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This study compared adaptation to college for students receiving counseling at a university counseling center with adaptation by control counterparts. Students receiving counseling initially reported lower adaptation scores as measured by the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire. After counseling, scores no longer differentiated between the 2 groups. Results suggest that counseled students were affected positively by this experience.  相似文献   

高校学生社团及其所衍生的教育公平现象,引起了国外学者的关注。国外学者致力于从社会学的角度以独特的方式阐述高校学生社团,拓展出新的研究视角。从教育学、学生发展理论的研究视角,对近些年来国外有关高校学生社团与教育公平之间的研究的文献进行梳理,并在此基础上反思我国高校学生社团的组织与开展。  相似文献   

本文在文献分析的基础上,初步分析了高校学生干部胜任维度主要分为:人际交往、语言表达、计划组织、责任意识、自身素养。在分析整理基础上,编制了学生干部胜任力特征的原始问卷,常熟理工学院331名和南京高校1166名学生参与问卷的调查,结果表明:(1)高校学生干部胜任力是一个五维结构;(2)编制的高校学生干部胜任力问卷的信效度指标均达到了心理测量学要求。  相似文献   

高等职业院校专业结构与三大产业就业结构变化的适应性对我国经济社会及高等职业教育自身的发展有着重要意义。沈阳航空职业技术学院在分析地方经济产业结构调整状况的基础上,根据学校的自身条件,有针对性和有选择性地设置专业结构,优化专业结构,凝练专业特色,打造专业品牌,逐渐实现了各个专业按比例均衡发展。  相似文献   

课题以教育与经济的关系理论为指导,探讨经济科技和社会发展及其对人才的需求、高等教育系统内部各个方面的组合和协调发展。地区和行业发展的不平衡是制约高等教育专业结构选择的基本因素,其经济和社会发展的未来趋势也是调整高等教育专业结构的基本依据。课题既考虑社会主义市场经济体制对高等教育的影响和作用,又遵循高等教育自身发展的规律,对高等教育的供需矛盾、高等教育的管理体制和运作机制、中西部地区产业结构的变化对高等教育专业结构调整的影响进行了研究,提出了符合区域经济发展需要的高校专业结构调整的方案,促使专业结构调整…  相似文献   

大学新生人际适应障碍分析及调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对大学新生人际适应障碍的表现、原因进行分析。提出了一些调适对策,以帮助大学新生掌握相应的人际适应技能和技巧,建立和谐的人际关系,尽快适应新的学习环境。  相似文献   


This study seeks to understand which socio-demographic variables explain bystander readiness to help (BRH) among a diverse (via race/ethnicity) sample of college students. This study uses an intersectional approach by investigating how gender intersects with variables, specific to a college student population (e.g., class level, college of major, sexual harassment on campus), to influence readiness to help. The results are from a survey about campus climate experiences, which includes a stratified random sample of college students from a large Southwestern university in the United States, with 964 respondents. We conducted bivariate crosstabulations, comparisons of means, and multiple regressions. The multiple regression analyses illustrate that for women, the single most robust relationship with BRH is experiences with sexual harassment. For men, the strongest correlate is being a student within the college of liberal and fine arts. The practical and research implications of these findings are discussed.


大学生学校适应性研究综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对近年来大学生学校适应性研究的现状及其相关研究进行了总结,就学校适应的界定及构成、大学生学校适应的研究特点、影响因素等3个重要论题进行了回顾,并指出了目前该研究领域中存在的问题和研究思路。  相似文献   

随着和谐发展观的不断深入和高校素质教育的推进,大学生适应性教育的重要性日益突显.要增强大学生适应性教育的实效性,应该从大学生这一主体的内在因素着手,从缄默知识理论视角的分析能充分说明这一点,这也将成为开展大学生适应性教育的理念指导.  相似文献   

一、课题研究的指导思想、理论基础 课题以教育与经济的关系理论为指导,既考虑社会主义市场经济体制对高等教育的影响和作用,又遵循高等教育自身发展的规律,对高等教育的供需矛盾、高等教育的管理体制和运作机制、中西部地区产业结构的变化对高等教育专业结构调整的影响进行研究,提出符合区域经济发展需要的高校专业结构调整的方案,促使专业结构调整更好地适应产业结构调整的需要.  相似文献   

本研究对NSSE-China的产生、本土化、理论化过程中的相关研究文献进行梳理,运用文献分析法,综述学习投入的概念与内涵、学习投入的测量工具NSSE-China的发展,分析中国高校学生学习投入状况,对影响大学生学习投入的各方面因素进行梳理,最后构建了基于NSSE-China调查的各因素对学习投入的影响路径图。  相似文献   

The questionnaire used for the U.S. Listening to Mothers II survey was translated and culturally adapted to measure Japanese women's experience during the period of pregnancy planning through early postpartum. Methods included expert panels and two phases of cognitive interviews with 20 postpartum Japanese adult women. The number of problems with the translated questionnaire effectively decreased in the iterative process. Most problems were found in the question-interpretation stage of cognitive processing, such as wording/tone. Culture-specific concepts and unclear items were adapted to prevent erroneous interpretations in future studies. The future use of this questionnaire to generate data sets will be useful for professionals interested in developing evidence-based practices. The knowledge from this study can be helpful in improving health-care services and education for women with diverse languages and cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of on-campus residence, in comparison with commuter status, on academic performance, vocational commitment, self-efficacy, and perceptions of the college environment among female and male Iranian students at Shiraz University, Iran. The study sought to extend previous work investigating the effects of college residence on adjustment by testing these effects with a national population that has received relatively little attention in the extant counseling literature. Nearly all previously published studies exploring these phenomena have focused exclusively on college students in the United States. We found that residential living had positive effects on student adjustment and academic performance and that these effects were mediated by gender. Implications of these findings for the college psychotherapy and student development knowledge base, college and university psychotherapists working with international students and American students of Middle Eastern and Northern African descent in the United States, and college counseling professionals working in Middle Eastern and North African nations, as well as critical limitations of the study, are discussed.  相似文献   

择校是当前世界范围内教育领域的一个颇有争议的问题.国外实证研究显示,没有充分的证据表明择校可以从普遍意义上提高中小学生的学业成就,但对于特定种族的学生来说(如非洲后裔的学生),择校有助于这类学生成绩的改善.本文以国外学者对教育券和特许学校的实证研究为例,在文献分析的基础上从实证研究的视角考察择校对中小学生学业成就的影响,以期为当前我国有关择校问题的讨论提供启示.  相似文献   

公平是人类社会具有永恒价值的基本理念和行为准则.普通高校在录取期间调整招生计划是比较普遍的现象,但从公平视角考量确实存在不公平问题.加强招生计划管理的高校内部和外部的有效措施要通过建立健全高校招生的程序性法规,加强高校的社会责任意识和超前性的决策能力,以及进一步加强政府和社会的监督等手段,从而促进教育的公平.  相似文献   

大学生自卑心理的实质及其认知机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对多数大学生而言,自卑心理是基于社会比较而产生的一种暂时的不如人的心理体验,它可能成为个体进步的动力,也可能成为前进的障碍,这取决于个体的自我调适能力.从认知视角来看,大学生自卑心理的核心是虚构自我概念的存在,造成其应有的能力无法发挥,自验预言的作用使其虚构自我概念日益得到强化,如此循环,从而陷入严重的自卑.虚构自我是指个体假想的阻碍个体行动和充分发挥自我潜在素质的消极层面的觉知、体验及观念,与其真实能力不符.大学生的虚构自我与真实能力之间的差异是其自卑心理的认知根源.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,中共中央高度重视高校学生党员发展,各高校也将大学生党建工作提高到一个新的水平。新形势下,如何践行中共中央"控制总量、优化结构、提高质量、发挥作用"十六字方针,是当今大学生党建工作的一个重要课题。探讨高校党员发展工作量化考核新思路,控制好党员发展标准,发挥好大学生党员的先锋模范作用,是推进高校党建工作的一个时代性借鉴。  相似文献   

The importance of replication is widely recognized in several research traditions. Empirical synthesis of seemingly diverse results may be particularly important when factor structure similarities are being evaluated because apparent differences in findings may be an artifact of different locations of factor axes, even though variable positions in factor space may be virtually identical. The present study empirically evaluated the comparability of seven sets of factor structures reported in previous research with the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Results indicate that the inventory’s primary factors were reproduced in the studies, although the Masculine scale was somewhat less invariant than its Feminine counterpart. Thus, the results support the validity of this androgyny measure across several variations in sample types. The study represents a heuristic example of a methodology for the meta-analysis of factor structure studies.  相似文献   

A method of peer review for student groups is proposed. In this method, groups of students publish their assignments results over the Internet. A fellow student group reviews their work and publishes their findings (on the Internet). Finally, the two groups debate their points of view in front of the class. The debate and healthy competition among groups give the students a chance to learn how to give and receive criticism in a constructive way. This should increase the students' ability to interact and work in groups, an important skill for computer science professionals.  相似文献   

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