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The current study sought input from a national sample of social work (SW) and criminal justice (CJ) educators (N = 276) to explore characteristics of those who use service learning in the two disciplines, differences in the conceptions of and beliefs about service learning, and distinctions in how it is used and implemented. This study offers the first explicitly cross-disciplinary comparison of service learning within two related, but distinct disciplines. The results indicated that SW educators, compared to their CJ peers, used service learning more frequently and perceived fewer barriers to using it. Additionally, a higher percentage of SW faculty members reported using service learning at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, suggesting that SW educators may be more likely to see the value of service learning across education levels. Among those who reported that they have used service learning, few differences were found between the two disciplines.  相似文献   

Educational applications (apps) are ubiquitous within children's learning environments and emerging evidence has demonstrated their efficacy. However, it remains unclear what the active ingredients (ie, mechanisms), or combination of ingredients, of successful maths apps are. The current study developed a new, open-access, three-step framework for assessing the educational value of maths apps, comprised of type of app, mathematical content and app design features. When applied to a selection of available maths apps previously evaluated with children in the first 3 years of school (the final sample included 23 apps), results showed that practice-based apps were the most common app type tested (n = 15). Basic number skills, such as number representation and relationships, were the most common area of mathematics targeted by apps (n = 21). A follow-up qualitative comparative analysis showed observed learning outcomes with maths apps were enhanced when apps combined the following: a scaffolded and personalised learning journey (programmatic levelling) and explanations of why answers were right or wrong (explanatory feedback), as well as praise, such as ‘Great job!’ (motivational feedback). This novel evidence stresses the significance of feedback and levelling design features that teaching practitioners and other stakeholders should consider when deciding which apps to use with young children. Directions for future research are discussed.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Educational apps have been shown to support maths attainment in the first 3 years of school.
  • Several existing frameworks have attempted to assess the educational value of some of these maths apps.
  • Emerging experimental evidence also demonstrates the benefits of specific app design features, including feedback and levelling.
What this paper adds
  • Practice-based maths apps are the most common type of app previously evaluated with young children.
  • These evaluated maths apps have mostly focused on basic number skills.
  • The combination of explanatory and motivational feedback, with programmatic levelling (either dynamic or static), was a necessary condition for enhancing learning outcomes with maths apps.
Implications for practice and policy
  • The inclusion of feedback and levelling in maths apps should be considered by app developers when designing apps, and by educational practitioners and parents when deciding which apps to use with their children.
  • Further consideration is also needed for the development of educational apps that include a broad range of maths skills.

To succeed in autonomous online learning environments, it helps to be a highly motivated, self-regulated learner. The present study explored potential differences between undergraduate (n = 87) and graduate students (n = 107) in their levels of academic motivation and self-regulation while learning online. In particular, this study provides a comparative analysis of undergraduate and graduate students' motivational beliefs (task value and self-efficacy), use of deep processing strategies (elaboration and critical thinking), and motivational engagement (procrastination and choice behaviors). As hypothesized, graduate students learning online reported higher levels of critical thinking than undergraduates. Moreover, after controlling for experiential differences, a logistic regression analysis indicated that graduate student membership was predicted by higher levels of critical thinking and lower levels of procrastination. On the other hand, undergraduate membership was predicted, somewhat paradoxically, by greater task value beliefs and greater intentions to enroll in future online courses. Implications for online instructors and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过中韩两国论文数据库的检索,比较分析了两国自主学习研究过程、自主学习能力研究及网络环境下培养自主学习能力的研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast characteristics of use and adoption of mobile learning in higher education in developed and developing countries. A comparative case study based on a survey questionnaire was conducted with 189 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) from Makerere University in Uganda and the University of Adelaide in Australia. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was employed as the theoretical framework. The results indicated that higher education students in developed and developing countries use a range of technologies for learning, with major differences between Uganda and Australia. The study concludes that mobile learning in higher education in developed and developing country contexts is still at an experimental stage with students using mobile devices in pedagogically limited ways.  相似文献   

This study explores the effectiveness of a game-based mobile learning model for children living in underdeveloped regions with significant contextual variations. Data for this study came from a total of 210 children between the ages of 6-14 years old from six marginalized communities in India. The findings reveal that children with little or no previous exposure to technology were able to not only figure out the given mobile learning technology, but also solve a series of incrementally challenging problems by playing math games without specific intervention or instruction by adults. The study also found that various factors, including gender and group size, do affect children's ability to adopt and learn while presenting a unique set of learning interaction patterns. This paper concludes with specific recommendations for future ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology for Development) projects for educational development particularly targeting developing regions.  相似文献   

时代呼唤新的学习方式 我相信,在过去的岁月中,你已经参加了若干次培训,你曾为新奇的理念所折服,也曾为激情的言语所打动。一瞬间,你感觉自己仿佛焕然一新,实现梦想近在咫尺……然而时光流逝,激情褪去,理念淡忘,行为依旧,结果仍然如初。如果没有引发一个人行为上根本而持久的改变,培训效果就几乎等于零。  相似文献   

为突破目前研究性学习的高原现象,本文倡导研究性学习应走向常态化。即把研究性学习理念落实到每一天的学习活动中,努力向学习的各个空间、时间延伸,让研究性学习成为一种常态的学习方法。常态的方法成为习惯,长期的习惯成为意识,长期的意识养成能力,体现出鲜明的时代特色。  相似文献   

在二语习得领域有两种词汇学习方式:词汇附带习得和词汇刻意学习。国外大量研究表明词汇附带习得是二语词汇学习的主要方式,但是对国内学生而言刻意学习词汇更为熟悉。因此,本文试图对这两种词汇学习方法效果进行比较研究,观测不同的学习方法对于中国英语专业学生的词汇学习有何影响。  相似文献   

In the Iranian higher education system, including engineering education, effective implementation of cooperative learning is difficult because classrooms are usually crowded and the students never had a formal group working background in their previous education. In order to achieve the benefits of cooperative learning in this condition, this paper proposes a combination of cooperative learning and inquiry method. The method is implemented by grouping students in a way that the learning procedure is done in non-official class sessions by each group, while the inquiry method is done in the regular programmed class sessions. The study is performed in Islamic Azad University and the methods are implemented in two engineering economic classes with different numbers of students in each working group. The results are compared with a control class in which traditional teaching style is implemented. The results of analysis show simultaneous improvement of learning and behavioural attitudes of the students with cooperative learning plus inquiry method in the classroom with a fewer number of students in each working group.  相似文献   

中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,在文化、教育上既各具特色,又多有共通之处。日本“综合学习时间”与中国“研究性学习”具有同类性质,同属于世纪初基础教育课程改革的重要特色。通过从政策演进、课程目标、课程实施、课程内容、课程评价、课程开发等方面对二者进行深入细致的比较研究,可以透析彼此的亮点和不足,从而为“研究性学习”的深入开展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

研究性学习的实施关键在于教师。本文通过对中学研究性学习任课教师的调查 ,分析了研究性学习中教师角色认识和转变的基本情况。其结论 :把研究性学习设置为独立课程需要进一步实验研究 ;研究性学习中教师的理想角色和实践角色存在差距 ;升学考试是教师角色转变不明显的主要原因 ;教师自身是教师角色转变明显的主要原因 ;不同教龄、不同性别、不同任教科目的教师在角色认识和角色转变方面均无显著差异。  相似文献   

Experiential learning pedagogy is taking a lead in the development of graduate attributes and educational aims as these are of prime importance for society. This paper shows a community service experiential project conducted in China. The project enabled students to serve the affected community in a post-earthquake area by applying their knowledge and skills. This paper documented the students’ learning process from their project goals, pre-trip preparations, work progress, obstacles encountered to the final results and reflections. Using the data gathered from a focus group interview approach, the four components of Kolb's learning cycle, the concrete experience, reflection observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation, have been shown to transform and internalise student's learning experience, achieving a variety of learning outcomes. The author will also explore how this community service type of experiential learning in the engineering discipline allowed students to experience deep learning and develop their graduate attributes.  相似文献   

项目教学法在高职生自我学习能力训练中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对项目教学法进行了阐述,结合自我学习能力课程,通过教学实践,对项目设计过程中的项目准备、策划、实施、验收及评价等方面进行了一定的探索,并总结了该课程取得的效果.  相似文献   

项目教学法在项目成本管理教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目教学法是一种通过师生共同实施一个完整的"项目"来组织教学活动的方法.鉴于项目成本管理课程的实用性特点,采用实例叙述项目教学法在项目成本管理教学中的流程.通过教学实践验证,项目教学法能够进一步促进学生在项目成本管理方面能力的培养.  相似文献   

A sociocultural analysis of organisational learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The concept of organisational learning has been widely debated and frequently contested by educationalists, but the specific processes and actions which constitute this form of learning have received relatively little research attention. This paper reports a three‐year empirical investigation into organisational learning in a large industrial complex, with the aim of clarifying the practices of organisational learning and interpreting them within sociocultural learning theory. A sociocultural model is proposed which identifies dialogue as the fundamental process by which organisations learn, and relational practices as the social structure which embeds the dialogue and makes it sustainable in a potentially conflictual environment. Three relational practices are analysed in detail: opening space for the creation of shared meaning, reconstituting power relationships and providing cultural tools to mediate learning. A pedagogy of organisational learning is defined in terms of participation in these practices, either as the carrier of a practice or as the facilitator of participation by others. The theoretical requirement that adult learning must be autonomous is reconciled with the concept of collective learning in pursuit of organisational goals by rejecting the notion of an individually‐contained self in favour of a relational concept of the self, in which autonomy is achieved by building relationships with others.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of multi-output frontier models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, there have been more debates on the methods of measuring efficiency. The main objective of this paper is to make a sensitivity analysis for different frontier models and compare the results obtained from the different methods of estimating multi-output frontier for a specific application. The methods include stochastic distance function frontier, stochastic ray frontier, and data envelopment analysis. The stochastic frontier regressions with and without the inefficiency effects model are also compared and tested. The results indicate that there are significant correlations between the results obtained from the alternative estimation methods.  相似文献   

文章从中国和日本饮食文化的差异入手,就中国饮食观念、饮食礼仪、饮食烹调及选材、酒文化、饮食习惯等方面展开深入探究,以期达到促进中国饮食文化的良性发展和人民身体健康之目的.  相似文献   

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