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Four experiments tested a hypothesized function of signaling devices, namely, to communicate information about text organization. Experiments 1 and 2 compared headings that communicated the hierarchical organization of text topics with headings that did not communicate the hierarchical organization. Signaling organization led to more complete and accurate outlines of a text. Experiment 3 compared headings that communicated the sequential organization of text topics with headings than did not communicate the organization. Signaling organization led to faster text search. Experiment 4 compared headings that emphasized the sequential organization of topics with headings that emphasized their hierarchical organization. In this comparison, sequential headings led to faster search times than hierarchical headings. Together, the results of the four experiments demonstrate (a) that signals can communicate two distinct types of organizational information, and (b) those two types of organization have distinct implications for text processing.  相似文献   

College students with either high or low prior domain knowledge (PK) read a text chapter presented in short pages on a computer monitor. Half of the participants read with headings present and half with headings absent. The computer recorded time spent reading and rereading each short page. Learning was assessed through a structured recall task. In general, headings seem to improve recall of high importance information, and headings were more effective for high PK learners. Analysis of time data showed that participants with headings spent more time per word reading the pages with headings than participants that did not have headings. Prior knowledge had no effect on attention to either high importance information or important supporting detail. Low prior knowledge readers decreased the amount of time spent reading each word as they progressed through the passage and neither the presence nor absence of headings influenced this effect.  相似文献   

Two questions regarding signals’ influence on memory were examined. First, the relationship between headings and text was manipulated to determine whether headings serve as visual cues, directing readers to recall all subsequent information, or content-specific cues, directing readers to recall only to certain information. Second, distance between headings and signaled information was manipulated to determine the extent to which headings focus readers’ recall. College students read a multiple-topic expository text. Free recall for main topics was facilitated by being related to headings and being close to headings and inhibited by being unrelated to headings and distant from headings. Conditional recall (recall of subordinate information pertaining to a main topic) was not affected by either relatedness of heading or distance. Results are consistent with research showing signals’ mixed influence on recall and suggest relation and distance as factors to consider when writing and reading exposition.  相似文献   

This experiment addressed the question of how headings influence readers' memories for text content. College students read and recalled a 12-topic expository text. Half of the participants were trained to construct a mental outline of the text's topic structure as they read and then use their mental outlines to guide their recall attempts. The remaining participants did not receive such training. Half of the participants read a text containing headings before every subsection; the other half read the same text without headings. The results were that participants who received training and/or read the text with headings remembered text topics and their organization better than participants who received no training and read the text without headings. The results support the hypothesis that signals induce a change in readers' strategies for encoding and recalling text.  相似文献   

A summarization task was used to study whether headings influence readers' representations of the topic structure of a text. College students (Experiments 1-3) and sixth- and eighth-graders (Experiment 3) summarized a multiple topic text that (a) included headings introducing every new subtopic, (b) included headings introducing half of the new subtopics, or (c) included no headings. In all experiments, topics were more likely to be included in a summary if they were signaled than if they were not signaled. This effect was magnified when the text was only half signaled: Signaled topics were more likely to appear in a summary if only half the text topics were signaled than if all of the topics were signaled; however, unsignaled topics were less likely to appear in a summary if half of the text topics were signaled than if none of the text topics were signaled. The findings demonstrate that readers rely heavily on headings in a task that emphasizes attention to a text's topic structure. It is suggested that previously observed signaling effects on text recall are mediated by effects on how readers represent a text's topic structure. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

题目是一种语言现象,有其自身所固有的结构规律与特点。作为文章有机组成部分的题目,因其包含着文章的中心思想、写作对象、写作范围和写作方法,结合题目内容对其语法结构形式进行类型划分与审题研究,了解其总体情况,掌握其结构规律、特点以及有关审题的统一标准1、方法和要求,可以避免传统审题做法中存在的许多弊病,使我们走上科学的审题之路,有助于读写教学质量的快速提高。  相似文献   

针对目前大学英语阅读语篇教学存在的问题及其消极影响,从测试对教与学的反拨作用出发,对比全国英语四级阅读测试,通过介绍雅思阅读list of headings题型的效度,着重论述测试中引入该题型对大学英语语篇阅读教学具有正面的反拨作用。  相似文献   

基于刘桥一矿刘桥断层的构造特征和水文地质特征,从巷道过刘桥断层时的最大出水量预测和刘桥断层带的阻水能力方面分析,认为-380石门过刘桥断层是安全的,对同类条件下巷道过大型断层具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

通知,是行政公文中的一种常见文体,而“批转“和“转发“又是通知的重要职责.由于“批转“和“转发“涉及两个或者两个以上的标题,这样,在这类问题的标题拟写中存在着一个技术想问题.如何简洁、明了、准确地拟写转发性通知的标题,就成为这类公文拟写中的关键.  相似文献   

随着社会日新月异的发展 ,现代英语的涵盖范畴也在发生一日千里的变迁。英语报刊集现代英语之大成 ,阅读英语报刊不失为接触现代英语脉搏的一条事半功倍的捷径。英语报刊标题提纲挈领 ,最富有英文特色 ,是整个报刊的精华部分。了解英语报刊标题的特点并掌握相应的翻译方法和技能 ,有助于英语学习者更好地理解报刊内容 ,跟上现代英语的发展步伐和提高英语的表达能力  相似文献   

进行了2个实验考察在正常阅读(实验1)与快速阅读条件下(实验2)标题及小标题对高低英语水平不同的大学生说明文阅读理解与信息保持的作用。结果表明:不论是正常阅读还是快速阅读,标题及小标题的呈现对读者说明文阅读理解与信息保持均有显著的促进作用,即阅读水平高者与低者都能从标题及小标题中受益,特别是在正常阅读条件下,提供标题与小标题对阅读水平低者的信息保持的促进作用比对高水平者的促进作用大得多。  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of intact (i.e., topic outline format) and embedded (i.e., appropriately positioned within the text) headings as processing aids with nonnarrative text. The argument was advanced that headings potentially provide useful cues for both input and output processing but that little empirical evidence exists to either support or refute this proposition. It was further argued that each of the prior studies reviewed were subject to one or more methodological criticisms which may attenuate the generality of the findings. The results of the present study indicated that no advantage accrued to students on the basis of training; however, limitations of this finding are discussed in terms of the amount of training provided and the time available to the students for integrating the new strategies with their existing techniques. The major result of this investigation was that students provided with text containing intact and embedded headings significantly outperformed students whose text did not contain these processing aids. The major benefits were observed at delayed testing; the text-with-headings students recalled approximately 11% more information at immediate testing and 44% more information at delayed testing than the text-without-headings students. Implications of these results and future research issues are discussed.  相似文献   

姚振宗的目录学思想主要体现在《三国艺文志》及《后汉艺文志》中。《三国艺文志》及《后汉艺文志》的长处是两志提要的附注项,包括了书名、作者、存佚、附录、内容几项,比较齐全;吸取了前人的辑佚、考订成果,特别是乾嘉以来的经史考订成果;采用了辑录体的提要方式;案语客观精审;借鉴了前人的经验;外加佛、道二附录,避免了道家与道教混为一谈等问题;类目的划分更合理。《三国艺文志》存在的不足是人物时间断限不合理;对文献版本重视不够;材料辨析不足;出现了两种不同的做法;史志目录的分类似不可取;"注解太玄类"著作的归属不妥;占梦、相书、相牛经归类不合理;地理类之书归类不可取;簿录类收朱士行(沙门)《汉录》一卷,既列释道二附录,则不该将此录收入簿录类;对所收部类的顺序应该体现当时的特点;《高士传》当入小说家类。《后汉艺文志》存在的不足是有佛教书籍未入附录;存在"夷夏之分"。《三国艺文志》及《后汉艺文志》共同存在的问题是:应以书名标目;存在着形式化、机械化的问题。  相似文献   

This paper uses Ireland – one of Europe’s most rapidly changing societies – as a case study and examines progress towards an inclusive education system. It explores policy and progress on developing an inclusive system under a number of key headings: social class, ethnicity, gender and disability. On the basis of analysis of official statistics and of research evidence from a study of the inclusion of children with disabilities and special educational needs, this paper assesses whether the impact of recent state policy and legislative change has significantly increased the degree of inclusion in the education system under the four headings. There is a particular focus on the area of disability. The particular questions explored in this paper are whether the unprecedented changes which have taken place in Ireland since the mid‐1990s have resulted in a more inclusive system, an increase in equality, and an increase in inclusive practices in schools. On the basis of the available evidence, the results appear to be mixed.  相似文献   

We gratefully reply to our five commentators, responding to their criticisms and comments under the following headings: parochialism and curriculum; rationality and truth; production and distribution; perfectionism, decision-making and disagreement; adultism and parents' interests; non-consequential educational goods; and self-education.  相似文献   

明代拟话本和章回小说是在虚拟传播语境下形成的产物。尽管没有了固定的、可见的受众群体,但现场效果的虚拟还在直接或间接地影响、甚至左右着文人的创作思维,譬如保留话本的入话、韵散结合形式,仍然坚持随意性很大的敷衍等表达方式和说书人的口吻等,这些都表明:晚明文人创作理念一直处在虚拟传播语境之下。  相似文献   

仿拟是一种常见的修辞格。广告作者在现代英语广告及标题中经常使用仿拟辞格以使广告形象、生动,吸引消费者。仿拟的运用形式主要有三种:仿拟词语;仿拟谚语、成语、名言佳句;仿拟篇章。仿拟在广告及标题的运用中具有明显易辨性、临时性和生动性的特点。  相似文献   

论文以20世纪80年代《作品与争鸣》的栏目作为研究对象。通过梳理各个栏目之间的矛盾与差异,展示出刊物正襟危坐、反叛对抗、温和中性的多样面孔。由此来分析文学期刊的生产与当时文艺体制之间的关系,折射出这一时期的文学特征。  相似文献   

当代金融创新对传统的会计确认、计量、记录和报告形成了巨大影响。创新金融交易的会计确认应分为初始确认、再确认和终止确认;应坚持公允价值的计量属性对创新金融交易进行计量;并改进相关会计科目和账户的设置以及会计信息披露方式。  相似文献   

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