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教育技术学专业本科毕业生工作自评调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过问卷调查资料,对我国教育技术学本科专业毕业生的基本情况、综合素质、专业能力进行了统计分析,指出了我国教育技术学专业在教学内容、教学方法、课程设置等方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

This article discusses how central words in education were transformed into a technocratic and economic language during the 1980s, and how the concepts of lifelong learning and knowledge are laden with other content. This means that they lose their humanistic and democratic content, and become wares to buy and sell at the market. The main answer to this international development is some kind of conservative humanism. This paper attempts to redefine concepts of lifelong learning and knowledge with a humanistic and democratic sense, of a new kind in a new situation. The opportunity is to widen our understanding of what we mean by knowledge, education and learning. For this work, the resources brought from history can be used and be transformed to a new form. This has to be done in multiple ways from different perspectives, depending on what aims we have and what values we believe in.  相似文献   

The article outlines a theoretical framework for conceptualising adult education – and more broadly, lifelong learning – as a common good. It argues that the extent to which adult education as a common good is accomplished in a given society/country reflects its accessibility, availability, affordability and the social commitment to its functioning and that it depends on a country’s specific institutional arrangements. Building on this conceptualisation and using data from the Adult Education Survey (AES), the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) for 24 European countries, the authors develop a composite index, based on these four dimensions, which measures the extent to which adult education as a common good is practiced in a given country. This index can be used to assess the effectiveness of national policies in the sphere of adult education across Europe. The results indicate substantial cross-country differences, with North European states and Luxembourg scoring best and Romania scoring worst. Finally, applying cluster analysis, the article identifies six distinctive clusters of countries with regard to the extent of adult education as a common good; the authors designate these cluster categories as reality, feasible, ambiguous, problematic, possible and invisible.  相似文献   

After undergoing a mastectomy in 1991, Matuschka began photographing her nude body, and in these images she often highlighted the scar on her torso. Other women have acted in a similar fashion and have produced representations of their bodies after mastectomies. In this article the role the activity of photography plays in the process of self‐formation of Matuschka is investigated. Borrowing from Michel Foucault's technologies of the self, photography is inscribed in the tradition of art as inquiry and art production as manipulation of the self, and it is argued that the stylistic ways in which Matuschka has represented her body add an ethical dimension to her work. This ethical component shows a desire to fashion a new self by acting on the way her body is seen.  相似文献   

Four narrative fragments involving research disseminated globally – namely, United States, Israel, The Netherlands, The People's Republic of China – are used to instantiate the phenomenon of teachers teaching their best-loved selves, without becoming the curriculum themselves. Next, the development of the best-loved self-conceptualization as it emerged in Joseph J. Schwab's scholarship is traced, along with important connections to Michael Connelly and Jean Clandinin's research programme. After that, two important research questions are addressed: (1) If the best-loved self is integral to the teacher-as-curriculum-maker image, what practices might we engage in in teacher education to foster the best-loved self? And (2) How does change happen in pre-service teachers' pedagogical practices and repertoires, given the potential significance of the teacher's best-loved self-image? To conclude, the work returns to the opening narrative fragments to determine the answers that lie within.  相似文献   

在对外汉语教学中我们发现,不少留学生对报刊课的重视程度不够。利用计算机和互联网等现代教育技术辅助报刊教学,符合报刊课时效性、综合性的特点,能够改革教学方法,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

This article presents the concept and practice of adult education as a key issue for Brazil and other Latin American countries, both for formal and non-formal education in the public and private sectors. It includes citizen education focused on democratisation of society and sustainable development. The concept is pluralist and ideological as well as technical. All along the history of contemporary education it is essential to highlight the importance of the CONFINTEA conferences for the construction of an expanded vision of this concept. Adult education is understood as a human right. The right to education does not end when a person has reached the so-called ??proper?? age; it continues to be a right for the duration of everyone??s entire life. This article explores Paulo Freire??s contribution, particularly the methodology of MOVA (Youth and Adult Literacy Movement). It also presents the ecopedagogic perspective, which was inspired by Paulo Freire??s legacy. Finally, this article stresses the need to support a long-term policy for adult education, following the recommendations of the Civil Society International Forum (FISC) and CONFINTEA VI, both held in Belém, Brazil, in 2009.  相似文献   

当前,我国对成人教育学内在规律的探索较为薄弱。本文旨在寻找成人教育学的内在规律,从三个方面研究成人教育学的扩容性:学科理念上的协调力、学科体系上的延展力和学科建构上的创生力。通过探索这些内质性,阐述成人教育学扩容性的内涵与呈现形式,对其扩容性在教育与社会中的作用给予前瞻性的解读。  相似文献   

一、道德教育必须坚持主体性原则道德教育的任务是把客观外在的社会道德要求转化为受教育者个人的认识、情感、信念、意志、行为和习惯。道德教育的主体性原则,就是在道德教育过程中,教育者将教育对象视为实现教育目标的主体,充分尊重其主体地位,通过调动教育对象自我教育的积极性实现道德教育目标的原则。1.坚持主体性原则是实现道德教育目标的客观要求道德注重的是觉悟,强调的是自律,道德的维持主要是依靠人们内心的信念,传统习惯、社会舆论等只能起辅助作用。实践证明,只有尊重受教育者的主体地位,调动和吸引他们积极主动地参…  相似文献   

终身教育理念确立与成人教育发展密不可分。成人教育在构建终身教育体系中有着自身的独特作用。在挑战与机遇并存的情况下,成人教育必须冲破传统观念束缚,用终身教育思想对其进行重塑。  相似文献   

2011年1月7日,本刊记者段荣生专程赴广东潮州市采访了潮州市城南中英文学校校长卢春梅。她向记者介绍了学校信息技术建设和应用以及未来发展的点点滴滴。该校是目前潮州地区一所现代化数字化的新机制的学校。学校先后投资了400多万元建设信息化校园,构建了“广播网、电视网、计算机网”三网一体的校园网络办公环境,学校把信息技术作为教育改革的“制高点”和“突破口”,学校以其高起点、高规格,鲜明独特的“阳光”办学特色引领着潮州教育教学,2006年成为中国基础教育网络实验学校。2008年评为英特尔未来教育项目推广示范学校。  相似文献   

This paper puts forward the proposition that in times of fiscal stringency adult educators have relied on two basic responses: either align programs to suit current political imperatives or bring pressure to bear to maintain the status quo. However, neither of these may be adequate to cope with what now appears to be a more fundamental change in our economy resulting in permanently high unemployment and the increasing importance of work in the informal economy. These two factors emphasise the difficulty of continuing to accept the current work‐leisure dichotomy that underlies much of our thinking and presage a dramatic change in the ways some people may have to gain their livelihood. Adult educators have had a significant role to play in individual and community economies but this is largely unrecognised due to the fact that adult education practitioners have tended to justify their work on quality‐of‐life or numbers grounds. Such justifications may no longer be adequate. If adult educators wish to maintain their programs in hard financial times they certainly have the capacity to do so but they will have to rethink their rationale, reject outmoded beliefs and patterns and justify their work through the outcomes of their programs and not just the outputs.  相似文献   

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