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The purpose of this mixed methods study was to investigate how relevance instructions influence readers’ personal reading intentions, reading goals, text processing, and memory for text. Undergraduates (n = 52) were randomly assigned to one of three pre-reading relevance instruction conditions that asked them to read from a perspective or to read for understanding. Experimental results showed that information was read slower and remembered better when it was relevant. However, some readers spent more time reading irrelevant information, whereas others spent less time reading this information. Post-reading interviews were analyzed to explain these reading time differences. The interview data indicated that relevance instructions influenced readers’ goals and the strategies they used to meet those goals. The data sets were complementary: the quantitative data indicated differences in reading time and recall, and the qualitative data allowed us to explain why these differences occurred. These data revealed three distinct reader profiles within and across conditions, and demonstrate how relevance instructions affect reader goals, processing, and comprehension.  相似文献   

A mixed methods approach was used to explore secondary teachers’ motivation beliefs in Canada and Singapore. Results from Study 1 revealed that socio-economic status (SES) was the strongest predictor of school climate in Canada, and that collective efficacy mediated the effect of SES on school climate in Singapore, but not in Canada. In Study 2, interviews were conducted with 10 teachers in Canada and 14 teachers in Singapore. Teachers in both settings discussed students’ social and behavior problems, but the range of the social problems was greater in Canada than in Singapore, and had a stronger impact on teachers’ motivation beliefs.  相似文献   

This experimental study investigated the effects of two types of task instructions on text comprehension, motivation, and emotional involvement. In all, 226 9th graders in low academic tracks were randomly assigned to complete reader-oriented (RO), text-based (TB), or no tasks after reading literary texts to elaborate their mental text representation. Whereas RO tasks encouraged emotional engagement and indirectly stimulated text analysis through creative activities, TB tasks focused on cognitive activity and directly encouraged text analysis. After students completed the tasks, they answered test items on content- and form-related text comprehension. The results indicate that form-related comprehension improved when students elaborated their mental text representation through TB tasks. By contrast, RO students were more interested in the tasks, and they showed slightly more emotional involvement. As the two types of task instructions seemingly have different effects, they may be considered complementary elements in instructional practices for lower academic tracks.  相似文献   

通过教学案例说明怎样进行思想方法教学,以促进本科数学专业数学分析的教学与研究.  相似文献   

The purpose of this longitudinal mixed methods study was to examine the development of self-efficacy and work stress of pre-service teachers during a teaching practicum. Participants were 150 pre-service teachers who completed eight weekly electronic surveys during their two-month final practicum in a Canadian teacher education program. The study investigates the patterns of self-efficacy and work stress during a critical period in the formation of new teachers. Latent growth curve analysis revealed a pattern of significantly increasing self-efficacy and significantly decreasing stress, although the trajectories were independent of each other. Qualitative analysis of multiple collective cases highlighted the variability of self-efficacy and stress patterns within the practicum experience, and underscored the critical influence of relationships with mentor teachers on self-efficacy and stress.  相似文献   

Several children’s hospitals and medical schools across Texas have child abuse pediatricians (CAPs) who work closely with child protection workers to help ensure accurate assessments of the likelihood of maltreatment in cases of suspected abuse and neglect. Since the state does not mandate which cases should be referred to a CAP center, we were interested in studying factors that may influence workers’ decisions to consult a CAP. We used a mixed methods study design consisting of a focus group followed by a survey. The focus group identified multiple factors that impact workers’ decision-making, including several that involve medical providers. Responses from 436 completed surveys were compared to employees’ number of years of employment and to the state region in which they worked. Focus group findings and survey responses revealed frustration among many workers when dealing with medical providers, and moderate levels of confidence in workers’ abilities to make accurate determinations in cases involving medical information. Workers were more likely to refer cases involving serious physical injury than other types of cases. Among workers who reported prior interactions with a CAP, experiences and attitudes regarding CAPs were typically positive. The survey also revealed significant variability in referral practices by state region. Our results suggest that standard guidelines regarding CAP referrals may help workers who deal with cases involving medical information. Future research and quality improvement efforts to improve transfers of information and to better understand the qualities that CPS workers appreciate in CAP teams should improve CAP-CPS coordination.  相似文献   

Rural living, particularly in economically distressed areas, may reduce students’ educational opportunities and alter their self-beliefs. According to social cognitive theory, the contexts in which people live influence how they feel about their capabilities. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences that raise and lower the math and science self-efficacy of students living in a rural, high-poverty area in Central Appalachia. A convergent mixed methods design was used to examine quantitative and qualitative survey data from 673 students in Grades 6–12 who took part in a multi-year study on academic motivation (Year 1 = 511; Year 2 = 391; Year 3 = 418). In the quantitative phase, structural equation models showed that Year 1 mastery experience raised and physiological states lowered students’ math and science self-efficacy in Year 2. Deductive coding of students’ responses to 4 open-ended questions in Year 3 indicated that other sources were also salient and differed by domain, their effect on self-efficacy, and student gender. Integrative analyses showed that students consider information from multiple sources when judging their capabilities. This research extends findings related to the sources of self-efficacy to the understudied population of rural learners, the less-studied context of science, and to the factors that not only increase but decrease perceived efficacy.  相似文献   

对中国化精神的研究,长期以来研究多注目于圣贤之道,这是不够的,因为还有许多精神化活动没有纳入中国化研究的范围,如中国古代的民间信仰,而从民间信仰中,我们可看到俗众精神与儒士大夫的观念的不同,他们敬鬼神,得祭祀,索取实际回报等。只有将他们的思想也概括在中国化精神研究之内才能算是比较完全的化精神研究。  相似文献   

Educational interventions are becoming increasingly more complex, far-reaching, and high-stakes. Thus, there is a need for an evaluation meta-framework that is comprehensive, flexible, and meets enhanced complexity. Therefore, we provide a new and comprehensive definition of impact evaluations—what we call a comprehensive impact evaluation—that draws out the importance of collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, thereby resulting in a rigorous approach that can allow for strong inferences. Further, we provide an overview of impact evaluation designs that can be used in comprehensive impact evaluations along with a rationale for using both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. This leads to the central purpose of the article: to provide a meta-framework for conducting what we call a Mixed Methods Theory-Based Impact Evaluations, wherein mixed methods techniques are used at every phase of the process. Building on White’s (2009) work, we outline an 8-phase Mixed Methods Theory-Based Impact Evaluation.  相似文献   

Mixed methods approach has developed into the third methodological movement in educational research. Validity in mixed methods research as an important issue, however, has not been examined as extensively as that of quantitative and qualitative research. Additionally, the previous discussions of validity in mixed methods research focus on research design and procedure, rather than validity per se. This paper presents another perspective by using philosophical and methodological insights generated from Habermas’ critical theory, especially his Theory of Communicative Action and validity claims. Theoretical assumptions and how they are consistent with principles of mixed methods research are introduced. Three types of validity claims are explained with an example and how they are applied to understanding validity in mixed methods research is further discussed. This paper concludes with implications for educational research and future directions.  相似文献   

Two dimensions of students’ beliefs about meaning construction in reading processes, transmission and transaction beliefs, were studied. According to transmission beliefs, the reader’s task is to understand the author’s intended meaning, while transaction beliefs assign to the reader the role of active meaning constructor. Students’ beliefs were ascertained by means of a questionnaire (Schraw, 2000), and the effects of these beliefs on narrative text comprehension and interpretation were examined. The first study, involving 52 students in grade 11, showed that transaction beliefs positively affected text interpretation in the form of personal and thematic responses. Study 2, involving 202 students in grades 7 and 11, revealed the influence of transaction beliefs on text comprehension, thematic, and personal interpretative responses, and overall meaning construction. It also showed the positive effects of giving specific rather than generic instructions for the interpretative task. Moreover, grade level significantly affected text comprehension and interpretation. Finally, differences in student performances were also related to the type of high school they were enrolled in.  相似文献   

高职院校学生党建工作中加强对大学生的培养,才能使他们毕业后在工作中起先锋模范带头作用,成为工人阶级的先锋队。高职院校学生党建工作应把好学生入党信仰关,可从如下几个方面出发:课程开发与建设、校园文化的开展等思想建设;把好学生入党关口、加强学生党组织建设等组织建设;加强学生党员的党规党纪学习、利用榜样的力量等作风建设。  相似文献   

Workplace learning in early entry (EE) teacher education programs has been proposed as an alternative to traditional programs and as bridging the theory-practice gap in teacher education. However, there is little empirical evidence for the underlying assumption that one can become a highly qualified teacher by merely being a teacher. This article discusses to what extent students of teaching in EE programs experience their work environment as a stimulating learning environment. The results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey suggest that schools tend to hinder rather than serve the purpose of workplace learning. Obstructions and supporting conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents an exploration of the belief changes of prospective teachers (PTs) through social co-constructivist teaching. The future presumed in-class teaching orientations of the PTs were also estimated by metaphor analysis. A case study was conducted to monitor the belief changes of the PTs and estimate their probable in-class practices. The participants were six PTs involved in a certification in education programme. The data were gathered from the following different sources; interviews, written reflections and metaphor explanations. The data that were analysed interpretatively and specific parts of the analysed data were subjected to quantification. The PTs held considerably conventional and idealistic teaching beliefs prior to the implementations. The PTs improved their reasoning and enlarged their conceptualisations regarding teaching and learning after the implementations. Five types of teaching belief typologies displaying inherently sophisticated nature of the beliefs were extracted. Some of the PTs appeared to have promise in terms of implementing more learner-centred teaching; however, others preserved their traditional teaching practical orientations. It was considered that changes in teaching beliefs may have motivational and attitudinal dimensions. Finally, capturing the metaphors of the PTs regarding teaching and learning appeared to provide more realistic insights into the estimated in-class practical orientations.  相似文献   

This special issue of Contemporary Educational Psychology brings together an important collection of examples of how researchers have applied mixed methods research to study questions of interest in the field of educational psychology. Collectively, the articles illustrate the unique insights that can be gained when researchers intentionally integrate quantitative and qualitative methods within mixed methods studies. Further, the special issue highlights specific mixed methods strategies that the authors used to achieve and communicate the integration aspects within their studies. The authors’ application of these strategies provides useful models for scholars planning mixed methods studies and scholars reviewing reports of mixed methods studies within educational psychology and beyond.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the discrepancy between teacher beliefs and behavior in a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) environment. Using a survey and observations, this study demonstrated that tutors prefer learner-oriented beliefs, but in their teacher behavior they showed a more traditional approach to teaching. Analysis of semi-structured interviews indicated that this inconsistency could be attributed to the way in which problem-based learning is embedded in the curriculum, the confidence teachers have in the self-directed capabilities of students, and the self-confidence of teachers regarding their own facilitation skills.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,对我国大学外语教师的教师信念进行了分类,并探讨了教师信念与教学行为的关系。本文所得结果显示: 我国的大学外语教师,其教师信念可以明确地归纳为五类, 按其信念强度, 可依次排列为: 教师角色观、 外语教学与评估观、 课程设置观、 外语学习观和语言观; 在具体教学过程中, 属于外语教学与评估观的大多数外语教师信念,难以实施。其中,最难以实施的信念是教师不应该使用同一标准来评价所有学生。  相似文献   

In Latin American universities, Learning Analytics (LA) has been perceived as a promising opportunity to leverage data to meet the needs of a diverse student cohort. Although universities have been collecting educational data for years, the adoption of LA in this region is still limited due to the lack of expertise and policies for processing and using educational data. In order to get a better picture of how existing data-related practices and policies might affect the incorporation of LA in Latin American institutions, we conducted a mixed methods study in four Latin American universities (two Chilean and two Ecuadorian). In this paper, the qualitative data were based on 37 interviews with managers and 16 focus groups with 51 teaching staff and 45 students; the quantitative data were collected through two surveys answered by 1884 students and 368 teachers, respectively. The findings reveal opportunities to incorporate LA services into existing data practices in the four case studies. However, the lack of reliable information systems and policies to regulate the use of data imposes challenges that need to be overcome for future LA adoption.  相似文献   

This large scale study investigated the influences that technology-related policies and teachers’ constructivist teaching beliefs have on their intention to use technology in Chinese universities. Data were collected from 696 English teachers working in 59 Chinese universities. Five variables (subjective norm, constructivist teaching belief, perceived importance of policy, computer self-efficacy and voluntariness) were examined in this study. Results indicated that perceived importance of policy, constructivist teaching beliefs and subjective norm were significant antecedents of perceived usefulness. The relationship between subjective norm and teachers’ intentions to use technology was moderated by voluntariness. Besides perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use also had significantly influenced English teachers’ behavioural intention. Overall, the research model explained 69% of variance of teachers’ intentions to use technology. This study has the potential to enrich our understanding of technology acceptance in teaching by contextualising the study in the rarely researched English teaching context in Chinese universities. The findings from this study also provide suggestions for policy makers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

A randomised controlled trial (RCT) and a series of case studies were used to determine the impact of two variants of an intervention (a professional development programme) aimed at improving primary school science teachers’ subject and pedagogic content knowledge, and enhancing their subject leadership ability. Ninety-six schools were randomly assigned to full or partial treatment groups or a ‘business-as-usual’ control group. Quantitative data were collected from teachers and pupils through an assessment of scientific knowledge based on standardised assessment items. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and lesson observation initially in thirty case study schools. There were three data collection points: pre- and post-intervention, and one year later.

[Guskey, T. (1986). Staff development and the process of teacher change. Educational Researcher, 15(5), 5–12.] Levels of Professional Development Evaluation model was used as the analysis framework. The quantitative data from the teachers’ subject knowledge assessment indicated neither the full nor the partial training programmes had a statistically significant impact on teachers’ performance. In contrast, the qualitative data suggested that many teachers in the full treatment group believed that their subject knowledge had improved and reported increased confidence in their teaching of science. Lesson observations provided corroborating evidence of change in teachers’ practice, and some modest evidence of wider change in schools. There was no statistically significant improvement in pupil performance in subject knowledge assessments when teachers had participated in the intervention. In the context of research methods, the study suggests that a mixed-methods approach to evaluation is likely to yield a more rounded and nuanced picture of the overall impact of an intervention.  相似文献   

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