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对知识型员工的激励因素调查结果表明,工作成就与个体成就是知识型员工所最为关注的。因此,采取什么样的激励方式、策略,提高知识型员工的生产力,有效激励这一特殊群体,已成为知识型企业人力资源管理的最大挑战。[第一段]  相似文献   

对知识型员工的激励因素调查结果表明,工作成就与个体成就是知识型员工所最为关注的。因此,采取什么样的激励方式、策略,提高知识型员工的生产力,有效激励这一特殊群体,已成为知识型企业人力资源管理的最大挑战。  相似文献   

浅论知识型员工的工作激励   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知识经济时代,知识成为重要的生产力.知识型员工也就成为了企业核心竞争力形成和发展的关键,知识型员工的管理成为企业人力资源管理的重点.在对知识型员工的特点、激励因素分析的基础上提出了针对知识型员工进行有效工作激励的相应建议.  相似文献   

采用访谈和问卷调查的方法收集和掌握知识型员工激励因素和保健因素的相关资料,运用spss17.0统计软件进行数据统计分析,得到了知识型员工的激励因素和保健因素,以及各因素对知识型员工工作积极性的影响程度和方向。最后通过对统计分析结果的进一步推论,得出本文的相关结论。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,知识型员工成为企业的重要资源和主导力量。由于知识型员工的特殊性,对知识型员工的激励除了金钱以外,更重要的是其成长、自主和成就。从知识型员工的特点和激励因素出发,提出了应从物质激励和非物质激励两方面激励知识型员工的有效策略。  相似文献   

知识经济条件下我国企业知识型员工的激励机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在知识经济时代,创造性的、富于变化的、不可预测的知识型工作成为主要的工作形式,知识的管理能力成为企业核心竞争能力的关键,企业的生存和发展将更多的取决于知识的拥有、创造和利用。因此,企业的知识资本所有者—知识型员工就成为企业管理的关键。如何管理知识型员工,了解他们的需要,有效地激励他们,成为了知识经济时代管理者们首要考虑的问题。在这种背景下,本文选取了知识型员工作为研究对象,试图通过对影响这个群体行为的激励因素的研究,来找到适用于中国企业知识型员工的激励模式,从而为中国企业激励知识型员工提供重要的参考。本文首先指出了激励、激励机制及知识型员工的基本概念,其次指出了我国企业知识型员工激励机制的不足,最后提出了我国企业知识型员工整合激励机制运行的相关对策。  相似文献   

薪酬作为一种激励手段,能有效的调动知识型员工的工作积极性和创造性,激发其工作热情及内在的潜能,促进和谐企业的建立。目前我国高新技术企业在知识型员工薪酬设计方面还存在着诸多不尽人意的地方。本文通过对高新技术企业知识型员工薪酬现状、薪酬激励中存在问题分析的基础上,构建了高新技术企业知识型员工的薪酬激励模型。  相似文献   

新农展起来的民营高新技术企业,对知识型员工的激励就更不尽人意.通过对21世纪企业里知识型员工的工作特征的分析,根据激励理论,以提高企业短期和长期绩效及实现企业的可持续发展为目标,提出了知识型员工的激励措施.  相似文献   

家族企业是我国经济的重要组成部分,知识型员工作为人力资本和知识资本的载体,已逐渐成为家族企业竞争优势的源泉。因此,如何使知识型员工与家族企业相融合,如何有效吸引人才、留住人才、激励人才,是制约企业发展的关键性因素。在国内外知识型员工激励理论综述的基础上,以F家具连锁公司为例,对该公司知识型员工激励现状进行了调查分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

论酒店知识型员工管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以人才竞争为显著特征的21世纪,人是最重要的资源,酒店的生存和发展离不开高效率高素质的员工——知识型员工,因此如何有效地激发知识型员工的创造力,已成为现代酒店企业人力资源管理的核心。文章首先分析了酒店知识型员工个性,工作特征以及个体需要,最后提出了知识型员工的激励与管理策略。  相似文献   

An analysis of contemporary motivation theories reveals implications for gifted and talented students. The expectancy‐value framework, intrinsic‐extrinsic motivation theories, goal orientations, self‐efficacy and other self‐perceptions, and attribution theory are described and discussed with respect to implications for the psychology and education of gifted and talented students. Illustrative empirical research on motivation and gifted students is presented, and a model of classroom motivation factors is provided as a practical structure within which to consider instructional practices with this population. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an illustrative review of recent research on achievement motivation and gifted students from a social cognitive perspective. The review discusses several constructs that have been a focus of motivation research: perceived competence and self-efficacy, attributions, goal orientations, and intrinsic motivation. For each construct, motivational research from the general motivation literature and from the field of gifted and talented studies are critiqued and compared. The review suggests that a general social cognitive perspective is a useful theoretical framework for research on motivational processes involved in the intellectual and personal development of gifted and talented students and that a process-oriented model is superior to a static model for research on both giftedness and achievement motivation. Implications of the review for future research on motivation and talent development are discussed.  相似文献   

Predictive relationships among perceived family processes, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, incremental beliefs about intelligence, confidence in intelligence, and creative problem-solving practices in mathematics and science were examined. Participants were 733 scientifically talented Korean students in fourth through twelfth grades as well as 71 individuals in fifth grade, tenth grade, and former Korean Science Olympians. Across all students, perceived positive family processes directly predicted creative problem-solving practices in mathematics and science and were indirectly predicted through enhancing confidence in intelligence and intrinsic motivation, which, in turn, predicted students' creative problem solving in mathematics and science. Confidence in intelligence was the best predictor of creative problem solving for scientifically talented fifth- and tenth-grade students but not for Olympians. Alternative interpretations, the importance of confidence in intelligence for creative problem solving in mathematics and science, and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although technology by itself may not be motivating, a relationship seems to exist between the opportunities that technology presents and motivation for gifted students. When technology use aligns with authentic or “real‐world” applications, motivation can be enhanced. This article explores the overlap between factors that have historically been shown to increase motivation and the unique affordances of technology tools to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. Some examples of this overlap include skills related to control and autonomy (e.g., time management, project management, and decision making about choices provided), challenge (e.g., perseverance and patience through hard work, proposing a project and following it through to completion), collaboration and cooperation (e.g., teamwork, people skills, social skills, anger management, and communication with students at other schools), curiosity (e.g., finding resources online, finding the work interesting, and learning new things), and recognition (e.g., the opportunity to communicate beyond the school walls, a “real” product). © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Clear personality differences were found for a sample of academically talented students when compared to a general population of same age students. On the Myers‐Briggs dimensions, the academically talented students differed significantly from the comparison group on all four dimensions. Specifically, the academically talented group expressed greater preferences for introversion, intuition, and thinking. Although there were more judging types in this group than in the comparison group, overall more academically talented students expressed a preference for a perceptive style. They also tended to be higher on achievement motivation and lower on interpersonal and social concerns. In particular, a cognitive style that empasizes a thinking over a feeling mode appears to mediate gender differences in mathematics ability and achievement.  相似文献   

认为激发成就动机是激励的极致,并提出了有效激发成就动机的三种方法,即科学设立目标、领导者行为激励、奖励成就行为。  相似文献   

邓小平同志在探索建设有中国特色社会主义道路的过程中,十分重视人才工作。他创造性地提出了“尊重知识、尊重人才”等一系列人才新思想。他的这些思想,极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义人才思想,对我们国家实施人才强国战略.树立人才资源是第一资源、促进人的全面发展、推进人才工作的科学化、民主化、制度化,加快社会主义现代化建设,构建社会主义和谐社会有着重要而现实的意义。  相似文献   

通过对当前高校人才工作中存在的主要问题的分析,提出结合各高校校情,创新高校人才工作,具体做到观念创新、机制创新,转变人才管理职能,营造人尽其才的环境。  相似文献   

苏亮乾 《高教论坛》2006,(4):130-133
江泽民关于培养创新人才的思想,主要包括:从创新是一个民族进步的灵魂和国家兴旺发达的不竭动力这一基本理念出发,赋予教育以培养创新人才的历史使命;积极推进教育创新,探索培养创新人才的具体途径;突出教师在培养创新人才中的主体地位;从内因和外因的结合上揭示人才成长的基本规律。江泽民的这些思想,为我们建设创新型国家提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

新时期农民学习具有自身的特征,应针对这些特征,通过营造良好的社会氛围激发农民的学习动机,构建合作、自主、创新学习机制,以促进农民主动学习,为社会主义新农村建设提供优秀人力资源。  相似文献   

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