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巴赫金认为狂欢节生活是在官方世界的彼岸找到的另一种生活方式。它自由平等,去权威、去规章制度的理想状态,充分体现了对人性的尊重。本文采用狂欢化理论解读金斯利.艾米斯的代表作《幸运的吉姆》,主要从吉姆的笑,小丑、傻瓜形象和广场狂欢三方面来论证其狂欢性,旨在揭示这部喜剧作品颠覆高校权威、精英文化和英国等级制度的实质。  相似文献   

《坎特伯雷故事》是诗人乔叟身处英国社会历史急剧变革的时代条件下,既受到中世纪狂欢化文学传统,又深受中世纪宫廷文化以及意大利早期人文主义思想的深刻影响所创作出来的一部经典作品。在巴赫金狂欢诗学的观照下,通过深入探究《坎特伯雷故事》中狂欢化特征,揭示了它是如何从其狂欢化朝圣旅程、狂欢化的广场语言、讽刺性摹拟手法以及基于肉体物质性原则等方面充分体现出来的。  相似文献   

巴赫金对西方喜剧美学的理论贡献   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
巴赫金的狂欢化理论及对拉伯雷的研究,蕴含了丰富的喜剧美学思想。如何从喜剧美学的角度评价巴赫金的理论贡献是目前学术界较少论及的问题。本文试图考察巴赫金的喜剧美学理论对西方传统喜剧美学的突破与创新,认为巴赫金对笑与喜剧本质的认识富于思辨色彩,突破了片面注重喜剧的否定性内容及伦理意义的西方喜剧美学传统,并将对喜剧的理解扩展到本体层面和认识论层面;同时,他对喜剧的诸种范畴-怪诞、讽刺的分析也有许多创新,对西方喜剧的理论研究作出了杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

李晓光 《柳州师专学报》2006,21(1):58-59,77
巴赫金是西方20世纪怪诞风格研究的理论大师,他从怪诞与民间诙谐文化、狂欢化这一整体出发,对怪诞做出了独特的阐释。在对怪诞现实主义的理论阐释和分析的过程中,巴赫金在很多方面都论述到怪诞现实主义肯定和否定共在,颠覆性和再生性并存这一双重性。这种双重性认识是对逻各斯中心主义的颠覆和解构。  相似文献   

JK Rowling’s Harry Potter novels situate their child protagonists in a fantastical world side by side with present day British society. Through the characters’ choices and realizations, young readers are introduced to the complexities and ambiguities of the contemporary world. Harry and his friends embrace these qualities of postmodern childhood and question injustices established by and through the adult wizarding world. The characters’ resistance occurs in relation to control of their minds and bodies, the hegemony of wizarding bloodlines, and efforts to frame children as in need of protection. Rowling’s novels imagine a culture in which such child agency is possible, where young people become builders of context, awakening to the network of relationships and institutions that frame their lives.  相似文献   

In this response to Reis’s and Zuss’s responses to our meditation on the grotesque, we attempt to draw distinctions between positivist, empiricist, and realist (including grotesque realist) projects. We also, drawing on Bakhtin, consider the difference between dialogic and dialectic commentary.  相似文献   

F·司各特·菲茨杰拉德被誉为“爵士时代的天使”。他的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为美国文学史上的经典之作。用巴赫金的狂欢化理论重新解读小说的主人公盖茨比 ,希望通过盖茨比作为“开心国王”在狂欢广场上的加冕和脱冕 ,折射出 2 0世纪 2 0年代美国社会的喧嚣与堕落 ,能为人们对作品主人公的理解提供一个新的途径。  相似文献   

巴赫金的狂欢理论是用全民性的广场狂欢和狂欢仪式来实现对权威的反抗和消解。微博则凭借其简单记录和快速分享的网络平台,实现了全民性的话语狂欢。传统媒体构建的信息传播"中心化"结构受到挑战,大众阶层找到了自己的话语舞台。  相似文献   

巴赫金在正统文学的视域之外,揭示了诙谐文化的重要价值,并在与官方正统文化的对比中论证了其对人生与艺术的非凡意义。在此基础上深入论证了诙谐文化的本质,分析了诙谐文化的传承流变,并从文学史的角度考索了诙谐文化对于文艺复兴时代现实主义的意义,同时论证了诙谐文化的不同形态,并以拉伯雷为例进行了详细的分析,见识超群,视野独特,其价值不容忽视。  相似文献   

尼采美学以酒神精神为出发点,体现出对生命的肯定和辩护。巴赫金美学则是一种狂欢美学,试图激活欧洲民间节日的狂欢精神以达到对官方意识形态的片面严肃性的消解而赢获个体自由。两种美学都非常强调生命和物质——肉体因素,企图用具体感性来克服抽象理性,恢复生命的丰富意义,在陶醉和狂欢中建构一种人人平等、泯灭等级的世界大同的乌托邦图景,在此基础上,两者构成丰富的对话关系。  相似文献   

巴赫金的怪诞现实主义观,从怪诞与民间诙谐文化,狂欢化精神的整体性出发,对怪诞作出了自己的阐释,他的观点已经自成体系,对今后的怪诞美学研究将具有重大的学术价值和方法论意义。  相似文献   

巴赫金以狂欢节民间广场诙谐文化的怪诞现实主义理论对拉伯雷《巨人传》的完满解读,证明世界上客观存在着正常态和反常态两类艺术,它们的评价标准是不能混用的。若用正常态艺术的准则去衡量反常态艺术,反常态艺术就是混淆是非、不辨善恶、消解斗志的艺术;若以反常态艺术的准则去审视正常态艺术,正常态艺术又是沉闷、说教,随便找个理由就打人、杀人、破坏的艺术。反常态艺术作为放松艺术也是人类必需的,并非正常态艺术可有可无的陪衬。反常态艺术的艺术水平的衡量标准是新、奇、特、异、怪的反常化力度;反常态艺术的思想伦理底线是对真、善、美、假、恶、丑只能反常化不能反置化。  相似文献   

论巴赫金狂欢化理论的喜剧精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巴赫金植根于中世纪诙谐文化和拉伯雷创作实践的狂欢化理论,蕴含了丰富的喜剧美学思想,提出了许多新颖独到的见解,把握住了喜剧精神的本质和精髓,使"狂欢化"成了喜剧的一大特点,体现了一种喜剧精神,具有很强的喜剧意识。他对狂欢式"笑"的双重性的思考和阐释,具有哲理深度和积极的建设性,有助于我们全面、辩证地理解和把握喜剧的实质和审美功能;他的狂欢化理论所体现出的相对性思想,揭示了喜剧思维的重要特征。  相似文献   

Given its stance against organised religion, it is perhaps not surprising that Philip Pullman’s award-winning trilogy His Dark Materials has, alongside the plaudits and praise, invited controversy and debate. Jacobs (The Weekly Standard, 2000), for instance, views the “anti-Christian” theme in Pullman’s work as both misleading and dishonest, whilst Hitchens (The Mail on Sunday, 2002) denounces it as atheistic “propaganda.” Of central concern to these critics, and others, is the impact of Pullman’s heretical understandings on impressionable young readers. I would suggest that such concern implies a somewhat questionable homogenisation of young readers, and fails to recognise the empowering potential residing in Pullman’s text. Indeed, by drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of “carnival,” a literary mode which subverts official culture through laughter and role reversals, it can be argued that far from indoctrinating the reader or promoting uncontested atheistic understandings, the heretical disruptions and inversions in Pullman’s religious theme encourage an altogether more positive and plural response.  相似文献   

The Harry Potter series focuses upon the toilet as a site for heroic action and a threshold between worlds as well as a more traditional place for boys to be bullied and girls to weep. This article offers a Kristevan reading of the toilets as abject in Harry Potter, and shows how this concept helps us make sense of wider issues within the series, especially Harry’s uneasy relation to the maternal. Alice Mills is associate professor of literature and children’s literature at the University of Ballarat. She has edited two collections of scholarly essays, on the grotesque and the unspeakable, and a number of anthologies of children’s literature. Her research interests lie mainly in the psychoanalytic and Jungian interpretation of fantasy and the picture story book. Briggs, Fungus the Bogeyman Holzwarth and Erlbruch, The story of the little mole who knew it was none of his business Griffiths, The Day My Bum Went Psycho Griffiths, Zombie Bums of Uranus  相似文献   

大众文化一直表现为对主流、精英文化的颠覆,这与巴赫金的狂欢化理论中的狂欢节文化有相似的表现特征。文章分析"迷惘一代"作家纳撒尼尔·韦斯特小说《蝗灾之日》中的造梦工厂好莱坞的大众狂欢化世界,解读二十世纪三十年代大萧条时期的美国社会中美国梦的大众幻灭。  相似文献   

来自边缘的声音--论《哈姆莱特》中的小丑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《哈姆莱特》第五幕墓地场景中的小丑的在场极为典型地体现了《哈姆莱特》中的狂欢精神并实现了消解、颠覆官方文化及正统意识形态的功能,从而表现出莎士比亚追求自由、平等、民主、解放的意识.  相似文献   


This article explores two central notions of ‘dialectics’ and ‘dialogics’ based on the work of Vygotsky (drawing on philosophers such as Hegel, Spinoza, Engels and Marx) and Bakhtin (drawing on members of the Bakhtin Circle and writers such as Dostoevsky and Rabelais) respectively, as well their varying interanimations within Stalin-Marxist Russian societyIt is proposed that these two positions are incommensurably located alongside one another in contemporary education. I argue that Bakhtin offers diametrically oppositional educational provocations to those of Vygotsky.The implications of these interpretations will be explored with consideration of their underlying philosophical incompatibilities and contradictions, as well as the opportunities such a consideration pose for educational practice today.  相似文献   

该文通过比较巴赫金狂欢理论和其他理论家论述中不同的广场意识,阐释巴赫金眼中的狂欢广场独特的空间品质,及其背后隐含的深层意味。该文还认为,这些对城市广场的刻意变形并不影响狂欢理论的现实有效性。巴赫金将广场从城市中剥离出来,赋予它乌托邦性质,从而实现广场的革命想象。此外,巴赫金还排斥了封闭的房间,强调了广场的开放性和置身其中的人的集体性。广场、乌托邦、集体相互印证,在巴赫金眼里,狂欢节的空间形式包含了人的生存根本。  相似文献   

《飞医生》是莫里哀早年创作的一部闹剧,从巴赫金狂欢化理论的角度来看,其狂欢化色彩明显:加冕脱冕结构具有深刻的双重性和新旧交替的创造含义;狂欢式人物斯嘎纳赖勒具有双重性的生活方式、以双重性的眼光看世界、与诞生和死亡有着本质的联系;广场语言的运用体现了广场上的无拘无束,充满着喜剧感和滑稽感.莫里哀在狂欢式的氛围中实现着对生活的批判,颠覆权威、追求平等、表达自由,最终展现了其民主的思想.  相似文献   

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