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《何妨是书生》潘光哲/著定价:26.00元广西师范大学出版社2010年1月一群书生聚集中央研究院,留下了无数逸事篇章:蔡元培、胡适、丁文江、傅斯年、郭沫若、赵元任、陶孟和、董作宾、李济、顾颉刚、吴晗、周一良、王叔岷、费正清、王世杰、郭廷以、雷震、王世襄……这些  相似文献   

本书以时间为纲,以国家、人物、事件为目,围绕金融这个核心,将希腊、罗马、法兰西、西班牙、荷兰、日不落帝国、美国、克洛维、查理一世、约翰·劳、摩根、索罗斯、六一农、郁金香、南海事件、次贷危机等这些牛国、牛人以及牛事一一展现,  相似文献   

章丰 《新闻实践》2008,(11):30-32
●青年时报社社长、总编辑章丰 每天必看的报纸:浙江日报、中国青年报、杭州日报、青年时报、都市快报、钱江晚报、今日早报、每日商报、南方都市报等.每天必看的新闻网站:新华网、浙江在线、新浪网、凤凰网、青年时报网、青牛网等.经常浏览的报纸杂志:新京报、东方早报、市场导报、南方周末、今日浙江、瞭望东方周刊、传媒、新闻实践、中国报业等.  相似文献   

每天必看的报纸:人民日报、浙江日报、宁波日报、余姚日报、解放日报、经济日报、钱江晚报、都市快报. 每天必看的新闻网站:新华网、人民网、浙江在线、中国宁波网、余姚新闻网、腾讯网、联合早报网、凤凰网.  相似文献   

北京世纪华文国际传媒咨询有限公司是国内最早的报刊零售发行的监测机构,公司监测报刊种类有30余类900多种.本次财经类报纸所用的数据是2006年下半年世纪华文对北京、上海、广州、长春、成都、长沙、福州、西安、杭州、重庆、南京、沈阳、武汉、济南、天津、石家庄、太原等17城市的报刊零售市场的监测数据.  相似文献   

大众日报:房贤刚、张国栋、李勇、张子扬、贾瑞君、董卿、赵琳、汤序民齐鲁晚报:胡忠华、周青先、彭东、高红日、张贵君、黄鸣、韩镇、刘海鹏、张跃伟、常新喜、邱志强、张洪波、  相似文献   

第二届全印展招展工作全面铺开以来,展商报名异常踊跃,到目前为止,参加首届全印展的国际知名厂商均已报名参展,包括海德堡、曼罗兰、高宝、三菱、小森、柯达集团、富士施乐、奥西、赛天使、爱普生、大日本网屏、惠普、柯尼卡美能达、EFI、IBM、马天尼、APP等80余家知名国际厂商,并且申报面积比上届均有大幅度增加。  相似文献   

中国古代文化博大精深,浩瀚无涯,涉及自先秦到明清长达2000多年的古代社会的政治、经济、哲学、军事、历史、天文、地理、科学、民族、宗教、艺术等,更不用说文学本身,举凡职官、服饰、器物、称谓、历法、物产、历史事件、科举教育、风土民情、风景名胜、建筑园林、寺庙宫观、神话人物、民间传说、古籍书画、诗词曲赋、时令季候、引语出处、重要人名、地名、动植物、医药学等等语词、典故,还有借代、象征、隐语以及数量相当可观的罕见字,许多文章几乎每句一典,甚或一句数典,注释量极大,且难注、偏注甚多.下面,我谈一下我是怎么对"近代思想者丛书"的注释进行加工处理的.  相似文献   

远光  辛光 《今传媒》2009,(7):16-16
本刊讯5月29日终南学社在西安翻译学院正式成立。"终南文化网"同时开通。郑欣淼、陈忠实、张岂之、周一波、杨志刚等发来贺信。梁衡、雷抒雁、谢冕、雷达、何西来、白烨、刘斌、贾平凹等省内外百余位领导和专家学者、  相似文献   

全国电视媒体抗冰雪报道研讨暨总结表彰会2008年3月20日在北京召开,会议由中央电视台主办,广东、湖南、贵州、广西、安徽、江西、湖北、浙江、陕西、河南、江苏、山西、河北、山东、云南等省级台以及湖南经济电视台、郴州台、益阳台、广州台、韶关台、杭州台、黄山台、  相似文献   

This study examined the causes of an inadequate number of entry-level sales candidates at U.S. broadcasting stations. It concluded that college broadcast majors are not adequately introduced to sales as a career or trained in media sales. It recommended that broadcasters and educators work together proactively to inform students about careers in radio and television sales. Survey respondents proposed a 7-point action plan for each other. Educators were challenged to offer a media sales course, invite local broadcast sales managers to meet students and faculty on campus, and work proactively to arrange sales internships. Broadcasters were challenged to be proactive on local campuses to instruct and engage students, view development of salespeople as a long-term investment in a steady stream of good people, devise a workable sales internship, and offer an entry-level compensation package that is competitive with comparable beginning sales jobs in other industries.  相似文献   

This three-wave e-mail/Web-based survey examined current perceptions of media sales representatives. Media departments from small, medium, and large advertising agencies across the United States answered questions related to the general perception, influence, and role of media sales representatives across media types. Overall, the findings suggested a favorable opinion about media sales representatives with magazine representatives rated as most influential. Trust emerged as a critical component in the buyer–seller relationship. In addition, providers of reliable knowledge and information were found to be critical roles of media sales representatives. The findings are noteworthy and emphasize the importance of educating industry sales representatives regarding the value of relationship building in the media sales process.  相似文献   

This paper uses time series data on UK book sales to establish what correlation exists between the national income of a country and its sales of books. This is tested by comparing series data in real terms for GDP per capita and for various data series for the UK market, including sales invoiced by publishers and point of sale data on consumer purchasing. The first period, from 1985 to 1999, shows a strong relationship between total sales and GDP per capita. In the second period, from 2001 to 2015, the link appears to disappear when we examine invoiced sales from publishers, even before the impact of the 2008 crisis. This is also including the growth of digital sales towards the end of the period. The direct consumer data shows sales tracking GDP until the onset of the financial crisis; thereafter the only trade sector to have kept pace with GDP is children’s, and this contrasts with the areas of adult fiction and non-fiction. Have we therefore seen a structural shift in the book market? If we have passed peak book, what has brought about this uncoupling of book sales from economic growth? Factors are considered including changes in retail, competition from other media, and a prioritization of experience over the accumulation of stuff.  相似文献   

Compared to previous research studying movie advertising focusing on traditional advertising, this study introduce location-based ads (LBA), an important new media advertising, to raise limited coverage of traditional movie advertising. This study explores the role of LBA in generating ticket sales dynamically and compares it with that of pop-up window ads (PWA). Using daily aggregate cinema sales data on about three million consumers, developed time-series models reveal that (a) LBA can affect ticket sales in short and long terms, and its sales impact can last for 9 days across audience segments; (b) compared to low involvement audience segments, sales impact of LBA is 15 times larger for high involvement audience segment in long term; (c) ticket sales impact of LBA are cumulatively 3 times and 47 times stronger than those of PWA in low involvement audience segment and high involvement audience segment, respectively.  相似文献   

��Ϣ�г��е��û�������Ӫ������   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
赵美娣 《图书情报工作》1997,41(7):19-20,18
分析信息用户在购买、使用信息产品时的心理过程。重点对售前、售中、售后阶段用户的心理活动进行研究,并提出信息机构相应的营销策略  相似文献   

科技期刊"三次售卖"营销模式探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
关卫屏  刘斌  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):513-516
增强科技期刊营销能力,力求实现三次售卖.要高度重视发行工作(一次售卖),组建专业的发行公司.逐步实现卖广告(二次售卖)、卖品牌(三次售卖).同时,应注意提高营销管理水平,避免各营销环节的衔接不当,引入项目管理模式.  相似文献   

介绍了商场促销的主要手段,然后通过商场促销手段与高校图书馆读者服务工作之间的对比,选择了对高校图书馆读者服务工作有借鉴作用的商场促销方式,分析其应用在图书馆读者服务工作中的方式和作用,希望对目前高校图书馆的读者服务工作带来一定的变革,使图书馆读者服务工作更加人性化、更具主动性。  相似文献   

The Software Publishers Association Research Department focuses its sales research efforts on tracking sales of packaged application software written for the desktop personal computer industry. Quarterly summaries of the data we collect are issued to the public in the form of sales press releases. Our goal in this article is to clarify the types of information we collect, the sources used, and the adjustments performed on the data available to the public. At the end of this article we discuss the software piracy loss estimation methodology.  相似文献   

The K-12 instructional materials market, including textbooks, supplemental materials, and digital resources, totaled $16.4 billion in sales in the 2009–2010 school year. It is projected that sales in 2010–2011 will be $16.4 billion in sales in the 2009–2010 school year. It is projected that sales in 2010–2011 will be 17.3 billion, a 5.3% year-to-year increase. There has been a slow down in this market, starting in 2006–2007 and intensifying in 2008–2009, yet the K-12 school market continues to grow at a steady pace despite fluctuations in the U.S. economy. The fundamental fact that student enrollment and per pupil expenditures continue to increase assures us that the K-12 market continues to grow, but it also reinforces the fact that recent years were not banner years for educational publishers. Looking at sales of particular categories of educational products, it is easy to see that the technology-related resources led the pack in a generally difficult sales year in 2009. Big jumps were recorded in terms of sales of interactive whiteboards (+33.98%), online/digital content (+19.0%), and learning management or student information systems (+11.3%) and, to a lesser extent, computing/mobile devices (+3.0%), and instructional software (+1.2%). Looked at another way, if all of the digital product applications are grouped together, this group was up a strong 11.3% in 2009, while the various types of books used by students, as a group, was down 12.7%. These results make it evident that digital resources have not only gained traction in the K-12 school market, they are starting to dominate. In fact, 2009 may be the first year that it became necessary for a company to be heavily invested in digital content/delivery in order to achieve sales success in the non-textbook instructional materials market segment.  相似文献   

Despite the dominance of the English language, publishers in the United States had export sales in 1987 of less than 6 percent of their total sales. Adrian Higham analyzes the major overseas markets for U.S. books and suggests ways for publishers to improve their export sales to each. The key to higher sales, he argues, is acquiring “insider status” in each market. Although he is convinced that publishers can do better, he reminds us that there is no simple solution. Adrian Higham brings to his consultancy an extensive background in international publishing. Following his wide career with Longman he served as managing director of John Wiley & Sons’ Company in the United Kingdom and subsequently as senior vice president and general manager of the International Group of John Wiley & Sons in New York.  相似文献   

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