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疯癫、肉体和真理是福柯毕生关注的对象,是其权力话语理论的重要载体。正是透过对三者的分析和解构,福柯证明了知识话语与权力话语之间的关系是辩证的:权力话语通过知识话语获得践行的权威,同时,知识话语也借助权力话语的权威不断发展壮大。  相似文献   

哲学诠释学提出了一种新的人和世界的关系,并在此基础上提出了一种新的真理观,诠释学经验流程的分析达到了这种关系并保证了在这种关系下的真理。在诠释学经验流程中,艺术经验提供了一种基本的开放性,在诠释学经验中具有一定的奠基意义。语言作为中介的本体是诠释学经验得以成立并具普遍性的存在论基础。《真理与方法》这本书不仅建立了一种新的真理观,即立足于海德格尔本体论存在之上,并将它上升为一种各命题之间的关系,而且也提供通达这种新的真理观的方法,即诠释学经验的方法正是通达这一新的世界关系的必然的和必要的途径。  相似文献   


The affordances of the comic book medium facilitate individual, interpretive readings of narrative and as such challenge the notion of a single message or meaning. This article explores how secondary school students encounter and re-orientate themselves to personal concepts of religious and educational authority and authenticity as a consequence of reading a comic book biblical narrative in a Religious Education lesson. Through this encounter and dialogue with one another, they negotiate these concepts, the meanings of which are necessarily embedded in the social and are thus enabled to take a stance on competing truth claims. This article also considers the implications of rendering sacred texts as comic books.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore an alternative to the dominant authority of positivism in teacher education research and curricula through the conceptualization of narrative authority. Narrative authority is rooted in the personal practical knowledge of teacher education students, university teachers and classroom teachers as they interact within the contexts of teacher education. I begin by describing Dewey's conception of experience as individually continuous and socially interactive. I then discuss two ways in which knowledge is constructed from experience and describe how each Ivalues a different kind of authority. 1 then focus on the educative qualities of experience and show how narrative knowledge expressed through mundane and sacred stories can become taken-for-granted or be reconstructed through experience. Next, I describe how we can think of ourselves as authoring our lives through our narrative authority. I then consider the institutional narratives of teacher education in which sacred stories of apprenticeship, technical rationalism, and inquiry are embedded. I conclude by discussing some of the implications acknowledging narrative authority has for reshaping teacher education.  相似文献   

佛禅思想、观念、情感、意识和思维模式对金朝文学的艺术表现形式和手段的影响集中体现在意境营构、夸诞玄想和求真征实三个方面。金朝文学对意境营构的追求主要反映在诗歌创作上,以撷取"现量境"、无所执著和追求"境生象外"为基本特点。佛典禅籍夸诞玄想、高度形象化的宣教手法对于丰富金朝诗、文、小说、戏曲的艺术表现能力有深刻而显著的意义。立足于"真空"、"假有"的理论基础之上并强调以直觉的方式把握真如、实相的佛家"真实"观对金朝作家主张"亲历"、"亲证"和体验生活、求真征实的创作理念也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

系统地考察了符合论的历史发展,认为:古典符合论是符合论的萌芽;近代符合论是符合论发展的中心环节;以普遍必然性与客观性结合问题的解决为目的,康德真理观对近代符合论进行了综合研究;马克思主义符合论是近代符合论的继承和发展,是唯物经验符合论的最高发展阶段;现代符合论则继承和发展了唯心经验符合论和怀疑主义符合论。  相似文献   

经验概念是詹姆士真理理论的基石。詹姆士将经验看作是人与环境相互联系的中介,是变动不居的,而将真理看作是经验内部的一种关系,真理是在生活中形成与发展的,也是不断变化的。詹姆士同意理性主义者关于真理是观念与实在相"符合"的观点,但他的符合不是心灵对独立的实在的复制,而是一种起引导作用的工具,即真理能够将人们由经验的一个瞬间引导到其他瞬间上去,从而产生实践的效果。真理的形成过程也就是真理的证实过程,真理和证实是同义的。  相似文献   

生活是艺术创造的本源。生活的真实和艺术的真实,最终是以艺术的技术再现图象的真实。在艺术创造的过程中,艺术创造者自我审美体验精神也随之得以升华,艺术作品的创造获得了应有的价值。  相似文献   

In this article the authors introduce some aspects of various truth theories in the context of action research. The traditional ways of determining quality are based on the correspondence theory of truth, which, in their view, conflicts with the basic assumptions of action research. The pragmatic theory of truth seems to be clearly represented in the world of action research. In their opinion, other theories of truth can be productively applied as well. In addition to the classical theories of truth – the correspondence theory, the coherence theory and the pragmatistic view on truth – they discuss the truth as ‘aletheia’ (a Heideggerian view on truth), as Habermasian consensus and as Foucaultian power/knowledge.  相似文献   

蒋建华 《教育学报》2005,1(2):26-31
在已有课程权力定位的基础上,克服集权与分权的困境,建立以市场经济为背景、市民社会理论所阐述的权力多极化的课程权力定位。其以分权为基础、以细分课程权力为手段,各种权力由相应的权力主体行使而不是笼统地提集权、分权或共有的课程权力分配体制,其核心是向社会分权。  相似文献   

和谐社会视野下权威新内涵探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权威的存在是有组织的人类社会生产生活与发展延续的必然。和谐社会是我国当今社会发展的任务目标,和谐社会视野下的权威应具有时代赋予的新内涵。通过对不同学科中权威内涵的分析,对和谐社会视野下的权威新内涵进行探究。指出以和谐性服从为基础。形式权威与实质权威兼具的个人权威才契合和谐社会发展理念的需要。  相似文献   

高校干部人事档案,是党和国家档案工作的组成部分,它必须真实地记录干部的个人经历、德才能绩、工作表现等,以备查考.但是,由于种种原因,该入档的材料没能入档,使得档案的"真实性"大打折扣.本文就如何保持档案的真实性,提高档案的"含金量"展开探讨,并提出一些改进方法.  相似文献   

Ira Shor's book, When Students Have Power, provides a detailed account of negotiated learning in a contemporary university setting. Weaving recollections of personal experience with educational theory, Shor builds a rich, complex picture of his unique approach to critical pedagogy. This article draws attention to some of the key stylistic and substantive strengths of the book, considers the question of how authority might best be exercised in the classroom, and comments on some of the limits to liberating education.  相似文献   

在面向自然语言的语义悖论研究中,反对真理分层理论的“反层级论”长期居于主流地位,但也一直受到“强化说谎者悖论”的挑战。格兰兹伯格通过构建“增强型说谎者悖论”表明,反层级论者对强化说谎者悖论的回应是无力的,对于一个真理论本身的反思结果总要由更高层级给出。他据此提出一种基于“克雷塞尔型反思”的真理分层理论。通过与塔斯基经典层级论比较分析可得,这种新层级论既可回应塔斯基经典层级论面临的困难,又可与经典逻辑相协调,其主要特色是使语境因素体现于量词辖域的转变,这可为语义悖论研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The debate about the “place” of time limited therapy in our work as therapists regularly falls into a discussion about theory and evidence of usefulness. Often overlooked are the philosophical assumptions that underlie and fuel this debate. I seek to articulate several of these assumptions, ones pertaining to the know-ability of truth, the place of authority, and the agency of change. I propose that we not “elide” an epistemology of wondering.  相似文献   

马恩价值理论并非劳动价值一元论,而是宏观的"效用/劳动价值论";劳动价值论只是其向"具体"上升中的抽象出发点。考茨基《卡尔·马克思的经济学说》一书是在《资本论》第三卷未公开发表的条件下撰成的,存在对《资本论》第三卷的悖离和对第一卷的形式主义或绝对化理解。伯恩斯坦依据《资本论》第二、三卷,畅言劳动价值论与当时已兴起的效用价值论的互补,是比较符合马恩价值理论本相的,而考茨基等人以"反修"为名,用"劳动价值论一元论"批判伯氏,虽在政治上有一定合理性,但在理论上却是僵守误解,曲解马恩。这种"一元论"后来因"反修"而"正宗"化于列宁,独尊于前苏联,至今残喘于中国,乃是"阶级斗争为纲"在价值理论中的遗存物。  相似文献   

关于口译过程的研究比较普遍的是把口译分成理解与表达两个阶段。这样的口译过程分段,不利于译员对口译的认识与把握。意义建构理论下的口译过程研究,从口译过程的本质出发,将口译过程分成意义建构与意义制造两个阶段。意义是口译的核心。传统的口译理解与表达同样离不开意义,理解是对意义的理解,表达是对意义的表达。口译新的分段认为口译首先是译员在原语语言的激发下,结合情境和个人阅历进行的意义建构,然后再从目的语听众的角度出发结合情境及听者的阅历使用语言进行意义激发与制造。  相似文献   

态度改变过程与思想政治教育过程具有相通性。在态度改变理论视野下,大学生思想政治教育中教师存在:制度权威先行,个人权威滞后;"社会本位"先行,"学生本位"滞后;"良师"形象先行,"益友"身份滞后等问题。解决这些问题,教师需要:提高理论与人格魅力,树立其个人权威;重塑教学理念,增强其可信任度;实现角色转变,"拉近"其与学生之间的距离。  相似文献   

科学的任务就是透过现象认识隐藏在现象背后的本质和规律,这个本质和规律就是科学真理。人们始终相信可以根据一定的标准来确定或判断一个科学命题或科学理论是不是科学真理。因此,在科学主义阵营中,主流思想认为科学真理具有和人文真理不同的显著的特点,它的绝对性和确定性是不言而喻的。但是这种观点不仅遭到人文学者关于人文真理看法的影响和渗透,而且也受到科学哲学内部哲学家的反思和批判,科学真理新的特性正在得到揭示。本文主要从科学哲学内部的某些哲学家思想来说明这个现象,即科学真理的绝对性和确定性正在动摇。  相似文献   


The concept of ‘post-truth’ is here explored within the context of education and educational technology. Contemporary political discourse is often characterised by a polarisation of political belief and scepticism about scientific and expert authority has become commonplace. We explore tensions between democratic and technocratic impulses in describing changes that are taking place in the way that authority typically operates in higher education. We analyse changing notions of academic authority to understand some of the implications for the practice of teaching, learning and administration. We argue that technocratic, administrative authority increasingly supplants cognitive authority and subject expertise. One result of increased emphasis on performative/administrative authority is the nature of authority both within the academy and the wider public sphere is changed. We examine the implications for pedagogy, curriculum and academic practice, suggesting that performative approaches to criticality, openness, truth and transparency offer potential routes to new constellations of cognitive authority.  相似文献   

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