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Try again     
“当我陷入极端的快乐和悲伤,才发现事情不如我想像。快乐是欲望和心情的表象,悲伤的线怎么愈来愈长。”是悲伤的丝线绕混了我的思维吗?我竟然会忘了今天是几月几号,我以为还是六月中  相似文献   

I''''ll Try     
中文大意是: 我决心尝试那个说“我决心尝试”的小男孩. 他将登上山巅: 那个说“我不能”的小男孩, 他将在山脚下停步不前。“我决心尝试”每天都能办大事,  相似文献   

Have a Try     
[争当翻译家]竞赛题I.下面是几组格言或谚语的一部分,请你把它们补充完整.1.小孔不补,大孔叫苦.(及时缝一针,省去将来的九针。)A stitch(一针)in time__.2.一寸光阴一寸金。  相似文献   

Have a Try     
一、你能说出下列电影片名吗? 1. Future World 2. Snow white 3. Twelfth-Night 4. Break Dance 5. Mickey and Donald 6. Old Well 7. At Middle Age 8. Girl in Red 9. The Song of Youth  相似文献   

Listen M y classm ates were readingChinese articles aloud in our classroom.But w here was our C hinese teacher﹖O hshe was walking here and there in front ofthe class.There were a few m inutes leftbefore the class was over.O ur Chineseteacher suddenly said to us“W e will havea recital com petition tom orrow in Chineseclass.Everybody can take part in it.A tlast w e will choose three best speakers tothe com petition of the whole school.”H ear-ing this students began to discuss.I alsothough…  相似文献   

Have a Try     
一、写出下列单词的反义词:1.cold2.wrong3.night4.closed5.stay6.sell7.expensive8.hard9.long10.sit11.late12.take13.em pty14.sam e二、写出下列单词的同义词:1.study2.also3.every4.work5.problem6.start(开始)7.difficult(难)8.dear(贵的)9.high10.repair(修理)三、写出下列形容词的副词形式和副词的形容词形式:1.quick2.careful3.good4.easy5.usual6.clearly7.safely8.certainly四、写出下列各词的形容词形式:1.friend2.worry3.help4.close5.break6.A m erica7.difference8.open9.care10.A ustralia五、写出下列各词的复数形式:1.fo…  相似文献   

Try Guess It     
1 .Whieh letter 15 a kind of insect? 2.Whieh letter 15 a kind of drink? 3 .Whieh letter asks a question? 4 .Whieh letter 15 a large area of water? 5 .Whieh four letters ean frighten a thief away?Answers:1 .B一bee 2.T一tea 3.Y一why 4.C一sea 5.OICU一Oh,1 see you!Try Guess It@孟卫中$湖南宜章湘奥学校高中部…  相似文献   

We can make mistakes at any age.Somemistakes we make are about money.But mostmistakes are about people.“When I got thatjob,did Jim really feel good about it as afriend?Or is he envious(嫉妒)of my luck?”“And Paul—Why didn't I find that he wasfriendly just because I had a car?”When welook back,thinking about these,that can makeus feel bad.But when we look back.it's too late.  相似文献   

起初我只是一个慌乱而缺乏自信的女孩,但美国的遭遇告诉我:无论发生什么,都要勇敢去“踹”(Try);独自在异乡打拼除了“一往无前”(Go ahead),我别无选择;面对生活中的磨砺,我要尽量做到“不露声色”(Poker face)。仰望苍穹,我要大喝一声:别人能做到的事情,我也能行(Me too)!  相似文献   

Last week,my teacher chose(1) ten people to get ready for an English contest,but she didn’t choose me.That evening(2)I was so sad(3) because I wanted so much to take part in this contest.I wanted to have my parents help,but I didn‘t want them to worry about me.So I thought for a long time.At last I had an idea:to write a letter to my teacher in English.  相似文献   

I have something very interesting and I can't forget it. I am very unluckly today! Father and mother aren't at homeI'm very hungry and it's time to eat lunch.So I have to cook mealby myself.First,I put some rice in the bowl,then wash it and putit in the pan to cook.Next,I pick vegetables and clean them in  相似文献   

海内外学界喜欢讨论"文化震憾"。对于我,到美国后的第一个震撼(shock),就是这个处处可闻的英文字眼:try(试试)。我是在新学期开始前夕赶到美国的。几天之内,新生入学要找房子、办注册、办健康保险等好多事情,好歹在朋友的帮助下办妥。可是一到选课,我就抓了瞎:从小学到大学,我们该读什么书,必修什么课,都是老师或"上面"给安排好了的,你可以偷懒、怠课甚至逃  相似文献   

海外学界喜欢讨论“文化震撼”。对于我,到美国后的第一个“shock”,(震撼),就是这个处处可闻的英文字眼:“try(试试)。”我是在新学期开始前夕赶到美国  相似文献   

Many years ago in India there lived a young couple. The young couplewanted a child very much, and when they finally had a male baby, theyloved him whole-heartedly.  相似文献   

Because of a proposed policy, public school teachers in Hawaii are facing the possibility of being randomly tested for illegal drugs. Random drug testing has many implications and its impact is questionable. In this article, the author scrutinizes the controversial drug-testing policy for both troubling and promising aspects and how educators may perceive it. Is this a safety issue or an invasion of privacy issue?  相似文献   

Nowadayssomeyoungpeopleareputtingonweightastheyliketohavemilk,cream,fatmeat,cakes,sweetsandsoftdrinks.Thesekindsoffoodusuallycontainmuchfatandsugar.Sinceobesity(肥胖病)doesharmtopeopleshealthandthebeautyoftheirfigures,manypeople,includingme,wantverymuchtoloseweight.Oneofmyfriendstoldmethattoeatlesscouldhelpreducefat.Ibelievedherandbeganmyplantoloseweight.Igotupearlierthanusual.Forbreakfast,Ijustateapieceofbread,anddranktwoglassesofwater.ThoughIwantedverymuchtoeatsomething,…  相似文献   

心中的信仰是我行动的源泉他人的教导是我行事的准则我要更多地了解这个世界并在爱的呵护下成长(我相信)你的眼里全是我我更相信生为拼搏我已学会如何去爱已懂得要相互谅解并对生活充满信心但你得做出选择不管对错有时你只能舍弃所爱……1984年11月9日,Delte Goodrem(黛尔塔·古德莱姆)出生于澳大利亚悉尼,被誉为澳洲的小天后。7岁时,她使轻松打进娱乐圈,为澳洲电视台拍广告并亮相于各类电视娱乐节目。12岁时,她用自己挣来的钱自制个人唱片,其中包括五首自创作品和一首由黛尔塔本人演喝的澳大利亚国歌。2002年,也就是Delta Goodrem18岁的…  相似文献   

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