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王维生年问题学术界始终存在不同意见,在对这一问题之研究归纳总结的基础上提出倾向性意见。认为王维生年为公元699年,并用内证来证明此观点。对其他说法的不妥之处亦进行简明辨析,以期将这一学术问题的研究向前推进一步。  相似文献   

“对话”与“重建”是时下学界颇为流行的两个话题,然而,相当的研究成果却只在“设想”、“思路”的层面上论及二者。童庆炳先生的《中国古代文论的现代意义》(以下简称《意义》)一书则打破了这种“格局”———它在“实践”的层面上真正做到了“对话”与“重建”。一该书分三篇,按“总———分———总”的思路结构成篇:上篇重点论述了中国古代文论的文化性质,并探讨了中国古代文论基本范畴与民族文化个性之间的关系。在该篇中,作者将中国传统文化性格与特质纳入视野,并以此为视角观照中国传统文化的“骨干”———儒、道、释三家——…  相似文献   

古文论和现当代文论之间的转化 ,要“参伍以相变 ,因革以为功” ,才符合事物发展的普遍规律。因此对古文论传统的研究 ,目前不是“收工” ,而是要大力加强 ,使古文论在现当代文论建设中 ,起不可替代的作用。今后要建立中国自己的具有中国特色的现当代文论体系 ,离不开中国自己的传统 ,在此基础上再吸取外来的东西。正确对待古与今、中与外的关系 ,无论是过去、现在 ,还是将来 ,都是一个十分重要的问题  相似文献   

近日,由中国社会科学院文学所理论室与北京语言文化大学发起举行了一次名为"文艺学史与当代学术转换"的座谈会.会议的参加者基本上囊括了北京地区从事古代文论专业的优秀学者,也包括发起单位的一些专业研究者.  相似文献   

近日 ,由中国社会科学院文学所理论室与北京语言文化大学发起举行了一次名为“文艺学史与当代学术转换”的座谈会。会议的参加者基本上囊括了北京地区从事古代文论专业的优秀学者 ,也包括发起单位的一些专业研究者。近些年来 ,国内的古代文论研究有了长足的进展 ,北京语言文化大学教授黄卓越认为 ,如果说这种进展在以前还是如地底的潜流无声地流淌 ,那么现在已经开始浮出水面。对于古代文论界所称道的转换 ,可以从两个方面来理解 ,一是西安会议所称的“现代转换” ,是主要就古代文论资源的利用而言的 ,这个话题目前文论界已经深入到了哪一步…  相似文献   

歌曲是文化的一部分,中国文化"走出去"少不了中国歌曲"走出去"。然而,长期以来,我国对歌曲翻译的研究大多集中在对欧美歌曲汉译的研究,有关中国歌曲英译的研究涉及较少,鲜有成果。本文探讨了弗兰松(Franzon)提出的歌曲翻译五种选择及《中华人民共和国国歌》英译时的选择,并基于彼得·洛(Peter Low)的歌曲翻译"五项全能原则",对中国歌曲英译策略与基本规则进行了梳理与探索。  相似文献   

罗钢先生关于王国维"意境"理论来源的系列文章是近年学界比较关注,也是寄寓期望很大的一种新的研究成果。但遗憾的是,他在研究方法上不仅没有突破前人,反而更加彰显出这一研究范式的问题,因此其结论自然也就难以经得起推敲。罗钢先生的研究表明,对于王国维"意境"理论来源乃至中国文论现代性的发生问题,目前的研究思路与方法存在严重问题,必须予以深刻反思。前辈学者通过佛教中国化的历史,发掘出"格义"这一早期中西文化交流与融合的特殊方式,曾有效地解决了学术史上的一些疑难问题。近代与魏晋南北朝时期一样,同是一个"格义"的时代,引入这种研究思路与方法不仅可以顺利地解决王国维"意境"理论的来源、"意境"现代意义的生成诸问题,同时对整个中国文论现代性发生问题的研究恐怕也是一种新的出路。  相似文献   

中国古代早期的珠玉崇拜和水崇拜联系在一起。神话中的珠意象往往伴随出现水及水族动物 ,索珠、赠珠神话的神灵角色都是水神。早期的玉神话和水崇拜密不可分 ,玉和水的渊源极深 ,玉神话突出表现水的润物功能。早期珠玉神话沿着优美的方向发展 ,出现众多女性神灵。到了后来 ,珠玉出现阴阳之分 ,受到传统哲学的影响。神话中的珠玉意象往往寄托先民的长生之想 ,而珠玉作为美饰意象则是后来的事情。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨《红楼梦》汉英语料库对比研究和翻译活动中母语文化的问题,分析的对象是冯庆华《母语文化下的译者风格》的案例,分两个方面进行:内容和技术。内容上,本文关注母语文化的真正含义和影响;技术上,关注计算机的检索是否做到毫无遗漏、研究者是否正确诠释检索和统计的结果。  相似文献   

<孔雀东南飞>中的焦刘爱情悲剧实由两个环节构成,一是兰芝被遣,二是兰芝被逼再嫁,而在逼者中,其兄起了主导作用.笔者结合江苏仪征汉墓出土的<先令券书>,对第二个环节中的两个疑点作了补证和新释.结论是第一,西汉中期之后直至汉末,妇女改嫁再嫁之风并未受到提倡守节的官方文化太多的影响,兰芝自杀确属殉情;第二,根源于周代宗法制的"夫死从子"决定了长兄在父亲缺席的家庭中的家长地位,这也是焦刘悲剧的重要因素.  相似文献   

中国古代文论(扩而大之,则为中国古代文学艺术理论)的现代价值转化问题,是中国古代文艺理论和美学资源整理研究中一个值得注意的问题,也是中国当代文学艺术理论和美学学科内容与体系建设中一个无法回避的重要问题.  相似文献   

传统的中国文学理论 ,2 0世纪“经过了六七十年的冷遇后 ,在 80年代改革开放后就逐渐引起人们的重视。 90年代 ,传统文化似乎迎来又一届‘青春’。”① 自 1 996年西安的中国古代文论现代转换研讨会开过之后 ,赞同与反对的声音都出现不少 ,就我耳闻目见所及 ,怀疑或反对的声音里 ,提出不少古代文论向现代转换的难题 ,确是值得深入思考 ;但有一个声音 ,使我很惊讶 :在我看来 ,“现代转换”也好 ,“失语”也好 ,都是一种漠视传统的“无根心态”的表述 ,是一种崇拜西学的“殖民心态”的显露。②若依此反推 ,让“中国古代文学思想”继续被“冷遇…  相似文献   

本文关注于中国古代文学理论批评怎样进入二十世纪的现代学术视野 ,在具体联系二十世纪初文化学术形势及大学讲坛体派的基础上 ,确认古代文学理论批评之研究的现代展开方式 ,兼综向来有彼此对立之势的新旧文学文化体系来作辨析 ,亦兼综向来视为分异的“文选”“桐城”体派来作辨析 ,并通过比照姚永朴《文学研究法》与黄侃《文心雕龙札记》的理论思路 ,揭示出以美学哲学为基础的现代文学理念和以篇章语言学为基础的传统文学理念在现代学术发轫期的特殊关系。  相似文献   

The experimental procedures and most important conclusions of the first on-site Raman study of the stained glass windows in the upper chapel of the Sainte-Chapelle, Paris are discussed. Some of the windows suffered damage during/after the French Revolution and were partly restored in the 19th century. Measurements were performed with a new portable Raman instrument on colourless, blue and green stained glasses. We illustrate how the Raman signature of the glass makes it possible to distinguish between medieval K/Ca or 19th century restored Na/Ca-based silicates and to determine their weathering degree. This is achieved by means of the extraction of vibrational parameters and then processing them, using chemometric approaches, principal components and cluster variation analyses with varying degrees of complexity. The Raman scattering intensity of weathered glasses is used to determine their relative age. The results differ from those presented in the Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (obtained by visual inspection) and therefore demonstrate the need for updating these reports with modern methods such as in situ Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

本文的宗旨是探讨世界文学格局中的中国文学。笔者的思路从以下几个方面展开 :通过对国际文学世界化的透视 ,解析业已形成的文学世界 ;经由 2 0世纪中国文学的三岔口 ,揭示中国文学现代化的过程 ;进而从中外文学的新向度 ,展望中国文学世界化的发展趋势。。  相似文献   

Although Venice is regarded as being one of the most important centres of glass manufacture and trade in Western Europe, little is known about the origins of the Venetian glassmaking. Some archaeologists suggest there is a continuity in the history of glass making, in its transplantation from the Roman centres of the mainland (Altino and Aquileia), first to some islands of the lagoon, and later to the town. Some others, instead, think that there was no continuity at all and that the art of glassmaking was imported in Venice from the Islamic glass factories of the Middle East. Of great help in answering this and other technological questions is the information about the composition of ancient glass from well-dated excavations that allows to conclude on the early technology, sources of raw materials and long-distance trade. Some significant glass findings, including fragments of pots used for glass melting, were found on the island of Torcello and, more recently, in two emergency excavations in the historic centre of Venice. In this paper, the chemical composition of a large set of glass findings (and related materials) from the Venetian lagoon dating from the 7th to the 13th centuries is determined by X-ray microanalysis in order to throw new light on the glassmaking technology in the early centuries of the Venetian tradition. The results show that in this period there occurred a gradual transition from the Roman technique (a two-ingredient formulation with silica-lime sand and natron as a fluxer), towards the use of silica sand and soda plant ash. There is evidence, therefore, for a production continuity with the Roman period (melting pots and glass scraps with a natron-based composition), yet restricted to transparent blown items. No evidence was found for a local production of glass tesserae for the mosaics of the church of St. Maria Assunta in Torcello.  相似文献   

The survey of materials constituting the buildings of the ancient city centre of Naples and of their decay typologies was carried out. Reports were entered in a database which enabled us to draw two thematic maps in a digital format: one of materials and lithotypes, and one showing weathering. On this basis, quantitative evaluations of the lithotypes were carried out. The research pointed out that the use of different lithotypes was mainly as a result of their availability and/or ease of exploitation. Furthermore, the importance of the preservation of the quarrying sites was stressed, both for their historical and cultural interest and, above all, for possible forthcoming provisioning finalized to restorations. The analysis of the results, made on a geo-mineralogical basis, as well as the thematic maps, gives a basic tool which will be very useful to those professionals involved in preservation of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

In the cultural heritage area, it is of fundamental importance to characterize and classify the conservation state of the materials constituting ancient monuments, in order to study and monitor their decay. Generally, the decay diagnosis is provided by “naked eye” analysis done by expert scientists “walking around” the artifact and recording the conservation state of each individual element they observe. In this paper, a color image segmentation approach, based on histogram threshold and edge detection techniques is presented, to extract degradation regions, characterized by holes or cavities, from color images of stone-materials. The goal is to provide an aid to the decay diagnosis by segmenting degraded regions from color images, computing quantitative data, such as the area and perimeter of the extracted zones, and processing qualitative information, such as various levels of depth detected into the same zones. Since color is a powerful tool in the distinction between objects, a segmentation technique based on color, instead of intensity only, has been used to provide a clearer discrimination between regions. The study case concerns the impressive remains of the Roman Theatre in the city of Aosta (Italy). In particular, we have processed and analyzed some color images of the theatre puddingstones, acquired by a camera.  相似文献   

面对不断增长的开发压力,越来越多的历史城镇空间景观遭到新建项目的威胁与破坏,历史性城镇景观(HUL)方法尝试以景观视角解读当前发展对于历史城镇的影响。借由当前快速城镇化背景下历史城镇的保护与发展问题,阐述HUL方法形成过程与内涵,明确其特点与进步所在,并在研究黎巴嫩提尔古城保护案例的基础上,详细介绍了HUL方法所提出的工作手段,即知识和规划手段、公众参与手段、监管制度与财务手段,进而针对我国历史城镇的问题与诉求,从重视历史城镇整体性保护、强调历史层积、协调发展历史城镇和文化旅游、加强公众参与等四个方面探讨基于历史性城镇景观视角的规划方法,以期更好地促进我国历史城镇的保护和发展。  相似文献   

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