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高教决策咨询制度是实现高教决策科学化民主化的重要保障。英美日等西方高等教育强国都建立有完善的高教决策咨询制度,表现在咨询机构、咨询报告、咨询报告的影响力等各方面。考察和分析英美日三国的高教决策咨询制度对重建我国高教决策咨询制度具有启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The concept of data-informed decision making (DIDM), a term used interchangeably with data-driven decision making (DDDM) and data-based decision making (DBDM), is relatively new to Irish education and the school planning process. This research sought to clarify what data principals use and how they use that information for school improvement considering new school self-evaluation requirements. The paper begins by charting the rise internationally of data use in school planning, decision making and accountability. It proceeds to describe the policy context in this area in Ireland and then reports recent research with school leaders around how data is collected and used in their work. Although the paper focusses on Ireland, it is tentatively suggested that school leaders, teachers and policymakers in other countries, and there are many, which have come late to the expectation that school improvement and accountability should be heavily data-informed may find the efforts of Irish principals in this regard of interest.  相似文献   

财政分权理论认为,财政分权有利于提高地方公共产品的供给效率,有助于当地居民参与公共产品供给的决策,但这是以许多前提假设为条件的。通过考察我国的财政分权改革历程和中等职业教育发展状况,发现我国的社会经济发展状况和政治制度使得我国并不存在满足蒂波特模型的条件,财政分权并没有提高地方政府发展中等职业教育的效率,也没有促使当地居民参与到发展中等职业教育的决策制定中去。中等职业教育的发展还面临着许多困难,尤其是资金上的困难。因此,需要发挥中央政府在联邦制下无法发挥的协调作用,调节不同地方政府发展中等职业教育带来的成本和收益,促进地区间中等职业教育的均衡发展,满足不同地区对中等职业教育的需求。  相似文献   

Higher education in the United States and elsewhere is beset by crises: crises of public confidence, questions of continuing relevance, doubts about continuing the emphasis on doctoral instruction, and a very real financial crisis. In response, governing boards and governmental agencies are devoting increasing attention to the management of higher education. Part of this response has been a heightened interest in formal planning-programming-budgeting-systems (PPBS); in fact, several states have legislated the adoption of PPBS for higher educational planning and decision making. Similar interest has been evidenced in other countries. Therefore, it is an appropriate time to reconsider the nature and role of PPBS and its potential impact on higher education. This paper describes the salient characteristics of PPBS and traces the development of PPBS and related analytical techniques in governmental agencies and institutions of higher education. A second paper will illustrate both the concepts and the implementation of PPBS by a detailed exposition of the University of California's experience with PPBS. Finally, in a third paper we suggest an alternative view of policy analysis for educational planning which is a departure from traditional PPBS. We conclude with general observations and specific recommendations to educational managers seeking to improve their resource allocation procedures.  相似文献   

Even more than other European countries, Germany must fear a serious future skills shortage and lack of experts. Therefore, increasing the proportion of high school graduates who wish to study at a university is a clear political objective. The aim of this paper is to identify variables that hinder or support the decision to pursue university studies. We used longitudinal data of 23,000 graduates of upper secondary school of the years 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 to analyze how tuition fees (which are charged only in some of the German federal states), family status, and students?? own cost-benefit analyses impacted their decision in favor or against taking up university studies. Results showed that the subjective costs of higher education were highest for persons of low social economic background, and for women. Also, the introduction of tuition fees in some federal states in the year 2006 lowered the percentage of students who wanted to enter higher education. Contrary to our expectations, however, this effect was observed in all federal states, irrespective of whether they had introduced tuition fees or not. Our results suggest that participation in higher education can be increased by both lowering (social and psychological) costs and raising (social and psychological) benefits of higher education.  相似文献   

In the USA, universities have recently developed policies and programmes on sexual consent education. But waiting until students enroll in higher education may be too late to begin this work. To examine the extent that K–12 health education standards promote sexual consent education, we conducted a pilot study and found that only two of eighteen states explicitly mentioned sexual consent in their health education standards. Using a small sample (= 4 states), we then identified four themes as making implicit reference to sexual consent: communication skills, decision making, personal space and interpersonal relationships. Finally, in a robust sample (= 18 states), we conducted a content analysis of published standards regarding these themes related to sexual consent. Our analysis suggests that sexual consent is likely not discussed in sex education at K–12 schools. We recommend the more explicit inclusion of sexual consent in health education curricula via the identified themes that already exist in most or all standards, emphasising the importance of teaching young people about the nuances of sexual consent and its communication before they become sexually active.  相似文献   


This paper examines selected reform efforts in technical and technological education from a comparative perspective. The similarities and differences between reforms in selected countries – Brazil, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden – are analysed to determine major world‐wide trends. Lessons are drawn which should be useful for nations contemplating reform of their education and training systems. Particular attention is focussed on the time taken to complete reforms effectively and the need for long‐term approaches, relationships between educational reforms and industrial development, the interdependence of reforms affecting general, technical and vocational education, regional co‐operation and the decentralisation of national decision‐making.  相似文献   

高职会计专业实践教学改革探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文主要探讨如何加强高职会计专业实践教学改革,通过提高认识,完善高职会计专业实践教学方法体系及保障体系,从而培养出具有熟练的会计业务处理能力、会计软件应用能力以及参与企业财务预测和决策能力的高技能会计人才。  相似文献   

Despite a political climate demanding evidence-informed decision making in education both within individual countries and at the international level, empirically grounded European research in this field is scarce. This paper reports on a European Commission-funded study that sought to identify and analyze different initiatives across Europe aimed at furthering research-informed policymaking in education, one of a number of comparative analyses in this emerging field. The nature and extent of activity in this area is outlined and an analytical framework is developed to assist understanding. Potential reasons for the observed variation among countries are discussed, along with some of the methodological and conceptual challenges involved in undertaking empirical work in this area. Practically, it is hoped that the results of the mapping exercise and the framework provide a platform for further empirical and conceptual research on research use, an area of study that until recently has been largely ignored by education researchers.  相似文献   

The German education system does not traditionally rely on standardized testing. However, when the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study revealed an average performance of German students compared to other participating countries, a particular proportion of low-performing students, and remarkable disparities between the federal states, German policy makers decided for a major reform of the education system. A core piece of this reform was the introduction of National Education Standards. For science education, these standards were heavily influenced by the PISA results and its underlying framework. That is, with the standards, a paradigm shift took place from the German notion of Bildung towards the Anglo-American notion of literacy. With the introduction of these standards, a new field of empirical educational research was created: research on models of scientific literacy or competency models as a basis of benchmarking the standards. This article describes the German education system before PISA, summarizes the major findings from PISA, and describes how these findings informed the formulation of the performance standards for science education. It also details the measures undertaken to benchmark these standards. Finally, it provides insight into the issues with developing and benchmarking performance standards and points out future areas of research on evidence-based decision making in educational policy.  相似文献   

Since 1990 and the World Conference on Education for All well over half a trillion dollars has been disbursed as aid to education with much of it targeted on low income countries especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa. Some of the beneficiaries of this aid have transformed their economies and their education systems to the point where they can act as fiscal states and finance their recurrent and capital spending on education from domestic revenue. But too many states have failed to make this transition and remain overly dependent on sequential waves of external assistance to reduce gaps between the finance available and what is needed. Grant aid is now unlikely to grow as COVID-19 related recession supresses donor spending. Concessional lending to countries with sub-prime credit ratings and high debt service ratios looks imprudent. The architecture and goals of external assistance need to change to focus on making better use of the resources that are available though much increased efficiency and effectiveness, and on ensuring domestic revenue is increased since this is the only pathway to sustainable development that avoids the infinite do-loop of using aid to fill gaps rather than to address their causes.  相似文献   

Curriculum‐based assessment (CBA) strategies have been suggested as an alternative model to traditional norm‐referenced assessment for decision making in special education. The application of CBA procedures across all decision making areas (i.e., screening and referring; determining eligibility and classifying; planning programs; monitoring progress and modifying programs; and evaluating programs) is presented. Implementation of a CBA model in applied settings indicates that this model may be feasible, efficient, accurate, and effective for all levels of decision making in special education. Suggestions for further research are offered.  相似文献   

美国发展职业技术教育的历史经验及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国在长期发展职业技术教育过程中的经验主要表现在:联邦政府注重运用立法和拨款相结合的手段干预各州职业技术教育的发展;积极主动地学习先进国家的经验,并与具体实际相结合;各州注意以公立学校和高等院校为依托,大力发展各州的职业技术教育;各级职业教育机构能够根据经济建设和社会发展的要求自主办学。  相似文献   

Many organizational functions, such as institutional research, assume that organizations make decisions rationally. The assumption is largely unjustified by empirical accounts of actual decision making. Higher education institutions are usually seen as political, collegial, or anarchic in their decision patterns. This study tests the participants' claim that the budget decision making process at Stanford University during the 1970s was rational. Although the study tends to support the claim, the results are neither conclusive nor comprehensive. The study provides (1) a rigorous and replicable procedure for testing the rational model, (2) evidence that rational decision making is feasible in higher education, and (3) grounds for refusing to assume pure rationality without abandoning hope of any rationality.  相似文献   

教育决策包括宏观上的教育政策制定和微观上的高校管理决策。高校教师作为教育决策的当事人,参与教育决策有着自身的价值体系,即推动教育决策发展完善、保障高校教师的权利与利益、探索大学治理结构的路径选择。高校教师参与教育决策是其自身主体属性的客观使然,在法律上有据可依,在现实中也具备可行条件。然而我国高校教师在参与教育决策的过程中始终是被动的一方,成效不尽人意。要从根本上改变现状,打破传统,首先需要转变传统的教育决策理念,其次要充分释放教育中介组织和大学评议会的功能,进而才能达到标本兼治。  相似文献   

Some prominent parent education theories in the United States and other Western countries base their educational viewpoint explicitly on democratic values, such as mutual respect, equality and personal freedom. These democratic parenting theories advocate sharing power with children and including them in family decision making. This study presents a textual analysis of two such theories, the Adlerian model of parent education and the Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) model, as they are embodied in two original bestselling textbooks. Through content and argumentation analysis of these influential texts, this study examines the paradoxes inherent in these two theories when they articulate how to implement fully democratic principles within the parent-child relationship. We discover that in spite of their democratic rationale, both books offer communication practices that guide the child to modify misbehaviour, enforce parental power, and manipulate the child to make decisions that follow parental judgment, and thus do not endorse the use of a truly democratic parenting style. We suggest, as an alternative to the democratic parenting style, that parents be introduced to a guardianship management style, in which they do not share authority with children, but seek opportunities for enabling children to make more autonomous decisions and participate in more family decision making.  相似文献   

如何从大量的教育数据中获取能够真正反映教育状况的有效信息,从而为领导决策提供科学支持,是教育部门普遍关心的问题。本文给出了一个结合实时联机分析(OLAP)和实时联机挖掘(OLAM)技术的教育决策支持系统的框架,该系统实现了对教育信息的有效存储,并能针对教育管理决策需要,对数据进行多层次、多维度的加工处理,从而揭示与教育活动相关的规律,为教育的宏观决策提供量化的、科学的数据支持。  相似文献   

在实行校长负责制的今天,校长决策已经成为学校管理工作的重要方面,也成为决定学校发展方向、师资队伍建设和教育整体水平的重要因素。就其本质而言,校长决策是一个默会过程,其自身逻辑和运用方式都是默会的,因此,从意识维度、行为维度和认知维度来分析默会知识,则为探究校长决策的内部发生机制提供一个全新的研究视角和分析框架,这对探究校长决策的现实路径、提高校长决策水平、促进校长专业发展和提升学校管理品质都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

从道德认知转变为道德行为的机制看学校德育的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知行脱节是长期以来道德教育未能解决的一个问题。其主要原因是,在对学生进行道德引导时存在偏重认知而忽视道德思维能力和行为决策能力的指导。因此,学校德育的改革要转变教育思维方式,给学生以更具有实际意义的指导,让学生在道德实践中学会思考、学会选择。  相似文献   



Science is being increasingly considered as a social activity that must be harnessed to serve human needs. In many developing countries, science and technology education tend to replicate practices in advanced countries. The challenges of responding adequately to the solution of the problems of society and of meeting the different needs of a country or a region have not been realized. The accelerated social and technological changes that are taking place in many Arab states intensify the variety of problems that have been cited. The guidelines suggested towards adapting education to the state's needs and towards overcoming the problems include: emphasizing the development of intellectual and occupational skills which are significant, retainable, and transferable to everyday life; developing respect for manual skills; revising curricula to introduce topics relevant to society; and making efforts towards developing the home environment and the community.  相似文献   

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