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Production Red chickens were selectively bred on the basis of having shown prolonged or brief immobility reactions at 21 days of age. After only one generation, there was sufficient separation between offspring to conclude that tonic immobility has an unusually large heritability component. Results were discussed in terms of their implications for an evolutionary model of animal hypnosis.  相似文献   

Data were obtained on tonic immobility from 10th-generation matings of replicated lines of Japanese quail. These lines had been selected for high and low mating ability and included the random-bred control population from which the selected lines originated. At 6, and again at 12 days of age, each bird was subjected to uniform procedures of immobilization and was given two scores, one indicating the number of trials required to induce immobility, another the duration of induced immobility. Although there were no differences between sexes, lines were significantly different for duration and percentage incidence to the immobility response at both ages. Individuals that responded faster also exhibited longer durations of immobility, suggesting a high degree of susceptibility. Heritability estimates indicate that the additive genetic variation effecting tonic immobility is low to moderate in magnitude. These results, when taken in an evolutionary context, suggest prior natural selection for tonic immobility and indicate that this trait is associated with fitness.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigating sex differences in the open-field behavior of young chicks are reported. In the first experiment, ambulation latencies of 10-day-old male and female chicks in a novel environment were measured. Half of the chicks were kept in social isolation for 2 days prior to testing; the other half were socially reared until tested. Results showed that in socially reared chicks ambulation latencies were significantly higher in males than in females, whereas in isolation-reared chicks there were no significant sex differences. In the second experiment, latencies of ambulation were measured in socially reared 10-day-old chicks placed in a novel environment with or without a visible predator (i.e., a human being). Sex differences were evident in both conditions, with males showing higher ambulation latencies than females. It is argued that sex differences in open-field behavior of chicks may be due to a stronger motivation for social reinstatement in females, which reduces the usual antipredatory reactions of chicks placed in a novel environment.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of tonic immobility were found in male albino rats raised on a 12-h diurnal light cycle and tested at 6-h intervals. Durations of immobility were twice as long at 2000 h as at 1400 h. These differences persisted when rats were exposed to constant darkness for 10 days, but disappeared when rats were maintained in constant light for the same period. Since endogenous circadian rhythms of certain monoamine levels persist in constant darkness yet disappear under constant light, it is suggested that cycles of tonic immobility in rats are also endogenous. When the diurnal pattern of tonic immobility duration is compared to that of various neurohumors, immobility duration appears to parallel melatonin production and to be opposite in phase to the cycle of serotonin levels. Duration of immobility increased over trials, although the number of inductions required to produce immobility decreased. This suggests that instrumental conditioning may modify the immobility response to some extent.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted on the effect of shock and aversive conditioning on tonic immobility. In the first study, increasing the intensity of preinduction shock was shown to produce reliable increases in the duration of immobility. Using classical conditioning procedures in the second experiment, a significant effect of UCS intensity was obtained. In the third experiment, brief confrontation with a conditioned fear stimulus was found more effective than shock for enhancing immobility duration. The data were discussed in terms of the fear hypothesis of animal hypnosis and as supporting a more general notion that the anticipation of shock may be more aversive than the receipt of shock.  相似文献   


Immobility responses (animal hypnosis) to restraint were found in two species of deermice tested cross-sectionally at ages ranging from 11 to 22 days and as adults (60 days). Responses inPeromyscus maniculatus appeared at 13 days of age and, by 20 days, had increased to approximately adult levels of incidence. InP. leucopus, responses only occurred between 15 and 18 days and as adults. Response incidence is higher in juvenilemaniculatus than inleucopus, while adults of the two species were not different. The developmental pattern of the response inmaniculatus is similar to that in birds, but theleucopus pattern is different from others reported.


The effects of physical environment, time in captivity, and distance between potential predator and prey on defensive behaviors were examined inAnolis carolinensis. When the experimenter was nearby, duration of immobility was significantly longer in the open than in areas with nearby foliage. However, this relationship between duration of immobility and the testing environment in the anole was reversed by Day 9 in captivity. Flight latency of anoles after termination of immobility was significantly shorter in anoles housed in terraria containing foliage, while greater incidence of freezing was shown by anoles housed in empty terraria. These results suggest that although the physical environment has strong effects on defense behaviors, the different defensive reactions are influenced in different ways.  相似文献   

晋江话有五个被动标记“乞、度、传、与、献”。与其他闽南方言不同的是,“乞”既能用于长被动句,也能用于短被动句。“乞”被动句的VP在体标记、补语、动宾、否定等方面与普通话有一些差异,而语义与普通话的“被”相似。其他四个被动标记只能用于短被动句。“度”、“与”是方言变体,时间层次早于“乞”。“与”没有漳州、厦门的双宾用法。“献”能用于双宾和被动。  相似文献   

The drinking behavior of individual chicks (n = 168) was studied in two discrimination situations when the individual was alone or with an audience of merely present (not drinking) or coacting (drinking) conspecifics. In one discrimination task, a familiar and an unfamiliar drinking tube (FU) were presented simultaneously; in the other discrimination task, two unfamiliar tubes (UU) were presented. The coacting audience received a familiar and an unfamiliar tube; their familiar tube was always unfamiliar to the subject. Subjects drank more when conspecifics were present, intake being highest in the presence of coacting conspecifics. Intake was higher in the FU discrimination than in UU. However, in the UU discrimination, individuals that were tested with coactors drank most of their total intake from the tube that was similar to the coactors’ familiar tube. In the FU task, individual subjects drank mostly from their familiar tube in each social condition. However, this effect was smaller for those tested with coacting conspecifics than for those tested with merely present conspecifics.  相似文献   

Latency measures of starting to drink and of consummatory behavior were used to investigate ingestional neophobia to novel visual and novel taste cues in chicks. In Experiment 1 (N = 36), latencies to start drinking were reliably shorter to ingesta that appeared familiar from previous rearing or preexposure procedures. After drinking started, consummatory responding occurred reliably more rapidly to familiar taste cues than to novel ones. However, the presence of familiar visual cues reliably facilitated consumption of a novel taste. Experiments 2 and 3 (Ns = 144 and 180) were performed to evaluate, respectively, whether the ingestional effects of taste stimulus intensity, 0%–6% vinegar, and of visual stimulus intensity, 0%–1.0% concentrations of red food-coloring in water, changed during ontogeny for chicks 3, 5, and 7 days old. In Experiment 2, reliable direct effects of taste concentration on consummatory response latencies occurred immediately in 7-day-olds but were delayed in 3-day-olds. In Experiment 3, each age group immediately showed reliably slower starting and consummatory response times, the higher the concentration of red food-coloring. Intake performance in both experiments was consistent with the latency data. Experiments 1–3 showed that visual and taste cues of ingesta separately influenced approach and consummatory behaviors of the ingestive response sequence and that these influences depend on ontogenetic events.  相似文献   

当代英语被动句分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在言语交际中英语被动句因其特定的语篇、语用及修辞功能而得到广泛的应用。本文在语料统计分析的基础上,对被动句的分类(分别依据被动句的结构特征和是否带有施事)进行了研究,最后发现:1、Be-型一般被动句占据了绝大多数,其次依次为Be-型复杂被动句、Get-型一般被动句和Have-型复杂被动句;2、无标志被动句是英语被动句的常规形式。施事可以是专名、不定的名词词组、非生物性名词词组,同样也可以是动名词和从句。专名既可以是人,也可以是物。  相似文献   

东汉时期是古汉语发生重要演变的过渡时期,该时期涌现出的丰富注释接近当时口语,是研究东汉汉语的重要语料。以东汉时期王逸的《楚辞章句》为语料,对其被动式进行穷尽性调查和分析,便于以点窥面地观察并总结东汉时期被动式的分布和使用特点,进而为掌握被动式的系统性和历时演变提供基础材料。通过考察发现东汉时期大量使用"为A所V"式,其次是"见"字式,该时期"被"字被动式有所发展,基本反映了东汉时期汉语被动式的特点。  相似文献   

We describe the development of a telephone-based program, Recreation, Education, and Socialization for Older Learning Veterans (RESOLV) that aims to connect Veterans with one another by phone and thereby reduce loneliness. The program was developed through a collaboration between VA and a community-based organization, Episcopal Senior Communities Senior Center Without Walls (SCWW). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 rural and non-rural dwelling older Veterans to identify leisure interests and potential barriers to participating in leisure activities. Program feasibility was examined with questions about telephone use and interest in and perceived benefits of a telephone community. We conducted content analysis to quantify Veterans’ leisure interests and thematic analysis to characterize barriers to participation. Veterans expressed interest most frequently in groups focused on conversation, support, gratitude, and technology. Rural and non-rural participants did not differ significantly in interests. Barriers to current activity participation included limited access to activities, limitations due to physical conditions, and transportation difficulties, which were consistent themes for both rural and non-rural participants. Themes related to perceived benefits of socialization that emerged include connectedness, learning from others, being active despite limitations, and distraction from limitations. Our findings demonstrate how a telephone-based socialization program could be developed and tailored for older Veterans. It seems that such a program is feasible and may be of benefit for older Veterans in rural and non-rural areas. Further evaluation is needed to ascertain the direct benefit of such a program to older Veterans.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the separability of novelty from specific stimulus characteristics (e.g., color or taste quality) in the transfer of aversion effects. Ninety-six chicks (Gallus domesticus) received a novel visual (red water) or taste (3.0% vinegar) CS paired with an injection of lithium chloride or saline. The chicks were then tested for aversion to the CS or for conditioning-enhanced neophobia in response to a different novel visual cue (green water) or taste cue (1.0% saline). Aversions to the CSs were reliable and similar to each other. Reliable evidence of conditioning-enhanced neophobia occurred with respect to each test stimulus, irrespective of the type of CS, but conditioning with the vinegar CS produced reliably greater enhancement of neophobia than did conditioning with red water. For each CS, postconditioning neophobia was more persistent in testing with saline than with green water. The results for postconditioning neophobia suggested that novelty is a general stimulus property that is separable from specific stimulus characteristics.  相似文献   

研究目的:探究四环素在不同官能团化碳纳米管上的吸附机制,并揭示Cu(II)和Ni(II)对四环素与碳纳米管间作用的影响机制。创新要点:1.碳纳米管对四环素的吸附与其表面官能团种类密切相关;2.金属离子对碳纳米管吸附四环素的影响能力与金属离子络合性能相关。研究方法:采用批量吸附试验和谱学手段表征相结合的研究方法。重要结论:四环素在不同官能化碳纳米管上吸附能力的强弱顺序为:石墨化碳纳米管(G-MWCNTs)〉羟基化碳纳米管(OH-MWCNTs)〉羧基化碳纳米管(COOH-MWCNTs)〉氨基化碳纳米管(NH2-MWCNTs),碳纳米管表面的官能团类型和数量对四环素与碳纳米管间的作用机制有重要影响(表1和图2)。Cu(II)和Ni(II)对四环素在G-MWCNTs 上的吸附几乎没有影响,但对在其它三种官能团化的碳纳米管上的吸附表现出不同的影响能力(图3)。与Ni(II)相比,Cu(II)与碳纳米管上官能团具有更强的络合能力,因此Cu(II)对四环素在不同碳纳米管上吸附的影响要比Ni(II)更显著。  相似文献   

Posthumanism, or the material turn, refuses to take the distinction between human and nonhuman for granted. Currently discourses in literacy education focus on the ways of incorporating new tools and technologies (products) but within a design perspective, which does not get at the social and participatory ways (processes) of students creating new relationships and realities with materials. A posthuman stance focuses on the processes of literacy artefacts coming into being and what is being produced in the process(es). The social is (re)imagined and (re)defined in processes that encompass social entanglements of humans/nonhuman materials creating newness, new realities. We put to work posthumanist concepts with data that we call the ‘solar system mural assemblage’ from a 7‐ to 8‐year‐old Writers' Studio in order to (re)imagine and (re)define social. We question what counts as ‘social’ when working from a posthumanist stance. Why does a ‘posthumanist social’ matter for literacy educators? How does this perspective not only change our research practices but also pedagogies? We wonder how literacies are produced – how realities come into being – in assemblages of human and nonhuman materials in Writers' Studio. We discuss how and why it matters that we (re)conceptualise the notion of social in literacy education by drawing on posthumanist views.  相似文献   

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