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在当前高等教育大众化与大学生就业难问题目益突出的双重背景下,通过建立以就业和社会适应性为视角的人才培养质量社会评估机制,探究高校在人才培养工作方面取得的成绩,以及存在的不足,并提出相应的对策,旨在促使高校进一步优化人才培养模式,提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

回顾了福建工程学院2003~2005年毕业生就业情况,并用SWOT分析法就其内外环境进行评析,提出今后全面提高福建工程学院毕业生就业竞争力的建设性意见,强调"审时度势,创新思路,瞄准市场,完善机制,全员参与,协同作战".  相似文献   

深化高校人事聘用制度改革的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,高校不断推行用人和分配制度改革,创新人事管理体制,转换用人机制,优化了资源配置,取得可喜的成效。但一些深层次的历史问题和现实改革中政策、体制、制度、实施办法不到位等问题,极大地制约了人事聘用制度改革的进程。高校应从国家政策及实际出发,不断深化聘用制改革、推行岗位设置管理工作和试行绩效工资改革等方面入手,真正建立起以人为本的高校人事聘用制度。  相似文献   

独立学院是高等教育大众化的产物,是普通高等学校按照新机制、新模式与社会力量合作举办的独立的教育组织机构。它是我国高等教育发展至今的一种多元化办学模式的具体体现。独立学院能否长久发展的关键在于独立学院的人才培养,而人才培养目标定位,即独立学院到底要培养出什么样的人才,是独立学院能够存在并进一步发展所要解决的中心问题,是确立独立学院的人才培养模式、专业设置与建设、课程设置与建设、师资队伍建设等必须首先解决的问题。  相似文献   

双语言语产生中的词汇通达:竞争选择还是反应选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语言语产生的机制一直备受心理学家关注。过去人们认为,竞争选择是双语言语产生的实质,在此基础上,提出了非特定语言选择假说和特定语言选择假说,但两种观点都有一定的局限性。新近,有研究者提出用反应选择假设替代竞争选择假设。但就目前学界的研究来看,此假设还需进一步梳理。  相似文献   

Adult non-formal education and training (NFET) in South Africa was adopted in 1990 to address the problem of unemployment of non-educated and unskilled adults. Public and private NFET centres aim to meet the training needs of adults who were deprived of formal education that would foster access to opportunities for employment. The paper reports on a study conducted to investigate what constitutes NFET enabling environments for employment. The paper focuses on the approach of training delivery fostering labour market entry of graduates. The findings show that individual trainees who participated in private centres had a higher probability of being employed because of the creation of internal enabling environments for skills acquisition and focus on income-generating activities. The authors conclude that an integration of technical skills with business skills and ‘learning by earning’ is a potential training delivery approach enabling graduates to participate in economic activities.  相似文献   

高校既是传授知识、更新知识的重要阵地,又是开展最前沿科研工作的重要基地。随着国家对科研工作的投入不断加大,科研项目越来越多,交叉学科的领域不断拓宽,这对高校科研管理人员提出了更高的要求。为运用全新的管理理念和工作思路,必须加强高校科研管理人员业务素质和综合能力的培养,切实做好高校科研管理工作。  相似文献   

基于2016年广东省佛山市南海区“雇主-雇员”匹配调查数据,以在职培训识别工会教育职能对工会工资效应的影响及机制,发现:工会与在职培训均存在工资增益效应,以二者交互项衡量的工会教育职能还能进一步放大工会工资效应。进一步检验工会教育职能的存在性与净效应,通过机制分析发现:工会教育职能的正向工资效应源于企业业绩的提高。异质性分析表明,工会对不同技能水平的员工均具有工资溢价效应,而其教育职能则主要作用于低技能员工群体。对于其他福利而言,工会能够促进员工参与社保、获得劳保用品,同时降低员工工作时长;在职培训对员工参保情况无显著影响,但能提高员工获得劳保用品的相对概率,缩短员工工作时间;而工会教育职能则无上述作用。教育职能是我国工会兼顾劳资双方利益、实现互利共赢的手段之一。  相似文献   

The work presented is part of a study that the research group CIFO (Research Team in Training for the Labour Market, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona) has carried out, relating to the training needs analysis and basic competences and skills in the environment of sheltered employment centres (SECs) in Catalonia (this study was undertaken in collaboration with the Coordination of Workshops for People with Mental Disabilities in Catalonia). The analysis and assessment of needs is useful from the perspective of training, as a starting point for planning adapted to the reality of disabled workers in SECs. To do this, various elements such as skills, knowledge and attitudes of individual and social nature have been considered from a systemic approach. By placing ourselves in clearly defined contexts (SECs), we bear in mind the characteristics of workers, the features of the job context, the types of activities performed, the skills related to work activities carried out, the definition of competence profiles required on the basis of the essential skills and the real training needs, through the characteristics of workers and those skills related to the labour activities that are performed as well as the needs for training perceived by workers. Identifying training needs in relation to basic skills and job requirements allows us to meet the challenge, as a trend that supports a competence basis for any worker, of raising general actions that may govern and underlie the training proposals, yet without undermining the specific competences. The importance acquired by what workers themselves have considered about their positioning is understood from the standpoint of its validity, so as to assume conclusions through triangulation processes.  相似文献   

医学专科生就业取向调查和就业指导思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,随着我国高等医学教育事业的快速发展,医学毕业生的数量大大增加,医疗卫生人才市场上出现了研究生供不应求,本科生供求平衡,专科生供过于求的局面,总体上,医专生的就业难度日趋加大.但是,他们的就业取向仍看重物质条件与个人价值实现的环境,就业期望值偏高,导致一次就业率降低,已处于高不成低不就的尴尬状态.由于学生就业信心不足,导致专业思想的动摇,学习主动性不够,专业知识和技能掌握不扎实,更加促使就业困难的恶性循环.为了帮助医专生准确的把握就业定位,增加就业信心,安心学好专业知识,我们对台州学院医学院两届医学专科生进行了就业观的调查,以便找出问题,采取对策,加强就业指导.  相似文献   

文章以聘用制下高校人事档案管理为切入点,展开讨论。  相似文献   

The issue of diversity in both physical and epistemological access to programmes in higher education is an important concern worldwide. In South Africa, as elsewhere, access to professional clinical psychology training programmes is extremely competitive, and there is an important imperative to diversify the student profile. Perspectives of black students on access to clinical psychology training in South Africa have been extensively studied, but the views of white students are minimally documented. We interviewed four white professional clinical psychology trainees on their views about the role race plays in selection for professional training. Four major themes arose from the participants' responses: uncertainty versus transparency; internal shame versus external blame; race versus socio-economic status and language and relevance versus irrelevance. Participants expressed discomfort with selection procedures, and though there are several limitations to this study, such as the small sample size, the need to open the door to discussions on the frightening topic of race is essential for a socially responsible approach to future equity, diversity and representativeness in professional training in higher education in South Africa.  相似文献   

Performance of hearing-impaired students on selected tests of visual processing and the relationship between performance on those measures and on a test of reading comprehension were investigated. Seventy-seven subjects, all 7- and 8-year-olds, were tested using the MVPT, ITPA Sequential Memory Subtest, VADS, Jordan, VMI, Slingerland, and SAT-HI. Scores of the hearing-impaired subjects failed to match those of the hearing norm sample of the VADS test but no systematic differences were found on the other tests of visual processing. Performance IQ was strongly associated with both visual processing and reading scores. Significant portions of the variance in reading scores were explained by IQ and performance on tests of memory for visual stimuli. Visual tests without a memory component failed to explain significant portions of the variance in reading performance.  相似文献   


Both direct and indirect influences have been assumed to impact the transmission of political orientations within families. A lower socioeconomic status is related to lower intended political participation of adolescents. Within this context, schools play a crucial role in political socialisation, as citizenship education is assumed to either equalise or maintain these social disparities. We analyse a sub-dataset of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 which includes 14-year-old students in four European countries: Belgium (Flanders), Denmark, Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia) and the Netherlands. Multi-level regression analyses reveal that formal citizenship education compensates the relationship between students’ socioeconomic status and intended electoral participation in Denmark, Germany (NRW) and the Netherlands, but not in Belgium (FL). Further, the composition of school classes is related to the perception of an open classroom climate in each of the four countries and to participation in civic activities at school in three countries.  相似文献   

关于应用型本科院校人才培养改革的思考   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
应用型本科院校人才培养存在定位不准、类同化等突出问题,改革的主要意义在于使学校主动适应区域经济建设和社会发展的需要,解决学生就业难问题,从而改进社会整体的资源配置效率。其内容包括改革培养目标、调整学科专业及改革教学内容、教学模式、考核评价方式等。应用型人才培养改革面临传统观念、师资、管理和企业等方面的阻力和困难,需要在国家、地方和高校层面加强政策引导,确保改革目标的实现。  相似文献   

In recent years, research and practice focused on staff and students working in partnership to co-design learning and teaching in higher education has increased. However, within staff–student partnerships a focus on assessment is relatively uncommon, with fewer examples evident in the literature. In this paper, we take the stance that all assessment can be oriented for learning, and that students’ learning is enhanced by improving their level of assessment literacy. A small study in a Scottish university was undertaken that involved a range of different adaptations to assessment and feedback, in which students were invited to become partners in assessment. We argue that a partnership approach, designed to democratise the assessment process, not only offered students greater agency in their own and their peers’ learning, but also helped students to enhance their assessment literacy. Although staff and students reported experiencing a sense of risk, there was immense compensation through increased motivation, and a sense of being part of an engaged learning community. Implications for partnership in assessment are discussed and explored further. We assert that adopting staff–student partnership in assessment and more democratic classroom practices can have a wide range of positive benefits.  相似文献   

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