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Two case studies of work in initial teacher education provide the stimulus for a discussion of the incorporation of enterprise, economic and industrial issues within student programmes’. The first case study describes a seminar at Manchester University where these issues are introduced to students within the constraints of a 36‐week PGCE course. The second describes IT‐INSET activities undertaken by primary BEd students from Edge Hill College of Higher Ecucation.

A number of issues are raised, not least of which is the need to overcome student concerns about the incorporation of the National Curriculum cross‐curricular themes into teaching. The conclusion reached is that much work remains to be done and some possible future developments are examined.  相似文献   


Writing in the January 1986 issue of the Journal of Moral Education, Walkling and Brannigan draw attention to an apparent conflict between antiracist and antisexist education. They argue that antiracists, by accepting demands from sections of the Muslim community for single‐sex and denominational schools, may be seen as inhibiting the emancipation of Muslim girls. We attempt to highlight the conservative implications of their argument and show, among otherthings, that it is premissed upon an impoverished understanding of both antiracist and antisexist initiatives, a simplistic and misleading portrayal of Muslim culture (and in particular family life), and a specious juxtaposition of state education as ‘transformative’ and single‐sex Muslim schools as ‘transmissionist’.  相似文献   

There is increasing emphasis in higher education on preparing students for the workplace and recognising the learning that occurs in the workplace. Workplace learning has been exemplified in aspects of traditional courses by work experience, practicum, sandwich courses and practice‐based courses. Recently, however, academic attention has focused on the development of subjects and degree programs that are entirely workplace‐based. Such programs are negotiated with organisations to meet their own learning needs and promote the learning of individual company employees in the performance of their everyday work. Workplace‐based courses have developed in response to employer demand, restricted government funding for higher education and the need for universities to appeal to new markets. These factors have created a context of considerable tension between traditional academic practice and beliefs, and those that accompany this new approach. These tensions present challenges for universities as they attempt to respond in ways that maintain rigour and integrity while meeting the demands created by contemporary economic, political and social pressures.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1999,12(2):141-157
In developing corporate identities, universities have adopted management practices that generate problems similar to those documented in relation to business and industry. See, for example, Senge (1990). The operating environment contains interacting feedback loops, many containing substantial delays. The resulting system dynamics mean that effects emerge removed both in space and time from causes, and this confounds the intentions of managers who assume immediate and direct outcomes from their policies. Difficulties in achieving expected outcomes are discussed in relation to problematic elements associated with artificial internal structures, funding formulae, the relative importance of system parameters versus system structure, and the significance of time-scales and delays in influencing system behaviour. It is argued that university management should move forward from a corporate framework to locate itself within an ecological world view.  相似文献   

This research explored antecedents and outcomes of teachers’ agency. Study 1 (n = 767) tested whether teachers’ values relate to an agentic capacity. Study 2 (n = 430) tested the relations between teachers’ values, their agentic capacity and their agentic behaviours. The findings show that attributing importance to promoting the self and being open to new experiences, whilst maintaining self-independence, is positively related to agentic capacity. Further, agentic capacity mediates the relations between values and agentic behaviour. These findings start to explain the broad motivations for teachers’ agency and its translation into behaviour.  相似文献   

This study investigated 10 Israeli preschool teachers’ reasons for choosing their profession and their perceptions of the teacher’s role. A narrative approach was chosen because teachers’ narratives can reveal their practical knowledge and the meanings they ascribe to their teaching. Data were subjected to content analysis and linguistic analysis. The content analysis revealed that choice of profession flowed from personal history and family background and reflected the needs, priorities and ambitions of each teacher. Most of the participants chose this profession at an early stage, in childhood or adolescence, and were influenced by close family members. An ongoing connection was revealed between key events and people in the preschool teachers’ narratives, their perceptions of the teacher’s role and their professional selves. The linguistic analysis revealed beliefs and values expressed through figurative language, and especially metaphor. Metaphoric themes related mainly to the nurturing of children and were consistent with beliefs and values expressed directly.  相似文献   

Contemporary Swedish debate is much occupied with young men's attraction to anti-democratic ideals and the fact that they seem to learn less than girls about democratic values in school. Within politics, voices have been raised in favour of putting more effort into the schooling of young people's—especially boys'—social competence and democratic understanding. This paper analyses present school practice and discusses how schools go about handling issues of democracy. This will be done by reference to empirical results from two Swedish studies carried out in the 1990s. The presentation will focus in particular on the marginalization and gendered fostering of democratic values in school. It will also touch upon the implications for the kind of masculinities and femininities reproduced.  相似文献   

Research exploring students’ academic learning has recently amalgamated different motivational theories within one conceptual framework. The inclusion of achievement goals, self‐efficacy, deep processing and critical thinking has been cited in a number of studies. This article discusses two empirical studies that examined these four theoretical orientations from both cross‐sectional (N = 279 participants) and longitudinal (N = 264 participants) perspectives. In particular, achievement goals are hypothesised to exert direct and indirect effects on academic performance via self‐efficacy, study processing strategies and critical thinking. Path analysis was used to test and analyse the hypothesised conceptual models. Results from SPSS 16 and LISREL 8.72 provided good support for the hypothesised structural relationships. Students’ academic performance outcomes, for example, are determined directly by deep processing and work‐avoidance goals. Results from Study 2 indicate mastery goals and self‐efficacy, mastery goals and critical thinking and deep processing and critical thinking operate in a reciprocal manner. In general, the evidence established from both studies contributes theoretically and methodologically.  相似文献   


The creation of a written language in a small linguistic society based on existing oral dialects can be a very intriguing and delicate matter. It demands a sense of compromise from the speakers of the language and a readiness and understanding from the surrounding ‘host’ society. This article describes the development of a Nordic co‐production in the Saami language.  相似文献   

In this critical review of literature, we summarize the major theoretical frameworks that have been used to study teacher mobility. In total we identified 40 teacher mobility studies that met our inclusion criteria. We conclude that relatively few theoretical frameworks have been used to study teacher mobility and those that have been used are lacking in several key areas. Specifically, none of the current teacher mobility theories are able to adequately account for the many teacher- and school-level factors that likely influence teachers’ professional decisions. Finally, we suggest a theoretical framework from the organizational psychology literature that can address the shortcomings of theories identified in this review.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify how and why digital media production can contribute to the active participation of children in education and also consider how much of the existing work in this area is framed as a ‘miraculous’ answer to educational challenges without critical interrogation of either the process or product. To begin, we identify some of the prominent research and issues that have emerged from work of this kind and discuss the barriers to accessing equitable education in relation to new media production projects with kids. We discuss the changing state of knowledge production and communication in a new media world and address the place of literacy in this changing educational context. Following this, we present one example of a media production club and the way we look at this work to value students' productions in a way that differs from other research of this kind.  相似文献   

Taking the position that “critical pedagogy” and “place‐based education” are mutually supportive educational traditions, this author argues for a conscious synthesis that blends the two discourses into a critical pedagogy of place. An analysis of critical pedagogy is presented that emphasizes the spatial aspects of social experience. This examination also asserts the general absence of ecological thinking demonstrated in critical social analysis concerned exclusively with human relationships. Next, a discussion of ecological place‐based education is offered. Finally, a critical pedagogy of place is defined. This pedagogy seeks the twin objectives of decolonization and “reinhabitation” through synthesizing critical and place‐based approaches. A critical pedagogy of place challenges all educators to reflect on the relationship between the kind of education they pursue and the kind of places we inhabit and leave behind for future generations.
“Place + people = politics.”—Williams (2001 Williams, T. 2001. Red: Passion and patience in the desert, New York: Pantheon Books.  [Google Scholar], p. 3)  相似文献   

The central argument of this essay is that critical literacy with a rationalistic bent may not enable us to cope with ethical dilemmas in our responsiveness to human sufferings. I argue that critical literacy education would benefit from turning to the recent scholarship on affect/emotion studies. I draw upon the works of Sara Ahmed – one of the leading contributors to critical affect studies – to shed light on what is called a regulatory power that creates a schism in our responsiveness to violence and suffering. The key contribution of this essay is to present an actionable framework of what I describe as critical affective literacy. To delineate this framework, I present four pedagogical principles, along with examples of instructional activities.  相似文献   

The professional development of teacher educators is gaining increasing interest globally. However, not so many studies have been carried out in the Finnish context, which is somewhat surprising considering that the Finnish education system and teacher education has gained so much interest worldwide. This study investigates Finnish teacher educators’ concerns, beliefs and values. The results show that teacher educators experienced a variety of concerns in their work, in the beginning mainly dealing with the position and being a novice, and later they became more concerned with heavy workloads and practical teaching-related matters. The teacher educators studied considered the students’ education to be the most important aspect of their work. The research-based nature of teacher education was also felt to be very important, along with its community aspects, and their own specialization. In general, Finnish teacher educators considered their work to be important.  相似文献   

Adopting a mixed method design, this paper explores the configuration and evolution of work values of 64 young adults in transition from education to employment. Qualitative analyses point out the existence of four categories of work values: interesting tasks, good relationships, self-fulfillment, and attractive work conditions. Quantitative analyses show that work values are questioned during the school-to-work transition, refined according to the experience of labor market integration, and partially different according to gender, education type, and the quality of the integration process. Consequently, career counseling should integrate a deeper understanding of what clients consider as important in their work lives.  相似文献   

Digital technologies allow teachers and students to experience new pedagogical approaches leveraging on interactivity and collaboration. Among the available techniques, digital storytelling (DST) has been usually regarded as an activity that can both enrich the teaching practices and foster students’ active behaviour. This paper aims at analysing to what extent a DST platform proposing the collaborative writing of a fictional story and leveraging on an active learning technique such as role-play can affect a variety of dimensions, namely students’ performance, commitment, creativity and social skills. Combining the analysis of the data-log automatically collected by the system with the evaluations given by teachers before and after the activity, this article shows that the use of a DST tool in the teaching practice can have positive effects on students, including the ones that usually manifest moderate scores for the previously mentioned dimensions. Additionally, semi-structured interviews and direct observations provide an insight on how the benefits stemming from the use of a DST tool in the classroom can especially lie on the collaborative process that is activated.  相似文献   

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