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雨花石手捧雨花石乾涸的诗湖泛起了涟漪红的——烈士的血绿的——烈士的希冀白的——烈士的坚贞黑的——烈士的意志透明的——烈的心裂断的——烈士的仇恨斑驳的——烈士的泪痕璀灿的——烈士的灵魂啊,美丽的雨花石神奇的雨花石能说话的雨花石有生命的雨花石  相似文献   

说是你给的自由的飞翔的翅膀 说是你写的绚丽的青春的飞扬 说是你解的孤寂的青春的迷茫 假如有人问我谁是青春的伴读 我想大声地说出你的名字 我想大声地说出你的名字 假如有人问我谁是青春的伴读 说是你解的孤寂的青春的迷茫 说是你写的绚丽的青春的飞扬 说是你给的自由的飞翔的翅膀青春的伴读——致《时代教育》@彭俊莎  相似文献   

方便的一线通,简单的键盘,多彩的网络,缩短家校的距离。鲜活的一线通,受教的欲望,施教的思路,融合信息的平台。兴奋的一线通,学生的进步,学校的辉煌,拨动家长的神经。恼人的一线通,学子的疏漏,教者的提醒,刺激人们的眼球。温馨的一线通,专家的疏导,教师的点拨,抚慰考生的心灵。快捷的一线通,突然的变化,紧急的应对,爱生护教的卫士。我们的一线通,服务的定位创新的设计,应用网络的典范。赞教育一线通@洪礼彬  相似文献   

由于健美操的很多的优点,吸引着高校学生们的喜爱,在这种良好的氛围中,很多的国家的竞技类的健美操的参加者都是高校的学生。于是高校的健美操的水平影响着我国的健美操的水平,是一个值得高校重视的项目。随着健美操的发展,很多的高校对健美操的教学和训练中存在着脱节的严重的现象,这就影响着健美操项目的进一步的发展,不能满足多层次的社会的要求。为了提高高校的健美操的水平,很多学者提出了高校健美操教学训练的一体化模式。  相似文献   

一、本课题研究的意义信念是人的活动的基础和支撑点,各个时代、各个民族的人们总是根据自己的信念选择自己的生存方式、活动方式,信念的改变反映着人们价值观的变化,必然带来人们的生存方式和活动方式的变革。信念对于人的活动的这一意义表明,信念本质上是人对自身生命存在的意识;信念的存在即是人的生命存在的意识形成,人的精神世界的存在;信念的丧失则是人的生命意识的崩解。因为,从人的活动的存在看,信念是人的精神家园,与人的生命存在的意义世界、价值世界相联系,展示人的存在;从人的活动的历史变化看,信念是人的活动目的…  相似文献   

王虹 《绵阳师范学院学报》2011,30(1):122-127,136
马克思主义"人学"是研究人类总体的科学,其人的存在、人的活动、人的本质、人的发展的理论是建立在批判人本主义"人学"以个人为本位的抽象的人性论的基础上,并科学地以人的社会存在和社会关系作为研究人的基础,以人的抽象概念和人的自然属性与唯物史观和社会实践对照作为考察人的本质和发展的重要条件,从而建立了马克思主义的新唯物主义的"社会存在论"学说,为人的发展增加了唯物史观的科学的"人类的社会存在"和实践的维度。从实践出发去理解人,把现实的人当作历史的主体,实现了从抽象的人到现实的人的根本转变,也实现了社会存在与人类总体的全面发展的形而上的融通。  相似文献   

弗洛姆从新人本主义的视角,在自己的理论语境里对马克思有关人的本质的思想进行了独特的理解。弗洛姆认为,马克思承认人具有不同于其他生物的人的本性,并且承认存在着一般的人的本性和变化了的人的本性;马克思的人的本性就是人的本质;马克思把人的本能和欲望区分为两种类型:自然的和社会的,人的自然属性属于人性的本质部分,而人的社会属性则是与人的本性没有直接联系的、非本质的部分。通过以上观点的表述,弗洛姆得出人的本质是隐藏在劳动背后并支配人的劳动的人类潜能的结论。这些观点实际上主要是弗洛姆本人的思想,并不是或不全是马克思的思想。  相似文献   

我爱祖国,我爱母语我的母语是热血一般的黄河的波涛我的母语是群星一般的祖先的谜我的母语是春蚕口中吐出的丝绸古道我的母语是春鸟舌尖跳动的民歌中国我的母语是丁香凝结的雨巷我的母语是傲雪绽放的红梅我的母语是浓得化不开的乡愁啊我的母语是划开天幕的雷电、奏响黎明的号角我的母语是一种连接我的母语是一种文明我的母语是一种财富我的母语是一种骄傲我爱祖国,我爱母语我的母语是小学课本里的看图说话我的母语是儿时镀满月光的摇篮我的母语是祖国版图最南端曾母暗沙的屏我的母语是珠穆朗玛地球最高离太阳最近的地方我的母语是遨游太空发…  相似文献   

对中学生尤其是初中生来说,“玩”是一个多么诱人的字眼。那么,玩的含义是什么?玩有物质的玩,精神的玩;本质的玩,现象的玩;低级的玩,高尚的玩;显性的玩,隐性的玩;现实的玩,历史的玩;健康的玩,有害的玩;轻松的玩,激烈的玩;开心的玩,痛苦的玩;聪明的玩,愚笨的玩;文字的玩,影像的玩;有节制的玩,不要命的玩……  相似文献   

曾经是,飘摇的,飘零的,孤苦的,孤寂的,狼狈的,劳累的,苦笑的,噙泪的.一代,一辈. 如今是,炫耀的,喧嚣的,张扬的,张狂的,奢华的,单薄的,艳丽的,苍白的.一瞬,一夕.  相似文献   

The present study explored typically developing children’s understanding of, and attitudes towards, the inclusion of children with physical disabilities (PD) in mainstream settings. The 60 children who participated in the study attended sixth grade in two mainstream primary schools (30 in contact with a child with PD and 30 without such contact). They filled in a questionnaire to measure understanding of disabilities and one to explore attitudes towards inclusion. Analyses revealed that children in contact with a child with PD had a better understanding of the emotional and social problems associated with the presence of PD than the comparison group. Moreover, children in contact with a child with PD expressed more positive attitudes towards the inclusion of children with PD in relation to children without such contact. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of contact in the formation of more positive attitudes towards the inclusion of children with PD.  相似文献   

酵母菌经过不同浓度的盐溶液、低温等不同方式的逆境处理,不同时间内取样,对海藻糖的含量进行测量,得出酵母菌海藻糖含量积累的最佳单一胁迫条件是:1.2mol/LNaCl溶液处理酵母菌30min;0.9mol/L KCl溶液处理酵母菌60min;0.6mol/LMgS04溶液处理酵母菌90min;1.2mol/LCaCl2溶液处理酵母菌90min;0.8mol/LAICl3溶液处理酵母菌6h;0.4mol/LFeCl3溶液处理酵母菌3h;0℃处理酵母菌15s.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore relationships between traditional Chinese values and attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities. A total of 534 college students in China participated in the study. Two instruments that measure Chinese values and attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities were used. Results indicated that the value of cultivation of virtues (benevolence, humanity, and a sense of justice) was positively related to attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities; and that the values of social traditionalism and cultural inwardness (cultural superiority and intolerance) were negatively correlated with attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, university students majoring in special education or with more knowledge of disabilities had more favourable attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities than university students majoring in regular education or with little knowledge of disabilities. Implications of the findings are discussed in the context of socio‐economic environments in China.  相似文献   

标准大骨瓣减压术治疗重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
探讨标准大骨瓣减压术在重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝治疗中的应用价值。标准组选择重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝56例,采用标准大骨瓣减压术;常规组选择前期重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝75例,采用常规颞顶部去骨瓣减压术。两组间疗效评分采用伤后半年时GOS评定。结果表明,标准大骨瓣减压术治疗重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝,可改善患者预后,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

Although there is a fairly extensive literature on social and educational inclusion of individuals with Down Syndrome (DS) in many countries, very little is produced on the life and education of such individuals in the United Arab Emirates. There is an apparent lack of societal interest in the quality of lives of people with DS. The condition of DS is nearly a taboo subject in this part of the world. With only a handful of pupils with DS included in regular schools, and with many myths and misconceptions surrounding the syndrome and individuals, particularly children with the syndrome, the first ever national support group for individuals with DS, their families and their carers was formed in late 2004 in the United Arab Emirates. This paper examines and evaluates the social and educational impact of the support group. The study particularly focuses on the role of such group in promoting social inclusion and inclusion of pupils with DS in regular schools in the UAE. Members (mainly parents of individuals with DS) of the newly-established group participated in two interviews six months apart and the researcher observed group meetings, recorded activities and events over the same period. Views of individuals with DS on the effects and the activities of the group were also gathered through semi-structured interviews.
Participants reported significant benefits from participating in the group, particularly in the areas of promoting social acceptance for individuals with DS. The study found that the group also helped in eliminating and correcting some of the myths surrounding the syndrome and played a role in promoting social and educational inclusion of such individuals. The study ends with a discussion of the findings and recommendations for future practice.  相似文献   

王昌龄五古与七绝风格之比较及其创作心态试析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛唐时期著名诗人王昌龄的诗歌创作成就 ,主要在五古和七绝两种体裁上。其五古显得严正肃然 ,高古劲健 ,饶有风骨 ;其七绝却呈现出华美婉丽、精工雕琢的诗风。前者反映了他对以陈子昂为代表的文学复古思潮的响应 ,后者则反映了他对文学复古思潮中矫枉过正的偏激有所修正的态度。将他在这两种诗体上表现出来的不同风格 ,与他的诗论结合起来考察 ,还可看出他以五古经营世务和以七绝遣兴抒怀的不同创作心态  相似文献   

试论《中国学报编辑学导论》的特色   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
《中国学报编辑学导论》具有研究中溯本求源,写作中脉络清晰;探索中史论结合,说明中重点突出;撰写中虚实相兼,设计中可操作性强的诸多特色;在学报编辑学的研究和论述中确实力求创新和突破,具有填补学科研究空白的开创意义.  相似文献   

本文报道了湿润育秧、塑料软盘育秧、旱育秧三种育秧方法培育的秧苗素质及育秧成本的差异.结果表明:旱育秧培育的秧苗素质最好,而育秧成本最低.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the perspectives of parents and teachers in the US with regard to the meaning and implications of disability in the context of schoolling, and of raising a child with a disability. The findings revealed broad conceptual differences in the perspectives of these two groups. Teachers’ beliefs were generally consistent with medical model perspectives on disability as biologically defined. Parents’ interpretations, more aligned with a sociocultural paradigm, were situated in the cultural meanings ascribed to disability and linked with issues of stigma, marginalisation and access. The findings also revealed the existence of master narratives on families of children with disabilities, entrenched in assumptions of pathological functioning and negative outcomes among these families. Implications for professional–family partnerships in the education of students with disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

赵翼在《陔馀丛考》中有关六言诗的评价可谓触及六言诗发展的实质问题。本文通过解读赵翼关于六言诗的一些观点。例如,赵翼认为六言诗的起源不始于谷永,偏爱王维的六言绝句,并认为六言诗没能兴盛是因为“其虽工但非天地自然之音节”,结合赵翼的诗学理论,客观分析上述观点。与此同时。试对六言诗的发展和最终没能繁荣的原因做一个粗浅探究。  相似文献   

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