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货车周转时间是全面反映铁路运输效率的指标,通过对货车周转时间的影响因素的分析,发现运输生产过程中存在的问题,并提出解决问题的方法,进一步提高运输效率.  相似文献   

立项背景 世界贸易带动集装箱运输业发展.集装箱运输船舶趋向大型高速化,而船速如提高一倍,通常油耗将增加8倍.为了提高货运整体营运效益,必须缩短集装箱装卸时间、加快货运周转,追求码头装卸高效化.  相似文献   

通过实验对海水法船舶尾气脱硫工艺中关键参数进行了研究。考察了不同进气风量下液气比、尾气进口温度以及尾气中二氧化碳含量对船舶尾气中SO2吸收效率的影响。实验的结果显示:脱硫效率受到液气比的影响比较大,在一定范围内,液气比逐渐增大,脱硫效率也逐渐增大;进塔尾气的温度对脱硫效率有一定影响,进塔处尾气温度降低,脱硫效率有一定的增加;船舶尾气中低浓度的二氧化碳对脱硫效率影响较小。  相似文献   

现代造船模式下,大型船舶的中间产品为船体总段,利用搭载设备在船台或船坞内进行分段搭载,搭载过程涉及多方面因素,需要各部门协调完成。分段搭载的序列,直接影响分段搭载的效率,进而影响船舶建造周期和生产效率。通过分析船舶分段搭载过程,对搭载顺序进行优化,可以实现船体分段快速搭载,从而缩短船舶建造时间,提高船厂生产效率,适合实际工程需要。  相似文献   

立项背景世界贸易带动集装箱运输业发展。集装箱运输船舶趋向大型高速化,而船速如提高一倍,通常油耗将增加8倍。为了提高货运整体营运效益,必须缩短集装箱装卸时间、加快货运周转,追求码头装卸高效化。一个码头泊位必须有350TEU/小时的装卸能力,而目前传统起重机自动化程度不高,整机移动要靠司机目测、定位误差难于控制,小车运  相似文献   

根据铁路工程项目物流效率低、费用高、周转慢等现状,分析将现代物流供应技术引入铁路工程项目的可行性,提出改善铁路工程项目物流的体制、机制、管理过程、供应关系、信息传递等几方面的技术性保障措施  相似文献   

目前,高职教育中工学结合人才培养突出的问题是不能很好的提高工学结合的效率。南通航运职业技术学院船舶工程专业从改革人才培养与管理体系、加大服务社会能力、建立订单教育平台等方面进行了有益的尝试,积极实践与探索提高工学结合人才培养效率的途径,促进了我院船舶工程专业人才的培养。  相似文献   

实现商业经济增长方式的转变是我国转变经济增长方式的重要内容。马克思关于商业资本职能、周转特性以及微观制度安排的基本观点仍然是指导我国商业体制改革的理论武器。集约型商业增长的内涵应包括以市场为导向,以经济效益为中心,高效率,低费用,少环节,快周转等基本方面。要推进我国商业增长方式的转变,必须从完善市场机制,创新企业制度和营销形式出发,向结构优化要效率,向规模经济要效率,实行“大商业”战略  相似文献   

给出了动力定位系统虚拟仿真实验平台的体系结构、硬件组成、交互仿真信息流、船舶虚拟三维运动显示、船舶模型、海洋环境模型,基于该虚拟仿真实验平台在船舶动力定位系统作业时进行了仿真试验,试验结果表明所设计的试验平台可以实现动力定位系统的动态模拟。该平台为研究船舶运动控制技术、计算机控制技术综合实验提供了试验平台,还对降低实船调试成本和风险、提高实船海试效率,具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

本文针对目前计算流动资金周转加速率存在两种并行方法、衡量流动资金周转速度的变动水平存在双重标准的问题.从周转天数与周转次数两者之间的内在联系──经济指标的正逆性入手进行分析.从理论和实践两个方面论证了“周转天数和周转次数都是反映流动资金周转速度的指标.但衡量流动资金周转速度变动水平的只能是按周转次数计算的加速率。”从而消除了正指标和逆指标在理解和运用过程中存在的种种误解和错误。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on how Chinese turnaround schools are improved in practice. It starts by defining turnaround schools in the Chinese context, and then discusses the essential reasons why such schools exist. Approaches to improving turnaround schools, successful experiences of transforming turnaround schools, and the challenges that Chinese education administrators face are also explored. This article supplies a number of insights into interventions at the governmental level related to school internal management, principal appointment, student development, teacher professional development, and educational finance. Finally, the implications for transforming Chinese turnaround schools in the future are discussed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how a cohort of participants in a programme aimed at producing ‘turnaround leaders’ came to understand this policy and their role within it. Using a theory of action framework, I find that, over time, participants’ espoused theories of turnaround shifted in three key areas: (1) the cause of poor school performance, (2) the principal’s approach to leading change, and (3) the district’s role in turnaround. While these shifts created more complex views of organisational change, they also produced disillusionment and highlighted tensions in current conceptualisations of turnaround including their potential role in enacting it.  相似文献   

针对目前船舶类高职院校实践教学存在的突出问题,提出“理论-虚拟-实践-生产”四体交互式实践教学模式,以提高实践教学效率、增强实践教学效果。“理论-虚拟-实践-生产”四体交互式实践教学模式即以成果为导向的专业理论课程体系、搭建船舶虚拟装配与仿真实训平台、统筹单项技能实训教学项目、校企共同实施生产性实训。  相似文献   

集装箱运输自20世纪50年代兴起以后,由于它具有装卸效率高、货损率低等优点,因而迅速在全世界海运业发展起来。而集装箱船舶配载是集装箱海上运输的一个重要环节,所谓集装箱船舶配载是指把预定装载出口的集装箱,按船舶的运输要求和码头的作业要求而制定的具体装载计划。配载的优劣对保证船舶安全、货物安全以及保证船期有着重要作用。随着世界集装箱船舶的不断发展,对配载工作也提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

As the research literature on principals leading school turnaround grows, determining whether or not real differences between good, even effective, principals and turnaround principals becomes increasingly important. Recent federal government policy and investment established turnaround models that emphasize the role of the school principal, suggesting that turnaround principals do need to be different than other principals in some meaningful ways. But any difference in skill or characteristic remains undefined. For this article, we conducted a systematic review of empirical research literature to identify studies of principals who led successful school turnaround initiatives. We reviewed 18 empirical studies to categorize the education leadership areas in which turnaround principals must excel. We also present the limited evidence regarding attitudes, traits, or perspectives principals leading turnaround should likely possess. Finally, we consider implications of our findings for research and practice.  相似文献   

Ian M. Mette 《Interchange》2013,43(4):317-342
This study explores the neoliberal agenda of turnaround school reform efforts in America by examining the application and transformation of a Midwest State Turnaround Schools Project for the public school system. Perceptions of administrators and state-level policy actors are considered. Data were collected from 13 participants during the implementation of the statewide turnaround program and the analysis focused on the neoliberal ideology during the implementation of the State Turnaround Schools Project. Corporate infiltration and funding leverage reflect the sticky web of policymakers and private corporations and their influence. District communication, support, and shared accountability underscore important lessons in leadership for turnaround school programs. Successful schools transformed the turnaround policy implementation by involving communities and restructuring their school district. However, the neoliberal agenda revealed the impact of government labeling, restructuring, and reallocating resources for under-performing schools and unveiling the infiltration of private corporations behind turnaround policy and student achievement. This alarming finding points to how turnaround school policy implementation weakens control of democratically elected authorities and stagnates critical thinking that challenges the interests behind turnaround school policy.  相似文献   

河蟹养殖无人作业船能解决人工养殖成本高、效率低等问题,提高渔民收益。河蟹养殖无人作业船自动导航作业的关键是路径跟踪,传统的纯追踪算法行驶路径只包含直线作业与岸边曲线转弯作业,不能满足作业船的自主循迹(自动导航)需求。为此针对预先规划的路径,研究了改进的纯追踪算法。通过试验对该导航控制算法进行验证,结果表明,无人作业船在以50cm/s的速度行驶并转弯半径为5m时,最大路径跟踪误差可以控制在0.1m以内。  相似文献   

船体结构舾装开孔是船体专业与舾装专业协同设计的重要组成部分.为了加强协调能力、规范开孔流程、实现开孔数据的管理,通过分析鹰图船舶设计软件Smart 3D(S3D)的二次开发能力和船舶跨专业协同设计流程,结合邮轮设计和船厂设计实际生产业务的需求,利用S3 D二次开发框架,制定开孔协同处理规则,结合数据库设计,开发出统一的...  相似文献   

Purpose In this article, we review the literature from the organizational sciences to develop a grounded narrative of turnaround in education. Approach The approach is a review of literature. We employ an integrated process to unpack and make sense of the turnaround literature from the organizational sciences. We rely on strategies appropriate for document analysis, and borrow analytic strategies (e.g., memoing, coding) employed with interview data. Findings We examine seven defining themes that flow from our review of empirical and theoretical work on organizational recovery in firms, non-educational public agencies, and not-for-profit organizations: (1) not all failing schools are worth saving; (2) focus on leadership; (3) act quickly; (4) diagnose first; (5) emphasize efficiency moves; (6) create a sense of hope; and (7) backward map from the customer and focus on core activities linked to valued outcomes. Implications We posit that the literature on turning around failing organizations in sectors outside of education provides blueprints for recovery activity in failing schools. The implications for turnaround leadership are particularly strong. Originality This is the first systematic effort to mine research in the corporate, not-for-profit, and public sectors to develop insights for turning around failing schools.  相似文献   

针对CSD650型绞吸式挖泥船在疏浚吹填工程施工过程中所遇到的各种岸管回水的情况,通过在岸管起点处将管线垫高至整段管线的最高点,并在此处加装呼吸阀,以达到避免岸管回水可能给船舶带来的危险性和提高挖泥船泥泵掏石的效率.  相似文献   

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