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加拿大苏格兰后裔作家爱丽丝·门罗的短篇小说集《逃离》立足于日常空间、女性性别空间叙事,将日常与国家叠加、性别与民族糅合,以其独特的叙事重建了加拿大的民族性。《逃离》集通过日常生活的自然空间、社会空间、居住空间叙事隐喻加拿大的民族生存之道;通过性别空间叙事着眼于女性情感空间,隐喻加拿大的民族身份认同。  相似文献   

建筑空间是每个人的需求,它包括了对安全、方便、舒适、私密、领域的认同。现代社会,环境与空间一度被认为是中性的,不分性别。实际上,人类社会世俗空间的最早分化是以性别为依据的。大多数社会形态的女性空间都暗示着女性的附属地位。由于现代社会男女平等观念的建立,现代主义建筑对这种空间的性别差异持绝对否定态度,  相似文献   

竹山县区域性女娲信仰是源自于远古的一种女神崇拜,以她为核心的独特的女神崇拜形成了当地具有特色的女性文化,对当地女性的精神和日常生活起到了巨大的影响作用.女娲的女性形象在历史长河中塑造了女性的性别形象,现代女性的性别形象是女娲精神的再造,是先进的性别文化和两性和谐发展的又一启示.  相似文献   

安吉拉·卡特被盛赞的短篇小说《染血之室》改写了蓝胡子童话,从空间对立、空间转换、空间变动三个视角展现性别空间的权力斗争。文本以整体空间、个体空间的对立凸显空间性别化;阈限空间更迭推动了空间斗争意识萌芽;串联空间、首尾紧扣完成性别空间构建。安吉拉·卡特性别空间建构的目的是推动女性成长,彰显了通过空间变动争夺权力的女性诉求。  相似文献   

女性的性别界定是历史造成的,对身体的压抑和对女性的剥削被置于同一符号之下。日常生活中的"食、衣、色"是与人类身体最密切相关的三大元素,其书写被台湾女作家赋予了一种有意味的形式。这三大元素关乎感官、欲望、情感等,虽被男性所建立的以心灵、精神、理智为主导的世界所轻视,但台湾女性小说却用它们揭示了男权话语下女性"无我"的历史真相,以及性别政治中权利和权力问题的复杂性,检视社会形态和日常生活如何建构了女性的身体及身份,并追溯这种建构背后的意识形态功能,进而用非二元性的言说方式来呈现非父权式的身体及性别表达和女性主体建构。  相似文献   

文章从"性别"这一女性文学研究的核心概念出发,以评论者较少注意的人物群体--乡村女性为例.分析男女作家对乡村女性形象塑造的差异:男作家注重"性格"的刻画与女作家注重"心理"的探幽入微,男作家的"疏离"日常生活与女作家的"亲近"日常生活,男作家的"理性"书写与女作家的"感性"叙述,其中体现着丰富深刻的性别文化内蕴.  相似文献   

《新夏娃的激情》是一部具有反乌托邦情节的女性主义文本,该文本具有强烈的空间意象感。空间不仅仅是一种静态默然的表征,而是被赋予了性别权力关系。当空间的权力与女性的权力发生联系时,女性借助空间权力关系,从而出现性别空间的政治。卡特在文本中精心构筑了三维的立体空间,形成了一张巨大的权力之网,彰显了对两性和谐共处通往融合的遥望,体现了她对人类性别平等的关怀。  相似文献   

池莉《她的城》以广阔的生活场景、清醒的性别意识和深刻的反思力度呈现了女性写作一个新的书写时代。种种迹象表明,女性写作正以平静而从容的姿态,深入到日常生活的细微之处,重叙姐妹之邦,探寻双性对话,获得性别身份认同,努力构建全新的性别话语,从而在实现女性自我价值的基础上实现生命的丰富多彩,思考人的全面解放及对人类的终极关怀。  相似文献   

《朱丽小姐》是瑞典戏剧大师斯特林堡的一部重要剧作,作品展现了男权社会对女性的种种禁锢。剧中的性别与空间意识复杂而又充满张力,赋予此剧以全新的现实意义。本文从性别空间的视角出发,阐述了无处不在的男权中心主义对女性生存空间的压制,旨在表明,戏剧场域的铺展和转换不仅是性别空间政治在剧中的集中体现,并且对人物的悲剧命运产生重要影响。  相似文献   

性别:女性文学研究的关键词   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新旧世纪之交的十来年,我国女性文学研究正在进行着静悄悄的学术转型,其标志是:女性文学研究的关键词正在由“女性”而转向了“性别”。由此,女性文学文本与男性文学文本甚至历史文化语境构成的“巨型文本”,将作为互为参照比较的互文本被纳入研究者的研究视野。性别的双性视角,是一个充满希望和忧虑的话题,回到日常生活,也许能够有效地争取两性平等对话与男女主体间性的和谐。性别视角应是双性视角,应避免对性别视角的过度阐释。论文以现代女性文学研究引入性别关键词所带来的比较成熟的研究成果为例,阐明了以女性主体性为价值支点进行文本解读的创造性,多文本互文性解读的合理性。  相似文献   

列斐伏尔毕生致力于日常生活批判研究,但他的这一思想却是广为人知,罕为人解。目前我国学者对列斐伏尔日常生活批判理论的研究主要集中在他的这一理论的思想来源和现实诱因、此理论与马克思批判理论的关系以及他的日常生活概念和批判思想前后的转变、此理论的贡献与不足等方面。总体来看,目前国内学界对列斐伏尔这一理论的文本性研究不足。  相似文献   

列斐伏尔的“日常生活”具有生动的态度,包含无穷的希望与可能。国内对列斐伏尔重视转淡的背景下,对社会“日常生活”的批判,具有非日常的意义。以上海为例,通过实地调查以及相关报道收集整理的方法,展示其作为公共空间转换的结果。菜场是微观层次的“混乱”场所,不断进行着各种社会力量的对抗与关系的调整,在某种程度上,可映射到社会层面,以小见大。进而阐明日常生活批判作为一个视角所反映出的社会变革发展微观层面的动力机制。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the types of lived spaces that emerged from exploring Emirati women learners’ spatial experiences in higher education. By conducting an ethnographic qualitative inquiry and by utilizing Lefebvre’s triad of the perceived, conceived and lived space and rhythmanalysis as a theoretical framework, two distinctive categories of the lived space emerged: ‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’ spaces, with their sub-categorizations. These emergent spaces reveal and reflect Emirati women learners’ spatial needs and experiences as manifested through their spatial appropriation and unique rhythms on campus. The findings also extend our understanding and utilization of Lefebvre’s abstract triad, specifically the lived space, and confirm how space is neither abstract nor static, but socially constructed, dynamic as well as culturally and contextually bound. The spatial focus of this study offers a novel way of thinking about women’s experiences and needs in higher education, thus extending the scholarly work on spatializing education.  相似文献   

亨利·列斐伏尔美学的立场和方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亨利·列斐伏尔指出唯心主义、形式主义、对人的抽象理解是马克思主义以前美学理论的根本缺陷,他以马克思主义为美学立场,认为马克思主义能使一个现代艺术家在创作中真正获得自由、开辟广阔的创作前途,艺术作品既是艺术家个人的作品也是反映一个时代的经济、政治、文化基础的作品。列斐伏尔以新浪漫主义为美学的方向,新浪漫主义是革命的、进步的,是以“可能”为中心的反叛异化现实和面向人道未来。  相似文献   

男女平等一直是社会所提倡的,但是目前我国女童的教育中仍然存在着男女教育不平等的现象,这对女童性别角色社会化的发展是不利的。家庭是儿童接触的第一个社会组织,父母是儿童的第一任老师。在平日的亲子接触中,父母的性别观念、性别刻板印象等都会通过自身的行为举止以及养育方式传递给儿童。因而家庭教育对女童性别角色社会化的发展有着潜移默化且重要的影响。  相似文献   

The Relating to Older People Evaluation (ROPE) is a 20-item questionnaire that measures positive and negative ageist behaviors that people may engage in during everyday life. In this article, we report the first findings from several administrations of the ROPE along with initial psychometric information on the instrument. Respondents were college students, community-dwelling older adults, and persons affiliated with a university community. Results indicate that most people of all ages readily admit to positive ageist behaviors. Younger and older adults appear to participate in similar amounts of ageist behavior. Analyses by gender indicated that women endorsed the positive ageism items more often than did men. Psychometric analyses yielded estimates of adequate test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability. Implications for current views of ageism as a social phenomenon and strategies for reducing ageist behaviors in everyday life are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines young people’s narratives of space and territory and the ways in which they are gender specific. Drawing upon data from two ESRC funded research projects beginning in 1996, the paper focuses upon the ways in which boundaries are perceived, constructed and managed in the everyday lives of young women and men growing up in one area of Northern Ireland. The paper considers how the territorial boundaries that young people adhere to create ‘pure’ and ‘bitter’ spaces which serve to reinforce their own sense of cultural and ethnic differences. It also looks at the experiences of those who travel beyond these boundaries, the impact of gender and the implications that traversing boundaries has on young people’s lives. Finally, the paper suggests that young women appear more willing and able to cross boundaries by seizing opportunities presented by cosmopolitanism and changing patterns of leisure. In so doing, young women challenge the legacy of ‘bitterness’ inherent in pure spaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, the focus is upon daily school practices in Junior Secondary Schools in Ghana and Botswana. The data from 12 ethnographic case studies have been used to explore how the institution of schooling is gendered. The analysis focuses predominantly on the informal practices of the hidden curriculum through a theoretical perspective that highlights these institutional processes as significant to the production of gender/sexual identities. Remarkable similarities in the pervasive and inequitable gender/sexual practices within schools across country contexts are discussed in three key areas: school management and duties, gender space and gender violence. These discussions of everyday school life illustrate the ways in which both normative institutional practices and human agency produce and regulate gender/sexual identities. This micro-level analysis provides important substantive and methodological insights into what goes on inside schools and into the contexts and experiences of schooling that are significant to policy discourses of gender, education and development.  相似文献   

New Zealander Sylvia Ashton‐Warner, a teacher in remote rural Māori schools in the 1940s–1950s, became internationally renowned as a novelist and educational theorist. Earlier commentators portrayed her educational theory as in conflict with those of her time and place, but recent studies conceptualise them as enabled by it. While space/place has often been considered the preserve of the geographer and time that of the historian, Henri Lefebvre and others suggest that: “these issues need to be thought together rather than separately” and that macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐levels of analysis be engaged simultaneously. The author traces how conceptual, linguistic, sensory and intellectual resources of the global “New Education” movement extended into the tiny bush‐encircled Māori communities in which Sylvia taught and wrote in the 1940s–1950s and surfaced in her writing. The article zooms in and out between the “the immensity of the global” (the New Education, the Second World War) and “the intimately tiny” (her classroom and home). The “data” include Sylvia’s non‐fiction education texts and official documents of her time: school curricula, education policy documents, Ministerial and Inspectors’ reports. What Lefebvre terms a “Rhythm analysis” of Ashton‐Warner’s educational writing shows intermingled pulses of domestic life, routines of educational bureaucracy, cycles of nature, and cataclysms of world events. It is important for historians to study “the where rather than just the when with location and landscape central parts of the analysis”.  相似文献   

列斐伏尔的空间生产理论及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在马克思主义、先锋派艺术实践与战后法国的城市化进程等因素合力作用下,列斐伏尔转向了空间研究,围绕空间的本质、空间的生产和空间的再生产等对空间生产理论展开论述。受其影响,卡斯特、索亚、哈维和佐京等从城市社会学、地理学与文化研究等学科实现了空间生产理论的再生产。  相似文献   

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