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伦理作为人与人之间处理相互关系的道德规范,在调节教育教学过程中发挥着重要作用。当前高校课堂教学中伦理价值的缺失,严重影响到课堂教学效果。为提升课堂教学效果,应发扬伦理价值引导,明确"先师后友,亦师亦友"的平等师生关系,构建"导—学"互动教学模式,培养全面和谐发展的课堂学习观。  相似文献   

Teachers at eight elementary schools in a large metropolitan school district participated in a multi-year program of professional ethical dilemma discussions that took place at monthly school meetings over a two-year or three-year period and focused on real-life situations faced by elementary school teachers. Discussions were structured using the Four Component Model of Moral Judgment. The DIT-2 served as a measure of moral judgment. Results proved to be counterintuitive; teacher moral judgment did not improve over time. We discuss the implications of promoting moral and democratic sensibilities at a time when American classrooms are tightly controlled and teachers held accountable for student performance on high stakes tests.  相似文献   

The ways teachers engage children in discourse during teaching-learning activities have profound moral implications for children's learning and development. The goals of this article are (1) to explicate how teachers' control over classroom discourse patterns during teaching-learning activities influences the types of knowledge children create and acquire; (2) to examine the relationship between two types of teacher-child discourse commonly used in early childhood classrooms and the semiotic tools children appropriate through participation in each type of discourse; and (3) to outline the moral implications each has for children's learning and development. A framework for considering the moral implications of the ways teachers engage children in discourse during teaching-learning activities in early childhood classrooms is presented.  相似文献   

Moral pride, namely the pride generated by morally positive behaviour, can foster prosocial behaviour. To demonstrate this, two quasi-experimental studies were conducted with nine- to 11-year-old children. Study 1 analysed the effect of the pride felt after engaging in prosocial behaviour, in four classrooms from two different schools (N = 94). Study 2 analysed the effect of the pride generated by the evocation of a past example of one’s own prosocial behaviour, in four classrooms from another school (N = 77). The hypothesis was supported in Study 1 but not in Study 2. Interesting correlations were found between dispositional moral pride (measured using a scale designed ad hoc) and other relevant variables in the moral field: intention to engage in prosocial behaviour, habitual prosocial behaviour and dispositional empathy. In general, these studies attest to the importance of moral pride, both dispositional and that felt in a specific situation, in moral life.  相似文献   

《论语》一书二十篇是孔门弟子辑录的孔子言行录,也记载着一部分孔子门徒的言行,是我们研究孔子教育哲学思想所依据的主要资料。从《论语》入手分析孔子的教育哲学思想:教育对象,主张有教无类;教育内容,特别重视思想品质和伦理道德教育;教学原则和方法,主张因材施教、启发诱导、学思并重、好学乐学、立志有恒、锲而不舍、学行结合;道德教育思想,主张立志乐道、自省自克、身体力行、改过迁善;主张学而不厌,诲人不倦,平等民主的师生关系以及以身作则、身教重于言教的教师职业素质。  相似文献   

The question addressed in this paper is whether action learning as a management development technique can be more effective in promoting ethical decision-making than more traditional approaches. Recent examples of moral failures which have emerged in both corporate and public sector organisations in the UK during recent years have prompted a review of some of the literature about the teaching of business ethics in and by business schools. While the use of theoretical approaches to ethical analysis (such as consequentialist and deontological approaches), coupled with the discussion of scenarios or cases is a common way of structuring the teaching of business and organisational ethics, it may be limited as an approach insofar as it does not necessarily address the affective aspects of the learning process which contribute to the development of moral sensitivity and moral character. It is suggested that an action learning approach may help fill this gap, particularly if coupled with an Aristotelian focus on the development of moral character. Action learning as a technique seeks to replace instruction with facilitation, and to enable individual personal growth rather than the acquisition of knowledge. It emphasises practical action in the workplace and working with peers as part of an action learning set. The action learning method may be more suitable to fostering both technical/scientific wisdom (poeisis) and practical or prudential wisdom (phronesis) and could be adapted for use with both business students and practising managers.  相似文献   


This paper critically examines the ethical justification of non-advanced PostCompulsory Education and Training institutions, hereafter known as PCET, in a democracy. It concludes that, in terms of the major ethical theories, justification in this context is currently conducted primarily in terms of utilitarianism. References to PCET, both by government and by the institutions themselves, are frequently given in utilitarian terms. The organisations which comprise PCET, from Private Training Organisations to Colleges of Further Education, are presented as being instrumental in preparing individuals for work or fulfilling student (vocational) needs. Despite the current emphasis on vocationalism in PCET, the paper finds in democracy an ethical imperative to encourage the development of conceptual schemes and value literacy amongst all citizens. It concludes that policy measures have, despite the weaknesses in utilitarianism, encouraged wholesale vocationalism in PCET to the extent of neglecting the emergence of the reflective citizen. PCET is a stage in the educational process in which a democratic government should continue, through the curriculum, to realise its moral obligation to support a further generation of choosers.  相似文献   

校长在学校管理过程中所秉持的伦理导向对于学校管理实践具有重要的意义。伦理型校长的特征主要体现在校长本人的道德特征;校长为学校所确立和描绘的共同愿景的道德特征;校长决策方式的道德特征等几方面。成为伦理型的校长,需要从确立道德目标与期望;设立道德机构;奖励道德行为;身体力行设立道德角色模型等几方面着手。  相似文献   

家庭伦理道德的理论探要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭是社会的细胞,也是一个伦理实体,在构建社会主义和谐社会的新时期,加强家庭伦理道德建设具有重要作用,家庭道德建设是社会主义道德建设的一个重要组成部分。所以,在加强家庭伦理道德建设实践的同时探究其理论的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We conducted a qualitative analysis of 5 years of student writing data to understand learning and moral development on a field philosophy course in Isle Royale National Park. We were interested in the connection between physical experiences in the natural world and the way students care about or value nonhuman beings, natural systems, and place. Students consistently demonstrated a shift from a dualistic to a more complex understanding of ideas, relationships, and the natural world. This widening perception and moral awareness occurred in tandem with course content learning. In this paper we describe the model that emerged from our data to describe this shift from dualism to complexity – from self-awareness, to social learning, to curriculum engagement, to a wider moral community – and the factors that facilitate each step. We also provide a planning and assessment tool to help other educators begin to observe ethical development and relational growth in their own interdisciplinary environmental field classes.  相似文献   

论高校主体性道德教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
主体性道德教育是现代化社会发展的需要,也是人的全面发展的需要。高校道德教育的目标应定位于培养学生的道德主体性。主体性道德教育应注重唤起大学生的自我意识、尊重学生的主体地位、发展学生的主体能力、塑造大学生主体性道德人格。确立以人为本的原则 、重视个性化原则、注重启发式原则、强调激励性评价原则。  相似文献   

Considering a company’s limited time and resources, an effective training method that improves employees’ ability to make ethical decision is needed. Based on social cognitive theory, this study proposes that employing games in an ethics training program can help improve moral reasoning through actively engaging learners. The experimental design with an ethic board game as the experimental group and ethics instructions as the comparison group was conducted to examine the effectiveness of a game-based ethic training method on improving moral reasoning. Results show that using games in an ethics training program significantly decreases respondents’ importance rating on issues associated with lower stages of an individual’s cognitive moral development (CMD) and increases their importance rating on issues associated with the highest stage of CMD. In addition, a game-based ethics training program was found to produce significantly greater change on the importance rating towards issues associated with the middle stage of CMD than a non-game based ethics training program. These findings suggest that a game-based ethics training program could effectively develop moral reasoning, and shape moral views better than a non-game-based training program. Discussions and suggestions for future research were included to conclude this study.  相似文献   


This article reports on a study that examined teaching and learning in multi-grade classrooms using the Learning Environment, Learning Processes and Learning Outcomes (LEPO) conceptual framework. The study sought to investigate how the learning environment is created; how the processes of teaching and learning take place; and how assessment is used to determine the achievement of learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. A qualitative research design was used, where interviews were conducted with nine teachers from schools with multi-grade classrooms. The data was analysed thematically and revealed the following: the learning environment can be created by grouping learners appropriately in classrooms, creating learning stations and reading stations, proper use of time-tables, and adaptation of teaching plans; the learning processes should take place through the differentiated curricular approach or quasi mono-grade, that is, learners should be afforded the opportunity to learn from their family members, teaching and learning should take place through self-directed learning, peer tutoring and cooperative learning, and lessons should cater for different learning styles; to determine the realisation of learning outcomes teachers should assess learners in different grades informally with either the same or grade-specific assessment activities and formally with grade-specific assessment tasks. The article also addresses the main criticisms against the LEPO framework by explaining how teachers and learners should interact with the learning environment, learning processes and learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. The article concludes that if the LEPO framework can be implemented in multi-grade classrooms, teaching and learning can be strengthened in such classrooms.  相似文献   

中华民族的伦理文化和道德精神源远流长,博大精深,其中蕴涵着丰富的父慈子孝、兄爱弟悌的家庭责任伦理;修己安人、仁者爱人的人际责任伦理;重义济世、敬业乐群的职业责任伦理;天下兴亡、匹夫有责的社会责任伦理;民胞物与、爱惜万物的环境责任伦理等责任伦理思想。在社会主义市场经济条件下,要弘扬中华民族的责任伦理思想,强化责任伦理意识,这实际上是修整人的心灵秩序,培养人的主体意识和道德自律精神,提升人的道德品质和精神境界,从而为构建社会主义和谐社会提供道德精神支撑和责任伦理基础。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that moral disengagement is strongly associated with bullying and bystander behavior. The current study evaluated the effectiveness of a 5‐week classroom‐wide bullying intervention, The Bullying Literature Project‐Moral Disengagement Version (BLP‐MD), on moral disengagement and bullying among elementary school students. A quasiexperimental design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the BLP‐MD. A sample of 84 third grade students (Mage = 7.93 years, 53.6% female) from four classrooms and their teachers participated in this study. The results revealed significant time by treatment interactions for decreasing both victimization and moral disengagement in treatment classrooms compared to waitlist control classrooms. The program also resulted in improved perception of peer friendships and was rated as having high social validity for both students and their teachers. How to incorporate the BLP‐MD into the general language arts curriculum to decrease moral disengagement and bullying, and promote positive bystanding is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that historical ontology, as one form of reflexive critique, is an instructive research design for making sense of the political and historical constitution of the Academic Language and Learning (ALL) educator in Australian higher education. The ALL educator in this paper refers to those practitioners in the field of ALL, whose ethical agency has largely been taken for granted since their slow and uneven emergence in the latter half of the twentieth century. Using the lens of governmentality, genealogical design and archaeological method, the historical ontology proposed in this paper demonstrates how the ethical remit of the ALL educator to ‘make a difference’ to student learning is not necessarily a unifying construct providing a foundational moral basis for the work, but a contingent historical and political effect of the government of conduct in liberal society. The findings of this approach are not intended to undermine the agency of the ALL educator, but to assist in making sense of the historical conditions that frame and complicate their institutional intelligibility as ethical agents in the academy.  相似文献   

现实中大学生道德教育忽视主体自身道德建构的倾向,使道德教育演变为主体被动或被迫接受外在道德灌输与规范训导的毫无生趣的过程,导致教育成效的低迷。道德审美理念强调主体的道德内省与审美性建构,旨在启发和促进大学生主体审美人格的健康发展与探索大学生道德教育的新模式。  相似文献   

本文从分析当前高校德育工作中存在的问题出发,提出了建立新的师生伦理关系来改善德育实施效果,并在对高校师生关系伦理及其存在问题的解析基础上,阐述了如何构建新师生伦理关系,并说明了新师生伦理关系对高校道德教育的作用。  相似文献   

在黑格尔的法哲学体系中,良心在道德阶段和伦理阶段有着"形式的良心"和"真实的良心"的本质区别。道德阶段的"形式的良心"是个体纯粹抽象的主观自我确信,自我意识在缺乏绝对反思的情况下容易使良心转向作恶的待发点上。而伦理阶段的"真实的良心"是以善为普遍化要求的一种伦理设计和价值追求,规定着道德主体相应的客观行动标准和义务要求,能够避免良心走向恶的可能性。当"真实的良心"真正具有伦理性性格时,自在自为的善和自由就会实现,而现实的伦理精神就会以客观的、普遍的伦理实体定在——家庭、公民社会和国家彰显出来,真正实现了伦理对道德的价值超越。  相似文献   


This paper reflects on a three‐year study of computers in high school classrooms undertaken by members of an education faculty. By reviewing the process we followed, we hope to encourage another iteration in the development of a model of educational research which respects the needs and abilities of teachers, while at the same time striving to achieve theoretical insights which can enrich education as both an academic discipline and a professional practice.

In designing a collaborative research strategy for a study of computers in high school classrooms, a number of difficult decisions had to be faced. Choices had to be made between styles of ‘research’ and ‘evaluation'; among competing methods of data gathering and analysis; and among many different ways of relating to the participants in the study.

In making these difficult choices, we were guided by the basic ethical and epistemological demands of a social constructionist perspective, and by the central imperative of providing a ‘fair trade’ to all the parties involved. By adhering to these guiding principles we were able to fashion a research strategy which moved beyond the technical issues of computer implementation, to provide a story of action within a theory of context.  相似文献   

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