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寄养孤残儿童的特殊教育状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究调查上海市64户寄养孤残儿童的家庭就特殊教育状况.结果表明城乡家长在寄养儿童的教育方式、教育安置、期望等方面存在显著差异;城市与农村的寄养家庭获得了相同的社会支持;非正式社会支持越高和儿童寄养的年龄越小,越有利于寄养儿童和寄养父母建立良好的替代亲子关系.被寄养孤残儿童教育是特殊教育的新领域,需要更多的专业人员参与和支持.  相似文献   

超生寄养儿童是指违反国家计划生育政策出生的曾经被安置在祖辈、亲戚等家里抚养的儿童。寄养经历影响其亲子依恋关系。依恋是儿童和主要照料者之间的一种亲密情感联结,早期依恋的性质深刻地影响着成年之后的人际关系和精神健康。本文通过描述儿童依恋类型及依恋形成的影响因素,分析了寄养儿童的心理问题形成的内部原因。  相似文献   

儿童利益牵涉到每一个家庭,收养是一种在没有血缘关系的当事人之间建立一种拟制血亲关系,被收养人成了他人家庭的成员之一。我国《收养法》明确规定了我国的收养制度,但在实践中由于收养管理行政化和儿童福利院的强制垄断收养,导致拐卖儿童、收养黑市等社会问题的频频发生。纵观古代,收养自由化,反而在收养问题上没有出现上述的社会问题。因此,如何改变当前的收养制度,如何借鉴古代的自由收养制度,是一个值得研究的课题。特别是自然灾害的发生后,导致大量孤儿产生,更应该建立一个完善的收养体制来保护这类社会弱势群体的合法权益。  相似文献   

超生寄养儿童是指违反国家计划生育政策出生的曾经被安置在祖辈、亲戚等家里抚养的儿童。寄养儿童的特殊性在于寄养儿童有父母,但得不到父母的亲身照顾。早期的亲子分离使他们与父母之间没有形成正常的亲子依恋关系,非正常的依恋对寄养儿童身心发展产生消极的影响。早期的亲子分离也给超生寄养儿童带来严重的心理伤害。文章介绍了国内外学者对超生寄养儿童的研究概况,并提出展望。  相似文献   

寄养儿童是指由于父母工作繁忙或违反国家计划生育政策超生而被安置在亲戚朋友家及社会托养机构中的儿童.寄养儿童现象存在的隐患和问题主要有:儿童易出现消极心理情绪、缺少沟通导致亲子关系淡漠、缺乏有效监督而导致儿童出现行为偏差等.文章对寄养现象中存在的问题进行了剖析并提出对策:加大婚育前教育宣传力度,遏止养而不教;尽可能选择合适的寄养家庭;父母应与孩子建立稳定的感情联系,增加沟通和交流;代养人应处理好与寄养儿童的关系,负起教育责任.  相似文献   

近年来,我国儿童权益保护成绩显著,但对失依儿童群体的支持力度不足。以社会福利院和寄养为主的传统单一直线型抚养方式很难融合社会力量对失依儿童进行高效、持续的全方位支持。本文以连云港一家企业投资、政府主导、多元主体支持的助学中心为例,以社会支持理论为分析工具,探究其联动政府、企业、社会、亲属等多元主体的运行机制,发掘其运行过程中的创新之处,以期探索一条独特的儿童福利社会化路径。  相似文献   

超生寄养儿童是指违反国家计划生育政策出生的被安置在祖辈、亲戚、邻居等家里抚养的儿童,包括正在被寄养的和有寄养经历的儿童。早期的亲子分离给超生寄养儿童带来严重的心理伤害,不可避免地影响了他们的心理健康。本文就超生寄养儿童心理健康问题的现状及成因作简单的剖析,希望更多的人来关心超生寄养儿童的心理健康。  相似文献   

随着城市80后独生子女为人父为人母,工作环境竞争的日益激烈,越来越多的年轻父母或因为工作压力大,或因为逃避养育责任等选择把孩子交给保姆或孩子的祖父母、外祖父母甚至其他亲戚代为抚养,这种代为抚养的儿童称为“城市寄养儿童”。和完整家庭的孩子相比,寄养儿童的家庭教育在一定程度上是不完整的,尤其在心理情感、教育内容和教育观念等方面存在严重问题,提前建立抚养人和寄养儿童的感情、强化抚养人的家庭功能以及强化学校对寄养儿童的教育与关怀是解决城市寄养儿童家庭教育问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

家庭寄养对孤残儿童社会适应行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孤残儿童是一个特殊的群体,他们的发展或多或少地有所滞后或者缺陷,在社会适应行为发展上尤为突出。寄养儿童在寄养家庭中得到了情感满足、需要满足、行为支持、心理健康发展。家庭寄养对孤残儿童的适应行为发展有着积极作用。  相似文献   

王娟 《文教资料》2013,(8):136-137,146
研究证明,儿童福利机构作为家庭的替代形式集中照料儿童时,在很大程度上不能满足儿童成长中的身心需求,家庭寄养模式则开辟了一条行之有效的重要途径。家庭寄养模式下的孤残儿童有着生理康复、心理发展和接受教育的需求,需要社会和家庭共同提供机会满足这些需求。  相似文献   

图画书是幼儿早期阅读的重要载体,家庭中的亲子图画书阅读不但能增加亲子间的关系,而且对于幼儿的认知发展、良好的阅读习惯和兴趣的养成有积极的意义。目前家长在亲子图画书阅读过程中存在诸多误区,文章从三个方面阐述了如何正确看待图画书,并对家长参与指导亲子图画书阅读提出建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of parent and child emotional expressiveness within the family context, to examine links between these patterns and children's peer relations, and to examine whether these links might be mediated by children's understanding of emotions. Subjects were 61 kindergarten and first-grade white, middle-class children and their parents. Parent and child expressiveness were assessed in a laboratory ring-toss game designed to elicit a range of emotional responses. Parent expressiveness in the home was also assessed with Halberstadt's Family Expressiveness Questionnaire. The questionnaire, completed by both mother and father, assesses a range of emotions in a variety of settings typical of many families, and consists of items tapping both positive and negative expressiveness. Children were interviewed about their understanding of emotions across a broad range of areas. Results indicated that maternal expressiveness (home) and paternal expressiveness (home and laboratory) but not children's expressiveness with parents were associated with children's peer relations. Although children's understanding of emotions was generally not associated with family expressiveness, understanding predicted children's peer relations. In addition, children's understanding influenced the links between maternal expressiveness in the home and peer relations and between paternal expressiveness in the laboratory and peer relations. This pattern of results underscores the importance of the emotional climate of the family for the development of children's social relations with peers.  相似文献   

Past research has indicated that a significant relationship exists between young children's early home literacy environment and their reading-related skills. However, this relationship has rarely been investigated among older children with reading disabilities (RD). In the present study, the relationship between parent and child home literacy activities and children's academic functioning was investigated with a sample of 65 elementary-age children with RD. The results indicated that children's home literacy activities were not significantly related to any of their academic abilities, whereas parents' home literacy activities were significantly related to children's passage comprehension and spelling scores. However, relationships between home literacy environment and reading may be different for children with and without RD.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between paternal roles, regardless of residence, and the well-being of 175 3-year-old children from low income, African American families. There were no differences in children's cognition, receptive language, behavior, or home environment related to father presence. Fathers (or father figures) were identified in 73% of the families, and 64% participated in an interview and videotaped observation. The relationships between paternal roles (parenting satisfaction, economic support, nurturance during play, child care, and household responsibilities) and children's cognitive skills, receptive language, behavior, and home environment were examined. After controlling for maternal age, education, and parenting satisfaction, there were significant relationships between paternal roles and each index of children's well-being, suggesting that fathers' contributions were unique. Fathers who were satisfied with parenting, contributed financially to the family, and were nurturant during play had children with better cognitive and language competence; fathers who were satisfied with parenting and employed, had children with fewer behavior problems; and when fathers were living with the child, the home was more child-centered. Neither the biological relationship of the father nor the parents' marital status entered into the models. These findings support ecological theories linking paternal involvement with children's well-being and argue for the institution of family-oriented policies that promote positive father involvement.  相似文献   

中国一直致力于市场化建设事业,农村经济市场化是市场化建设的一部分.显然,农村经济市场化与商事法律制度有着天然的、必然的联系.在建设社会主义新农村时期这种联系尤为明显与重要.在这种联系中具有重要地位的是农村在中国市场经济体系及商事制度的地位问题、农村承包经营户的商事主体问题、关于农村剩余劳动力及农村其他资源的商事客体问题以及农村公益事业的商事运行制度问题等等.这些问题使得我们要重新思考如何变革我们的商事法律制度.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济体制下,医疗服务市场化客观存在,非营利性医院要走出一条有自己特色的发展之路。首先应明确医疗服务的特点,它是一种含有福利行为的公共服务,直接关系到患者健康权益的维护和保障,既有公益福利性又有经营盈利性,降低医疗费用、加强医院经营与经济管理意识从而提高医院效益,提供基本、低价、有效的医疗服务。  相似文献   

中等收入者阶层是社会稳定和建设的主要力量 ,在全面建设小康社会的伟大事业中 ,通过大力发展生产力 ,深化经济体制改革和分配制度改革 ,实现城乡劳动力市场、城乡税制、城乡户籍和福利制度一体化 ,使中等收入阶层不断扩大 ,逐步形成稳定的“橄榄形”社会结构 ,促进社会的稳定和协调发展  相似文献   

The current study examines the effects of socioeconomic status (SES) on preschool children's cognitive and behavioral outcomes and if these relations are mediated by the quality of children's home environment and moderated by family nativity status. Data come from 1459 low-income families (n = 257 and 1202 immigrant and native families, respectively). Results indicated that among both immigrant and native households, maternal education, as compared to household income or welfare receipt, was the strongest predictor of a composite of SES. Path analyses estimated direct and indirect effects of SES and revealed greater similarity than difference in the processes by which SES influences immigrant and native children's preschool outcomes. Language/literacy stimulation and maternal supportiveness mediated the relations of SES to children's cognitive outcomes among both immigrant and native families. In contrast, parenting stress mediated the effects of SES on children's aggressive behavior among native, but not immigrant, households.  相似文献   

经济犯罪的危害严重,它不仅牵涉千家万户的利益,更是影响国家的经济、政治安全和社会的稳定。虽然长期以来对经济犯罪奉行重刑主义的打击策略,但现阶段经济犯罪仍呈现高发态势。深刻思考经济犯罪产生的深层次原因,可以寻找到控制经济犯罪的良策。经济犯罪产生的原因很多,其与国家的管理有很大关系。从国家管理的层面而言,应当通过实施科学、规范、严格的管理,达到控制经济犯罪的目的。  相似文献   

社会保障制度特别是社会保险制度是培育劳动力市场的必要条件。然而,社会保障制度改革落后,严重制约了劳动力市场的培育和发展,因而,必须加快养老、失业、医疗保险制度的改革,形成社会救济、社会福利、优抚安置和社会互助、个人储蓄保障相结合的多层次的社会保障制度,以促进劳动力市场的培育和发展  相似文献   

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