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This paper deals with the development of selection tests for admission to educational upgrading programmes in science and mathematics which are currently being carried out in southern African countries. Conceptual and methodological considerations plead for the use of several types of test in order to meet as well as possible the selection aims: maximal predictive validity and sufficient chances for students who have had less opportunity to develop their potential capabilities. This is discussed with respect to the development of a specific type of test and examined with regard to results obtained in a pilot study and in actual selections in Botswana and Swaziland. Although findings support the propositions made, more extensive psychometric research is needed to evaluate the tests properly. With respect to this, comments are made on the possibilities for gaining access to the information needed to evaluate the tests.  相似文献   


This article offers a review of extant literature specific to educational leadership preparation programmes. The author explains how leadership development and preparation programmes have evolved over time. Highlighted are: (1) historical contexts of educational leadership, (2) challenges faced when implementing quality graduate programmes in educational leadership, (3) a brief international perspective of educational leadership, and (4) reform efforts aimed at creating a new kind of graduate education in educational leadership. The authors conclude with final reflections.  相似文献   

法学教育模式评析及发展思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从世界范围内来看,法学教育的模式大致可以分为两大类:以本科教育为起点的法学教育模式争以研究生教育为起点的法学教育模式.这两种法学教育模式在我国被先后采纳,现在形成了并存而竞争的局面.如何合理选择法学教育模式,并合理配置法学教育资源是我国未来法学教育发展中需要思考的重要问题.  相似文献   

教育研究与发展是近年来迅速兴起的教育改革和发展模式,评价在教育研究与发展中发挥了十分重要的作用,通过以教育研究与发的系统模式为案例,具体分析评价在教育研究与发展中的意义和操作方法。  相似文献   

Results are reported in this paper from a study aimed at evaluating significant competencies in final-year students of some engineering programmes in Chile. The study was carried out by a group of eight universities that were interested in exploring ways to assess learning outcomes such as those demanded by the recent Chilean accreditation system. The authors actively participated in all stages of the study, contributing directly to the design, application and results evaluation of some tests. A sample of 150 students was tested, under conditions that guaranteed the comparability of results. In this paper the authors present results relating to the evaluation of effective communication. The study was backed up by a conceptual model and some hypotheses that are explained and discussed in this work.  相似文献   

Evaluation is an integral component of most educational programmes in developing countries both for theoretical and pragmatic reasons. The evaluator's choice of the methodology and model are contingent on the level of centrality assigned to the evaluatees' perspectives, the evaluator's own perspective, training, the nature and content of the programme and the complex interrelationships among different agencies and actors. The methodological challenges are discussed from the evaluatee's perspective on the basis of six evaluations of the National Adult Education Programme in India.  相似文献   

This paper is based on an investigation into individualised educational programmes (IEPs). The project, entitled 'Raising the Attainment of Pupils with Special Educational Needs', was commissioned by the Scottish Executive Education Department in 2000 and was completed in 2001. A literature review published previously traces the origins of IEPs and compares and contrasts their use in education systems in the UK, elsewhere in Europe, in the USA and in Australia.  相似文献   

This review was undertaken as part of a research project commissioned by the Scottish Executive and carried out by a team from Glasgow and Newcastle Universities between January 2000 and January 2001 when the report was published ( Banks et al., 2001 ). The research study, entitled 'Raising the Attainment of Pupils with Special Educational Needs', followed the issuing of new guidelines ( SOEID, 1998a ; SEED, 1999 ) which linked the use of individualised educational programmes (IEPs) to the wider political enterprise of raising standards through target-setting.  相似文献   

The recruitment of sufficient numbers of suitably qualified teachers into headship is an international issue and to address this in Scotland alternative headship preparation programmes were trialled to provide greater flexibility in order to better match the individual development needs and circumstances of the aspirant head teachers. Drawing from the evaluation data of one of these programmes, the National Flexible Routes to Headship, the article analyses the key learning processes critical for the design of individualised leadership development programmes. The article begins with the policy context from which the proposal for the alternative headship preparation programmes emerged.  相似文献   

This paper presents the outcomes of interviews with 29 parents of school-aged students with high support needs, centred on aspects of educational programming and service delivery. The aim of the study was to better understand the views and experiences of parents in relation to priority curriculum areas, programme development, perspectives on integration and socialization, and factors that support student alertness and engagement. This is an area that has received little attention to date in the literature.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates the effectiveness of personal growth workshops for trainee teachers. The experimental group of trainee teachers manifested significant improvements in self-esteem, personal warmth, and positive thinking, and became less anxious, more internal in locus of control, and reported fewer stress symptoms than the control group. These changes held over a long teaching practice a context that usually creates stress and lowered self-confidence. Such workshops would appear to be a necessary inclusion in professional training programmes to facilitate performance on the job and well-being in those whose duties involve them in a network of close human relationships with colleagues and clients.  相似文献   

教育评价对基础教育改革起着重要的导向和质量监控作用,直接影响着教育目的的实现和教育改革的转向与落实。面对当前的教育评价现状,我们需要站在哲学的高度,用哲学的眼光和视野进行深层次的反思。从什么是教育评价、为什么评价和如何评价这三个方面来把握和关注教育评价的基本观念。  相似文献   

近代中国大学的发展与名校长的教育理念紧密相关,其中蔡元培、梅贻琦、张伯苓、竺可桢等名校长的教育理念对近代及当代大学的发展产生了深远的影响和巨大的作用。本文以中国高等教育史上的名校北大、清华、南开、浙大为例,分析蔡元培、梅贻琦、张伯苓、竺可桢的教育理念及办学实践,以期对我国建设具有世界先进水平的大学有所启示。  相似文献   

教育伦理视阈中的教育评价刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育评价作为整个教育活动的一个关键环节,是一种价值关涉和价值创造的活动,对教与学均具有导向性作用。教育评价伦理工作从马克思主义人学意义上应是一种重要的道德关怀和精神援助,是一项激发和发展人的主体性和创造力的事业。教育评价标准的价值取向应是促进人的全面、自由、和谐的发展。  相似文献   

This paper uses the concept of teaching and learning regimes (TLRs) to help explore a set of questions about why some academic staff in universities thrive on and benefit from accredited programmes designed to improve HE learning and teaching practices ("educational development programmes") whilst others experience periods of resistance or some drop out altogether. "TLR" is a shorthand term for a constellation of rules, assumptions, practices and relationships related to teaching and learning issues in higher education. These include aspects of the following salient to teaching and learning, each of which we elaborate and illustrate in the paper: identities in interaction, power relations, codes of signification, tacit assumptions, rules of appropriateness, recurrent practices, discursive repertoires, implicit theories of learning and of teaching. The argument presented here is that academic staff on educational development programmes ("participants") bring to programmes sets of assumptions and practices rooted in TLRs. Educational development programmes themselves instantiate TLRs which may be more, or less, compatible with those of individual participants. Where there are incongruities between the two they need not be fatal if participants are able to, or are encouraged to, surface and reflect on previously tacit assumptions embedded in their TLRs. Similarly, there may not be a problem if participants are able to exercise discretion over the application of aspects of different regimes; applying them in different contexts as appropriate. Evidence from participants' writing, participant observation, secondary sources and data from eight interviews inform the paper and form the basis for illustrative vignettes.  相似文献   

美国教育评估活动经历上百年发展后已形成至少20多种评估模型以及多样化的评估标准.元评估来源于评估,又促进了评估的发展与完善.JCSEE方案评估标准和AEA评估人员指导原则是目前常用的元评估标准,Scriven、Stake和Stufflebeam提出的评估模型为元评估提供了指导,对它们的分析和比较给我们以启示,即在实践中发展、评估标准与元评估标准没有严格区分、强调利益相关者的利益与公众需要、非政府性与多样化.  相似文献   

台湾私立大专院校的发展进程及特点评析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
台湾私立大专院校的发展经历了初创与发展、整顿提高和跨越式发展三个阶段,并在其办学过程中逐步形成了办学体制多元化、注重培育办学特色、加快与海外大学联系的步伐、法律法规比较健全等特点。  相似文献   

论述了教育装备可持续发展的重要性与其内涵,并进一步说明:对于教育装备行业,发展是硬道理,但可持续发展是更硬的道理。  相似文献   

The “Bologna Process”, started in 1998/99 with the Sorbonne and Bologna Declarations and now involving 40 countries, aims at establishing by 2010 the “European Higher Education Area”, based on “a system of easily readable and comparable degrees”. The actual implementation of this process and its relevance for the European labour market requires a convergence also of the accreditation procedures of educational programmes, that are still very different from a European country to the other.

After defining the term “accreditation” in the context of the formation of engineers, this paper will discuss the present situation of accreditation of engineering educational programmes in Europe, and present some examples. The contribution of the Thematic Network E4 will be illustrated, and the most recent developments, aiming at a European-wide accreditation system, will be introduced.  相似文献   

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