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World-wide it is important to recognize Indigenous children's speech and language competence and their language learning environments. Indigenous Australian children participated in the child cohort of Footprints in Time: Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children, a national study supported by Indigenous Australians and the Australian Government collected annually (in waves). There were 692 3–5-year-old children in wave 1, and two years later, 570 5–7-year-old children were in wave 3 (77.0% of children in wave 1 were also in wave 3). Data were obtained via parent interviews and direct assessment. The children spoke between one and eight languages including: English (wave 1: 91.2%, wave 3: 99.6%), Indigenous languages (wave 1: 24.4%, wave 3: 26.8%), creoles (wave 1: 11.5%, wave 3: 13.7%), foreign languages (non-Indigenous languages other than English) (wave 1: 2.0%, wave 3: 5.1%), and sign languages (wave 1: 0.6%, wave 3: 0.4%). Children who spoke an Indigenous language were more likely to live in moderate to extreme isolation than their English-speaking counterparts. Parental concern about speech and language skills was similar to data for non-Indigenous children with approximately one quarter of parents expressing concern (wave 1: yes = 13.9%, a little = 10.4%). Children's language environments were rich, with many family members and friends telling oral stories, reading books, and listening to the children read. Almost a third of families wanted to pass on their cultural language, and many indicated that they would like their child to learn an Indigenous language at school. Overall, Indigenous Australian children have rich cultural and linguistic traditions and their speech and language competence is promoted through family, community, and educational experiences.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the topic of the language development of three young bilingual children at both home and school. Our aim is to consider the language issues that arise in such children, taking into account their parents' language background and experience of school systems, language practices and 'policy' in the home, and the children's experience of a year of nursery school as reported by their teachers. We try to show how different strands of the children's experience fit together; their 'mother tongue', their mothers' aspirations for them, their teachers' view of their progression, and their competence in English, all considered against the background of current curriculum guidance. We conclude with an examination of the gains and losses these children have made in the school system so far, and with an analysis of what the roles of 'mother tongue' might be for children in these and similar circumstances.  相似文献   

演讲稿是演讲内容的主要依据,为演讲打下了基础,创造了条件,十分重要。演讲稿的语言要适应演讲现场的需要,既要准确、规范,具有科学性,又要形象、生动,具有情感性;既有一般书面语言的特点,又有口语表达的效果。  相似文献   

方国爱  徐芳 《梧州学院学报》2007,17(2):101-104,108
近年来,任务型教学在外语教学中越来越受到关注且研究日益增多.该文在梳理其理论根源的基础上,通过实证研究分析了任务型教学在大学英语课堂上的应用,得出在语言教学上没有最好或固定的方法,教学的中关键是师生间真诚、积极的参与和交流,而这一点在任务型教学中是罕见的.  相似文献   

近年来,任务型教学在外语教学中越来越受到关注且研究日益增多。该文在梳理其理论根源的基础上,通过实证研究分析了任务型教学在大学英语课堂上的应用,得出在语言教学上没有最好或固定的方法,教学的中关键是师生间真诚、积极的参与和交流,而这一点在任务型教学中是罕见的。  相似文献   

目前,在国家的大力支持下,新疆正大力发展并稳步推进少数民族的双语教育,以适应社会的发展和满足广大少数民族群众的要求。语言经济学强调语言也是一种人力资本。语言学习的最终目的是取得收益。但目前,新疆双语教育在一些地区存在着投入产出失衡,“费时低效”的情况。适时引入语言经济学的观点,对提高新疆双语教育的收益会有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的历史发展和文化变迁(土著文化、殖民文化、羊毛工业文化、淘金文化和移民文化)对澳大利亚英语在语音语调、词汇拼写和句法结构上的变异产生了巨大的影响,使澳大利亚英语呈现出区别于其他英语变体的区域色彩和民族特点。  相似文献   

本文分析了双语教学中民族学生在习得语言过程中存在的语言偏误的具体形式以及这些语言偏误在语言学习和语言教学中的存在价值。  相似文献   

语言政策是国家政策的重要组成部分。美国在联邦政府层面没有强制性的语言政策,但州政府在移民语言和民族语言的传递历程中极力维护英语的强势地位,对其他语言采取了排斥的态度。作为美国学校语言教育重要内容的外语课程和双语课程发展不是很顺利,正面临严峻挑战,但家庭语言教育则呈现出灵活多变的特征。美国语言教育政策对我国民族地区双语教育的启示包括:营造语言学习环境、保护和开发民族语言资源、鼓励社会力量参与民族语言教育。  相似文献   

思维与语言有着密不可分的联系.由于历史发展、地理环境和文化背景的不同,不同的民族具有独特的思维模式,这种不同充分体现在语言的表现形式上.本文试图剖析英汉思维模式之间的本质差异,分析这些差异对跨文化交际中语用失误的影响,以及如何避免语用失误的途径.  相似文献   

语言磨蚀和语言学习关系密切。通过对新疆双语教师第二语言磨蚀的主要原因的分析,对如何减少双语教师习得的第二语言磨蚀提出应对策略。  相似文献   

通过实验,探讨了中国学生的英语水平和他们的交际策略选择之间的关系,并证明了学生交际能力的提高可以通过提高他们的策略能力来实现.  相似文献   

论英美文学在大学英语教学中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英美文学在大学英语教学中的重要作用不可忽视.它为语言学习者提供语言典范,为培养高素质人才提供文学素养,为大学生学习英语用于有效交际提供背景阐释.因此,英语教师在大学英语教学中应重视英美文学教学,使之为学好英语,用好英语服好务.  相似文献   

Ⅰ  Communicationisnotanobjectwecanholdinourhand -itisanactivityinwhichweparticipate (Pearson ,1991) .Communi cationisusuallydevidedintotwoprimarycategories :verbalandnonverbal(Brooks ,1974 )intermsofitselements.Verbalcommu nication(VC)meanscommunicationwithlanguag…  相似文献   

Six children with cerebral palsy and severe speech impairment took part in a two‐phase longitudinal study of development of social cognition. The children ranged in age from 5 to 7 years old at data collection time 1 and from nine to 11 years old at data collection time 2. Using a model of normal development of Theory of Mind (ToM) suggested by Gopnik and Slaughter (1991), the children were tested on a number of tasks requiring (ToM). The findings suggest that the children with speech impairment follow a normal pattern of development, but with a severe delay compared with children without disability. The results are discussed in relation to problems in early social and communicative experience for the group of children with cerebral palsy and severe speech impairment.  相似文献   

从不同的语言观看美国双语教育之争   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
自从1968年美国颁布第一部<双语教育法案>确立了双语教育的合法地位以来,美国的双语教育在短短30多年时间里几经沉浮,可谓命运多舛.本文就美国社会对语言多样性问题所持有的三种不同语言观及其在美国双语教育的发展历程中所发挥的作用进行分析,以期进一步深刻理解美国双语教育兴衰变迁的政治性基础.  相似文献   

在外语教学活动中,非语言交际起到了不可替代的作用,它以其形象、生动、简明的特点吸引学生的注意力,在激发学生的兴趣,调动其积极性等方面效果显著。本丈从非语言交际的知识着手,探讨了非语言交际知识在外语教学中的使用和注意的问题。  相似文献   

人类与动物本质的区别表现在语言方面.人类的语言是怎样获得的?语言的获得到底跟哪些因素息息相关?这些问题一直是教育和心理学界探讨的问题.本文从社会的角度出发,试探语言获得会受社会交往动机的影响.  相似文献   

语用模糊是交际的一种常见现象,也是交际者的一种语言策略。文章从语用学的角度对言语交际中的语用模糊现象进行认知分析,并就如何运用语用模糊达到特定的交际效果提出一些看法。  相似文献   

《福乐智慧》作为我国维吾尔古典文学的代表,它虽然成书于11世纪中期,但它对语言传播的起源和价值的论述却多有精到之处,很值得我们从现代传播学的角度进行重新解读和评估。  相似文献   

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