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Despite the significant proportions of rural Americans, schools, and public school students situated in the geographic peripheries of an increasingly urbanizing country, rural education in the United States has consistently occupied both scholarly and policy peripheries. This is to the detriment of rural America, especially to the extent that public policy and educational practice may work at cross-purposes with the vitality and well-being of rural communities. This paper examines these issues and, more specifically, considers the relationship between rural education and rural community development. I argue that rethinking the purposes of education, particularly within rural contexts, may help not only to more clearly articulate a sensible rural education policy, but, in the process, more clearly articulate broader rural development policy.  相似文献   


A ten-item, five-interval rating scale was administered to 647 rural school children in grades 7, 9, and 11, who used the scales to rate their parents individually. The data were factor analyzed, producing 12 factor structures—one analysis for each concept by age and by sex. The results were examined for attitudes which might be specific to various ages and concepts, or to sex. They were also examined for possible attitudinal permanence. The strongest overall tendencies were in terms of evaluating the parents in the Pleasant-Unpleasant and Interesting-Uninteresting dimensions.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, this study documented college attendance patterns of rural youth in terms of the selectivity of first postsecondary institution of attendance, the timing of transition to postsecondary education, and the continuity of enrollment. The study also examined how these college attendance patterns among rural students differed from those among their nonrural counterparts and which factors explained these rural–nonrural differences. Results showed that rural youth were less likely than their nonrural counterparts to attend a selective institution. In addition, rural youth were more likely to delay entry to postsecondary education compared to their urban counterparts. Finally, rural students were less likely than their urban counterparts to be continuously enrolled in college. Much of these rural–nonrural disparities in college attendance patterns were explained by rural–nonrural differences in socioeconomic status and high school preparation. Policy implications, limitations of the study, and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   


Although many adult basic education programs offer distance learning (DL) for GED (General Educational Development) and English as a Second Language learners, this topic has received little scholarly attention. This article examines the availability, usage, and effectiveness of DL for rural GED candidates in Pennsylvania; students' demographic and educational characteristics and participation patterns; and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of DL for students and education providers. Data sources included records of 24,143 rural GED students in state-funded programs; GED test takers' demographic survey data; interviews with DL educators and students; and a survey of non-state-funded DL providers. The results show that 4% of rural GED students—primarily young, White, low-income women—participated in DL. Rural DL students were as likely to pass the GED Tests as face-to-face learners. Key advantages and disadvantages of DL for rural GED students are discussed. The study signals great potential and need for expanding DL in rural regions.  相似文献   

废名在其田园诗化小说里肯定与否定的意向交叉叠合,在他冲淡的笔调之下幽隐显露出清晰的批判意识:那看似光艳的习俗,凡俗存在的抽象观念,知识者的劣根性等。这些否定性的指向虽然蕴含在他精心营构的弥漫着诗意的文本中,却依然凸显看他对道德标准和底层人生际遇的质疑,和对恶浊现实提出的抗议。  相似文献   

The disparities between urban and rural areas are increasingly widening with the development of the "digital divide"; however, information technology plays an important role in accelerating rural development. After investigation and analysis, Beijing Academy of Agricukure and Forestry Sciences (BAAFS) has schemed out a network transmission solution and an user application system, which are adaptable to the reality in China's rural areas and provide a distance education for farmers with e-lectures, multi-media courseware and other information services, including website, Agricultural voice information Consultative Service System, Agricultural Intelligence-System and 3S technology. The rural distance education and information service system greatly contributed to the information-driven agriculture, the qualifying of farmers and the rural development. This paper introduces the training and learning modes of adult education in rural areas through modem information technology. Furthermore, the paper discusses the problems encountered during the development of Beijing rural distance education.  相似文献   

Consumer satisfaction with the delivery of preschool speech‐language services in a sparsely populated rural region of Canada was investigated. A 22‐item questionnaire was developed to evaluate parent satisfaction for seven targeted service themes. Of the 152 parents identified for study, 79 (52%) completed and returned the questionnaire. Although results indicated generally positive levels of parent satisfaction for the services provided significant differences emerged for four service themes: intervention format, parent support, parent satisfaction, and service convenience. Similar patterns were found for two service themes (i.e., intervention format and parent support), when parent responses were sub‐categorised and analysed according to children's preschool program outcome (i.e., goals reached versus transferred to school). The speech‐language service themes rated the highest by parents included referral process, assessment process, and parent intervention. Parent evaluations were less supportive for three additional service themes: service convenience, parent support, and overall parent satisfaction. Intervention format received the lowest parent rating. The results are suggestive of ways in which the speech‐language service may be enhanced to achieve greater levels of consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   


No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has been proclaimed by some as a reform that will improve education for students from all backgrounds, in all locations. The main components of NCLB, however, are biased against students in small and rural schools. This bias, called “placism,” discriminates against people based on where they live. This rural incompatibility is evident in NCLB's accountability provisions, sanctions, and highly qualified teacher provisions. Problems in these areas are the result of ignoring, or distorting, the realities of rural schooling. The accountability provisions are constructed so that small schools will frequently be incorrectly labeled as failing. The sanctions, inappropriate for rural areas, fail to provide solutions to existing rural challenges. The “highly qualified” teacher provisions make it more difficult, not easier, for rural districts to attract and retain competent teachers. Unless these injustices are corrected, NCLB will serve to decrease educational quality for rural students.  相似文献   

乡村徒步旅游是一种灵活自由、老少咸宜的旅游方式,对经济发展、文化融合、环境保护等具有积极的意义。但是,该旅游方式在安全、生态环境等方面也会带来一些现实问题。开辟新的徒步游线路,完善乡村旅游基础设施和服务设施,提高徒步旅游的信息服务质量,保护乡村文化和文化空间,是乡村徒步旅游开发与乡村旅游设施优化的主要措施。  相似文献   

魏霞 《海外英语》2014,(17):92-93,105
Fewer scholars in China fixed on the basic computer application learning strategies for rural students; in this paper,I want to discuss them for those students,and give them some helpful strategies to promote basic computer application learning in rural areas of China.  相似文献   

唐嘉梨 《海外英语》2014,(5):102-103
Education plays a dominant role in contemporary society and is debated and contested all over the world.It is also the gateway to the wider world,but educational opportunities are frequently constrained by geographical locality.The rural infrastructure of China,for example,presents major challenges to educators seeking to open this door for the children of rural China.The objective of this research is to identify and analyse educational problems existing in western rural regions in China.  相似文献   

在我国欠发达的农村地区,传统家庭养老面临着事实和观念的挑战。转变经济发展方式、开拓养老保险市场、加强"孝道"养老理念教育、发挥政府主导作用是解决上述问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the presence of excellence gaps (i.e., differences between subgroups of students performing at the highest levels of achievement) in a sample of 563 students nominated as gifted by their teachers in urban, semi-urban, and rural settings in Spain. In general, the results suggested the existence of excellence gaps between urban and rural students, with urban students outperforming rural students in verbal and numerical reasoning, as well as in all divergent thinking dimensions (i.e., fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration). Differences across geographic locations were likely to be attributed to the limited opportunities available to high-achieving students to develop their talents and achieve excellence in rural schools. Limitations of the study, directions for future research, and educational implications of the study are provided.  相似文献   

We evaluate the impact of initiatives of a rural community in Bukedea District (Eastern Uganda) aimed at improving learning at their local primary school (School A) between 2016 and 2018. We focus on how these community-driven initiatives influenced enrollment, survival, infrastructure development and academic outcomes (test scores) at the local school. As a natural control, we use a primary school (School B) where such initiatives were non-existent. Using methodologies developed by UWEZO, we also collect and analyze household socio-economic data from both communities to develop possible explanations for the observed outcomes. The approaches, achievements and lessons described in this study may inform efforts to improve learning environments at rural primary schools through community involvement.  相似文献   

我国农村人口占全国人口总数50.32%以上,中国的教育问题实际上主要就是农村义务教育的问题。就目前农村义务教育发展的现状而言,农村尤其是中西部贫困农村地区,因经济落后而造成财政困难和农村义务教育中存在不公平现象是两个突出问题。义务教育的关键在于公平。对农村义务教育,尽管国家给予了相关的优惠政策和专项资金的资助,但一直缺少对城乡义务教育均衡发展的有力制度保障。本文认为,造成农村义务教育不公平问题的深层次原因在于教育政策中"公平性"的欠缺,并从制度视角分析不同的制度安排与制度博弈过程对农村义务教育发展的影响,对完善当前农村义务教育体制提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

王曾 《海外英语》2012,(5):115-117,124
English teaching method has been improved and the effect of teaching has become greater these years in China,but it is not satis fying.Therefore,adopting experiment approach,the present study aims to solve the question:Can cooperative learning bring effect to the English learning? It chooses two classes from a rural school,one is experimental group which adopts cooperative-learning approach,the other is control group which adopts traditional approach.Focusing on the analysis and comparativeness of their two tests’ scores,it studies the influence of cooperative learning on psychology,learning environment and learning which bring to the English learners,making a con clusion that the application of cooperative learning can greatly improve English learning.  相似文献   

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