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新世纪以来,中国内地和香港都启动了大规模的课程改革,对教师发展和教师教育提出了新的要求。基于对教师发展与教师教育之间关系的分析,文章指出了二者未来的发展方向,即发展中小学—大学伙伴协作关系,建立教师教育发展网络,促进多元化的教师发展和教师教育,以及深化教师与教师教育工作者的实践探究与反思。  相似文献   

本文对2007年国际教师教育论坛的交流与研讨进行概要介绍,分析了当前国际教师教育领域里的热点问题,探讨了国际教师教育改革与创新的特点,重点阐发了国际教师教育创新的政策支持、教师专业发展的国际比较与合作开发、国际教师专业发展的创新实践等方面的发展趋势,以及国际教师教育改革对我国当前的教师教育改革与发展研究的启示。  相似文献   

不同学科视野下的教师待遇研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经济和社会的转型使原有的幼儿教育体系受到冲击,新的体系尚未建立或正处于探索之中,多种问题和矛盾交织。其中,广大农村幼儿园教师的待遇问题日益凸显,并已严重影响到整个农村幼儿教育事业的健康发展。社会学、经济学、管理学和法学等学科都对教师待遇问题给予了特别的关注,在研究的基本框架、内容、方法等各方面积累了十分有益的研究成果,为我们研究农村幼儿园教师待遇问题提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

In this article, the author examines the character of the conversations generated in an elementary teacher group as they worked on mathematical problems together and analyzed their students' work. Two distinct forms of talk — exploratory and expository — were found. The first type of talk occurred most prominently when discussions centered on the teachers' own mathematical work and the second type when conversations centered on that of their students. By examining closely the few occasions when the groups' expository talk turned exploratory, the author explores how both the nature of the tasks and the range and type of facilitator conversational strategies can play significant roles in promoting and interrupting these conversational patterns to educational ends.  相似文献   

西方国家教师效能研究发展述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师效能是教师特质、能力与行为的综合体。一直以来,研究者对教师效能的内涵存有争议,并形成了不同的研究范式,包括教师特质研究、教学行为研究、教师效能比较研究和教师效能多元研究。教师效能的评价主要涉及评价模型、评价体系、评价方法三个方面。教师效能的影响因素则从教师个性特征、教学过程以及从教师认同的视角进行探讨。教师效能具有复杂性、动态性、差异性和层级性,建构不同的教师效能评价模型,根据学生的分组归类,或根据具体学科和教学情境,或根据教师的进步程度评价教师效能,从而促进教师专业发展,是教师效能研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

西方教师知识与教师专业发展研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西方教育研究领域,教师知识作为教师认知世界中稳定和基础性的一部分,一直是教师教育与发展的一个核心议题。随着教师知识认识论的变化,其研究内容也随之在演变和扩展:从教师知识分类研究发展到教师实践知识研究。知识观的转向必然会导致教师发展范式的转变,而这些变化对推动我国教师教育研究与发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

试论发展性教师评价理念对教师专业发展的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要配合素质教育的全面推进,就必须全面提高教师的教育质量。本文从教师专业发展着手,分析了教师专业发展的提出、对它的理解和教师专业结构的三大构成要素,指出教师自身才是他的专业发展的重要保证。但外部评价机制的促进作用也不容忽视,从而引进“发展性教师评价”概念,并从发展性教师评价对教师专业结构三大构成要素的促进分析阐述了“发展性教师评价”对教师专业发展的重大意义。  相似文献   

Although all teachers are expected to be “role models,” discursive trajectories reaching back to the West’s gay liberation pressure queer teachers to be role models in specific ways – by “coming out” and helping queer students out of their “time of difficulty.” Paradoxically, discourses that construct children as innocent and queers‐as‐a‐threat make it difficult for queer teachers not only to take up these positions as role models but to be visible in schools. In this article, I explore the discourses that shape queer teachers’ understanding of touch, sexuality, confidentiality, the private versus public domain, and pedagogical responsibility within the schooling context. Informed by Foucault, I analyze the interview data of three Ontario queer teachers to investigate the ways in which queers‐as‐a‐threat and teacher‐as‐role‐model influence the negotiation of their ethical dilemmas regarding their student crushes.  相似文献   

法国教师的新使命与教师教育改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在知识经济时代和学习化社会中,法国社会对教师的期望越来越高,教师的使命不仅是传授知识,还要承担许多社会应当共同完成的任务。法国在未来教师职业化的进程中,教师的继续教育将具有一定的强制性,培训也会更加个人化。但能否吸引足够的优秀青年加入到教师队伍,如何实现教师队伍的新老交替,将是未来若干年法国教师教育领域中的突出问题。  相似文献   

在终身学习思潮勃兴、学习型社会构建和新课程改革呼声高涨的时代境遇下,教师学习便成为一个热点研究领域。国内关于教师学习研究内容主要涉及其内涵与意义、性质与特征、内容与方式、内部机制与外部支持诸方面。研究虽然取得丰硕的成果,但尚存在概念模糊、研究内容分散、研究视角与方法单一等不足之处。今后相关研究要厘清基本概念,明确研究范围,拓宽研究视角,丰富研究内涵,并且要进行多种方法的整合研究。  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an 18-month qualitative study that followed the experiences of nine teacher residents, their site professors, site coordinators, clinical teachers and principals in three professional learning schools. The study examined the tensions that emerged as teacher preparation theory intersected with the context-bound realities of daily life in schools and the political constraints that diminish possibilities for inclusive education. The paper addresses implications for teacher preparation programmes by reporting how teacher residents negotiated their understanding of and commitment for inclusive education through three themes: (a) critical reflection as an emergent practice, (b) whose learning, and (c) the trouble with behaviour. Interpreting these themes has implications for programmatic designs in teacher preparation.  相似文献   

加快青年教师培养步伐的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养青年教师,不容置疑;加快培养步伐,更为紧迫和现实。本文介绍了河南科技大学理学院加快青年教师培养步伐、促其迅速健康成长的一系列成功经验,并对其进行了理论探讨。  相似文献   

This article aims to highlight how a scientific and critical approach is used in assessment dialogues during the last period of a practical, school-based teacher education programme. The result is based on 13 assessment dialogues conducted in a course at a Swedish university, where one of the course objectives is to, ‘in a scientific way, analyse teaching situations based on learning theories’. The assessment dialogues were analysed drawing from Bernstein’s concepts of ‘classification’, ‘framing’, ‘horizontal knowledge’ and ‘vertical knowledge’. The result shows that only in a minority of the assessment dialogues are students expected to use theory as an analytical tool and to critically examine their teaching practice. The theory is used in a more instrumental way to legitimize what is considered the ‘right way’ to teach. One conclusion is that the critical tradition of academia is seldom observed despite being clearly stated in the learning goals. The link between general academic knowledge and more school-based contextual knowledge is often missing or not made visible by the students or the teacher educators, and normative content is still clearly prominent.  相似文献   

张之洞教育思想可以概括为"以师为师,师从师出"。教师不仅是传递知识的媒介,而且是践行美德的典范。"以师为师,师从师出"的教育思想不仅为当代中国教育改革方向提供了历史思考,亦为解决道德滑坡、信任危机等社会问题提供了当代精神的核心价值共同体。  相似文献   

专业化视野下的教师教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业化已成为教师教育改革的趋势,专业化是一个不断深化的过程。进行教师教育改革,促进教师专业发展,应从树立现代教师专业的理念、扩大教师专业自主权、构建一体化的教师教育体制、合理设置教师教育课程优化教师专业知能等几方面入手。  相似文献   

The article attempts to present personal views of some changes that are needed to be made within teacher education in Malaysia. It uses one teacher education university as a point of reference to forward concerns. The university remains anonymous as it is not the intent of the article to critique the university but rather to highlight the more general challenges in preparing preservice teachers and to explore some approaches to improve teacher education within this university and its setting. The article starts by drawing together a set of concerns that face the field, arguing that three changes are needed to improve teacher preparation, namely (1) a curriculum that is grounded in the Malaysian context, (2) an improved practicum experience, and (3) to develop and situate practices in the schools. It concludes that the efforts to change within teacher education will not be easy, but needful; else the ultimate losers are the future teachers and their students.  相似文献   

借鉴美国高校教师管理制度创新教育学院师资建设工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
办好一所高校的关键是建设一支高水平的教师队伍,中外大学概莫能外。北京教育学院作为一所培训中小学校长教师的专门学院,如何建设一支高素质的教师队伍,不仅关系到学院自身发展,也影响着全市基础教育整体质量。学习借鉴中外高校,特别是美国高校教师的聘用、晋升、流动制度的经验,加快教师管理体制的创新,是学院发展中必须予以高度关注的一项紧迫而又任重道远的战略任务。  相似文献   

国内学者对教师资格考试制度的研究可划分为两大块:一是对国外教师资格考试制度经验的介绍及其与我国教师资格考试制度的比较、得到的启示的研究;二是对我国教师资格考试制度的研究。第二大块又可概括为三个方面:一是对我国施行教师资格国家考试制度意义和作用的研究;二是对我国教师资格国家考试制度问题和对策的研究;三是对我国施行教师资格国家考试制度持异议态度的研究。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的教师资格制度以教师资格鉴定和教师注册制度为基本类型,形成了比较成熟合理的教师资格认证体系。维多利亚州教师注册过程注册步骤合理详细,认证内容注重实践研究、依托相关法律运行,有助于促进教师专业化发展。对维多利亚州教师资格注册制度的研究,为我国教师资格认证制度的完善提供相关资料。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a more comprehensive picture of teacher preparation in Ethiopia on top of a closer scrutiny of current teacher education reforms. In particular, it presents teacher education within the context of policy implementation over the last six decades by highlighting key reforms and how these reforms impacted the education system in general and the teaching profession in particular. In analysing why and how the policy reforms took place, the paper draws on Chin and Benne’s strategies of change management and the world system theories. Further, based on government statistics, official policy documents, and observations, the paper argues that the series of policy interventions were short of addressing the challenges of teacher preparation, including maintaining minimum quality standards, though the sector’s expansion has had favourable impact on educational access and bridging regional and gender disparities.  相似文献   

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