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Students with intellectual disabilities (ID) often experience difficulties in their peer relationships at school. Although a broad knowledge base on peer relationships in inclusive classrooms exists, much less is known about peer relationships in special needs classrooms. We conducted a systematic review of the literature on peer relationships in special needs classrooms for students with ID. Studies that provided information on social status, social interactions, friendships, or the classroom networks of students with ID in special needs classrooms were included. Findings from 36 studies suggest that students with ID in special needs classrooms develop and maintain differentiated peer relationships. The characteristics of these peer relationships vary depending on student (e.g., cognitive skills) and classroom factors (e.g., type of special needs classroom). Results are discussed in terms of their relevance for supporting peer relationships between students with ID. Future directions for studying peer relationships in special needs classrooms are proposed.  相似文献   

The study drew on Bernstein's theory and Moscovici's theory of Social Representations to investigate how children in classrooms with different types of structuration developed social representation of the curriculum. Comparable case studies were carried out in schools chosen to reflect three types of pedagogy according to Bernstein's typology. Twelve classrooms took part and ethnographic investigations were employed to compile a typology of recognition and realisation rules to map the range and type of curriculum structuration in each. Children's representations of the curriculum were investigated through specially designed tasks. Findings showed that as children gained experience of schooling they constructed more elaborate social representations of the curriculum regardless of the pedagogic mode and that classroom structuration became a feature of the junior rather than the infant children's representations. Older children in classrooms with performance pedagogies had two classifications for recognising classroom culture, while those in classrooms with mixed and competence pedagogies did not.  相似文献   

A multilevel modeling approach was employed to investigate the relation between sex composition and developmental change in 70 urban preschool classrooms. The research represents a unique contribution as (1) few studies have examined the influence of sex composition during the preschool years, (2) it represents the first research to use a continuous (i.e., sex ratio) as opposed to binary (i.e., mixed- versus single-sex) indicator for classroom sex composition, and (3) the sample represents an important and often neglected group (i.e., low-income children from urban schools). A series of HLM models were run, addressing the nested nature of the data (children within classrooms), and relating classroom sex composition to developmental change using the cognitive, motor, and social subscales from the Child Observation Record (COR). Overall, there were no main effects at the classroom-level for sex composition. However, a cross-level interaction indicated that, while girls’ development was not influenced by classroom sex composition, boys in classrooms with proportionally more boys fared significantly worse in terms of development as assessed by combined score on the COR. More specifically, this interaction was significant when predicting the COR cognitive subscale, but nonsignificant when predicting the COR social and motor subscales. This was true when controlling for the number of students at the classroom-level, as well as child's age and baseline ability (i.e., Time 1 COR) at the child-level. Implications for early childhood education policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Using observational data gathered in 730 kindergarten classrooms in 6 states, the present study focuses on the quality of children's learning opportunities in kindergarten classrooms. Findings show that overall, children experience moderate to low levels of quality in the areas of classroom organization and instructional support in kindergarten. Results are also presented in comparison to children's experiences in the pre-kindergarten year. These comparisons indicate that kindergarten children spend a greater proportion of the school day in language arts, math, and whole-group instruction and less time in centers than they do in pre-kindergarten. An examination of predictors of kindergarten classroom quality indicated that program characteristics (i.e., adult–child ratio, length of school day) and teacher psychological variables (i.e., beliefs and depressive symptoms) were stronger predictors of classroom quality than were teacher experience and educational background. Practice or Policy: Findings are discussed in terms of implications for children's academic and social development in kindergarten as well as for kindergarten teacher preparation and development.  相似文献   

In this review paper, one aspect of human ethological methodology (i.e., behavioral categorization) is applied to the study of young children's social behavior in preschool classrooms. Studies are critically reviewed and recommendations are made for future utilization of ethological methods, with specific attention to using this method in categorizing children's social play.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between peer relations and help-seeking behaviors. The subjects were 26 third grade and 48 fifth grade boys and girls. The roster-rating technique was used to obtain measures of children's perceived academic competence and social attractiveness in their reading and math classes. Intensive naturalistic observation of a subset of these children in their classrooms provided data on actual help-seeking behavior. The relationship between peer status and academic help-seeking was found to vary with the target of the help-seeking overture and the type of help requested.  相似文献   

The study designed and field-tested the effectiveness of a school-based program for enhancing the social acceptance of early adolescents (i.e., ages 11 to 14 years) with physical disabilities attending ordinary Zimbabwean schools (N=218; Mean age 12.49, SD=1.87 years). Actual (i.e., peer) social acceptance and perceived (i.e., self) social acceptance were considered and for same-gender and opposite-gender groups. The program involved (a) a role salience intervention, (b) a peer interaction intervention, and (c) an academic support intervention, and combinations of the individual interventions. The social enhancement protocols were pilot tested over a three-month period. The main study involved entire classrooms (N=194 classrooms; 8342 students) in order to avoid contamination of the interventions, treat the context of prejudice and enable non-disabled classmates to benefit from participation. Nomination sociometric techniques were used to measure social acceptance, and identify student-preferred school or classroom roles, preferred peers, and preferred academic services. Measures of intervention effectiveness were taken at 12-week intervals over a 6-month period. Repeated measures analysis showed that the peer interaction intervention was singularly more effective than the role salience and academic support interventions in raising the actual social status of students with physical disabilities. Interventions involving role salience were effective in raising the students' perceived social status.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from a large-scale observational study investigating attention allocation during instructional activities in elementary school students (kindergarten through fourth-grade). In Study 1, 22 classrooms participated while a more diverse sample of 30 classrooms participated in Study 2. This work investigated temporal patterns in children's attention allocation by collecting observational data on children's on- and off-task behaviors at three different time points (i.e., beginning, middle, and end of the school year) [Study 1]. We also investigated whether patterns of attention allocation changed as a function of student characteristics (gender, grade-level, SES), teachers' instructional design choices (instructional format and duration of an instructional activity), and school type (private, parochial, public charter schools) [Studies 1 & 2]. Children's patterns of attention allocation fluctuated over the course of the school year. Female students were found to be more on-task compared to male students. On-task behavior tended to decline as the instructional duration increased. The lowest rates of on-task behavior were observed while children were engaged in whole-group instructional formats. An effect of school type was found with higher proportions of on-task behavior observed in parochial schools. However, the effect of grade-level was equivocal across studies. These findings can begin to form a foundation for the development of research-based guidelines for instructional design aimed to support engagement among students in elementary classrooms.  相似文献   

Literacy instruction was observed in 6 fourth-grade and 4 fifth-grade classrooms over the course of 1 year. Using the method of constant comparison, commonalities among classrooms were identified in the areas of reading instruction, writing instruction, instructional materials, instructional goals, management, and classroom motivational orientation. Teachers in all classrooms provided a combination of authentic reading and writing experiences and explicit skills instruction. Dimensions of difference among classrooms were also identified with respect to the same set of instructional components. One important way that the classrooms differed was with respect to the methods and materials that each teacher considered to be the core of his or her pedagogy (e.g., one teacher's instruction centered on trade books and process writing, another's on cooperative exploration as part of theme-driven instruction). There were also some striking omissions noted in the instruction observed, including a lack of instruction in comprehension strategy and little or no instruction in self-regulation. In summary, contemporary fourth- and fifth-grade literacy instruction was found to be extremely complex, involving many teacher decisions about how it should proceed. The teachers described here managed this complexity by focusing on a particular set of instructional practices as the defining emphases around which their literacy programs were implemented.  相似文献   


The author examined whether mathematics instruction provided by kindergarten teachers is related to children's mathematics learning during the kindergarten year based on the children's socioeconomic status and race. Hierarchical linear modeling was employed using a large sample of kindergarten students to estimate relationships between the teacher's instructional approach (e.g., concrete-spatial, interpersonal, linguistic) and children's mathematics skills. Results showed that the teacher's instructional approach was selectively related to children's mathematics learning. Students in classrooms where teachers frequently employed a concrete-spatial instructional approach learned more during the kindergarten year. Students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds benefitted more from teachers who often employed an interpersonal approach, and Black/African American students benefitted less from classrooms where teachers relied more on a linguistic approach. The findings suggest that kindergarten teachers’ instruction needs to employ varied methods that take into account students’ mathematics skills and background characteristics.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to examine the specific relations between five motivational regulation strategies (i.e., interest enhancement, environmental control, self-consequating, performance self-talk, mastery self-talk), academic self-concept, and three cognitive learning strategies (i.e., organization, elaboration, rehearsal) of 415 university students. A total of n = 238 students were in the first year of their university program, while n = 178 students were in the mid-term of their university program. Results of correlation analysis revealed that all five motivational regulation strategies were positively related to the three cognitive learning strategies. In contrast, regression analysis showed that organization was only significantly linked to interest enhancement, self-consequating, and performance self-talk, while elaboration was only significantly linked to self-consequating, and rehearsal was only significantly linked to interest enhancement and performance self-talk. Academic self-concept proved to interact with interest enhancement in predicting elaboration. Furthermore, the measurement separability of the three constructs (i.e., motivational regulation strategies, academic self-concept, cognitive learning strategies) and measurement invariance across sample for the five motivational regulation strategies were also supported.


The seven major observational techniques generally used in experimental or naturalistic settings are discussed within the context of research on dominance relationships in young children. In particular, findings related to sex differerces and developmental changes in children's social interactions are presented. The observational techniques used in these studies are described in terms of the type of data collected (frequency counts versus measures of duration of the behaviors), and the research questions answerable through use of each technique.Illustrations of other types of data (e.g., from questionnaires) are presented to show how the results relate to the findings from observational data. The use of more than one technique in many of the dominance relationship studies shows how different techniques can be used to examine various facets of complex social interactions.The strengths and weaknesses of each method are discussed within the framework of the illustrative studies. Problems associated with the use of One-zero or Time-Sampling techniques are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Cinematic techniques are used to induce biased interpretations of historical videos. Therefore, awareness of these techniques is necessary when working with videos as historical sources. Two studies investigated the effects of training and cueing on the analysis of propaganda. Whereas training benefitted the identification and interpretation of cinematic techniques in propaganda, cueing cinematic techniques on a category level (e.g., camera angle) resulted in less specific analyses with regard to identifying the techniques and hardly affected the interpretation of the techniques' effects. In contrast, more specific manifestation cues (e.g., low angle shot) resulted in more specific analyses and positively affected giving correct interpretations of the cinematic techniques' effects. Interestingly, the effects of cueing were not just observed for practice clips, which included cues, but transferred to test clips, which did not include cues. Overall, these studies constitute a starting point for investigating the effects of cueing on the analysis of propaganda.  相似文献   


Experiments that involve nested structures may assign treatment conditions either to subgroups (such as classrooms) or individuals within subgroups (such as students). The design of such experiments requires knowledge of the intraclass correlation structure to compute the sample sizes necessary to achieve adequate power to detect the treatment effect. This study provides methods for computing power in three-level block randomized balanced designs (with two levels of nesting) where, for example, students are nested within classrooms and classrooms are nested within schools. The power computations take into account nesting effects at the second (classroom) and at the third (school) level, sample size effects (e.g., number of level-1, level-2, and level-3 units), and covariate effects (e.g., pretreatment measures). The methods are generalizable to quasi-experimental studies that examine group differences on an outcome.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine Japanese preschool children's social conflicts and methods of conflict resolution in order to shed light on existing cultural characterizations of Japanese preschool education and social development. Japanese preschool-age children were observed during school-time free-play and they and their mothers were interviewed about teacher methods of conflict resolution in the preschool setting. The results showed that Japanese children's conflicts stemmed from a wide range of issues, including concerns about justice, rights, and fairness. Moreover, teachers encouraged children to work out conflicts on their own, stressing self-reliance and autonomy. Japanese children and mothers chose resolution choices which pertained to the intrinsic consequences of the acts. Japanese children and mothers, however, preferred teacher-directed nonintervention over punishment as a form of teacher response. This was in contrast to previous research which has shown that American children and mothers prefer punishment over nonintervention. The results indicated that issues of independence (e.g., autonomy) and interdependence (e.g., group orientations) were both present in Japanese children's social interactions and in children's and mothers' judgments about teacher methods of conflict resolution.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined the potential impacts of ongoing participation (twice weekly for 30 weeks) in teacher–child managed whole-group language and literacy instruction on prekindergarten children’s social interaction with classmates. Teacher–child managed whole-group instruction that provides children with opportunities to engage with all of their classmates regularly may potentially deepen the social depth within a classroom (i.e., the frequency with which children regularly interact with each other). Provision of this type of instruction occurred via teachers’ implementation of a whole-class literacy curriculum twice weekly. Participants were 119 preschoolers who received an experimental literacy curriculum in 26 classrooms and 76 children in 17 business-as-usual control classrooms. Condition predicted the strength of children’s social interaction, suggesting that children in experimental classrooms had relatively stronger social ties with peers than children in control classrooms. Practice or Policy: The findings suggest that participation in ongoing teacher–child managed whole-group instruction could facilitate stronger social connections among preschool children.  相似文献   

A data analysis strategy is proposed to test for aptitude‐by‐treatment interactions (ATIs) when treatments are administered to aggregates (e.g., classrooms or other groups) rather than individuals. The strategy satisfies both the statistician's concern for between‐unit independence and the ATI researcher's concern for focussing on individual, rather than group, characteristics. In addition, the strategy is shown to be logically and computationally straightforward, while at the same time being capable of detecting ATIs in actual research applications.  相似文献   

The current study examined the social and language development of 345 Spanish-speaking pre-kindergartners who attended pre-kindergarten programs that varied widely in how much Spanish was spoken in the classroom by the teacher. Previous studies on English language learners have focused on how the language of instruction impacts children's language proficiency, ignoring the context in which children are learning. The current study found better social skills and closer teacher—child relationships in classrooms where teachers spoke some Spanish. Teacher ratings of children's peer social skills and assertiveness were positively associated with increased amounts of Spanish being spoken. More Spanish language use in the classroom was also related to a decrease in children's likelihood of being victims of aggression as rated by independent observers. The findings have implications for better understanding how policy decisions regarding language of instruction impact children in the social domain. As early education programs are faced with the challenging task of developing best practices for English language learners, it is essential that programs are attentive to the social implications of language.  相似文献   

The argument is advanced that research could be more effective for use by teachers and simultaneously more scientific, in the sense that it would emulate the historical process of the development of quantitative science, if it were (1) of the form referred to as naturalistic case studies and (2) oriented toward discovering the cognitive and social interaction mechanisms that underlie the learning processes in classrooms. The limitations of individual case studies of children with difficulties learning in school are examined and some practical approaches to interventionist case studies done in classrooms are considered. It is proposed that the standard view of quantitative research in the social sciences derives from the physics curriculum rather than from the history of physics. This view also mistakenly places higher priority on finding predictive linear relationships among measurements rather than qualitative understanding of mechanisms, which could guide researchers toward useful quantitative research. The researcher who has not yet penetrated the world of the individuals being studies is in no firm position to begin developing predictions, explanations, and theories about that world.  相似文献   

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