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元月中旬,当江西浔阳古城飘洒第一场瑞雪时,有"江南一枝梅"之称的画梅大家傅梅影先生赠我一册《傅梅影墨梅精品集》,这是先生多年来精心创作的精品墨梅图,这些墨梅作品有多幅被国内外博物馆收藏或在境外参加展出。打开精品集,但见墨梅作品千姿百态,万种风情,老干虬枝,曲如龙腾,奇崛古朴,清气袭人,将诗、书、画三者有机结合融为一体,被业内人士和收藏界认为是部不可多得的珍藏精品,捧之令人爱不释手,  相似文献   

This paper looks at three issues: the functions of art museums, the role of deaccessioning in this context and the importance of donations of works of art in contributing to the collection function. Donor restrictions it is argued should not be allowed to unduly influence the policy of an art museum, including that in relation to deaccessioning: this is especially the case given that often the state has paid, in the form of a tax expenditure, for the bulk of such donations.  相似文献   

冬日的阳光暖暖地照在四峰山大园坪南坡上,考古挖掘现场裸露着浅褐色的黄土,风像往日一样,从山坡矮矮的松林间和疏杂的草丛中吹过,发出细微的声响一切都显得那么平常。如果没有黄土层中半埋半裸那一片片瓷片在阳光下反射出翠绿的色彩,人们很难想到眼前这个土坑有什么特别。然而正是阳光下那些细碎的翠绿的莹光,使我们站到了一个历史平台上,站在一个由先辈缔造的人类进步平台上,那翠绿的光泽,分明是文明的曦光,分明是穿透历史长河的曙光!2005年1月7日,当浙江省考古研究所的专家经过近两个月的挖掘,在上虞市正式向外界宣布大园坪东汉古窑址挖…  相似文献   

"十七大精神放光芒,我心情激荡把歌唱."党的十七大召开期间,清秀、婉约的越剧唱腔在浙江代表团讨论现场响起.这是梅花奖得主、绍兴小百花越剧团副团长吴凤花代表用独特的方式唱出了学习十七大报告的感受.瞬时,整个会场高潮迭起,成为大会的一个新闻亮点.吴凤花说:"我是情不自禁啊!今年,我能当选为党的十七大代表,又是浙江省戏剧界唯一的代表,感到无上的光荣."……  相似文献   

一 学院派引入中国的必然性艺术史研究告诉我们 ,一个艺术系统如果陷入封闭状态 ,就会因内部机制的老化而衰败 ,并且仅靠自身的力量难以摆脱。只有引入异文化 ,才能破除封闭 ,打破僵化 ,为艺术注入新的活力。异文化艺术的入侵及其巨大影响对传统艺术构成严重威胁。这种刺激及刺激反应使衰老的传统艺术焕发了青春 ,同时 ,反刺激也影响着外来文化 ,使外来文化艺术发生变异。总之 ,一旦引入一个新的系统 ,在基因变异和基因重组——而不是基因复制——的作用下 ,新老系统都将不断地发展和繁荣起来。这就是西方学院派艺术引入后 ,中国艺术的演变…  相似文献   

庄月江 《文化交流》2016,(10):50-52
正3月的一天,龙游画家包美珍来看我,我请她在孔府花园小坐。小包说今年下半年她要在衢州市群艺馆开个人画展,事情由美协筹备。我说好,眼下莺飞草长,到时秋花烂漫。这时我的手机响了,是阿衡(朱秉衡)发来一首配画诗,叫我看看。于是,我俩的话题便转向阿衡与小包。小包回忆,1988年她从衢州师范毕业后分  相似文献   

施健学 《文化交流》2013,(8):M0002-M0002
2013年7月6日,"2013台中市大墩美展文化交流展"亮相浙江美术馆。这次展览以第17届大墩美展获奖作品为主,包括历届获奖作品121件,概括介绍了近年来台湾美术的发展,进一步促进两岸艺术文化界的相互了解和共同发展。台中市于  相似文献   

Art and technology: A comparative study of policy legitimation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The legitimation of technology policy is discussed from the point of view of the neoclassical and of the dynamic, Schumpeterian, approach. The results are presented, using the traditional categories of policy legitimation in welfare theory: public goods, externalities, and merit goods. Art policy legitimation is discussed within the same conceptual framework. The application of the dynamic approach to art policy leads to conclusions similar to the general conclusions about technology policy. A review of the postwar development of (Dutch) art policy supports the impression that art policy may be on its way to become a subspecies of technology policy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the market value of artand the nationality of the painter. A sample of modern and contemporaryCanadian and American paintings is analyzed using non-parametric testsand a hedonic regression model. The results show a significantrelationship between aesthetic painting characteristics, such as subjectmatter, and market valuation. In general, the price of Canadian art iswell below that of American art. Even after adjusting for paintingcharacteristics, Canadian paintings appear to be less expensive still.It is believed that Canadian painters looked at the Northern landscapeto define a national identity, thus playing to a limited audience, theonly that could relate to the beauty of the Canadian scenery. Thisprogrammatic approach could explain some of the aforementioneddifferences in market valuation.  相似文献   

余人 《文化交流》2012,(1):58-60
第十四届西湖艺术博览会荟萃了海内外数百名艺术家、收藏家所创作、珍藏的数万件艺术精品。其中一楼为书画展区,展示的品种丰富,形式多样,有中国、俄罗斯、法国、意大利等十多个国家和地区的画作。  相似文献   

Land Artists and Art Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper focuses on the relations of land artists to the art market.As landworks are by their very nature site specific, what is sold is mostoften the documentation of the project. This paper examines whether there isa market for Land Art and if so, whether it shares the same characteristicsas markets for Minimal and Conceptual Art, which started at about the sametime. Data collected on auctions over the period 1972–1992, show thatthis market is very thin. This was probably realized by Land artists wholater seem to have turned to more marketable creations.  相似文献   

Many factors affect the supply and demand characteristics of artists' output.This exploratory study focuses on a ``supply-induced' demand effect –the death of the artist and the assurance that, from the perspective of thedurable goods monopolist, the output of the artist ends. While not purportingto be a formal test of that proposition, we observe, using U.S. auction data,a clustered rise in artists' values immediately around the time of death andsuggest some possible demand-side explanations using a sample of LatinAmerican artists between 1977 and 1996.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the determinants of bidder collusion using data from German auctions. Special attention is thereby devoted to the question at whether art and antiques auctions are particularly attractive for bidding rings as the conditions for rings to succeed may be quite favorable at these auctions. Cartel stability at art auctions, for example, may be enforced by the structure of bidders or the expected surplus from collusive arrangements. Actually, the estimations of a binary choice model show that even after controlling for determinants suggested by auction theory, art and antiques auctions turn out to be particularly susceptible to bidder collusion.  相似文献   

2006年12月18日9时,在喜迎新年之际,诸暨市著名风景点西施殿广场内,天朗气清,流光溢彩,由诸暨市旅游局、《文化交流》杂志联合主办的“首届西施故里书画节”开幕式在这里举行。开幕式上,嘉宾云集,群贤毕至:浙江省旅游局局长纪根立、《茶博览》杂志总编钱吉寿、诸暨市副市长陈中  相似文献   

紫枫 《文化交流》2005,(3):48-49
在声名远播的浙江永康中国科技五金城,我见到一幅平日少见的火笔山水笔画,此画气韵沉雄,色彩斑驳,线点银钩铁划,颇具艺术功底。经朋友介绍,在永康采访了画的作者王可农。在王可农的工作室里,有机会浏览了他创作的各种题材的作品,原来他对火笔画只是偶尔为之,平时创作较多的还是水墨国画,特别是在山水画上下过苦功,他在从艺道路上所付出的心血,简直到了"埋笔成冢,研铁如泥"的地步。十几年来,  相似文献   

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