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探讨酸碱催化下1,2-环氧开环反应区域选择性,结果表明:对烷基取代的环氧乙烷而言,酸或碱催化,亲核试剂一般进攻环氧化合物位阻较小的1-位碳原子,但是芳基取代的环氧乙烷(如苯基环氧乙烷),亲核性一般的亲核试剂进攻环氧化合物的2-位碳原子,亲核性特别强的亲核试剂,进攻环氧化合物的1-位碳原子。纠正部分教科书中对于1,2-环氧开环反应的区域选择性不全面解释。  相似文献   

New Learning Environments and Constructivism: The Students’ Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research into students’ perceptions of their learning environments reveals the impact of these perceptions on the way students cope with these learning environments. Consequently, students’ perceptions affect the results of their learning. This study aims to investigate whether students in a new learning environment (NLE) perceive it to be more constructivist when compared with the perceptions students have of a conventional lecture-based environment. Using a questionnaire consisting of seven key factors of constructivist learning environments, the results show that students in the NLE perceive it to be more constructivist when compared to the perceptions of students in a conventional lecture-based environment. The difference was statistically significant for four of the seven factors. According to the effect size, as measured by the d-index, the difference in perception between the two groups was greatest for the factor ‘conceptual conflicts and dilemmas’. in final form: 31 May 2005  相似文献   

Expansion trends of higher education systems involve the planned growth of new universities, frequently stratified lower than established ones in academic breadth and excellence as well as in the socio-demographic origins of their students. The persistence of this internal stratification of the university system subsequent to its expansion remains a controversial issue. Between the early and mid-1990s the Israeli Council for Higher Education has expanded the three ‘‘target’’ universities, aimed at peripheral or specific sectors. Compared to the three established elitist institutions, these universities have concentrated on the liberal arts and attracted students of lower social origins. The present study examines the stratification of students into elitist and target universities a few years after this particular expansion policy was abandoned in favor of college accreditation. Though the overall growth rate of university freshmen since 1995 has subsequently declined, the relative share of the target universities is still steadily growing. Our analysis of data from a 1999 national survey of freshmen in all six universities reveals that students of the target universities still tend to originate from lower status groups and ethnic minorities regardless of academic ability. Furthermore, their general study motivations, particular study considerations, and institutional choice orientations are more practical and vocationally oriented than those of students in the elitist universities. It therefore seems that expansion policies of university systems should not overlook their long-term consequences for the stratification of universities and their students.  相似文献   

Teachers are expected today to assess student understanding as an integral part of instruction, using a combination of various assessment methods and tools, among which are observing students solve problems in class and listening to their mathematical discussions. The aim of our study is to explore what it might mean for a teacher to hear students and to interpret their talk and actions. Analysis of an interview with Ruth – an experienced elementary school teacher – after she observed two of her students solve a mathematics problem, suggests four types of her interpretation: describing, explaining, assessing and justifying. This analysis illustrates the complexity of the way Ruth hears her students, as is indicated even in the relatively simple case of describing. Using various sources of data we also analyze different characteristics of Ruth’s hearing for the describing and explaining types of interpretation and examine possible resources for her over-hearing, compatible-hearing, under-hearing, non-hearing and biased-hearing.  相似文献   

从理论基础,体系构架和运行模式,实践情况等方面,就新形势下的院系两级学生教育管理模式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

An important purpose of higher social work education is to guide students to acquire and develop social-communicative competencies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role students’ personality characteristics, self-perceived communicative competence and learning conceptions play in the acquisition and development of social-communicative competencies. We designed and tested a hypothetical model on the student-related variables – self-perceived communicative competence, learning conceptions and reported learning activities regarding communication – in relation to performance scores. We were interested in developmental trends in the above mentioned variables. We also wanted to gain insight into the relationships among the variables. The study was set up according to a longitudinal, within-subjects design in order to study intra-individual changes. One-hundred and twenty-three first-year social-work students participated in this study. Many changes were found in students characteristics, reported deployed learning activities and study results during their first academic year. Except for confidence in “showing sympathy”, which was already relatively high at the beginning of the study, all scores on aspects of students’ self-perceived social-communicative competence increased. Assessment scores on comparable communication tests also increased significantly. Extraversion and emotional stability were the only two personality characteristics, which seemed rather stable. Agreeableness decreased while autonomy increased continuously during the first academic year. It seemed to be possible to set up a model, which may serve as a starting point for further research into the development of social-communicative competence.  相似文献   

This research, carried out in Greece on pupils aged 12–16, focuses on the transformation of their representations concerning light emission and image formation by extended light sources. The instructive process was carried out in two stages, each one having a different, distinct target set. During the first stage, the appropriate conflict conditions were created by contrasting the subjects’ predictions with the results of experimental situations inspired by the History of Science, with a view to destabilizing the pupils’ alternative representations. During the second stage, the experimental teaching intervention was carried out; it was based on the geometrical optics model and its parameters were derived from Kepler’s relevant historic experiment. For the duration of this process and within the framework of didactical interactions, an effort was made to reorganize initial limited representations and restructure them at the level of the accepted scientific model. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated two weeks later, using experimental tasks which had the same cognitive yet different empirical content with respect to the tasks conducted during the intervention. The results of the study showed that the majority of the subjects accepted the model of geometrical optics, that is, the pupils were able to correctly predict and adequately justify the experimental results based on the principle of punctiform light emission. Educational and research implications are discussed.
Christos DedesEmail:

A lack of congruency between the teaching and learning of science and the student’s personal worlds has long been recognised by the international science education community as an issue deserving space in the research agenda. The purpose of this study was to explore the diversity of student reactions when subcultures such as family, community peers, and personal worldviews are considered along side the subculture of school science. Two-hundred and fifty students from urban and provincial schools in the northeastern region of Colombia (South America) participated. From this group, 18 students were interviewed. It was observed that students adopt a compartmentalisation of knowledge that is evident as both an avoiding strategy in the classroom and as a mechanism to differentiate between the natural world of their everyday situations and the one portrayed by a Westernised science instruction in the classroom. The findings reflect how multiple worldviews correlate with student frameworks as implanted by school science.
William Medina-JerezEmail:

创业辅导体系是中小企业创业发展的平台,而创业辅导体系建设策略是随创业环境的变化而不断调整。江苏省创业辅导体系建设的主要策略是推动创业辅导基地建设、营造全面创业的文化氛围和建立创业咨询服务机构。创业辅导体系的建设需要政府和社会机构的广泛参与,才能取得成效。  相似文献   

研究生质量评估:模型与框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国研究生教育处于发展战略转型期,质量评估作为研究生教育质量保障的重要手段,其功能和地位愈发凸显。本文通过深入剖析我国、欧盟和英国的学位授予标准,揭示了硕士生和博士生之间的差异和共同点,从而抽象出研究生质量三角模型,包括知识、能力和潜力等三个维度;在模型基础上设计了研究生质量评估框架,并对不同学位层次的研究生作了技术处理。  相似文献   

思想政治教育必须以人为本,注重对人的精神世界的研究。大学生个性发展与其成长成才密切相关,个性塑造是思想政治教育的重要内容,思想政治教育对人的个性形成、发展和矫正有促进作用。通过马克思主义关于人的基本观点为基础,研究思想政治教育是有关个性化理论及其实施的途径。  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育依托先进典型开展工作,充分发挥先进典型的引领作用和带动作用。先进典型的培育过程中,要注意避免形式化、完美化、陈旧化的选树方式,做到实事求是、贴近学生、广泛覆盖、持续培养、合理宣传。先进典型的持续涌现是大学生思想政治教育工作成效的有力体现。  相似文献   

Over the past decade the scholarship ofteaching has received considerable attention inthe higher education literature as a reactionto the widely cited Carnegie Foundation'sreport ``Scholarship Reconsidered'; however, theconcept has remained devoid of a unifieddefinition. A recent Delphi study conductedwith a selective group of scholars whoseexpertise lies in the area of universityteaching and learning indicated the extent towhich these ``experts' agreed with each other onimportant features and unresolved issues theyassociate with the scholarship of teaching. Building on the results of the Delphi study,the present article discusses the results of asecond survey comparing these ``experts' 'conceptions with those of a larger group ofscholars whose expertise lies in a differentacademic field (``regular academic staff'), inorder to identify the similarities anddifferences in the conceptions of thescholarship of teaching held by each of the twogroups. While regular academic staff werefound to associate the scholarship of teachingmore with good or effectiveteaching ``experts' pointed to notions such aspeer review and scholarly standards. Thediscussion of the results focuses on the notionof consensus reached within and betweenthe two groups. It is argued that in order topromote changes in policy with respect to whatis to count as scholarship, identifying andreporting ``experts' ' conceptions, thoughclearly necessary for promoting moreenlightened discussions on the issue, willremain insufficient. Policy change in academeis more likely to ensue as a result of thewider academic community reaching consensus onthe meaning, and nature, of the scholarship ofteaching. The wider academic community includes``experts', as well as colleagues in departmentsand disciplinary associations. The articleconcludes by exploring the notion of consensusthrough the lens of critical social theory.  相似文献   

Because it focuses on the interactions between students and their environments, Holland’s theory of vocational choice provides a powerful framework for studying college experiences. The present study assessed the relative merits of psychological and sociological interpretations of Holland’s theory by examining the relationships among students’ expectations about college, their personality types, and their intended academic majors. Results indicated that both the psychological and sociological aspects of Holland’s theory aid in understanding students’ college expectations.  相似文献   

气相色谱-质谱联用法分析奶及乳制品中的脂肪酸   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对奶及乳制品中脂肪酸的组成和含量进行测定.采用哥特里-罗兹法提取奶及乳制品中的脂肪油,氢氧化钾-甲醇溶液法甲酯化,以气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行了分析,结果表明奶及乳制品中的脂肪酸主要以碳8到碳24的脂肪酸为主,各脂肪酸在不同类型的奶及乳制品中含量也不相同.  相似文献   

以实践能力培养为突破口是当前经济形势与社会背景下破解教育技术学专业毕业生就业困局的学界共识,各院校分流培养的实践尝试也给了我们很多启示.但毕业生就业问题的有效解决是一项系统工程,特别是在社会分工日益细化的形势下,应该首先厘清教育技术实践能力的层次结构,规划多阶渐进的实践项目,构建开放有效的实践活动环节,进而以此为中心,从现有实验设备高效利用与新资源环境建设、实验教师与专职教师素养发展、互为双赢的校企合作策略、持续跟进式的毕业生初职支持等多方面探索促进教育技术学专业学生实践能力持续发展的措施和方法.  相似文献   

管理科学专业本科人才培养模式与课程设置   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究管理科学本科人才培养模式,并且设计出相应的课程,为办好这一专业提供依据。  相似文献   

文章基于优慕课SPOC平台,根据以教师为主导,学生为主体的教学理念,以线上、线下教学环节深度融合为目标,对北京某高校雅思英语写作课程混合式教学模式进行了建构与实证研究。通过课堂观察、问卷调查及SPSS数据统计验证,基于SPOC的雅思英语写作混合式教学模式能够有效提升教学效果。该实证研究也为同类课程开展混合式教学提供了参考。  相似文献   

人格范型作用在古今中外的学校教育中一直是一种非常重要的精神资源和教育资源。在不断弱化着这种作用的教育现实中,人格范型价值的重建,就是要在学校的教师与管理工作者中提倡追求真善美的人格精神,促进管理队伍基本精神素质的良性转化,建设与社会其他从业者迥然有别的管理队伍,建立对教师与管理者严格的行为约束制度,使其在进入教育过程的时候,在学生面前表现出良好的人格风范。  相似文献   

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