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浅析影响民族大学生思想的因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文抛开影响普通大学生和民族大学生思想的共同因素,分析和探讨了影响民族大学生思想的特殊性,从民族大学生成长过程中寻找他们思想的深层次根源,从而在影响民族大学生思想特殊性方面有所突破和进展。把民族大学生思想政治教育的特殊性和思想政治教育的一般规律结合起来,以全面促进民族大学生思想政治素质的提高。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会需要和谐的学校教育,而和谐的学校教育需要和谐的师生关系.没有和谐的师生关系,和谐的学校教育便失去了良好的心理氛围.目前,师生关系中尚存在着一些不和谐方面,教师和学生的不良心态是影响师生关系和谐的主要因素.  相似文献   

Since PreK–12 student achievement is the primary focus of schools, all teachers are called to serve as teachers leaders and improve learning on their campuses. Rather than waiting until they have gained experience, teachers can begin acquiring the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of teacher leaders during their preservice programs. Drawing upon published literature, this synthesis paper recommends reflection, service learning, and involvement in university-level student professional organizations as ways to prepare preservice teachers to become teacher leaders.  相似文献   

实践中 ,我国大学生 ,尤其是非英语专业的学生往往很难熟练掌握英语口语 ,从而导致缺乏应有的语言交际能力。本文试谈了影响非英语专业学生口语能力提高的因素及其对策  相似文献   

用自编的中学生心理健康状况问卷对贵州省 818名中学生进行调查 ,结果表明 ,影响中学生心理健康较明显的因素有 :家庭结构、家长期望、亲子关系等家庭因素 ,师生关系等学校因素 ,学习问题和与异性交往状况等自身因素。根据研究结果 ,提出了相应的教育对策 :(1)发挥家庭的心理健康教育功能 ;(2 )开展心理健康教育 ,帮助学生建立良好的师生关系和同伴关系 ;(3)营造有助于心理健康发展的社会环境  相似文献   

师范生的教师职业认同对于优化教学效果、提升培养质量、助力学生成长具有重要的意义。当前师范生的教师职业认同状况呈逐渐下降趋势,其影响因素可以归结为社会因素、学校因素、学生及家庭因素等方面。改善师范生教师职业认同状况,需要各方面共同努力。  相似文献   

Higher educational institutions place a priority on the retention and timely graduation of students. Previous literature has identified transfer students to have unique concerns and that these concerns vary by major. While previous retention research has reported factors that influence students’ decision to remain in college, many of these studies treated transfer status as a homogenous group. The university in this study enrolls a high percentage of transfer students, and a large percentage of these transfers students enroll in Criminal Justice classes and become Criminal Justice majors. To determine if there are unique risk factors among Criminal Justice transfer students, this study uses multiple measures of transfer status to identify factors that might impact a students’ (1) university involvement, (2) GPA, (3) satisfaction with and sense of belonging to their university and (4) thereby influence their decision to remain in school. The proposition that transfer students as compared to native (nontransfer) students differ on how they face university challenges was also examined. While several variables were found to be important to students’ adjustment to the University, transfer status does not appear to be significant risk factor. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

We surveyed students (N = 152) in several sections of an undergraduate educational psychology course to determine what course factors would most motivate them to submit course evaluations. The survey directed students to choose among several pairs of course characteristics as to their relative impact on their decision to submit a course evaluation. After tabulating their choices, we ranked the course characteristics for the total sample and then for various demographic and performance subgroups. In general, students indicated that positive aspects of a course would motivate them to submit course evaluations more than would negative aspects.  相似文献   

知识社会的到来要求教师成为"知识人",成为知识资本的拥有者、经营者和管理者,即成为知识资本家。教师成为知识资本家不仅是知识社会发展的需要,而且是教师专业化发展的需要;不仅是应对教育改革的需要,还是未来社会教育发展的需要。教师需要具备知识资本家的理念,进行知识资本的积累,开展终身学习,加强知识资本的管理,养成教育家的气质,进而促进教师队伍整体素养的提高,实现教育质量的提升。  相似文献   

译品的质量如何提高 ,就这个话题已有不少的翻译家和翻译理论家发表不同见解。不过 ,决定译品质量的是翻译者的基本功 ,对这一点是没有异议的。同时 ,我们还应该看到一些因素影响着译品的质量 ,主要为 :一、外语教学的策略 ;二、大众对翻译的认识 ;三、各种“权威”的论断 ;四、社会价值取向。本文就这四种因素的影响作用进行讨论。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,在湘西自治州中小学抽取被试,对师范毕业生在向教师角色转变过程中的适应性状况及问题进行了探讨,分析了职业认同感、从教意愿、技能准备、学历、知识结构和教龄等个人因素,以及师范院校的教育和任教中小学校的管理等环境因素对师范生向教师转变过程的影响.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the Frequency with which parents read to their children, Preschool Exposure and the initial Age that students “who are economically at-risk” were first exposed to significant literacy activities at home or in a preschool setting affected their reading grades. Students “who are economically at-risk,” for the scope of this study, are those students whose family incomes qualify them to receive either free or reduced lunches. The criteria set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture’s School Lunch Program and Child Nutrition Web site (United States Department of Agriculture, 2005) was used to determine whether families were qualified to receive reductions in the price of their school meals. Parents of students from six southeast Alabama schools were selected to participate in the study. All six schools administered the Questioning, Understanding, Enriching, Seeking and Thinking (QUEST) program for gifted or academically successful students. The subjects were 84 parents/families with public school children who are economically at-risk and participated in the QUEST program. Data were gathered using a questionnaire developed by the researcher. Instructional implications for this research study are to (1) improve reading instruction for economically at-risk students within our nation’s elementary schools; (2) equip parents with teaching tools and theories for providing critical pre-reading skills to their young children and (3) to provide sound research for teacher educators to base their instruction to preservice teachers preparing to teach students who are economically at-risk.  相似文献   

从职业专业素质、职业道德素质两方面,针对钢琴教学过程中培养幼师专业学生成为钢琴陪练的教学实践进行了论述.  相似文献   

Set in a yearlong, school-based tutoring program, designed as a community of practice, we use qualitative methodology to examine how 14 preservice teachers learned to become responsive teachers. We focus on one question: In what ways does participating in a yearlong, supervised tutoring program mediate preservice teachers' learning about responsive teaching? The preservice teachers described the ways they came to learn about their buddies and build caring relationships with them. They reported the importance of collaboration with their tutoring buddies, peers, families, and classroom teachers, and that through the yearlong tutoring experience, the preservice teachers gained confidence as teachers and a sense of efficacy as caring educators. This study is important because it uncovers how school-based tutoring programs, modeled as a community of practice, can provide opportunities for preservice teachers to grow professionally to become responsive educators.  相似文献   

要让学生真正成为班级的主人,尊重是基础,管理是途径,制度是保证。这是理论与实践相结合的一种通俗的、操作性较强的管理模式,可以突出教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,肯定学生的能力,同时也减轻班主任的负担,达到和谐的满意的教育效果。  相似文献   

现代青年学生,是国家建设的生力军,在社会飞速发展的时代,青年学生不仅要掌握现代科学技术,学会工作本领,更应该培养竞争意识、创新精神和实践能力,提高自身素质修养,努力争做国家建设的栋梁,成为合格人才.  相似文献   

通过问卷和访谈,对200名大学英语教师在专业发展中主要的影响因素进行了调查。结果显示:影响因素主要来自教学量、知识结构、学习投入、科研方法和职业倦怠五个方面。进而分析高校教师的观点,提出了三方合作、专才专用的应对策略。研究结果对实现大学英语教师的可持续发展具有一定的启示和参考价值。  相似文献   

在中学作文教学中,要鼓励学生大胆想像,提出假设,并不断发现新事物、新问题。让他们有良好的联想和直觉思维能力。可采取的具体做法是:1.拓展知识面:包括训练学生听力,进行知识积累;增加课外阅读,创设交流场所;鼓励学生外出,与人进行交流。2.利用已有知识,进行创造想像:包括根据课文内容,进行创造想像;根据画面内容,进行创造想像;根据生活常识,进行创造想像。  相似文献   

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