider four patterned topologies that best support connectivity among these deployed sensor nodes in two-tiered WSNs. The theoretical and simulation results show that the triangle-based topology has smaller cell number, shorter maximum hop length, less total energy consumption, and better performance than other topologies. The analysis carried out in this paper could provide the guidelines for network deployment and protocol design in the future applications.  相似文献   

Sensor localization is crucial for the configuration and applications of wireless sensor network (WSN). A novel distributed localization algorithm, MDS-DC was proposed for wireless sensor network based on multidimensional scaling (MDS) and the shortest path distance correction. In MDS-DC, several local positioning regions with reasonable distribution were firstly constructed by an adaptive search algorithm, which ensures the mergence between the local relative maps of the adjacent local position regions and can reduce the number of common nodes in the network. Then, based on the relationships between the estimated distances and actual distances of anchors, the distance estimation vectors of sensors around anchors were corrected in each local positioning region. During the computations of the local relative coordinates, an iterative process, which is the combination of classical MDS algorithm and SMACOF algorithm, was applied. Finally, the global relative positions or absolute positions of sensors were obtained through merging the relative maps of all local positioning regions. Simulation results show that MDS-DC has better performances in positioning precision, energy efficiency and robustness to range error, which can meet the requirements of applications for sensor localization in WSN.  相似文献   

研究了多用户场景下多载波码分多址系统(MC—CDMA)的下行信道和功率分配,并将吞吐最大化问题建模成一个混合整数优化问题.为了简化分析,将问题分成2个低复杂度的子问题:功率分配和信道分配.这2个子问题可分别被一个次最优自适应功率分配算法(APA)和一个最优自适应信道分配算法(ACA)解决.通过联合APA和ACA算法,进一步提出了一个自适应信道和功率的分配方案.仿真结果表明:与传统的均匀功率分配算法相比,提出的APA算法更加适用于MC—CDMA系统;此外,提出的自适应信道和功率分配方案可以显著地提高系统吞吐量性能.  相似文献   

1 Introduction a At present, the research work on wireless sensor networks is based on the assumption that the energy of a sensor node is provided by the battery and can not be regenerated. The lifetime of the node is limited and ephemeral. Hence research…  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a novel energy-aware routing protocol REPU (reliable, efficient with path update), which provides reliability and energy efficiency in data delivery. REPU utilizes the residual energy available in the nodes and the received signal strength of the nodes to identify the best possible route to the destination. Reliability is achieved by selecting a number of intermediate nodes as waypoints and the route is divided into smaller segments by the way-points. One distinct advantage of this model is that when a node on the route moves out or fails, instead of discarding the whole original route, only the two way-point nodes of the broken segment are used to find a new path. REPU outperforms traditional schemes by establishing an energy-efficient path and also takes care of efficient route maintenance. Simulation results show that this routing scheme achieves much higher performance than the classical routing protocols, even in the presence of high node density, and overcomes simultaneous packet forwarding.  相似文献   

提出了一种应用于基于正交频分多址接入(OFDMA)的认知网络模型中的资源分配协议,其认知网络采用了融合overlay和underlay的混合网络模型.在不影响主用户通信质量的前提下,overlay模型允许认知用户利用主用户未使用的空闲子信道;underlay模型允许认知用户和主用户共同占用子信道.该协议旨在最大化认知用户的体验质量(Qo E),动态地在overlay和underlay模型之间切换,并通过平均意见分数(MOS)函数进行量化,而非简单地满足各个用户在物理层和MAC层的限制条件.从对认知用户的文件传输和视频服务的仿真结果可看出,所提出的资源分配协议具有较高的频谱效率.  相似文献   

对高速铁路下行MIMO-OFDM系统中的动态资源分配问题进行研究.联合考虑子载波、天线、时隙和功率,将多维资源分配问题建模为混合整数非线性规划问题.分析移动速度对多普勒频移的影响,并计算子载波间干扰功率.在总发射功率不超过一定阈值的约束条件下,将最大化系统吞吐量作为优化目标.为了降低求解最优化问题的计算复杂度,采用两步求解法得到次优解.首先,在等功率分配的前提下,将子载波、天线和时隙分配给不同用户.然后,根据第1步资源分配的结果,进行功率分配.仿真结果显示,提出的多维资源分配策略与已有策略相比在系统吞吐量方面具有较大的性能提高.  相似文献   

Funding, resource allocation, and performance in higher education systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article analyzes forms of resourceallocation in university systems and theireffects on performance in institutions ofhigher education. Internationally, highereducation systems differ substantially withregard to research and education fundingsources and to ways that resources areallocated. European universities receive themajority of their funding from public sources,but private funding plays a more important rolein Anglo-American systems of higher education.Many governments use competitive elements inthe process of allocating public funds toinstitutions of higher education. Examplesinclude the implementation of performancemeasures through formula funding, or resourceallocation on the basis of evaluated projectproposals. Corresponding forms ofperformance-based resource allocation can befound within most higher educationinstitutions. This article analyzes how variousforms of funding and resource allocation affectuniversities at the macro-level and individualbehavior at the micro-level. A theoreticalapproach to this problem suggests thatperformance-based funding tends to bring aboutpositive changes but is also a factor inunintended side effects. Forms of resourceallocation influence the behavior of academicsand managers in higher education, particularlytheir levels of activity as well as the kindsof activities they engage in and their ways ofdealing with risks. Empirical analyses partlyconfirm these hypotheses. It can be shown thatchanges in resource allocation have an impacton the level and type of activity academicsconcentrate on but not on the long-term successof universities.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising technology deemed to improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization. This paper considers a spectrum underlay cognitive radio network, in which the cognitive users (CUs) are allowed to use the radio spectrum concurrently with the primary users (PUs) under the interference temperature constraint. We investigate the system performance by using the proposed joint channel and power allocation scheme under two transmit strategies to achieve higher data rates and performance diversity gain respectively. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a significant improvement on the bit error rate (BER) performance and spectrum efficiency of a cognitive wireless network.  相似文献   

Localization of the sensor nodes is a key supporting technology in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, a real-time localization estimator of mobile node in WSNs based on extended Kalman filter (KF) is proposed. Mobile node movement model is analyzed and online sequential iterative method is used to compute location result. The detailed steps of mobile sensor node self-localization adopting extended Kalman filter (EKF) is designed. The simulation results show that the accuracy of the localization estimator scheme designed is better than those of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and traditional KF algorithm.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Ad-hoc networks are attractive owing to their self-organizing nature and absence of a fixed infra- structure. They are particularly suited for communi- cation in disaster-affected areas, coordinating military operations, and sensing environmental conditions With the growing availability of supporting hardware and decreasing equipment cost, ad-hoc networking based applications are proliferating. Meshes of wire- less nodes are being deployed in cities and housing communities to…  相似文献   

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