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提问在教学中对刺激学生思考和学习起着不可比拟的作用,在以教师为主导的教学模式中,提问是一项重要的加强师生互动的策略。问题有助于"可理解性输入",同时学生必须根据所提问题做出相关回答,实现"可理解性输入"到"可理解性输出"的转变过程,所以课堂提问是二语习得中一种有效的教学手段。本文在对于英语专业精读课提问的实际调查的基础上,阐释各种问题形式在课堂教学的效用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine if an instrument, originally designed to classify levels of teachers' questions on the basis of logical operations, could be utilized to measure the level of inquiry present in a classroom discussion and to determine if the inquiry questioning behavior of the teacher influenced student achievement. The results of the study show that the modified classification scheme could accurately and reliably measure the inquiry level of teachers' classroom questions. The data also indicated that teachers who ask a greater proportion of high inquiry questions cause a greater change in students as measured by an achievement examination.  相似文献   

This paper describes some preliminary results comparing two groups of children's performance on a set of Piagetian conservation tasks. The findings point to the need to sensitise parents and teachers to current views on appropriate learning environments for young children, in particular, the strategies that they might use to make sense of their experiences. In addition, the findings are used to support the argument that it is important to emphasise adults’ roles in giving structure and direction to children's early learning experiences. It is anticipated that if parents and some teachers understand the basis for this approach to tutoring, their support and encouragement will relieve the potentially damaging pressure to ‘ succeed at all costs ‘, a current dilemma for parents of children in Singapore. Given the emphasis on structure and attainment in the Singaporean Pre‐Schools in this paper, experiences involving aspects of problem solving are selected for investigation, given their reported relationship with school attainment. (Bruner, 1972).  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to examine the relation between false-belief understanding and referential communication skills. The ability of 76 children aged 5 years to attribute false beliefs to themselves and others was examined with three false-belief tasks. The referential communication skills of the same children were assessed with two tests: (a) the Listening Skills Test (Lloyd et al. 2001) and (b) the Test of Referential Communication (Lloyd et al. 1995), which were adjusted to Greek reality for this purpose. The results showed that there is a link between false-belief understanding and components of referential communication, namely, ability to identify a pictorial referent based on oral messages, ability to comprehend directions on a map, and ability to detect and resolve ambiguity in oral messages. They also revealed that comprehension of directions and ability to detect ambiguity in messages as listener may be good predictors of false-belief competence. The present findings support and expand previous evidence attesting to a link between false-belief understanding and other aspects of language such as syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.  相似文献   

The language environment of the early primary grades is examined with respect to the linguistic competencies possessed by five-, six-, and seven-year-old children. The referential communication paradigm is suggested as a useful instructional tool to simulate the functional demands of a communicative exchange and still control for speaker- and task-related variables. A kindergartner's referential communication protocol is examined with respect to such speaker-related variables as cognitive style, mental processing capacity, vocabulary repertoire, cognitive structures for describing stimuli, affective involvement, and task understanding, and to such task-related variables as nature of the topic, mode of stimulus presentation, and form of listener feedback.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the organization of prelinguistic «referential» communication routines and their effects on infant’s progressive mastery of protoreferential communication. Routines are defined here as exchanges where turn-taking and/or topic are repetead and conventionalized. The design compares an experimental group and a control group in a pretest/post test format. In the experimental group, routinized exchanges about a poster are encouraged. Three «training» sessions are devoted to the establishment of routines. The sample was composed of 13 infants aged 12 to 13 months and their mothers. Comparisons between the pretest and the postest for the E group infants show an increase in the time devoted to referential behavior, in the number of infant initiations of dialogue on the poster and in the use of pointing. For the mothers, results show that, during the three «training» sessions, E group mothers, produce more points than C group mothers and tend to «confirm» infants’ pointing plus vocalization as though it was a complete reference. Findings are discussed in terms of conventionalization of protoreferential gestures and vocalizations.  相似文献   

以游戏为情境的探究式篮球教学模式是指在篮球实践课教学中,教师通过创编引导性游戏,主动积极地引起、帮助和促进学生进行探究性学习的一种篮球教学模式。此模式中游戏即是问题情境又是实验验证的方式,因此如何创编引导性游戏起关键作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an interview study of 104 12‐year old children. The aim was to learn more about how children use the Internet, what they find negative on the Internet and what coping strategies they use. The media debate seems to display consensus regarding what threats the Internet poses to young people. However, this study shows a discrepancy between children's and adults' views on this subject. The children in the study handle the drawbacks of the Internet well, but they do not discuss this with adults. The study does not paint a picture of naïve children, unable to see actual threats, but of responsible people aware of the threats that exist in their digital environment and with developed methods to avoid such threats.  相似文献   

Referential communication can be conceptualized as consisting of substantive knowledge, enabling skills, and procedural rule knowledge. One type of procedural rule is to tailor a message to the needs of one's listener. 2 studies investigated whether children vary the amount of information in a message (contrastive or redundant) as a function of either sharing a previous experience with that listener or the age of the listener. First- (M = 6-8), fourth- (M = 9-9), and fifth- (M = 10-8) grade speakers played a referential communication game with a fictitious listener. All children were more likely to give redundant messages to listeners with whom they had no common shared experience or to strangers than to listeners with whom they had shared a previous experience. Only the older children, however, varied the type of redundant messages in keeping with the needs of the listeners. Furthermore, the older children were more likely to vary how much information they included in their messages as a function of the listener's age. Discussion focuses on the need to consider the acquisition of communicative competence as the acquisition of specific skills within the context of specific tasks.  相似文献   

本文基于生成研究性学习课题的五种方式中容易出现的问题,提出了生成研究性学习课题的八个策略.  相似文献   

Teachers' questions in the inquiry classroom not only explore and make student thinking explicit in the class but also serve to guide and scaffold it. Several studies analysing teachers' questions and their categories have been reported; however the need for a fine-grained analysis has been felt, especially in the inquiry setting. This study attempts a fine-grained analysis of the rich variety of teachers' questions and their roles in an inquiry science classroom, which are illustrated with vignettes from our classes. We present a sequential typology of teachers' questions that emerged from this empirical study, one that brings out their progression in an inquiry class. We juxtapose them with the ones asked during traditional teaching. We also examine, through teachers' self-reports, their motivations for questioning. This work leads towards a characterisation of the complex process of teaching science as an inquiry that teachers interested in moving towards more constructivist teaching practices in their classrooms may find helpful.  相似文献   

Communication is described as a discipline with an obligation to pursue any inquiry that will shed light on the process of life forces attempting a common union. A holistic perspective is cited as necessary to deal with the complexity and ambiguity this approach embodies: an approach that requires a recognition of both the art and the science of human communication. The ability to communicate effectively is termed fundamental for communication education. Consequently, for internal validity, both knowledge‐building and skills‐training are called for in the teaching of communication. For external validity, the discipline must strive to establish common understandings of its work and to send clear messages about the findings to those outside the field.  相似文献   

在地理课程改革中,探究式教学日益引起人们的重视.探究式教学以探究为基本特证,它在观念上注重平等、开放、民主与和谐;在过程中强调自主、个性、体验;在形式上追求生动、多样和有趣.同传统的教学方式相比,探究式教学将教学的目标放在学生对过程的经历和体验的获取上,注重提高学生处理位置问题的能力,这也直接导致学生学习方式的改变.由于探究式教学以学生自主探究和合作讨论为前提,以教材为基本探究内容,以学生身边的事物或事物的运动变化和生活实际为参照物,因此学生在学习过程中要通过自由的表达、质疑、探究和讨论,参加个人、小组、集体等多种解难释疑的尝试活动,来获取新的知识,并将自己所学知识应用于解决实际问题.  相似文献   



Published protocols for forensic interviewing for child sexual abuse do not include specific questions about what prompted children to tell about sexual abuse or what made them wait to tell. We, therefore, aimed to: (1) add direct inquiry about the process of a child's disclosure to a forensic interview protocol; (2) determine if children will, in fact, discuss the process that led them to tell about sexual abuse; and (3) describe the factors that children identify as either having led them to tell about sexual abuse or caused them to delay a disclosure.


Forensic interviewers were asked to incorporate questions about telling into an existing forensic interview protocol. Over a 1-year period, 191 consecutive forensic interviews of child sexual abuse victims aged 3-18 years old in which children spoke about the reasons they told about abuse or waited to tell about abuse were reviewed. Interview content related to the children's reasons for telling or for waiting to tell about abuse was extracted and analyzed using a qualitative methodology in order to capture themes directly from the children's words.


Forensic interviewers asked children about how they came to tell about sexual abuse and if children waited to tell about abuse, and the children gave specific answers to these questions. The reasons children identified for why they chose to tell were classified into three domains: (1) disclosure as a result of internal stimuli (e.g., the child had nightmares), (2) disclosure facilitated by outside influences (e.g., the child was questioned), and (3) disclosure due to direct evidence of abuse (e.g., the child's abuse was witnessed). The barriers to disclosure identified by the children were categorized into five groups: (1) threats made by the perpetrator (e.g., the child was told (s)he would get in trouble if (s)he told), (2) fears (e.g., the child was afraid something bad would happen if (s)he told), (3) lack of opportunity (e.g., the child felt the opportunity to disclose never presented), (4) lack of understanding (e.g., the child failed to recognize abusive behavior as unacceptable), and (5) relationship with the perpetrator (e.g., the child thought the perpetrator was a friend).


Specific reasons that individual children identify for why they told and why they waited to tell about sexual abuse can be obtained by direct inquiry during forensic interviews for suspected child sexual abuse.

Practice implications

When asked, children identified the first person they told and offered varied and specific reasons for why they told and why they waited to tell about sexual abuse. Understanding why children disclose their abuse and why they wait to disclose will assist both professionals and families. Investigators and those who care for sexually abused children will gain insight into the specific barrier that the sexually abused child overcame to disclose. Prosecutors will be able to use this information to explain to juries why the child may have delayed his or her disclosure. Parents who struggle to understand why their child disclosed to someone else or waited to disclose will have a better understanding of their child's decisions.  相似文献   


This research explores an American high school chemistry teacher's perspective on the meaning of student questions that originate from curiosity and engagement with subject matter. Ethnographic analysis of a teacher's reflective processes and decision-making approach suggests that questions hold contradictory meanings as powerful, conflicting pressures come to play in the everyday patterns of classroom discourse. Although thoughtful intellectual questions are valued as indicators of student attitudes and understandings, they nonetheless create an interruption to the normal flow of things. To the teacher, such interruptions pose threats to his control of classroom events and his ability to cover the content of his course. Although science educators might enthusiastically endorse the idea that classrooms should be characterized by a spirit of inquiry in which student questions are encouraged and respected, findings suggest that it can be difficult for this to happen in actual schools where particular teachers face specific institutional curricular pressures.  相似文献   

道歉是言语交际中的一种言语行为.当交际者冒犯了对方的面子时,需要向对方道歉.运用正确的道歉策略可以挽救对方的面子,维护双方和谐的人际关系,达到交际目的.作者对道歉的基本概念、道歉的功能、影响道歉策略选择的因素进行了探讨.通过对道歉语的研究,作者得出了英汉语中指导交际的八种道歉策略.  相似文献   

背景信息材料题解题策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景信息材料题又叫新情景题,它是高考生物的主要题型之一,在2008年高考试题中覆盖面较大。这类试题重点考查学生运用知识解决实际问题的能力和理解文字、图表、表格等表达的生物学信息的能力,以及搜集信息、加工处理信息、信息转换、交流信息的能力。这类试题在以后的高考试题中只有加强,不会削弱,  相似文献   

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