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基于问题的学习(PBL)模式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
步入信息时代的学校教育不再以知识学习和解题能力的培养为中心,而应立足于学生提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的全过程。在当前基础教育的信息化教学改革浪潮中,“基于问题的学习”作为革新传统教育的一种新型信息化教学模式,受到了教育研究者和教师们的广泛关注。这种学习模式使得学生积极投入系列问题的解决过程中开展创造性学习,它为学生的创新能力、自主学习能力的培养提供了一个强有力的实施平台。  相似文献   

由于近几年留学生入学人数激增,教学资源相对有限,探索合适的教学模式成了一个迫切的需求,项目学习法(PBL)正好符合这一需求,它极大地激发了留学生学习汉语的兴趣,从而获得了良好的学习效果。  相似文献   

It is difficult for teachers to track student learning on a daily basis. However, the Intemet and new technologies that students use every day can make this much easier and more accessible. This article intends to make evident that using student response systems, such as Socrative and a smartphone, teachers can get more control of their students' pace of learning and their progress. Socrative is a very useful tool that helps teachers track student learning in real time. Socrative software can be downloaded on students' smartphones, tablets, or laptops and can facilitate online testing with immediate feedback and access to test results. Students receive immediate feedback as soon as they finish answering test questions. It can also promote cooperative learning when students work in groups discussing coursework. Use of the software can increase motivation, self-esteem, and understanding of concepts discussed in class.  相似文献   

Establishing the NCEDL (National Centre for E-learning and Distance Learning), electronic universities are some initiatives to introduce e-learning to the KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), which have led to a fast, strong, and impressive movement toward e-learning in the Kingdom. However, e-learning in Saudi Arabia is still in the early stage of its development due to many challenges of e-learning that will still have to be faced. E-learning in Saudi higher education has been examined in a number of studies. Yet, focusing on e-learning among Saudi women through the social and religious customs of society is not sufficiently examined. Therefore, this research seeks to investigate the possibilities that exist for the utilization of e-learning in the enhancement of the higher education opportunities of women in Saudi Arabia within the social customs and religious beliefs by identifying the barriers to higher education for Saudi women, the modes of e-learning that currently exist within the higher education programmes in the Saudi higher education system, how e-learning can support higher education opportunities for women in Saudi Arabia, and a successful model of e-learning to improve higher education opportunities for women in the KSA. In order to achieve the aim of this research, a pilot study was made by using a semi-structured interview as a method of data collection from Saudi females who live with their related (mahram) male in the United Kingdom and a three stage coding analysis of the grounded theory analyzing the data collected from the field to formulate a theory and a model. A primarily model was presented which described the contributions of e-learning to higher education of Saudi women. The model is presented consisting of three main categories: (1) social and religious barriers; (2) women's use of the Intemet; and (3) women's use of e-learning, as well as a number of sub-subcategories. In addition, the need to illuminate the ability of Saudi women to convert e-learning into a valuable educational achievement is demonstrated. The next stage of our research will investigate all of the issues indicated by the pilot study in order to improve the success of using e-learning for Saudi women's higher education and eventually to devise a research theory.  相似文献   

对首届全日制教育硕士学科教学(语文)专业教学技能大赛暴露出的全日制教育硕士研究生专业学习问题进行了分析,认为这些问题源于高校在教育硕士研究生的培养上存在培养模式与基础教育脱离、实践教学缩水与教师指导缺位、对专业素养的培养重视不够等问题。认为教育硕士研究生教育还需要进一步提升实践教学的内涵与质量,关注课程学习的有效性,摒弃培养过程中的功利性。  相似文献   

2009年7月6-18日,由教育部和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办,华东师范大学承办的2009全国研究生暑期学校(教育学)在华东师范大学举办.受邀专家们主要围绕教学与学习的创新、基础教育改革与实践、高等教育理论与实践研究、职业教育的发展、教师发展、教育与文化、学术自由与学术知识来源等七个主题进行了深入报告.因此,笔者在此分别从研究内容、研究视角与方法和总体评价三个维度,针对每个主题的学术报告进行综述,希望能为广大读者提供教育学之下二级学科碰撞下的火花,即从教育领域,乃至其他领域的不同视角来审视教育学的发展,从而推动我国整个教育事业的不断向前发展.  相似文献   

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