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该文从狄更斯《大卫·科波菲尔》中人物的性格特征分析入手 ,比较分析了漫画人物和扁形人物的不同概念和特点 ,认为狄更斯在《大卫·科波菲尔》中用夸张、变形和反复等手法 ,塑造的是大量的漫画人物。这些人物的性格是复杂的、发展的 ,他们是幽默的或讽刺的喜剧人物 ,是对真善美的歌颂、对假恶丑的鞭挞 ,具有强烈的喜剧效果  相似文献   

近几年来,上海市初中历史学业考试中,连续出现了以历史漫画为题材的考题,这引起了笔者对于历史漫画的重新审视和思考,历史漫画在课堂教学中使用的频率并不高,但由于其特殊的表现形式,它所能发挥的作用却是异乎寻常的。文章试从多元智能理论、认识规律的角度来分析历史漫画对于初中历史教学重点、难点的突破,课堂教学有效性的提高所起到的重大影响。  相似文献   

日本漫画不仅汇集了日本国内的人气,而且风靡全球,形成了蔚为大观的文化现象。所以,渗透在漫画中的日本民族文化逐渐成为注目的焦点。本文试从日本漫画中探析日本民族的岛国根性、集团意识、耻感文化、强者崇拜等文化因素,进而引起人们对民族文化作用的关注。  相似文献   

There are currently both scientific and public debates surrounding Darwinism. In the scientific debate, the details of evolution are in dispute, but not the central thesis of Darwin??s theory; in the public debate, Darwinism itself is questioned. I concentrate on the public debate because of its direct impact on education in the United States. Some critics of Darwin advocate the teaching of intelligent design theory along with Darwin??s theory, and others seek to eliminate even the mention of evolution from science classes altogether. Many of these critics base their objections on the claim that non-living matter cannot give rise to living matter. After considering some of the various meanings assigned to ??vitalism?? over the years, I argue that a considerable portion of Darwin deniers support a literal version of vitalism that is not scientifically respectable. Their position seems to be that since life cannot arise naturally, Darwin??s theory accomplishes nothing: If it can only account for life forms changing from one to another (even this is disputed by some) but not how life arose in the first place, what??s the point? I argue that there is every reason to believe that living and non-living matter differ only in degree, not in kind, and that all conversation about Darwinism should start with the assumption that abiogenesis is possible unless or until compelling evidence of its impossibility is presented. That is, I advocate a position that the burden of proof lies with those who claim ??Life only comes from life.?? Until that case is made, little weight should be given to their position.  相似文献   

宗教的世俗化和普世化是当代宗教发展的主流。我们认为 ,是否具有世俗化和普世化的基本特征正是宗教与邪教的历史主义划界标准。邪教是宗教的历史反动。相反 ,新兴宗教运动是当代宗教发展的支流。如果以宗教世俗化、普世化为衡量标准 ,“新兴宗教”大致可以分为两类 :一类是顺应宗教世俗化、普世化的 ;另一类则是违背宗教世俗化、普世化的 ,如原教旨主义、邪教等等。前一类比较少 ,后一类比较多。对于中国来说 ,2 0世纪 80— 90年代是一个“精神文化空间”逐步变成“信仰真空”的时代。所谓“信仰真空”是指任何一种传统或者现代信仰在民众“精神文化空间”中无以确立 ,导致失落 ,从而为其它信仰提供可乘之机。邪教正是这样乘隙而入。它是一种错误的、有害的“信仰填充”。如何重建 (重构 )我们这一个时代的“精神文化空间” ?笔者认为 :第一 ,重建科学精神 ;第二 ,重建人文精神 ;第三 ,坚持“政教分离”原则 ,推动宗教世俗化 ;第四 ,坚持“宗教宽容”、“宗教自由”、“宗教信仰自由”原则 ,推动宗教普世化  相似文献   

漫画在日本有着40多年的历史,从幼儿至成年人以及许多老年人都是漫画书的热心读者.近年来,日本漫画已在以亚洲为主的一些国家和地区普及,并且得以发展.这些都与日本文化在漫画发展中的作用分不开的.而且,日本文化在漫画的取材范围,人物设计,审美观念等方面起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   

Darwin and Islam     

在<人类的由来>中,达尔文试图彻底地从自然主义的角度对良心这种道德意识进行阐释.但是,他的道德或良心进化论不仅具有描述或说明的维度,而且包含了丰富的规范内容:他把恩爱、同情心和社会性本能当作"人的道德组成的最初的原则",表明他站在利他主义立场上反对利己主义道德原则;他也没有简单采用功利主义道德原则,不是把"最大多数人的最大幸福"而是把"社群利益"当作最高的道德标准;他把"你们愿意人这样待你们,你们也怎样待人"这个"应然"的规律当作人类道德的基础;在论述人类道德的进化时,他站在自己鲜明的价值立场上对种种愚昧、野蛮的行径展开批评,等等.对达尔文而言,对事实的描述和说明同价值或道德规范的设定是完全一致的.把达尔文当作主张弱肉强食的社会达尔文主义者是对达尔文的一大误解.  相似文献   

Archive-based, historical research of materials produced during the Golden Age of Geology (1788–1840) uncovered scientific caricatures (SCs) which may serve as a unique form of knowledge representation for students today. SCs played important roles in the past, stimulating critical inquiry among early geologists and fueling debates that addressed key theoretical issues. When historical SCs were utilized in a large-enrollment college Earth History course, student response was positive. Therefore, we offered SCs as an optional assessment tool. Paired t-tests that compared individual students’ performances with the SC option, as well as without the SC option, showed a significant positive difference favoring scientific caricatures (α = 0.05). Content analysis of anonymous student survey responses revealed three consistent findings: (a) students enjoyed expressing science content correctly but creatively through SCs, (b) development of SCs required deeper knowledge integration and understanding of the content than conventional test items, and (c) students appreciated having SC item options on their examinations, whether or not they took advantage of them. We think that incorporation of SCs during assessment may effectively expand the variety of methods for probing understanding, thereby increasing the mode validity of current geoscience tests.  相似文献   

Renee Borges 《Resonance》2009,14(2):102-123
Darwin is as much a household name today as he was a century and a half ago. Phrases such as Universal Darwinism, Social Darwinism, The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, Darwin Machines, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, The Universal Acid of Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Darwin is Dead — Long Live Darwin …. are in common usage today. Darwin stands out as a colossus — a giant among giants. A progression of great thinkers led to Darwin. Who were these revolutionaries and what are the frontiers of modern evolutionary thought? Some of these questions are addressed in this article.  相似文献   

普通话轻声存在一定的混乱现象,不利于现代汉语的规范化,应加以辨正。从轻声的发音来看,应该明确词语内部音长的分配,区分轻声与轻音。从轻声的作用看,应该重视其构词功能和语法作用。关于轻声词语的规范,建议保留承载一定词汇意义和语法意义的轻声,舍弃习惯轻声。  相似文献   

1959年的庐山会议从纠“左”转向反右,根本原因是:在“左”的思想指导下纠“左”;对社会主义时期阶级斗争形势的错误估计;党内民主生活不正常。总结经验教训,对推进社会主义现代化建设有重大意义。  相似文献   

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